Why do black people fight with the police so often?

I never said it was good you lying piece of shit. I said it wasn't wrong. Meaning it was a legally and morally accepted.

Lying Ravi strikes again!
Ah...it wasn't good but it wasn't bad.


It was never a question of good or bad, it was a question of right or wrong. I understand you're too fucking stupid to know the difference.
Slavery is always wrong, even when it is accepted.

Regardless, you morons often try to pretend that because one group of people sold another group of people that the buyers aren't responsible for being slave owners.

It wasn't slavery in the minds of Americans back in those days. The Negro wasn't considered to be human. That's why the preamble to the Constitution "...all men are created equal..." didn't apply to the Negro. They even had a clause in the Constitution that stated the Negro wasn't a full-human being. So you see my son, slavery wasn't a bad thing.
If you were living in an Islamic country today you would have respect sharia laws or suffer serious consequences. If you were born and raised there, you would wonder why anyone would even consider questioning them.

Why should a people that overturned an historically universal concept like slavery be blamed just because they practiced it as well? White people changed the world for the better by outlawing slavery! Hooray for white people!
Ah...it wasn't good but it wasn't bad.


It was never a question of good or bad, it was a question of right or wrong. I understand you're too fucking stupid to know the difference.
Slavery is always wrong, even when it is accepted.

Regardless, you morons often try to pretend that because one group of people sold another group of people that the buyers aren't responsible for being slave owners.

Damn why must you prove your stupidity over and over and over .... we get it, you're stupid. Fact is no one especially me has stated that those that bought slaves were not responsible for being slave owners. I mean.. duh!! Of Course they're slave owners they just bought themselves some slaves.

Perhaps you could provide some historical evidence to back up your claim that slavery was wrong, although it was widely accepted by the majority of the folks in some key areas for it's my understanding that slavery wasn't neccesarily a worldwide practice.
While I can understand why many blacks distrust cops, why do blacks choose to ignore laws that obviously make life better for everyone? Polls often find that blacks say they support abiding the law but then they go out and break the law all out of proportion to their numbers.
No one is telling anyone they should be grateful dumbass! And you must be related to Ravi because both of you are using todays standards to judge the events of the past. Slavery is wrong but it wasn't always wrong. Damn you people are fucking stupid!

Actually, slavery was always wrong, it was just accepted by a majority in society at the times of it's existence. There's a difference, moron.

If it was wrong then it wouldn't have been accepted by the majority you stupid fuck.

Most of you probably havent seen this yet, but im guessing it will make national news soon enough. A cop stops 2 jaywalking girls, they get into an arguement with him and they escalate it by resisting arrest and attacking the police officer, at which piint he clocks this 17 year old chick squarely in the face. Its pretty hilarious actually.

If these two had just listened to the officer and not made a scene, it would have never come to this, but innevitably it seems, young black people have this problem with disobeying authority figures to the point of becoming verbally and physically abusive with said authority figure.

YouTube - Seattle Police Confrontation - komonews.com

Lesson to be learned? Dont fuck with the police if you dont want to get bitch slapped, unless of course someone is around to film it, because then ill want to see the aftermath for myself. :lol:

I know this area very well. The reason people jaywalk is because you have to walk up a few flights of stairs to a pedestrian bridge. There is a high school you can't see to the right of the video. This is a high crime (drugs) area thus a high police presence. To get a better look at the scene google map Franklin High School Seattle.
Most of you probably havent seen this yet, but im guessing it will make national news soon enough. A cop stops 2 jaywalking girls, they get into an arguement with him and they escalate it by resisting arrest and attacking the police officer, at which piint he clocks this 17 year old chick squarely in the face. Its pretty hilarious actually.

If these two had just listened to the officer and not made a scene, it would have never come to this, but innevitably it seems, young black people have this problem with disobeying authority figures to the point of becoming verbally and physically abusive with said authority figure.

YouTube - Seattle Police Confrontation - komonews.com

Lesson to be learned? Dont fuck with the police if you dont want to get bitch slapped, unless of course someone is around to film it, because then ill want to see the aftermath for myself. :lol:

I know this area very well. The reason people jaywalk is because you have to walk up a few flights of stairs to a pedestrian bridge. There is a high school you can't see to the right of the video. This is a high crime (drugs) area thus a high police presence. To get a better look at the scene google map Franklin High School Seattle.

