Why do Blacks support the DNC?

lol says the welfare bunny who moved to Dixie, of all places.lol No white money means no Miami, and no you here.
It always reverts back to make believe when you clowns don't have any real come back. 😄

Fantasize about my financial situation all you want cosplayer. I'll settle for reality where immigrants have basically annexed a piece of your country. :funnyface:
It always reverts back to make believe when you clowns don't have any real come back. 😄

Fantasize about my financial situation all you want cosplayer. I'll settle for reality where immigrants have basically annexed a piece of your country. :funnyface:

And you will all leave when the bennies dry up, go back to your mud huts and waiting for the Christian charity planes from Whitey Land come to feed you. You can always eat each other while you're waiting. lol
….and they’re also as nasty as hell to Jews who won’t vote their leftist way. The Republicans are being made to feel unwelcome in less religious synagogues, and some are leaving. When I told a Democrat Jew that they are losing members with their intolerance to Republicans, she said “good….I’d rather have a smaller congregation with just Democrats than to have a larger one with Republicans.”
it boils down to the same offense whether one is black or jew. These two sets of people are not allowed to think for themselves or else they be punished for breaking ties.

That line has already been used in this thread. Amazing how racist demfks really are.
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it boils down to the same offense whether one is black or jew. These two sets of people are not allowed to think for themselves or else they be punished for breaking ties.
I’m Jewish and obviously think for myself - hence why I vote Republican. (The irony is that the nasty leftists lambast me as just doing whatever Trump says Instead of thinking for myself!)

And what you say is true - the anger at Black Reoublicans by Black Democrats is disgusting as well. They call them Uncle Toms and traitors to their race.
I’m Jewish and obviously think for myself - hence why I vote Republican.

The irony is that the nasty leftists lambast me as just doing whatever Trump says Insteas of thinking for myself!
correct, they cannot accept that you think for yourself and your family rather than the DNC. It's hilarious to me. We need more like you to wake the fk up at the ties that bind them.

After Joe Biden, a white man, insults a black man to his face and tells the black man what he must to do remain black, which is to vote for him or he cannot be considered black, can blacks even think for themselves anymore? Do they have any self respect left? Are they really all just chumps of the DNC, the white man's party?

Pretty much.

It’s like that friend who constantly complains about her shitty BF, but would rather die than leave him.

correct, they cannot accept that you think for yourself and your family rather than the DNC. It's hilarious to me. We need more like you to wake the fk up at the ties that bind them.
I belong to a couple of Republican Jewish groups, and we are ALL previous Democrats who saw the light.
And you will all leave when the bennies dry up, go back to your mud huts and waiting for the Christian charity planes from Whitey Land come to feed you. You can always eat each other while you're waiting. lol
More cosplay and fantasy in lieu of any actual plan to deal with us or your impending demographic replacement. 😄
I belong to a couple of Republican Jewish groups, and we are ALL previous Democrats who saw the light.
demfks can't stand jews or blacks. They despise both with all of their might.
Sure, blacks are like all races. You cannot paint them all wth the same brush.

Just like whites. You cannot paint them all with the same brush.

When you paint all, of any race, with the same brush, that is racism.
and yet that's what you do. You've already admitted blacks are not allowed to vote republican or else. Or else? Jews the same thing basically. demfks are such a hate cult.
More cosplay and fantasy in lieu of any actual plan to deal with us or your impending demographic replacement. 😄

lol you vermin are killing each other off, and when Whitey quits wiping your asses for you you get even more feral and homicidal. lol Keep dreaming though.
lol you vermin are killing each other off, and when Whitey quits wiping your asses for you you get even more feral and homicidal. lol Keep dreaming though.
We're still making more than we're killing unlike cuck whites. You're the only demographic in America over the last decade to lose more people to death than have born. Everyone else increases. You don't know how to read the census? 😄

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