Why do Blue States lead in Education and Standard of Living?

There's a lot of federal activity in those high ratio states. Your chart has nothing to do with welfare as Allie stated.

What's the difference? Federal Tax Dollars going to poor people, farmers to not grow crops, pork projects for bridges to knowhere, to oil companies who are not developing alternative energy or wasted defense spending. Do you really care who's wasting your money?

The fact is, red states get more federal dollars than they give and visa versa for blue states. BOYAKA!!

Now I don't even want to waste my time explaining why cities with large populations and high umemployment rates collect more welfare. You won't understand.

AND, the Welfare capital of Michigan is some red neck small town up north in a very very rural area. NOT Detroit.

In this little town, there are no jobs so rather than move where there are jobs, those white trash red necks collect welfare. Almost an entire town of white welfare recipients.
What's the difference? Federal Tax Dollars going to poor people, farmers to not grow crops, pork projects for bridges to knowhere, to oil companies who are not developing alternative energy or wasted defense spending. Do you really care who's wasting your money?

The fact is, red states get more federal dollars than they give and visa versa for blue states. BOYAKA!!

Now I don't even want to waste my time explaining why cities with large populations and high umemployment rates collect more welfare. You won't understand.

AND, the Welfare capital of Michigan is some red neck small town up north in a very very rural area. NOT Detroit.

In this little town, there are no jobs so rather than move where there are jobs, those white trash red necks collect welfare. Almost an entire town of white welfare recipients.

And you think they make up the majority of welfare recipients?


Anyway, you gave it away in the beginning of your post. You don't know the difference. Between fact and fiction, between truth and lies.
And you think they make up the majority of welfare recipients?


Anyway, you gave it away in the beginning of your post. You don't know the difference. Between fact and fiction, between truth and lies.

Red states are, with some exceptions, the lowest in income/lowest in education/ and receive the most money in dependant care...

and a lot of it is fueled by single white mothers who didn't get sex ed and get knocked up in high school.

And you think they make up the majority of welfare recipients?


Anyway, you gave it away in the beginning of your post. You don't know the difference. Between fact and fiction, between truth and lies.

Allie, the Red states have more federal tax dollars sent to them and blue states send more tax dollars than they receive.

What part of that don't you get?

Yes, fine, Blue states do get more welfare, but since it's our money, don't fucking worry about it. Stop bitching since you get more than you give.

And, God wants to thank you for helping poor people.

He also asks me to ask you to stop wasting middle class tax dollars on bombs. Murder is one of the things he doesn't like, in case you forgot because you are so hung up on Abortion.
There's a lot of federal activity in those high ratio states. Your chart has nothing to do with welfare as Allie stated.

Actually we were talking about Welfare STATES, not Welfare individuals. That is, states that suck off the federal teat without giving in return.

Those would be the Red States. We should have let you fuckers secede. You'd be like the Mexicans you bitch so much about, desperately trying to go North for economic opportunities.
Economy Statistics > Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state

Rank States Amount (top to bottom)
#1 California: 1,085,627
#2 New York: 341,004
#3 Texas: 333,435
#4 Pennsylvania: 207,429
#5 Michigan: 202,469
#6 Ohio: 188,108
#7 Tennessee: 180,466
#8 Washington: 140,721
#9 Indiana: 140,571
#10 Georgia: 132,003
#11 Florida: 119,080
#12 Arizona: 111,334
#13 Missouri: 108,561
#14 Massachusetts: 108,469
#15 New Jersey: 101,854
#16 Illinois: 99,952
#17 Minnesota: 93,665
#18 North Carolina: 83,906
#19 Kentucky: 76,688
#20 Virginia: 70,199
#21 Maryland: 62,066
#22 Louisiana: 56,157
#23 Puerto Rico: 54,544
#24 Iowa: 51,713
#25 South Carolina: 48,028
#26 Wisconsin: 47,712
#27 Mississippi: 45,191
#28 Alabama: 44,646
#29 Oregon: 43,591
#30 Connecticut: 43,292
#31 District of Columbia: 43,136
#32 New Mexico: 42,999
#33 West Virginia: 41,478
#34 Kansas: 39,093
#35 Maine: 37,562
#36 Oklahoma: 35,974
#37 Rhode Island: 35,714
#38 Colorado: 34,862
#39 Nebraska: 27,079
#40 Nevada: 25,832
#41 Hawaii: 25,409
#42 Arkansas: 25,382
#43 Utah: 21,800
#44 Montana: 18,074
#45 Alaska: 15,927
#46 New Hampshire: 15,061
#47 Vermont: 12,737
#48 Delaware: 12,351
#49 Guam: 10,783
#50 North Dakota: 8,602
#51 South Dakota: 6,143
#52 Idaho: 3,204
#53 US Virgin Islands: 1,359
#54 Wyoming: 729

