why do cons despise government workers, but “support” the military?

They both have the same employer, the US Fed Govt. They are both paid by the same people, the US tax payers.
And you and Timmy think that makes them the exact same thing?


Yes . In fact , many people in the military have the exact same job as those in regular government.
NOT the same percentage!!!!!
you have NO idea of military or military history
stop now before you keep going deeper
many Marines and Army were cooks--but in WW2 they FOUGHT as infantry
EVERY Marine is trained/ready to fight/etc no matter what MOS they have
here an Army PFC was not infantry but supply--she was ambushed and captured
you keep proving you have NO knowledge on the military
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia

Jessica Lynch was used as pro war propaganda.

What’s your point by the way? I’m saying military is the same as gov employees and they should be given the same respect .
That is not what he said at all, right now less than 2% of the entire military are acting as combat soldiers still in Syria, Afghanistan, etc. Are all those not in Syria, Afghanistan, etc worthless too?
Thank you for demonstrating you don't know a damn thing about what's going on in the military.

There are support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel, no less than 6 different US supporting headquarters and operations centers at home and abroad - not including US-manned Coalition HQs, aircraft flying from the states and other countries, weapons and supplies flowing in, and more - just some of the many, many military personnel worldwide supporting the troops directly in harms way and other critical on-going ops that you and Timmy want to NOT pay ... Simply because you think the issue is as simple as not paying the 2% of military personnel not directly in combat areas....

Good friggin' grief, snowflakes think and act like they are smarter than everyone else, but the truth is they are idiots...

I understand that, but you left all of those people out of your initial post about the military...why is that?

Those people are you now talking about, the support units, communication units, Intel personnel, logistics personnel are being bashed in this very thread by your fellow Trump sheep for not being combat people.

Sorry Gator I appreciated every order you filled for us.

How could I have done anything for you when you have never seen the insides of a barracks in your life.

You are a fraud.

The term stolen valor comes to mind
Says the guy who just demonstrated the only thing he knows about the military is what he has learned in Democratic Party Talking Points...


They see the world in shallowest and most simplistic terms imaginable. No room for nuance or examination because raw power is really the only goal. And it lends itself to easy aphorisms and deep sounding sophistries.

So let the Leftists and the libertarians fight it out. They are two sides of the same poisoned coin.

And when one of them begins with "So if conservatism says..." know you about to hear the cartoon position the Marxists are going to demand that you take and defend. Before Trump it is what most Republicans practiced...the result being decades of defeat and Americans suffering the left ratchet.
Is say a JAG deployed is Syria (are there any ?) is in less need of a paycheck than a DOJ attorney living in DC.
Of course you are willing to say a combat military member in a hostile territory surrounded by enemies fighting in Barry's International War Crime needs a paycheck less than one of Rosenstein's / Mueller's witch hunters....


Timmy, do you even know what a JAG does in a combat operation like Syria?

Obviously not...
I’m saying military is the same as gov employees and they should be given the same respect .
Nice attempt to spin after arguing the 'non combat military' should not be paid during the Democrats' shutdown...

that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Which they signed up to do . Just like any other gov employee.
hahahhahahahahah--you messed up on that one
how could you not think of that?? DUH that's the military's JOB = to KILL/destroy
the post office delivers mail
the USDA deals with farming
the USDOTransportation deals with highways/etc
the military KILLS--with tanks/guns/rifles/air/bombs/etc
HUGE difference

So all those government law enforcement jobs aren’t dangerous ? Everyone in the military is front line infrantry ?

You tell me . What’s the difference between a JAG attorney and an Attorney with the DOJ?
Do you know how many Security and Military police are 'forward' right now, how many are required to secure buildings, HQs, hangars, aircraft, bases, etc...?

Are you saying a DOJ attorney is the same as the JAG deployed to Syria or Qatar, that they are equally 'essential' and are the 'same'?

Is say a JAG deployed is Syria (are there any ?) is in less need of a paycheck than a DOJ attorney living in DC.

I hope Golfing Gator or Billy000 can interpret that. lol
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

There are a few simple reasons.

In the past, it used to be that government jobs had crap pay, but you had a great retirement benefit. So there was a trade off. You got paid less for being a "public servant", and instead you got a great retirement package.

Well now, public servants are paid far more than private workers, and they still get much better benefits.

Additionally they strike all the time for more pay... knowing that it screws over the tax payer.

If that isn't enough, on average, they do less at a higher cost.

Again, private k-12 schools routinely yield a much higher quality of educations, for a fraction of the cost. In some cases, literally half the cost per student.

Similarly the cost of a simple 2 lane road, is drastically cheaper for a private construction firm, than it is for a government contract.

The cost of mailing a letter is ridiculous, and money losing, compared to private alternatives.

So why do we see military as something completely different?

First, because unlike most of the other things government does.... military, police, and enforcing the rule of law, is the fundamental reason the government exists. The only reason we have the constitution we do today, is specifically for national defense reasons. If not for that need, we would never have switched from the articles of confederation.

Second, because unlike being a teacher, or a postal worker, military people are volunteering to put their lives on the line. Whether people on the left realize it or not, the fact is the only thing standing between the anarchy of the world around us, and the US population, is our military member. Just like the only thing standing between the lawful citizens of this country, and the anarchy within, is the members of our police force.
Ohhhh . I can’t talk about the vaunted military ! Who am I to talk of such a godlike organization!! Here , take all my tax money without question .

Meanwhile , we can all talk about government employees like we are experts on them.
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Can you certify that email? Get a signed confirmation? Send legal documents with actual signatures? Then there's the whole spam email issue...

