Why do Catholics cross themselves

Growing up in NYC I took a public bus to high school which was 4 miles from where I lived, we passed two catholic churches and when we passed the churches, more then half the people on the bus would cross themselves. whats up with that?

I have read the Christian bible and can find nothing on doing that.
It is a dangerous ritual. No Christian should ever do such a thing. It's strictly a Catholic occult ritual. Don't ever do it.

Coming from a JW that's precious. Its a blessing . Nothing at all wrong with it. The reason you have Protestants is because King Henry wanted to get divorces, and then the Church of England was too harsh, so the Puritans came here and believed in witches. Are you aware your God, Jesus is really a Caesar, and that is who your worshipping as God. The winners write history remember.
Reforms to Christianity were made necessary by the excesses of a small group of authoritarians. For propaganda purposes, they had taken the Latin term for universal as part of the title for their denomination. Loosely based upon selected parts of questionable documents, this organization imposed itself for centuries until reading became more democratized and texts could be generally dissimulated. This led to protests against the status quo. Eventually, even monarchs, who until then had relied upon this established clergy, found it to their advantage to change orientation.
The horrible struggles that resulted are often referred to in the most ironically oxymoronic fashion, even to the point of saying Christians fought Christians. Of course, by definition such a thing cannot be. One or both sides would not be 'Christian'.
When it comes to 'God', one can only believe what one is convinced of. When it comes to expecting others to believe the same, one can only be labeled 'crazy'.
Nope , didn't marry a former catholic, just fascinated by their medieval rituals and why in 2016 CE they are still following it

Medieval? Catholic practices began centuries before medieval times. They are better described as timeless as they have passed through many ages.

Read a Bible with a ghey guys name on it, I hardly think so...

King James authorized it.:wink_2:
When a person believes in a three in one god that became a man it hurts them and everyone else around them including their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, their community, their country, the entire world, and and especially their own children.

There is no need to twist Trinity into something it is not. One God who is greater than any other being. One comparison is that of water. Water is an element that can exist in three forms: solid (ice), liquid, and steam. Whichever form it takes, it is still water.

Another way of understanding: When we cannot speak face to face, we write. These type-written words are not alive, yet God's words are. We also say, "We will be with you in spirit." When God says that, His spirit is actually there. Trinity simply describes a single being that has power and attributes beyond any other being. Humans have one aspect of being; God has three aspects of being.

We can't accept your way of describing God, because that would require only seeing a fraction of what God is, instead of perceiving the greater vision. Trinity: Not three, but One in its entirety.
If God is one and all, it cannot be triune

Yes the jews continuously worshipped other gods, they were not monotheistic. Even Yahweh (so many names for your main god) believed in lesser gods, which explains his jealousy.
Which "scholars"? Or did you mean christian / catholic apologists

In situations like this, I look at the research of those whose focus is on Mithras, not Christianity. They, not Christians or atheists, are the ones who are best at presenting the actuality. I love mythology. I hate the twists some (mostly atheists) use to try and turn these stories and accounts into something they can use to bash Christianity. These stories deserve better.
People were partaking in the divine nature of Mithra under the appearance of bread and wine centuries before Jesus was born.

This claim has been debunked by scholars.

The cult was all male. There were seven degrees of initiation. seven sacraments. Different ritual meals were associated with each stage. It was a persian religion that was romanized in the same way that early Christianity was originally a Jewish sect that was romanized to fit in with their existing panapoly of assimilated pagan religions and deities.
Taking it a step further;
The Mithraic cross with the sickly man on it predates Christianity. The Roman Church even used old Mithraic temples with the altar and cross and used them as Bascilicas.

Bible warning sources: Ezekiel 28 the fallen son of perdition (Lucifer) is called "an image" of a man who walked the garden of eden (ancient Persia). He'd be deemed the Christ (anointed) Nazarene (guardian=cherub) called perfect(sinless) until you see the inquities in his "created" (fabricated) image.

Genesis: taking the fruit from the tree that branches out and was rooted in the center of ancient Persia, where the rivers described meet to form the mark of the beast cross.
The serpent (false prophet) convinced Eve(the church) (second wife of Adam=Man) to partake of this forbidden teaching on the forbidden tree that mixed knowledge that is both good (Torah= tree of life) and Evil (mystery Babylon, Egyptian underworld, greek death cult of hades=tree of death).
The false prophet promises you will surely not die to feed off his fruit and bel-lie-eve in him and yet 50 milluon murders later Everyone still dies a cursed death with this deception that mixes good and the bad.

