why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

....civilians are not required to do a Physical Fitness Test---which I KNOW a lot of civilians could not do
..civilians are not required to run at 0530 after drinking the night before
...many, many differences
I have made this point a few times...what is sort of ironic is that upwards of 35% of the Fed workforce are veterans, so they are loved till they are hated by the GOPers.

During my 20 years in the Marines I worked with/for/over hundreds of Fed employees and they were no different than those of us with the uniform on...just doing what was right for the country and trying to provide for their families.
What did they produce that other people would willingly buy?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.
I have made this point a few times...what is sort of ironic is that upwards of 35% of the Fed workforce are veterans, so they are loved till they are hated by the GOPers.

During my 20 years in the Marines I worked with/for/over hundreds of Fed employees and they were no different than those of us with the uniform on...just doing what was right for the country and trying to provide for their families.

hated by the GOPers....

No, used by the uncaring Dems.

Have you not read the threads on this forum, Fed employees are hated by the GOPers on this forum

State employees are hated also. If no one sees it is wrong to pay a 50 year old retired teacher $100K i cant help them.
i delivered to 2 retired cops on my route who were getting 90% of their base pay in retirement...nice...
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
How are government workers and military personnel the same?

They are both paid by the Feds and they both decided to take the job . Ain’t no one drafted .
You’re an idiot incapable of understanding simple things. I’m gonna guess it’s why you support democrats.

Hey I get it . You conservatives can’t logically distinguish between the two. It upsets you so you lash out with insults .
but what were your hours??
we worked a lot more than 8 hours per day added up
also, we are not arguing pay--we are arguing civilians vs military are different

Well, I definitely worked a lot more hours in the Corps than your average Fed employee, that is for sure.

Both are doing a job their country deemed necessary, both are for the most part just trying to earn a living an provide for their family. There are good and bad in both groups. There are hard workers and lazy in both groups.

I think your comparison of yourself to the average is unfair. Despite disagreeing with you regularly, I imagine you to be an above average worker. Other than that, I agree with your post completely.

Thanks. Everywhere I have ever worked would agree with you.

Once big difference between the two is what they can "make you do" . I spent 20 months as the MEPS Liaison for the Marine Corps while on Recruiting Duty. By T/O it was a 3 Marine shop. For 9 of the 20 months I worked it alone. Came in at 4.30 5 days a week plus every other Saturday and if I left by 3 I was doing well. My job was vital to the RS, if I was not there literally nobody could join the Marines that day, and people that came and went home without signing up often got cold feet. Something like that could never happen to a civilian
I have made this point a few times...what is sort of ironic is that upwards of 35% of the Fed workforce are veterans, so they are loved till they are hated by the GOPers.

During my 20 years in the Marines I worked with/for/over hundreds of Fed employees and they were no different than those of us with the uniform on...just doing what was right for the country and trying to provide for their families.
What did they produce that other people would willingly buy?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.

Good luck getting a private company to send a letter to Nome Alaska for .50 cents.
I have made this point a few times...what is sort of ironic is that upwards of 35% of the Fed workforce are veterans, so they are loved till they are hated by the GOPers.

During my 20 years in the Marines I worked with/for/over hundreds of Fed employees and they were no different than those of us with the uniform on...just doing what was right for the country and trying to provide for their families.
What did they produce that other people would willingly buy?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.
and if they would not micromanage the thing....let the people they pay to run it,run it.....let them sink or swim....
Hey I get it . You conservatives can’t logically distinguish between the two. It upsets you so you lash out with insults .

Your whole OP premise was there is no difference. Nice back pedal there.

I’m sticking to the op. I see that they are the same and deserve the same respect .

If the military was involved in this shutdown it’d Be over in a day.
What did they produce that other people would willingly buy?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.

Good luck getting a private company to send a letter to Nome Alaska for .50 cents.
not what he is talking about timmy....
What did they produce that other people would willingly buy?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.
and if they would not micromanage the thing....let the people they pay to run it,run it.....let them sink or swim....
That's government for you, Harry.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
How are government workers and military personnel the same?

They are both paid by the Feds and they both decided to take the job . Ain’t no one drafted .
You’re an idiot incapable of understanding simple things. I’m gonna guess it’s why you support democrats.

Hey I get it . You conservatives can’t logically distinguish between the two. It upsets you so you lash out with insults .
I felt obligated to highlight your inability to understand something so simple.
Don’t try blaming me for your ignorance.
Thanks. Everywhere I have ever worked would agree with you.

Once big difference between the two is what they can "make you do" . I spent 20 months as the MEPS Liaison for the Marine Corps while on Recruiting Duty. By T/O it was a 3 Marine shop. For 9 of the 20 months I worked it alone. Came in at 4.30 5 days a week plus every other Saturday and if I left by 3 I was doing well. My job was vital to the RS, if I was not there literally nobody could join the Marines that day, and people that came and went home without signing up often got cold feet. Something like that could never happen to a civilian

Your welcome. I meant it.

My postal job has me working six days a week every week. The start time varies from 4:30 to 12:30 as does the end time. There are often three hour breaks during the shift, so you are basically at work or near work twelve hours a day. They make me by virtue of keeping the job. Not the same as your situation was, but close.
and if they would not micromanage the thing....let the people they pay to run it,run it.....let them sink or swim....

I see some employees being advanced too quickly into management, without enough training. Funny part is I have management experience, but do not want to manage. Little pay difference, with way more issues than I care to deal with. Work, go home.
So how are they different?

I don't use the VA hospitals. My expectations of injury or death would be different. You don't sign up for years at a time. You go home at night.

Military people do not use VA hospitals either, till they are out. Just saying

We don't unless we have to. I have scars from Military Docs and Civilian Docs. My military scars look like Frankenstein cuts. But hey, I lived I won't complain.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
How are government workers and military personnel the same?

They are both paid by the Feds and they both decided to take the job . Ain’t no one drafted .
You’re an idiot incapable of understanding simple things. I’m gonna guess it’s why you support democrats.

Hey I get it . You conservatives can’t logically distinguish between the two. It upsets you so you lash out with insults .
from our military expert Timmy

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