Why do Blacks support the DNC?

Even if Trump does not mention Duke, I am concerned why a white supremacist endorses him. Many white supremacists. His comments below cioncern me. He thought Duke was horrible until he endorsed him 2016.

Trump has denounced Duke.
Trump: “Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party.”
—remarks on NBC’s “Today Show,” Feb. 14, 2000

Then Trump is asked to disavow Duke after he endorsed him in 2016 exchange on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Feb. 28, 2016
“Well, just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke. Okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So, I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. And so you’re asking me a question that I’m supposed to be talking about people that I know nothing about.”
again, not sure your point, you seem to be fluttering badly.
Furthering White Supremacist's America is sick.
White and being for America is sick to you. Wow. what planet are you from? So no more rooting for the US in the olympics for you? take away work from americans is you? Support of illegal immigrants is you? ahhhhhhhhhhh. fk your white descriptor and while we're at, fk you and your play!!!!
White and being for America is sick to you. Wow. what planet are you from? So no more rooting for the US in the olympics for you? take away work from americans is you? Support of illegal immigrants is you? ahhhhhhhhhhh. fk your white descriptor and while we're at, fk you and your play!!!!
You have a difficult time reading
I said "Furthering White Supremacist's America is sick". I did not say "Furthering Whites in America America is sick"

You seem to have a mental block on white supremacists. When I say white supremacist you just see white.

This may be a shock to you, but all whites are not white supremacists. A small % of white America are white supremacist. Our society looks down on white supremacists. They are considered the worst among us.
You have a difficult time reading
I said "Furthering White Supremacist's America is sick". I did not say "Furthering Whites in America America is sick"

You seem to have a mental block on white supremacists. When I say white supremacist you just see white.

This may be a shock to you, but all whites are not white supremacists. A small % of white America are white supremacist. Our society looks down on white supremacists. They are considered the worst among us.
Anyone white is a supremist. to you! You’re sick
I dont. I'm white myself. These trump supporters on here I dont consider part of the white race.

Let's be honest about your disposition. You're a snowflake. White male leftists are the worst of the bunch second only left gay white males and females.
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After Joe Biden, a white man, insults a black man to his face and tells the black man what he must to do remain black, which is to vote for him or he cannot be considered black, can blacks even think for themselves anymore? Do they have any self respect left? Are they really all just chumps of the DNC, the white man's party?

Because the Trump Cult party is racist as hell.
The Democrats surely have their own list of fuckups when it comes to race, the decades-long lowering of standards and expectations via PC and Identity Politics chief among them.

But it's spectacularly dishonest and/or ignorant to whine about why American blacks haven't jumped ship en masse to a party...
  • whose godlike leader pretended not to know anything about David Duke after earlier calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • whose second-place presidential candidate suggested that SLAVERY was actually some kind of FREE TRADE SCHOOL
  • who is supported coast to coast by obviously bigoted organizations -- "You, will not, replace us"
  • whose members say things like "the only racism is coming from the Left", a degree of denial that defies description
So threads like this are essentially an insult to them, compounding the issue, as if they have no reason for being cynical about the GQP.
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No, we just don't pretend we aren't racist, like you Democrats. And it isn't cities with Republican Mayors where black people a murdering each other every day.
The cities with Republican mayors are where whites are murdering each other every day.
The Democrats surely have their own list of fuckups when it comes to race, the decades-long lowering of standards and expectations via PC and Identity Politics chief among them.

But it's spectacularly dishonest and/or ignorant to whine about why American blacks haven't jumped ship en masse to a party...
  • whose godlike leader pretended not to know anything about David Duke after earlier calling him "a racist and a problem"
  • whose second-place presidential candidate suggested that SLAVERY was actually a free TRADE SCHOOL
  • who is supported coast to coast by obviously bigoted organizations -- "You, will not, replace us"
  • whose members say things like "the only racism is coming from the Left", a degree of denial that defies description
So threads like this are essentially an insult to them, compounding the issue, as if they have no reason for being cynical about the GQP.
Your first line is a load of bullshit Mac. Define identity politics. Let's start with that.

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