why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

The government is not a business .
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.
and if they would not micromanage the thing....let the people they pay to run it,run it.....let them sink or swim....
That's government for you, Harry.
yea i remember the PMG we had back in the 80's,the guy was a billionaire who said he wanted to give something back to society or something....he resigned after like 6 months because he said he could not run this thing with Congress and others looking over his shoulder and telling him want he could and could not do to turn the service around....he also said its a challenge to have,at that time,an 80 billion dollar a year company and have to "break even"....
Thanks. Everywhere I have ever worked would agree with you.

Once big difference between the two is what they can "make you do" . I spent 20 months as the MEPS Liaison for the Marine Corps while on Recruiting Duty. By T/O it was a 3 Marine shop. For 9 of the 20 months I worked it alone. Came in at 4.30 5 days a week plus every other Saturday and if I left by 3 I was doing well. My job was vital to the RS, if I was not there literally nobody could join the Marines that day, and people that came and went home without signing up often got cold feet. Something like that could never happen to a civilian

Your welcome. I meant it.

My postal job has me working six days a week every week. The start time varies from 4:30 to 12:30 as does the end time. There are often three hour breaks during the shift, so you are basically at work or near work twelve hours a day. They make me by virtue of keeping the job. Not the same as your situation was, but close.
what is your job there save?.......
and if they would not micromanage the thing....let the people they pay to run it,run it.....let them sink or swim....

I see some employees being advanced too quickly into management, without enough training. Funny part is I have management experience, but do not want to manage. Little pay difference, with way more issues than I care to deal with. Work, go home.
yea there are many good people who dont want any part of that...to much bullshit....
LOL, do you understand the meaning of this symbol (?)?

I heard a curmudgeon, I did not call him a curmudgeon.

You're a coward hiding behind the parsing of words.
Got it.

I asked a question, your answer seemed sincere as was my comment. What makes you believe I'm a coward?

Yawn. Sorry son.

I'm 20 years older than you, boy.

How 'racist' / 'offensive'...


from our military expert Timmy

Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference

So all those government law enforcement jobs aren’t dangerous ? Everyone in the military is front line infrantry ?

You tell me . What’s the difference between a JAG attorney and an Attorney with the DOJ?
EVERY Marine is required to go through weapons training
yours and Gator's responses are so laughable/idiotic
the military is trained to put rounds on target--plain and simple
....more of the military personnel's job is to KILL--plain and simple--MORE so than the civilians
....the military has tanks/ICMS/arty
This Thread has proven that the bigger question that needs answering is why do snowflakes continue to create threads asking, "Why do Conservatives..." followed by lies / false narratives to create some fake butt-hurt manufactured non-issue they can then attempt to use to attack / bash those who do not subscribe to their particular socialist, Pro-Democrat, Trump-Hating / Hate-driven ideology / agenda ... like this thread does?

Attempting to claim that anyone 'hates' government / federal workers simply because they do not consider military personnel 'non-essential' personnel effected by the Democrats' shutdown is one of those - a childish, immature, partisan false narrative created with the sole attempt to demonize others.

The fact that one has to CREATE a false narrative with which to debate instead of actually engaging in discussion about what is really going on is an example of someone having to create a false narrative in which he declares he is on the right side immediately and others are wrong. It is obvious the person does so because they can not effectively argue / defend their beliefs, stance, agenda in regards to what is REALLY happening.

When in Rome .

By the way . Many conservatives have cropped all over gov workers in this very thread. So the premise sticks .
Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference

So all those government law enforcement jobs aren’t dangerous ? Everyone in the military is front line infrantry ?

You tell me . What’s the difference between a JAG attorney and an Attorney with the DOJ?
EVERY Marine is required to go through weapons training
yours and Gator's responses are so laughable/idiotic
the military is trained to put rounds on target--plain and simple
....more of the military personnel's job is to KILL--plain and simple--MORE so than the civilians
....the military has tanks/ICMS/arty

So what .
Hey I get it . You conservatives can’t logically distinguish between the two. It upsets you so you lash out with insults .
from our military expert Timmy

Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference
The military is responsibile for the defense of our nation, which is a critical, ESSENTIAL part of our government that can not be shut down.

