Why do Blue States lead in Education and Standard of Living?

There's a lot of federal activity in those high ratio states. Your chart has nothing to do with welfare as Allie stated.

NOt unless you accept the primise that in many cases that Federal activity is really welfare by another name, of course.
NOt unless you accept the primise that in many cases that Federal activity is really welfare by another name, of course.
If you think that military jobs are welfare then I suggest that you try one for a while.
I didn't read through all the answers but if I were to hazard a high level reason I think it has to do the immigrant pool, the union influence, and the secular or humanist education in the blue states. The south relied too much on slave labor and then cheap labor, its culture was not one of tolerant diversity, and the strong isolationist and religious influences kept the region backward. But my wife, over 25 years teaching, tells me all students today are dumber than in the past and much lazier. Is it video games? MTV? internet? Lower standards? Or what that creates a society in which a Palin can be VP? I cannot imagine Roosevelt, Eisenhower or most presidents picking such a dummy!

Culture: The Dumbest Generation? Don?t Be Dumb | Newsweek Education | Newsweek.com
If you think that military jobs are welfare then I suggest that you try one for a while.

Considering bases are often placed in states that are politically powerful, as opposed to states where the bases would be most efficient, yes they often are welfare.

conomic opportunities.
Those numbers also include military bases, FBIs, postal and transportation offices, border patrol, coast guard, weights and measures, records, mints, and a whole host of federal facilities that are actually mandated by the Constitution. They also contain IRS, forestry, prisons, NASA, and such which have been deemed necessary. Now if you want to talk about social programs alone, then by all means do so.

Same applies to this.
Those numbers also include military bases, FBIs, postal and transportation offices, border patrol, coast guard, weights and measures, records, mints, and a whole host of federal facilities that are actually mandated by the Constitution. They also contain IRS, forestry, prisons, NASA, and such which have been deemed necessary. Now if you want to talk about social programs alone, then by all means do so. :badgrin:

And look at the ROI they get from the big cities and blue states. The masses is where our best and brightest come from. They never come from those small towns that John Cougar sings about. Little pink houses. Bunch of white trash bible belters. :lol:

God forbid we get something for all the taxes we pay. I don't know about you, but I appreciate social services/social programs. I find $10 billion a month in Iraq offensive than welfare fraud. Wanna talk about which one is costing you more? Or the tax breaks to the oil companies for NOTHING. Want to talk about which is costing us more?

Besides, welfare ABUSE? How much of welfare is abuse do you think? 50%? So don't count the people who really need/should have it. Only worry about the abuse, unless you are a heartless bastard. :eusa_pray:

I see. You want ZERO social programs for poor and middle class people and for all our taxes to go to the defense companies and bankers.

Yea, what an evil program welfare is. It would be less evil to just let those people starve because we value the unborn much more than we value people who are 10 or 20 or 50 years old. Once they are born, they are on their own, no matter what.
The dems at federal level, dumbass, who leveled broad-brush legislation against the producers and landowners of the nation, shutting down logging and farming industries, stopping development in rural areas.

Ah, well tell me why the Republican Congress didn't fix it in the past 15 years?

Shutting down farming industries? Are you on crack? We subsidize farming to the tune of billions and billions of dollars.
MI. is not a mecca of tourism that the average person that visits the United States thinks about when they visit the United States. I'm quite sure, and sadly one the of the first thoughts that come to mind is Disney World in Fl. or Disneyland. I don't see a booming tourism industry heading to Detroit anytime soon. The last 3 mayors of that city have destroyed it completely. It's a real shame too, because Detroit can be a wonderful city and has soo much to offer too. This thread that tries to compare a red state to a blue state makes me laugh though, each state has it's own unique problems and it seems to me rather than this US and THEM attitude we would all serve one another better if we had an US attitude. The data thats been presented in this thread so far tells me that the number of so called "red states" and "blue states" are pretty even in the claims made here. I wonder, if a red state becomes blue or a blue state becomes red then do they automatically become better in the eyes of some because they now are towing the line? So with that, I will say, I'm happy for those that love where they live as do I, but if you honestly have an issue with another state be it red or blue that bothers you so much, then I suggest you move there and make a difference in that state or at the very least take the time to visit before making blanket assumptions about any state.