Total: 4,963,771
Weighted average: 91,921.7

StateMaster - Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state
Here are the welfare by state stats.

It seems to fit along with the states population.
Actually we were talking about Welfare STATES, not Welfare individuals. That is, states that suck off the federal teat without giving in return.

Those would be the Red States. We should have let you fuckers secede. You'd be like the Mexicans you bitch so much about, desperately trying to go North for economic opportunities.

Amen brother! Every invention, all the smart people, the best schools, the big industries, etc. come from Blue states.

Maybe except for George Washington Carver and Madame CJ Walker.

Ask a foreigner if they know North Dakota is, or Idaho, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Wyoming. They won't know where those places are.

But Chicago, Detroit, California, NY. They know those places. Those places are America as far as the rest of the world is concerned.

And it took a Texan to ruin our reputation with the rest of the world.
Economy Statistics > Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state

Rank States Amount (top to bottom)
#1 California: 1,085,627
#2 New York: 341,004
#3 Texas: 333,435
#4 Pennsylvania: 207,429
#5 Michigan: 202,469
#6 Ohio: 188,108
#7 Tennessee: 180,466
#8 Washington: 140,721
#9 Indiana: 140,571
#10 Georgia: 132,003
#11 Florida: 119,080
#12 Arizona: 111,334
#13 Missouri: 108,561
#14 Massachusetts: 108,469
#15 New Jersey: 101,854
#16 Illinois: 99,952
#17 Minnesota: 93,665
#18 North Carolina: 83,906
#19 Kentucky: 76,688
#20 Virginia: 70,199
#21 Maryland: 62,066
#22 Louisiana: 56,157
#23 Puerto Rico: 54,544
#24 Iowa: 51,713
#25 South Carolina: 48,028
#26 Wisconsin: 47,712
#27 Mississippi: 45,191
#28 Alabama: 44,646
#29 Oregon: 43,591
#30 Connecticut: 43,292
#31 District of Columbia: 43,136
#32 New Mexico: 42,999
#33 West Virginia: 41,478
#34 Kansas: 39,093
#35 Maine: 37,562
#36 Oklahoma: 35,974
#37 Rhode Island: 35,714
#38 Colorado: 34,862
#39 Nebraska: 27,079
#40 Nevada: 25,832
#41 Hawaii: 25,409
#42 Arkansas: 25,382
#43 Utah: 21,800
#44 Montana: 18,074
#45 Alaska: 15,927
#46 New Hampshire: 15,061
#47 Vermont: 12,737
#48 Delaware: 12,351
#49 Guam: 10,783
#50 North Dakota: 8,602
#51 South Dakota: 6,143
#52 Idaho: 3,204
#53 US Virgin Islands: 1,359
#54 Wyoming: 729

Total: 4,963,771
Weighted average: 91,921.7

StateMaster - Welfare Caseloads > Total recipients (most recent) by state
Here are the welfare by state stats.

It seems to fit along with the states population.


Gee, you think? Maybe then you would want to do it per capita, eh?

In which case, its roughly equal.

