Why do black people fight with the police so often?

IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Wasn't it the White Man who also put them in such bondage in the first place? Seems sort of ridiculous to think they should be thankful from freeing them from the slavery they inflicted upon them in the first place.

Though your post in general sounds like it belongs on Stormfront. Indeed, it smacks of bigotry if not racism. You sure you aren't on the wrong board?

Actually no. The white man didn't go to Africa and round up a bunch of negroes, the fact is they bought these negroes from ... other negroes. Africans have been trading slaves centuries before Americans or Europeans showed up.

The King of Dahomey by c.1770, was earning an estimated £250,000 per year by selling captive African soldiers and even his own people to the European slave-trade.

Dahomey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:

Is that a question? Nice deflection but the discussion wasn't about Native Americans, but we can discuss that too.

Actually, it was sarcasm not deflection. The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right? I wouldn't expect that statement from an ex-con but all I know about prison is what I see on TV.
Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:

Is that a question? Nice deflection but the discussion wasn't about Native Americans, but we can discuss that too.

Actually, it was sarcasm not deflection. The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right? I wouldn't expect that statement from an ex-con but all I know about prison is what I see on TV.

Then you should study the history of slavery before you spout off on shit you know nothing about instead of making sarcastic comments. Which only makes you look like a retard.

FTR I have no criminal record. I was granted a full pardon in the mid 80's. My record is probably cleaner than yours. I not only posses a concealed handgun permit but also a Class III dealers license as well as a Type 03 FFL, they don't let just anyone possess those types of permits and licenses.
The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right?

two points

slavery has been practiced by all peoples and at all times of history. those slave ships bringing blacks to the New World were just joining in on an already thriving slave trade in Africa.

you cannot judge the people of a different era by today's standards. their common knowledge is different than our common knowledge. but as far as slavery goes...whites in England and America chose to stop the slave trade because they thought it was unjust, and whites in the last 50 years have transformed their society to make people of other colours true and equal partners in that society. has there ever been such a selfless change to bestow equal rights in the name of fairness? by any other people, at any other time?
Is that a question? Nice deflection but the discussion wasn't about Native Americans, but we can discuss that too.

Actually, it was sarcasm not deflection. The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right? I wouldn't expect that statement from an ex-con but all I know about prison is what I see on TV.

Then you should study the history of slavery before you spout off on shit you know nothing about instead of making sarcastic comments. Which only makes you look like a retard.

FTR I have no criminal record. I was granted a full pardon in the mid 80's. My record is probably cleaner than yours. I not only posses a concealed handgun permit but also a Class III dealers license as well as a Type 03 FFL, they don't let just anyone possess those types of permits and licenses.

You should determine the difference between selling and enslaving.

Oh, and you're still an ex-con.
Actually, it was sarcasm not deflection. The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right? I wouldn't expect that statement from an ex-con but all I know about prison is what I see on TV.

Then you should study the history of slavery before you spout off on shit you know nothing about instead of making sarcastic comments. Which only makes you look like a retard.

FTR I have no criminal record. I was granted a full pardon in the mid 80's. My record is probably cleaner than yours. I not only posses a concealed handgun permit but also a Class III dealers license as well as a Type 03 FFL, they don't let just anyone possess those types of permits and licenses.

You should determine the difference between selling and enslaving.

Oh, and you're still an ex-con.

You should learn the difference between enslaving and buying and between forging and perpetuating a system.

You should also learn to stay on topic and go fuck yourself.
Then you should study the history of slavery before you spout off on shit you know nothing about instead of making sarcastic comments. Which only makes you look like a retard.

FTR I have no criminal record. I was granted a full pardon in the mid 80's. My record is probably cleaner than yours. I not only posses a concealed handgun permit but also a Class III dealers license as well as a Type 03 FFL, they don't let just anyone possess those types of permits and licenses.

You should determine the difference between selling and enslaving.

Oh, and you're still an ex-con.

You should learn the difference between enslaving and buying and between forging and perpetuating a system.

You should also learn to stay on topic and go fuck yourself.

Are you taking up for your cell mate? You should learn the difference between a part (certain tribes) and a whole (Africa).

Even though I'm black, I still can't fuck myself. It's just a another stereotype, dude.
Actually, it was sarcasm not deflection. The white man first enslaved blacks and then freed them many years later so blacks should be grateful, right? I wouldn't expect that statement from an ex-con but all I know about prison is what I see on TV.