Wrong! Mayor Archer was a great man. Too good for the city of Detroit. But they have 4 great professional money making sports teams and 3 big casinos. People come to Detroit. And Michigan is much more than Detroit. People go to Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, etc. We have A LOT of tourism. Did I say Detroit or Michigan. Anyways, we get our share of tourism. And people in Europe know us because of the Bad Boys 1988-1989. It was the first time the NBA finals were aired in Europe so they love the Pistons.

Florida has been blue for 16 years at least. Gore and Kerry won Florida, IMO. Same with Ohio.
Amen brother! Every invention, all the smart people, the best schools, the big industries, etc. come from Blue states.

Is this fact or opinion? If fact, could you post a link. I find it hard to believe that every invention and every smart person came from a "Blue" state unless you are saying every state is a "Blue" state.

What is the definition of a Blue state? Is it based upon a point in time event?
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Is this fact or opinion? If fact, could you post a link. I find it hard to believe that every invention and every smart person came from a "Blue" state unless you are saying every state is a "Blue" state.

What is the definition of a Blue state? Is it based upon a point in time event?

Sorry, most smart people and most inventions. Doesn't it make sense? Think about the years down south where the schools were segregated. Do you really think those racist professors in those red neck communities were turning out a quality product? People who don't even believe in evolution? Come on!

The fact is, almost everything great about this country came from Progressives or Liberals. Conservatives are for the status quo, not developing new technologies.

Just like every gain made for workers came from unions. Overtime, sick time, pensions, maximum hours, minimum wage increases, vacation time, etc.
Wrong! Mayor Archer was a great man. Too good for the city of Detroit. But they have 4 great professional money making sports teams and 3 big casinos. People come to Detroit. And Michigan is much more than Detroit. People go to Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, etc. We have A LOT of tourism. Did I say Detroit or Michigan. Anyways, we get our share of tourism. And people in Europe know us because of the Bad Boys 1988-1989. It was the first time the NBA finals were aired in Europe so they love the Pistons.

Florida has been blue for 16 years at least. Gore and Kerry won Florida, IMO. Same with Ohio.

Your not serious? Dennis Archer was a great Mayor? Have you even been to Detroit lately? I have, it's a wasteland except for the area that's been redeveloped around Ford Field and Commerica Park. Detroit has had three mayors that have literally destroyed that city and let it run down. You do know the number one city in the country for abandon building exploration is Detroit right? As for the rest of MI. I completely agree, it's a beautiful state with so much to offer. However, I am willing to bet you ask the average person if they have heard of the Bad Boy's or the Sand Dunes or for that matter Macanic Island vs. the Grand Canyon or Disneyland you may be disappointed. As for Fl. the last gov. of that state may dispute the claim that FL. is Blue you know. and as for Gore you may have at least a tie there, but Kerry clearly lost Fl. and I even voted for Kerry and can admit that.
Bite me asshole.

I have my DD 214.

Not to mention that you said "government", not millitary in the post he was responding to. But then again, that would require that he comprehend what he reads and not intentionally change the discussion. :cuckoo:
Ya know...the thought just occured to me.

the answer to why Blue states are doing better is probably health and nuitrition

The the Blue states are better off because we have the majority of this nation's Jewish Delis.

The Red states are places where grits and ocra are served.

This cannot be a coincidence.
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Ya know...the thought just occured to me.

the answer to why Blue states are doing better is probably health and nuitrition

The the Blue states is better off because we have the majority of this nation's Jewish Delis.

The Red states are places where grits and ocra are served.

This cannot be a coincidence.

well, you know, chicken soup does have mystical healing powers. ;)
Richard Florida, a professor from George Mason University and author of the book The Rise of the Creative Class argued that the more "gay-friendly" a city is, the more economically prosperous it will be.

In his March 2007 paper "There Goes the Neighborhood," Florida uses something he calls the "Bohemian-Gay Index" to demonstrate that "artistic, bohemian, and gay populations" have a "substantial effects on housing values across all permutations of the model and across all region sizes." He also found that more open and "gay-friendly" areas generally support higher income levels.

This morning on CNN's In the Money, Florida argued that educated kids are generally moving to the most "gay-friendly" cities after graduating from college because those cities tend to have the best job markets.

After realizing that the top 5 "gay-friendly" cities in the US -- San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, Portland (Oregon), and Tampa -- are also prosperous centers of technological innovation, Florida decided to do a more thorough study. The results, he said, held up for other cities as well.

"Places that were open to gay and lesbian people were also the kind of places that could attract not only smart young people, but also Indian and Chinese immigrants who come here and start a lot of high tech companies," he said. "They were attracting people across the board, building up a talent base, and then innovating and starting these new enterprises."

