Why Do Blacks Dislike, Distrust, Whites?

This has already been refuted, and a collection of scholarly sources were provided by the only poster I saw on that page that didn't seem to be a stormfront member:

Are you suggesting a 1924 study debunks a 2005 study?

Too many studies have shown there is a difference in IQ according to one's genetic make-up which race is inherently part of. Even the study you cite confirms this although it looks at it from a cultural standpoint and not genetically. To ignore genetics when studying racial differences is disingenuous.

It is NOT disingenuous when study after study clearly shows that when socioeconomic conditions are equal, the difference in IQ disappears. What IS disingenuous is mentioning the oldest dated source as if more recent sources were not also included that reinforced that older source.

You've obviously never read The Bell Curve or The Mainstream Science on Intelligence, an article published in the Wall Street Journal. The Bell Curve addressed the socioeconomical conditions.
Lonestar_Logic in the above statement clearly reveals his bias.

Based on L_Ls postings, it is clear that his IQ and common sense quotients hover just above barely sentient.

What a moron.
I am dead center, my reactionary bot far to the right. L_L, you are unable to carry an argument, period. You are wrong on this, you are wrong in most of your positions, and why: you let your preconceived bias override critical thinking skills. You are an unthinking follower, and it clearly shows.
I am dead center, my reactionary bot far to the right. L_L, you are unable to carry an argument, period. You are wrong on this, you are wrong in most of your positions, and why: you let your preconceived bias override critical thinking skills. You are an unthinking follower, and it clearly shows.

Yea right and I'm the Governor of Texas. I've yet to see you mount an intelligent argument.
I am dead center, my reactionary bot far to the right. L_L, you are unable to carry an argument, period. You are wrong on this, you are wrong in most of your positions, and why: you let your preconceived bias override critical thinking skills. You are an unthinking follower, and it clearly shows.

Yea right and I'm the Governor of Texas. I've yet to see you mount an intelligent argument.

You prove my point, little bot. I would imagine most minorities given the exact same educational, familial, and cultural situations, would assess 20 to 25 points higher on the diagnostics than you.
I am dead center, my reactionary bot far to the right. L_L, you are unable to carry an argument, period. You are wrong on this, you are wrong in most of your positions, and why: you let your preconceived bias override critical thinking skills. You are an unthinking follower, and it clearly shows.

Yea right and I'm the Governor of Texas. I've yet to see you mount an intelligent argument.

You prove my point, little bot. I would imagine most minorities given the exact same educational, familial, and cultural situations, would assess 20 to 25 points higher on the diagnostics than you.

You didn't make a point.
Your misreading of history is exactly the type of thinking that will keep the GOP in the minority for a long time to come.

Misreading of history? From the Lincoln-Douglas debates of 1858 to probably after George HW Bush's term, the Democrats were the party of racism. On June 29, 1982 President Ronald Reagan signed a 25-year extension of 1965 Voting Rights Act. On August 10, 1988 he signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, compensating Japanese-Americans for deprivation of civil rights and property during World War II internment ordered by FDR, on November 21, 1991 President George H. W. Bush signed the Civil Rights Act of 1991 to strengthen federal civil rights legislation. Now what were you saying about misreading of history?

America is becoming younger and darker,

Until eventually the white race will be blend out of existence. You cannot dispute facts amigo. White birthrate is incredibly low, and what do you think the ultimate result will be of all this race-mixing and immigration?

You don't have the numbers now, and the GOP is losing even more numbers every election. A fact is a fact. You are the minority.

Say that come November when the leftists will be thrown out faster then a prom queen loses her virginity on Prom night.
Kal-el has trouble with race mixing?

Fuck him.

Yes, you heard it here, folks.
Enlightened Black people understand that it is perfectly natural for birds of a feather to flock together and they do not perceive this inclination as "racism." But there is a tendency for far too many Whites to patronizingly exaggerate their perception of Blacks as social equals when in fact they prefer to live apart from them. Most Black people are sensitive to such deceptive pandering and respond to it with distrust.

An example of what I'm talking about is the stereotypical "limousine Liberal" who contributes to the NAACP, marches in equality demonstrations and angrily denounces Whites who express discriminatory views but would become catatonic if his teen-age daughter brought home a Black boyfriend -- or one who wasn't at least three quarters White and enrolled in an Ivy League school.

Briefly stated, White dishonesty is the cause of Black distrust and latent animosity.
Enlightened Black people understand that it is perfectly natural for birds of a feather to flock together and they do not perceive this inclination as "racism." But there is a tendency for far too many Whites to patronizingly exaggerate their perception of Blacks as social equals when in fact they prefer to live apart from them. Most Black people are sensitive to such deceptive pandering and respond to it with distrust.

An example of what I'm talking about is the stereotypical "limousine Liberal" who contributes to the NAACP, marches in equality demonstrations and angrily denounces Whites who express discriminatory views but would become catatonic if his teen-age daughter brought home a Black boyfriend -- or one who wasn't at least three quarters White and enrolled in an Ivy League school.