If we sent every federal politician in DC home to their states without pay for the next 6 months the United States would be just fine.

The same can not be said of the US military, even if it were physically possible to do.

Who gets to tell the US troops still in Syria, "Yeah, I know Barry ordered you to invade Syria, and now you are in a hostile combat situation surrounded by enemies...but since the Democrats have shut down the government all the 'non-combat unit's you rely on for supplies, ammo, Intel, etc...have been sent home without pay...so you guys hang tight, try not to need anything, and we will give you a call / let you know when we can start supporting you again."


(Relax, snowflakes - it was a joke.)
sure the military and Federal employees jobs are comparable
now that is some dumbshit
the post office is....
An obsolete money pit.
It's on its way, not quite there yet as obsolete.
If the feds kept there paws out of the till it might not be such a boondoggle.

Good luck getting a private company to send a letter to Nome Alaska for .50 cents.
not what he is talking about timmy....

Sure it is . The PO is expected to act like a private co , but with all these public restrictions.
not what he is talking about timmy.....
Yes . In fact , many people in the military have the exact same job as those in regular government.
Name one civilian position that calls in / directs air strikes in support of our troops. Name one civilian admin person who keeps track of the information and files the reports about ops like that. Name one civilian that files request forms for supplies that include hellfire missles...

You think the Air Traffic Controller in Bagram or the Weather Squadron Rep in Al Udeied is 'non-essential' and is not needed, that we can send them home without pay because they are not front-line warfighters?
from our military expert Timmy

Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference

So all those government law enforcement jobs aren’t dangerous ? Everyone in the military is front line infrantry ?

You tell me . What’s the difference between a JAG attorney and an Attorney with the DOJ?
Do you know how many Security and Military police are 'forward' right now, how many are required to secure buildings, HQs, hangars, aircraft, bases, etc...?

Are you saying a DOJ attorney is the same as the JAG deployed to Syria or Qatar, that they are equally 'essential' and are the 'same'?
Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference

So all those government law enforcement jobs aren’t dangerous ? Everyone in the military is front line infrantry ?

You tell me . What’s the difference between a JAG attorney and an Attorney with the DOJ?
Do you know how many Security and Military police are 'forward' right now, how many are required to secure buildings, HQs, hangars, aircraft, bases, etc...?

Are you saying a DOJ attorney is the same as the JAG deployed to Syria or Qatar, that they are equally 'essential' and are the 'same'?

Is say a JAG deployed is Syria (are there any ?) is in less need of a paycheck than a DOJ attorney living in DC.
from our military expert Timmy

Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in
Good luck getting a private company to send a letter to Nome Alaska for .50 cents.

Good luck finding a private company who could survive this financial history.

Postal Service Net Income/Loss By Year
  • 2011 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2010 - $8.5 billion loss
  • 2009 - $3.8 billion loss
  • 2008 - $2.8 billion loss
  • 2007 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2006 - $900 million surplus
  • 2005 - $1.4 billion surplus
  • 2004 - $3.1 billion surplus
  • 2003 - $3.9 billion surplus
  • 2002 - $676 million loss
  • 2001 - $1.7 billion loss
Just imagine, if the USPS just broke even, we could build the wall with money left over.
They both have the same employer, the US Fed Govt. They are both paid by the same people, the US tax payers.
And you and Timmy think that makes them the exact same thing?


Yes . In fact , many people in the military have the exact same job as those in regular government.
NOT the same percentage!!!!!
you have NO idea of military or military history
stop now before you keep going deeper
many Marines and Army were cooks--but in WW2 they FOUGHT as infantry
EVERY Marine is trained/ready to fight/etc no matter what MOS they have
here an Army PFC was not infantry but supply--she was ambushed and captured
you keep proving you have NO knowledge on the military
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia
That’s my point . The usps can’t act like a private company .

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