Florida said he thinks it is the open mindedness of these cities that has allowed economically successful communities to emerge, rather than prior economic success attracting open minded people.

"Places that a large gay and lesbian community gravitated to, a large group of musicians and other open minded people gravitated to. When these kind of geeky entrepreneurs became important economic growth, those were the places that accepted them, too," he told CNN.

The Raw Story | Study: 'Gay-friendly' cities enjoy more economic prosperity
The top 5 fastest dying American cities

1. Canton, Ohio

2. Youngstown, Ohio

3. Flint, Mich.

4. Scranton, Pa.

5. Dayton, Ohio

The turmoil of the mortgage market granted a temporary reprieve from hearing about the woes of America's Rust Belt. That doesn't mean things are better. Despite a decade of national prosperity, the former manufacturing backbone of the United States is in rougher shape than ever, still searching for some way to replace its long-unused smokestacks.

Where's it worst? Ohio, according to Forbes’ analysis, racked up three of the top five cities on the list: Youngstown, Canton and Dayton. The runner-up is Michigan, with Flint in the top five and Detroit not very far behind.

America's fastest-dying cities - Buy a House: MLS Listings & Home Buying Tips - MSN Real Estate

Elk Grove, Calif., is the fastest growing city of more than 100,000 in the United States, according to the latest estimates from the Census Bureau released Wednesday.

The young city, a suburb south of Sacramento that incorporated only six years ago, grew by 12 percent to 112,338 in the 12 months ended July 1, 2005.

Growing gains
Small sunbelt cities dominated the latest list of fastest growing U.S.cities.

City Percent gain
Elk Grove, CA 11.6%
North Las Vegas, NV 11.4%
Port St. Lucie, FL 11.0%
Gilbert, AZ 11.0%
Cape Coral, FL 9.2%
Moreno Valley, CA 7.3%
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 6.4%
Miramar, FL 5.2%
Chandler, AZ 4.9%
Irvine, CA 4.9%

Source: Census Bureau

More Real Estate
Cities are way hot again.
But houses in many are way overvalued.
Best places to live

Three other California cities joined Elk Grove on the top 10 list: Moreno Valley (No. 6), Rancho Cucamonga (No. 7) and Irvine (No. 10).

Florida had three cities on the list led by Port St. Lucie, with a population increase of 11 percent to 131,692.

Other states represented were Arizona with Gilbert (No. 4) and Chandler (No. 9) and Nevada, where North Las Vegas, No. 2, had an 11.4 percent jump.

In terms of sheer numbers, Phoenix added more people than any other city - 44,456 more people, a 3.1 percent rise.

The most populous city in the country, New York, suffered a population loss for the first time since the official Census count in 2000. The Big Apple lost more than 20,000 residents. Its population still totaled 8.1 million, more than twice as many as second place city, Los Angeles, pop. 3.8 million.

Two cities in the list of most populous cities changed positions during the 12-month period. San Antonio nudged past San Diego to go into seventh place with 1.3 million. San Diego actually lost population, falling 8,276 to 1.25 million.

Other big-city losers included Boston, which dropped 1.5 percent, Detroit (minus 1.3 percent) and New Orleans (minus 1.4 percent). These estimates reflect populations before Hurricane Katrina shattered the Crescent City.

Smaller cities with marked declines include Lansing, Mich., and Athens, Ga. (both down 1.2 percent) and Fayetteville, N. C. and Cincinnati (both minus 1.6 percent). St. Louis' population fell a whopping 1.8 percent and Norfolk, Va. did even worse, down 2.3 percent.

Fastest Growing Cities

Elk Grove California 112,338 100,686 11.57%
North Las Vegas Nevada 176,635 158,540 11.41%
Port St. Lucie Florida 131,692 118,655 10.99%
Gilbert Arizona 173,989 156,816 10.95%
Cape Coral Florida 140,010 128,193 9.22%
Moreno Valley California 178,367 166,261 7.28%
Rancho Cucamonga California 169,353 159,110 6.44%
Miramar Florida 106,623 101,367 5.19%
Chandler Arizona 234,939 223,895 4.93%
Irvine California 186,852 178,085 4.92%
Bakersfield California 295,536 283,010 4.43%
Peoria Arizona 138,200 132,355 4.42%
Raleigh North Carolina 341,530 327,547 4.27%

Census report: Fastest growing cities - Jun. 21, 2006

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