PEOPLE like Meriweather want you to believe just because they mixed in a few cultures mysteries and cults that Christianity is still good to drink and eat from. Wrong.
Just because someone hands you sewage water that contains good water mixed in it doesn't make it safe or drinkable. Just because in combining a new one world religion they used some Torah ethos and some portions of real figures does not make it safe or worthy. For the character to be real you need a singular historical figures historical accts. For that character to be Moshiach you have to use actual messianic prerequisites not your own made up ones that are not of the religion of origin. And lastly for the figure to be Moshiach you'd have to be Jewish and studied in Torah.
Christians made the compiled figure the nemesis of the God of Israel and the Shiloh by creating an adversary religion and text instead of the messianic prerequisite to bring you towards Judaic values ethics and standards and the Torah which helps shape them. Christians disqualify their idol thus making him Lucifer and them the rebellious ones.
Why doesn't Guano simply use Google and cease making annoying Catholic hate threads. It's past old, ya old commie

Catholic Digest | The Magazine for Catholic Living | Making the Sign of the Cross
You people are seriously brainwashed by this cult. You need to start reading the King James Holy Bible and stop reading this Catholic Digest nonsense.

i prefer the original and not the roman re-write.


you are aware, though, that the catholic church pre-dates yours, right? so you think suddenly some guy "discovered" your religion and theirs is suddenly illegitimate?

hint: everyone who doesn't believe what you believe, thinks you're wrong. if they didn't, they would believe what you do.

my advice: leave everyone else alone. people should be able to believe or not believe what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone else.

When a person believes in a three in one god that became a man it hurts them and everyone else around them including their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, their community, their country, the entire world, and and especially their own children.

nah...I'm not going to do that. they believe what they believe. I don't care about that. most of them are harmless.

I only ask that they mind their own business.
Why doesn't Guano simply use Google and cease making annoying Catholic hate threads. It's past old, ya old commie

Catholic Digest | The Magazine for Catholic Living | Making the Sign of the Cross
You people are seriously brainwashed by this cult. You need to start reading the King James Holy Bible and stop reading this Catholic Digest nonsense.

i prefer the original and not the roman re-write.


you are aware, though, that the catholic church pre-dates yours, right? so you think suddenly some guy "discovered" your religion and theirs is suddenly illegitimate?

hint: everyone who doesn't believe what you believe, thinks you're wrong. if they didn't, they would believe what you do.

my advice: leave everyone else alone. people should be able to believe or not believe what they want as long as they're not hurting anyone else.

When a person believes in a three in one god that became a man it hurts them and everyone else around them including their family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, their community, their country, the entire world, and and especially their own children.

nah...I'm not going to do that. they believe what they believe. I don't care about that. most of them are harmless.

I only ask that they mind their own business.

I can understand and respect where you are coming from but I didn't suggest that you do anything, just see.

You have some objection to that? Fine.

You may only ask that they mind their own business but their own business is about perpetuating what you know without any reservation or doubt is a malignant lie crafted by an ancient enemy of Israel for the specific purpose of possessing the minds, hearts, and wealth of legions of people above, below, and all around you.

For instance if a person can get something so important, basic, and essential to a sound mind and a fulfilled life so wrong, how is it possible for them to be right about anything less important except by mistake, whether they are friends, coworkers or neighbors, a teacher or an educator, the police, military, a lowly government employee or sitting on the supreme court? They don't even know their A, B, C's and they are out there writing laws, cracking skulls, shooting people, handing out life sentences, executing people, influencing national policy, starting wars, without any understanding about the meaning of the words or subjects about which they are so dogmatic.

That's not of any concern to you? Doesn't affect you? they are mostly harmless ? really? Are you familiar with the history of the Church? Have you read about their recent contributions to society that will insure that mental health professionals will be doing a brisk business for years to come? You are OK with the government sanctioned systematic mental physical emotional and sexual abuse that they inflict on children ? You don't care about that? Really?

Think about it or not.

close your eyes if it makes you feel better but don';t try to insinuate that there is something wrong with me for seeing what is actually there and pointing out what is actually taking place..

You only ask that they leave you alone.... What? You'll tolerate their deceptions and positions of authority over you if they promise to leave you alone?

You've made that same deal with the devil more than once before and everyone knows how that turned out.

Maybe its time for another approach?
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