#1 District of Columbia: 7.835 per 100 people
#2 Guam: 6.397 per 100 people
#3 Rhode Island: 3.319 per 100 people
#4 Tennessee: 3.026 per 100 people
#5 California: 3.005 per 100 people
#6 Maine: 2.842 per 100 people
#7 Alaska: 2.4 per 100 people
#8 West Virginia: 2.283 per 100 people
#9 Indiana: 2.241 per 100 people
#10 Washington: 2.238 per 100 people
#11 New Mexico: 2.23 per 100 people
#12 Vermont: 2.044 per 100 people
#13 Michigan: 2.001 per 100 people
#14 Hawaii: 1.993 per 100 people
#15 Montana: 1.932 per 100 people
#16 Arizona: 1.875 per 100 people
#17 Missouri: 1.872 per 100 people
#18 Kentucky: 1.838 per 100 people
#19 Minnesota: 1.825 per 100 people
#20 New York: 1.771 per 100 people
#21 Iowa: 1.743 per 100 people
#22 Massachusetts: 1.695 per 100 people
#23 Pennsylvania: 1.669 per 100 people
#24 Ohio: 1.641 per 100 people
#25 Mississippi: 1.547 per 100 people
#26 Nebraska: 1.54 per 100 people
#27 Delaware: 1.464 per 100 people
#28 Texas: 1.459 per 100 people
#29 Georgia: 1.455 per 100 people
#30 Kansas: 1.424 per 100 people
#31 Puerto Rico: 1.394 per 100 people
#32 North Dakota: 1.351 per 100 people
#33 US Virgin Islands: 1.25 per 100 people
#34 Louisiana: 1.241 per 100 people
#35 Connecticut: 1.233 per 100 people
#36 Oregon: 1.197 per 100 people
#37 New Jersey: 1.168 per 100 people
#38 New Hampshire: 1.15 per 100 people
#39 South Carolina: 1.129 per 100 people
#40 Maryland: 1.108 per 100 people
#41 Nevada: 1.07 per 100 people
#42 Oklahoma: 1.014 per 100 people
#43 Alabama: 0.98 per 100 people
#44 North Carolina: 0.966 per 100 people
#45 Virginia: 0.928 per 100 people
#46 Arkansas: 0.913 per 100 people
#47 Utah: 0.883 per 100 people
#48 Wisconsin: 0.862 per 100 people
#49 South Dakota: 0.792 per 100 people
#50 Illinois: 0.783 per 100 people
#51 Colorado: 0.747 per 100 people
#52 Florida: 0.669 per 100 people
#53 Idaho: 0.224 per 100 people
#54 Wyoming: 0.143 per 100 people
MI. is not a mecca of tourism that the average person that visits the United States thinks about when they visit the United States. I'm quite sure, and sadly one the of the first thoughts that come to mind is Disney World in Fl. or Disneyland. I don't see a booming tourism industry heading to Detroit anytime soon. The last 3 mayors of that city have destroyed it completely. It's a real shame too, because Detroit can be a wonderful city and has soo much to offer too. This thread that tries to compare a red state to a blue state makes me laugh though, each state has it's own unique problems and it seems to me rather than this US and THEM attitude we would all serve one another better if we had an US attitude. The data thats been presented in this thread so far tells me that the number of so called "red states" and "blue states" are pretty even in the claims made here. I wonder, if a red state becomes blue or a blue state becomes red then do they automatically become better in the eyes of some because they now are towing the line? So with that, I will say, I'm happy for those that love where they live as do I, but if you honestly have an issue with another state be it red or blue that bothers you so much, then I suggest you move there and make a difference in that state or at the very least take the time to visit before making blanket assumptions about any state.
The Dems who run the state? No, wait, Republicans run those states.


The dems at federal level, dumbass, who leveled broad-brush legislation against the producers and landowners of the nation, shutting down logging and farming industries, stopping development in rural areas.
Amen brother! Every invention, all the smart people, the best schools, the big industries, etc. come from Blue states.

Maybe except for George Washington Carver and Madame CJ Walker.

Ask a foreigner if they know North Dakota is, or Idaho, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Wyoming. They won't know where those places are.

But Chicago, Detroit, California, NY. They know those places. Those places are America as far as the rest of the world is concerned.

And it took a Texan to ruin our reputation with the rest of the world.

