Why do black people fight with the police so often?

i don't feel that black people fight with the police any more than any other group. I don't know about the Seattle area but in a lot of places you have white police officers who have never been around black people and don't live in the area they patrol. They may have skewed ideologies about black people (like several people on this board). Couple that with fear and you sometimes have an officer who knowingly or unknowingly disrespecting the very people he is suppose to protect and serve. If the officer is already afraid of or have no understanding of the people he is trying to patrol, than he is more likely to react with a use of force or charge someone with resisting. A lot of times if that same officer and the same incident were to occur with a white suspect in an area with a different racial makeup, the officer would not act the same. I think that is what angers a lot of black people, when you see on the news a black male was shot 35 times by the police or a black child was killed by police in pursuit of a suspect. They feel the police would have been more cautious or tried to use other means had the person been white.
cultural sensitivity training is most crucial in this field.
i do feel the officer had the right to defend himself to keep the girls away from his gun, but i am almost positive had that been a 17 year old white female he would have found other means of getting her off of him.
i don't feel that black people fight with the police any more than any other group. I don't know about the Seattle area but in a lot of places you have white police officers who have never been around black people and don't live in the area they patrol. They may have skewed ideologies about black people (like several people on this board). Couple that with fear and you sometimes have an officer who knowingly or unknowingly disrespecting the very people he is suppose to protect and serve. If the officer is already afraid of or have no understanding of the people he is trying to patrol, than he is more likely to react with a use of force or charge someone with resisting. A lot of times if that same officer and the same incident were to occur with a white suspect in an area with a different racial makeup, the officer would not act the same. I think that is what angers a lot of black people, when you see on the news a black male was shot 35 times by the police or a black child was killed by police in pursuit of a suspect. They feel the police would have been more cautious or tried to use other means had the person been white.
cultural sensitivity training is most crucial in this field.
i do feel the officer had the right to defend himself to keep the girls away from his gun, but i am almost positive had that been a 17 year old white female he would have found other means of getting her off of him.

Utter bullshit. Blame it on the mean old white cop.

Are you suggesting that a black cop wouldn't have hit her?

Perhaps they should be segregated?
i don't feel that black people fight with the police any more than any other group.

riiiiiiiiight. blacks don't fight, steal, rape or murder in greater numbers than any other race. give your head a shake.

This thread has reallly arouse you hasn't it...almost as good as Viagra?
Oh, I understand the law. I also understand that we live in a civilized society where if you feel like you were unlawfully detained you hire an attorney and you sue, you don't have your friend attack the cop from behind and then ask why she got punched.

Isn't it odd that most of these cases are blacks??? I don't perscribed to the "blacks are less civil than other races " argument. But I DO believe that they act out more often because people allow them to use racism as a crutch and defend their actions because of their past. That has to stop. No sane person attacks a cop who is making an arrest.

And don't be stupid, you know the chances that that cop asked that girl for head or so infinitesimal as to border on nonexistent. He was giving her a ticket and she didn't like it, end of story...

The legal precedent states that you have that right. Who cares about what you think about society? If society was so civilized, these precedents wouldn't be set. YOU'RE not the one who determines how people react and YOU don't determine the law. Also, if this was an unlawful arrest, the cop is the criminal.

Since you understand the laws and the rights contained in those laws, neither your opinion nor your interpretation is up for debate. Good day sir.
The legal precedent states that you have that right. Who cares about what you think about society? If society was so civilized, these precedents wouldn't be set. YOU'RE not the one who determines how people react and YOU don't determine the law. Also, if this was an unlawful arrest, the cop is the criminal.

Since you understand the laws and the rights contained in those laws, neither your opinion nor your interpretation is up for debate. Good day sir.

Good, I hope you employ your "right" some day and get the fuck tazered out of you
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.
Wasn't Bernard Getz a Jew? He killed those young Negro boys who were riding on the NYC subway minding their own business.
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:

And my ancestors are sorry that you were sold into slavery by Africans???:lol::lol:
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Wasn't it the White Man who also put them in such bondage in the first place? Seems sort of ridiculous to think they should be thankful from freeing them from the slavery they inflicted upon them in the first place.

Though your post in general sounds like it belongs on Stormfront. Indeed, it smacks of bigotry if not racism. You sure you aren't on the wrong board?
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

This is like saying you stopped a horrible fire that you started by throwing a lighter into a grove of trees that you personally doused gasoline.
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Wasn't it the White Man who also put them in such bondage in the first place? Seems sort of ridiculous to think they should be thankful from freeing them from the slavery they inflicted upon them in the first place.

Though your post in general sounds like it belongs on Stormfront. Indeed, it smacks of bigotry if not racism. You sure you aren't on the wrong board?

Yes and no. Many slaves were captured and sold to slavers by other Africans. Slavery was more common in Africa than it ever was in the US.
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:

And my ancestors are sorry that you were sold into slavery by Africans???:lol::lol:

I said GOOD DAY!
IMO most blacks feel they are owed something from the white man. Forget that it was the white man that ultimately freed them from their bondage and white men that granted them far more rights than the white man in the form of Affirmative Action.

Yes, our ancestors are grateful to the white man for freeing them from the oppression of the Native Americans?!? :disbelief:

Is that a question? Nice deflection but the discussion wasn't about Native Americans, but we can discuss that too.

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