Then you should study the history of slavery before you spout off on shit you know nothing about instead of making sarcastic comments. Which only makes you look like a retard.

FTR I have no criminal record. I was granted a full pardon in the mid 80's. My record is probably cleaner than yours. I not only posses a concealed handgun permit but also a Class III dealers license as well as a Type 03 FFL, they don't let just anyone possess those types of permits and licenses.

You should determine the difference between selling and enslaving.

Oh, and you're still an ex-con.

When you sell a person into slavery, you are enslaving that person. Arguing semantics will not win a debate. Fact is long before Americans or Europeans ever got into the slave trade it has been in practice.

As the other poster said, slavery has been going on for centuries. But hey, if you're ignorant enough to think it's the white man's fault, then go for it. But you can't argue against the facts that in this country it was the white man that granted blacks their freedom and granted them equal rights, if not more so.
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That some people sold other people doesn't excuse the ones that bought them.

Hey stupid, you can't judge what happened in the past by today's standards. At that point in time slavery was a perfectly accepted practice. My entire point was, that black men captured and sold or traded other black men into slavery. This is a fact that cannot be disputed.
That some people sold other people doesn't excuse the ones that bought them.

Hey stupid, you can't judge what happened in the past by today's standards. At that point in time slavery was a perfectly accepted practice. My entire point was, that black men captured and sold or traded other black men into slavery. This is a fact that cannot be disputed.

Congrats, you stated historical fact. That does not justify or excuse this paltry reasoning:

IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Just because Africans started it first, does not grant us the right to say what you said above. If we hadn't taken part of it and fought a civil war over whether to keep them or not, then maybe you'd have a point.

But now you're just coming off as flagrantly racist. Seriously, they don't owe us anything for "freeing" them if we're the ones who continued to enslave them.
That some people sold other people doesn't excuse the ones that bought them.

I suppose you think that thieves are less culpable than those that buy the stolen goods as well?
That doesn't even make sense.

Do you have a genetic predisposition to stupidity? I thought so.

doesn't make sense? how so?

if a thief steals a TV or a lawnmower, and then sells it, both are guilty of crimes but is the thief somehow less guilty because someone bought the stolen goods? what if the buyer has no knowledge that the item is stolen property?

buying slaves was legal then, I don't know the legal aspects of making someone into a slave but the countries and govts were complicit. who is more guilty in your mind, the slave maker or the slave buyer? somehow you consider the whites as the biggest criminals in this case, even though slavery was legal and widespread at the time. why is there only hate for the whites involved and not for the blacks involved?
That some people sold other people doesn't excuse the ones that bought them.

Hey stupid, you can't judge what happened in the past by today's standards. At that point in time slavery was a perfectly accepted practice. My entire point was, that black men captured and sold or traded other black men into slavery. This is a fact that cannot be disputed.
So? It doesn't excuse the people that bought and kept slaves.
I never thought I'd ever have to argue on USMB why African Americans should not feel grateful for finally being let free of slavery after years of doing so here in America. But then those racists prove me wrong and make me have to argue such a thing.
I never thought I'd ever have to argue on USMB why African Americans should not feel grateful for finally being let free of slavery after years of doing so here in America. But then those racists prove me wrong and make me have to argue such a thing.
Don't be surprised. I'm supposed to be grateful that women are now "allowed" to vote.
That some people sold other people doesn't excuse the ones that bought them.

Hey stupid, you can't judge what happened in the past by today's standards. At that point in time slavery was a perfectly accepted practice. My entire point was, that black men captured and sold or traded other black men into slavery. This is a fact that cannot be disputed.
So? It doesn't excuse the people that bought and kept slaves.

do you have a huge, raging hate for the slavery going on in Africa right now? even as the vast majority of the world condemns slavery? or are there some special conditions that excuse black behaviour in your mind?
Don't be surprised. I'm supposed to be grateful that women are now "allowed" to vote.

Hey, wait a minute. How come you're not making your husband dinner or having kids? Not doing your duties Ravi! :eek:

do you have a huge, raging hate for the slavery going on in Africa right now? even as the vast majority of the world condemns slavery? or are there some special conditions that excuse black behaviour in your mind?

Slavery is wrong, it doesn't matter who does it. However, I bet you feel when the white man did it, it was justified.

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