Briefly stated, White dishonesty is the cause of Black distrust and latent animosity.

You just described a solid portion of the far right, MikeK
The Negro has a right to distrust any non-Negro person. Im white and I dont trust non-Negro people. I trust Negros and Jews but distrust gentiles and WASPs. If I were a Negro I wouldnt trust non-Negros but Im a non-Negro therefor distrusting non-Negros means I wish I was a Ngro but Im a member of the KKK which does not allow Negros, Jews, Catholics, Pakis, Chinese, or Eskimos to be members unless they belong to the GOP which iis a staunch Conservative organization of white people and very few Negros people would join because they prefer the Democrats who support Negro causes though the NAAACP which does not allow the KKK in.
Kal-el has trouble with race mixing?

What? Only because it ultimately entails the end of my people. How can anyone possibly call me a racist for recognizing and blatantly opposing the genocide of my own blood and racial heritage? I posed this question to a few lefty's here, but nobody thus far has answered, because it would entail calling a black man a racist, or else letting me off the hook, and they won't do either. You're turn in the hotseat partner.

Now Jake, let's imagine that the media announced that there was a race problem in Uganda, and the only way to go about rectifying that is to prop open the borders to Uganda and allow 100s of millions of white European immigrants in to mix with the population. Now Jake, how long do you think it will be until any mentally capable Ugandan citizen figures out that the media wasn't talking about a "race" problem, but about the final solution to the Ugandan problem? And most importantly, is this man who recognizes the genocide of his people a racist, and how do you justify saying that?
Kal-el, you are a dork. Your "people" are Americans, and, sonny, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, languages, religions, etc. We all share the common principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

If you don't share those principles, then you are not an American, period.
Kal-el, you are a dork. Your "people" are Americans, and, sonny, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, languages, religions, etc. We all share the common principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

If you don't share those principles, then you are not an American, period.

Just like you lefties, "duck and dodge". Geese, you wouldn't recognize facts if they were right in front of you. Facts to leftists are as crosses are to vampires. The Declaration of the US was formed by and for WASPS, so I don't know where you got all that tripe about shapes and sizes from.

Now Jake, let's imagine that the media announced that there was a race problem in Uganda, and the only way to go about rectifying that is to prop open the borders to Uganda and allow 100s of millions of white European immigrants in to mix with the population. Now Jake, how long do you think it will be until any mentally capable Ugandan citizen figures out that the media wasn't talking about a "race" problem, but about the final solution to the Ugandan problem? And most importantly, is this man who recognizes the genocide of his people a racist, and how do you justify saying that?
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Kal-el, you are a dork. Your "people" are Americans, and, sonny, they come in all shapes, sizes, colors, languages, religions, etc. We all share the common principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

If you don't share those principles, then you are not an American, period.

Just like you lefties, "duck and dodge". Geese, you wouldn't recognize facts if they were right in front of you. Facts to leftists are as crosses are to vampires. The Declaration of the US was formed by and for WASPS, so I don't know where you got all that tripe about shapes and sizes from.

Now Jake, let's imagine that the media announced that there was a race problem in Uganda, and the only way to go about rectifying that is to prop open the borders to Uganda and allow 100s of millions of white European immigrants in to mix with the population. Now Jake, how long do you think it will be until any mentally capable Ugandan citizen figures out that the media wasn't talking about a "race" problem, but about the final solution to the Ugandan problem? And most importantly, is this man who recognizes the genocide of his people a racist, and how do you justify saying that?

What the fuck? You really think that in 2010 the DoI and the COTUS only apply to certain people? Moron
What the fuck? You really think that in 2010 the DoI and the COTUS only apply to certain people? Moron

Well, most if not all, of our founding fathers who penned the DOI, owned slaves, and referred to Indians as "Merciless Savages." Do you really think they intended on racial equality or assimilation? On the Constitution, when it was written, the population was hugely white, aside from some black slaves. Mexicans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, etc. were not included because the founders didn't see any need to include them because they had their own land. Why does it matter if it's 2010. It could be 3010 for all I care and the DOI and COTUS would still be written and intended for WASPS.
What the fuck? You really think that in 2010 the DoI and the COTUS only apply to certain people? Moron

Well, most if not all, of our founding fathers who penned the DOI, owned slaves, and referred to Indians as "Merciless Savages." Do you really think they intended on racial equality or assimilation? On the Constitution, when it was written, the population was hugely white, aside from some black slaves. Mexicans, Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, etc. were not included because the founders didn't see any need to include them because they had their own land. Why does it matter if it's 2010. It could be 3010 for all I care and the DOI and COTUS would still be written and intended for WASPS.

No, but they were smart enough to make the COTUS amendable so that as we grew as people the COTUS could grow to. I thought that was a pretty simple concept, but I guess to jerks like you it is not.

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