More elitism. It's so sad when it comes from someone who doesn't even understand the definition, or that they are the embodiment of it. When the elitist population also happens to be, coincidentally, the most ignorant portion of the population, you have a serious problem.
What's the difference? Federal Tax Dollars going to poor people, farmers to not grow crops, pork projects for bridges to knowhere, to oil companies who are not developing alternative energy or wasted defense spending. Do you really care who's wasting your money?

The fact is, red states get more federal dollars than they give and visa versa for blue states. BOYAKA!!

Now I don't even want to waste my time explaining why cities with large populations and high umemployment rates collect more welfare. You won't understand.

AND, the Welfare capital of Michigan is some red neck small town up north in a very very rural area. NOT Detroit.

In this little town, there are no jobs so rather than move where there are jobs, those white trash red necks collect welfare. Almost an entire town of white welfare recipients.

Actually we were talking about Welfare STATES, not Welfare individuals. That is, states that suck off the federal teat without giving in return.

Those would be the Red States. We should have let you fuckers secede. You'd be like the Mexicans you bitch so much about, desperately trying to go North for economic opportunities.

Those numbers also include military bases, FBIs, postal and transportation offices, border patrol, coast guard, weights and measures, records, mints, and a whole host of federal facilities that are actually mandated by the Constitution. They also contain IRS, forestry, prisons, NASA, and such which have been deemed necessary. Now if you want to talk about social programs alone, then by all means do so. :badgrin:

Gee, you think? Maybe then you would want to do it per capita, eh?

In which case, its roughly equal.

#1 District of Columbia: 7.835 per 100 people
#2 Guam: 6.397 per 100 people
#3 Rhode Island: 3.319 per 100 people
#4 Tennessee: 3.026 per 100 people
#5 California: 3.005 per 100 people
#6 Maine: 2.842 per 100 people
#7 Alaska: 2.4 per 100 people
#8 West Virginia: 2.283 per 100 people
#9 Indiana: 2.241 per 100 people
#10 Washington: 2.238 per 100 people
#11 New Mexico: 2.23 per 100 people
#12 Vermont: 2.044 per 100 people
#13 Michigan: 2.001 per 100 people
#14 Hawaii: 1.993 per 100 people
#15 Montana: 1.932 per 100 people
#16 Arizona: 1.875 per 100 people
#17 Missouri: 1.872 per 100 people
#18 Kentucky: 1.838 per 100 people
#19 Minnesota: 1.825 per 100 people
#20 New York: 1.771 per 100 people
#21 Iowa: 1.743 per 100 people
#22 Massachusetts: 1.695 per 100 people
#23 Pennsylvania: 1.669 per 100 people
#24 Ohio: 1.641 per 100 people
#25 Mississippi: 1.547 per 100 people
#26 Nebraska: 1.54 per 100 people
#27 Delaware: 1.464 per 100 people
#28 Texas: 1.459 per 100 people
#29 Georgia: 1.455 per 100 people
#30 Kansas: 1.424 per 100 people
#31 Puerto Rico: 1.394 per 100 people
#32 North Dakota: 1.351 per 100 people
#33 US Virgin Islands: 1.25 per 100 people
#34 Louisiana: 1.241 per 100 people
#35 Connecticut: 1.233 per 100 people
#36 Oregon: 1.197 per 100 people
#37 New Jersey: 1.168 per 100 people
#38 New Hampshire: 1.15 per 100 people
#39 South Carolina: 1.129 per 100 people
#40 Maryland: 1.108 per 100 people
#41 Nevada: 1.07 per 100 people
#42 Oklahoma: 1.014 per 100 people
#43 Alabama: 0.98 per 100 people
#44 North Carolina: 0.966 per 100 people
#45 Virginia: 0.928 per 100 people
#46 Arkansas: 0.913 per 100 people
#47 Utah: 0.883 per 100 people
#48 Wisconsin: 0.862 per 100 people
#49 South Dakota: 0.792 per 100 people
#50 Illinois: 0.783 per 100 people
#51 Colorado: 0.747 per 100 people
#52 Florida: 0.669 per 100 people
#53 Idaho: 0.224 per 100 people
#54 Wyoming: 0.143 per 100 people

And how many of the top ten are blue? :D

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