Out of curiosity, do the high schools in your area have police assigned to them?
Most of you probably havent seen this yet, but im guessing it will make national news soon enough. A cop stops 2 jaywalking girls, they get into an arguement with him and they escalate it by resisting arrest and attacking the police officer, at which piint he clocks this 17 year old chick squarely in the face. Its pretty hilarious actually.

If these two had just listened to the officer and not made a scene, it would have never come to this, but innevitably it seems, young black people have this problem with disobeying authority figures to the point of becoming verbally and physically abusive with said authority figure.

YouTube - Seattle Police Confrontation - komonews.com

Lesson to be learned? Dont fuck with the police if you dont want to get bitch slapped, unless of course someone is around to film it, because then ill want to see the aftermath for myself. :lol:

I know this area very well. The reason people jaywalk is because you have to walk up a few flights of stairs to a pedestrian bridge. There is a high school you can't see to the right of the video. This is a high crime (drugs) area thus a high police presence. To get a better look at the scene google map Franklin High School Seattle.

Out of curiosity, do the high schools in your area have police assigned to them?

Franklin does. It's about 75 percent Black. One of my best friends was murdered a few blocks from there.
Ah...it wasn't good but it wasn't bad.


It was never a question of good or bad, it was a question of right or wrong. I understand you're too fucking stupid to know the difference.
do explain :eusa_eh:

Explain the difference between good/bad verses right/wrong? Surely you jest. But for the mentally challenged, I'll explain. Good/bad are subjective where right/wrong are linked with moral rule and legalities in regards to slavery. In Africa and other parts of the world, slavery was morally accepted and perfectly legal.
It was never a question of good or bad, it was a question of right or wrong. I understand you're too fucking stupid to know the difference.
do explain :eusa_eh:

Explain the difference between good/bad verses right/wrong? Surely you jest. But for the mentally challenged, I'll explain. Good/bad are subjective where right/wrong are linked with moral rule

Morality is subjective and 'right' and 'wrong', in common usage such as your own speech, as synonyms for moral and immoral.

and legalities in regards to slavery

Law is based upon morals and interest. Laws change and vary. To say it is wrong for me to enslave a man and right for you to enslave him, based merely on the idea that I put into effect a law allowing myself to enslave him, is disingenuous at best.

In Africa and other parts of the world, slavery was morally accepted and perfectly legal.

Ah, so it can be considered moral r immoral by different persons. We're back to them being subjective terms, just as you said 'good' and 'bad' are. If you believe slavery is wrong/immoral, then you must oppose it wherever it occurs and regardless of who is doing the enslaving. That's what it means to have principles.

Yet you continue to defend slavery as right and moral. Typical of your ilk; noone expected anything else of you. Now, go back to your little Klan rally and come back when you have a clue.

You are dismissed, racist, illiterate moron. :eusa_hand:
do explain :eusa_eh:

Explain the difference between good/bad verses right/wrong? Surely you jest. But for the mentally challenged, I'll explain. Good/bad are subjective where right/wrong are linked with moral rule

Morality is subjective and 'right' and 'wrong', in common usage such as your own speech, as synonyms for moral and immoral.

and legalities in regards to slavery

Law is based upon morals and interest. Laws change and vary. To say it is wrong for me to enslave a man and right for you to enslave him, based merely on the idea that I put into effect a law allowing myself to enslave him, is disingenuous at best.

In Africa and other parts of the world, slavery was morally accepted and perfectly legal.

Ah, so it can be considered moral r immoral by different persons. We're back to them being subjective terms, just as you said 'good' and 'bad' are. If you believe slavery is wrong/immoral, then you must oppose it wherever it occurs and regardless of who is doing the enslaving. That's what it means to have principles.

Yet you continue to defend slavery as right and moral. Typical of your ilk; noone expected anything else of you. Now, go back to your little Klan rally and come back when you have a clue.

You are dismissed, racist, illiterate moron. :eusa_hand:

You seem to be contradicting yourself.

First you say that morals are subjective then you say laws are based on morality. So are laws subjective? No, you either break the law which is wrong or you obey the law which is right. There is nothing subjective about it. You may as well face the fact that slavery was perfectly legal and morally accepted in some parts of the world. Don't be like your idiot pals and apply todays standards to events that happened centuries ago.

Ah the ol' "you're a racist" card. That's what you idiots use when you realize you can't win an argument.

Your concession is duly noted.

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