Yes, with most documents you can. Electronic signatures are legal for most documents. If an original is necessary, the documents are emailed to the recipient and FedEx or UPS is used to return the documents because they are more reliable, efficient and have better-tracking systems.
They both have the same employer, the US Fed Govt. They are both paid by the same people, the US tax payers.
And you and Timmy think that makes them the exact same thing?


Yes . In fact , many people in the military have the exact same job as those in regular government.
NOT the same percentage!!!!!
you have NO idea of military or military history
stop now before you keep going deeper
many Marines and Army were cooks--but in WW2 they FOUGHT as infantry
EVERY Marine is trained/ready to fight/etc no matter what MOS they have
here an Army PFC was not infantry but supply--she was ambushed and captured
you keep proving you have NO knowledge on the military
Jessica Lynch - Wikipedia

Jessica Lynch was used as pro war propaganda.

What’s your point by the way? I’m saying military is the same as gov employees and they should be given the same respect .
a lot more of the gov employees are fat ass lazy bums
point is: it doesn't matter if gov employees have the '''same'' jobs as military personnel
MORE of the military are required to put their life on the line
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why do you mock others when you proved already you know no more about the military than Timmy?
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?

There are a few simple reasons.

In the past, it used to be that government jobs had crap pay, but you had a great retirement benefit. So there was a trade off. You got paid less for being a "public servant", and instead you got a great retirement package.

Well now, public servants are paid far more than private workers, and they still get much better benefits.

Additionally they strike all the time for more pay... knowing that it screws over the tax payer.

If that isn't enough, on average, they do less at a higher cost.

Again, private k-12 schools routinely yield a much higher quality of educations, for a fraction of the cost. In some cases, literally half the cost per student.

Similarly the cost of a simple 2 lane road, is drastically cheaper for a private construction firm, than it is for a government contract.

The cost of mailing a letter is ridiculous, and money losing, compared to private alternatives.

So why do we see military as something completely different?

First, because unlike most of the other things government does.... military, police, and enforcing the rule of law, is the fundamental reason the government exists. The only reason we have the constitution we do today, is specifically for national defense reasons. If not for that need, we would never have switched from the articles of confederation.

Second, because unlike being a teacher, or a postal worker, military people are volunteering to put their lives on the line. Whether people on the left realize it or not, the fact is the only thing standing between the anarchy of the world around us, and the US population, is our military member. Just like the only thing standing between the lawful citizens of this country, and the anarchy within, is the members of our police force.

It is the liberal position that soldiers are the same as file clerks at the DMV. Not the conservative position. He simply imputes, projects, his own view onto his opposition. A straw man to knock down. A sophistry to gum up the works.
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
gunboat diplomacy; what would the right wing do without it.
Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why do you mock others when you proved already you know no more about the military than Timmy?

I mock you all the time because you are a fraud.

Tough whenever I mock you, I just end up getting in trouble because you run to the Mods and whine.

Have you ever even seen the inside of a barracks?
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
for 4 years jackass
as SOON as I got to the fleet we were off Beirut when the terrorists took hostages
no liberty for over 30 days you freakin jackass military hater
30 days on ship--there's ANOTHER difference
while you were eating McDs recruiting or some shit
that's right--you have NO idea what it's like to be in the military
at the very least, you have much less knowledge than someone who has
....let me.say it again: the military is expected and do put their lives in jeopardy a LOT more than civilians --just a small, minor difference
game over

Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
IF you were even in the military
like I said, you didn't even know Marines served on ship
they are the same thing. We haven’t had a draft in 40 + years . We don’t have volunteers, we have a professional military . They are just as much fed employees as some border patrol worker .

Why do cons have this double standard with fed workers ?

And for that matter , why is the military being paid during the shutdown?
Because they don't support the military.

Remember, Trump went to the Middle East and called our soldiers "suckers". And he said he likes soldiers who weren't captured.

30% of those suffering because of the government shutdown are veterans.

And remember, Trump promised money to veterans and had to be shamed into honoring his pledge.

But I don't really see much difference between Trump's disrespect for the military and the GOP's disrespect. They are pretty much on the same page.

Funny that Trump says he is smarter than the generals. Still another dig at our military.

Third top Pentagon official quits, this time an Admiral
for 4 years jackass
as SOON as I got to the fleet we were off Beirut when the terrorists took hostages
no liberty for over 30 days you freakin jackass military hater
30 days on ship--there's ANOTHER difference
while you were eating McDs recruiting or some shit

So you sat around on the ship doing nothing?

And for that you think you are special?

I only did recruiting for 4 of my 20 years. It was not my idea, you may not know this, but the Marine Corps does not ask you if you want to, they pick you and say you are going.
Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
Why do you mock others when you proved already you know no more about the military than Timmy?
he didn't even know Marines served on ships--it's on record here USMB
many civilians know that
he's a fake
I’m saying military is the same as gov employees and they should be given the same respect .
Nice attempt to spin after arguing the 'non combat military' should not be paid during the Democrats' shutdown...


Why should they get paid ? If you are in a war zone what the hell do you need cash money for ?

“Hey , we are off to Damascus for guys night out!” .
Was your life in danger during your 4 years as a barracks guard?
I carried a weapon
gee...ahhhh----I wonder why the military has weapons???!!
think you can guess why???
yours is a ridiculous point
see my previous point

In other words, no you were never in danger as a barracks guard.

thanks for verifying.
...I can see why you would think that way--you were never a grunt--which is the MAIN job of the USMC--not Barracks duty..in fact, there were 5 guard companies on Oahu --I know they got rid of at least 2, including the one I was in

You were on guard duty in Oahu and are you trying to say your life was in danger! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
IF you were even in the military
like I said, you didn't even know Marines served on ship

Why do you keep telling that lie about me?

Do you have one of these?


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