Why do Blacks support the DNC?

We're still making more than we're killing unlike cuck whites. You're the only demographic in America over the last decade to lose more people to death than have born. Everyone else increases. You don't know how to read the census? 😄

They're malnourished wimps with all kinds of exotic diseases and handicaps. lol we know you're very proud. Does your 300 pound 5 year old make you feel special n stuff? lol
They're malnourished wimps with all kinds of exotic diseases and handicaps. lol we know you're very proud. Does your 300 pound 5 year old make you feel special n stuff? lol
More cosplay. You can fantasize about us being wimps but you're the cuck whites allowing your country to be invaded and taken from you. :funnyface:
This of course is just more racism. Snowflake whites like you like to tell other snowflake whites these racist beliefs because it makes you mutant bigots feel better about being deplorables.

According to Fathers.com, 57.6% of Black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children live in homes absent of their biological fathers. The United States Census Bureau reports that 1 in 4 children (18.3 million children) across the country live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. Children without fathers are four times more likely to be impoverished, seven times more likely to experience teen pregnancy, have a greater likelihood of behavioral issues, are more likely to commit crimes and be incarcerated, and face a greater chance of abusing drugs and alcohol
And there is why.... would you vote for a party that keeps saying you are stupid?
The real question is why are you so stupid, that you allow old white democrats to keep you in slavery on the new plantation called urban slums. Giving you just enough to get, by and promising you the world, yet never delivering, 60 or 70 years they have played to your hatred.
We're still making more than we're killing unlike cuck whites. You're the only demographic in America over the last decade to lose more people to death than have born. Everyone else increases. You don't know how to read the census? 😄
you've never heard of planned parenthood huh? go figure.
According to Fathers.com, 57.6% of Black children, 31.2% of Hispanic children, and 20.7% of white children live in homes absent of their biological fathers. The United States Census Bureau reports that 1 in 4 children (18.3 million children) across the country live without a biological, step, or adoptive father in the home. Children without fathers are four times more likely to be impoverished, seven times more likely to experience teen pregnancy, have a greater likelihood of behavioral issues, are more likely to commit crimes and be incarcerated, and face a greater chance of abusing drugs and alcohol
I'll take the CDC over Fathers.com but even still not living with your father doesn't make you fatherless. Nearly half of white marriages will end in divorce. When those kids go to live with their mothers are they now fatherless? Moron. 😄
you've never heard of planned parenthood huh? go figure.
You've never heard of the Census, Dipshit? 😄

Black Americans, like every other demographic other than cuck whites had more births than deaths, even with planned parenthood. In fact your attacks on abortion are only going to speed up your demographic decline.
Republicans ended Affirmative Action
Republicans are banning African American Studies
Republicans generally run only white candidates
And there is why.... would you vote for a party that keeps saying you are stupid?
when it's factually correct? Demofks are the kkk. blacks live in plantation cities. And they still vote for the masters!!!! I actually call it insane. To be honest.
when it's factually correct? Demofks are the kkk. blacks live in plantation cities. And they still vote for the masters!!!! I actually call it insane. To be honest.
Aren't florida and texas sharing the invasion with the uppities in the north? And them demofks do not like it one fking bit. Especially Martha's Vineyard. True racist who live there I tell you!!!!
and yet that's what you do. You've already admitted blacks are not allowed to vote republican or else. Or else? Jews the same thing basically. demfks are such a hate cult.
I never said that. I know people of all races and religions vote all over the board. Where did you come up with that statement.
I'll take the CDC over Fathers.com but even still not living with your father doesn't make you fatherless. Nearly half of white marriages will end in divorce. When those kids go to live with their mothers are they now fatherless? Moron. 😄

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