Why do cons/repubs from here and elsewhere defend these corrupt repubs in congress

How would you cons have reacted if the dems had shut down the government to undermine the Bush tax cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt? Bush was more reckless than Obama by a long shot.

However I will admit Obama fucked up big time by extending them.

I hate partisans that can't think that maybe if they ever got their way = they'd hate it. Just think about America going back to 1791 for a second and you will understand that isn't good for anyone.

We live within a much different world.

Probably investing in infrastructure and science educaiton would make all the difference, right?


It's as though admitting these congressional republicans are acting like toddlers by causing the shutdown somehow means they are admitting the ideology of the right itself is bullshit. I mean come on, you can still buy into Republican politics in general and still admit the GOP in congress is in the wrong.

It's one thing to blame Obama for directly causing the shutdown, it is quite another to not put any blame on Ted Cruz and his band of tea baggers. By taking such radical and unethical measures to get rid of ObamaCare, they are America's enemies.


WHY is it that ignoring the Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution which requires that “all bills for raising Revenue originate in the House of Representatives, is not considered radical and unethical?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Why is it that the Senate democrats adopting a massive and unprecedented healthcare bill behind closed fucking doors WITHOUT Republican input is not considered radical and unethical?!?!?!?!?!?

It's as though admitting these congressional republicans are acting like toddlers by causing the shutdown somehow means they are admitting the ideology of the right itself is bullshit. I mean come on, you can still buy into Republican politics in general and still admit the GOP in congress is in the wrong.

It's one thing to blame Obama for directly causing the shutdown, it is quite another to not put any blame on Ted Cruz and his band of tea baggers. By taking such radical and unethical measures to get rid of ObamaCare, they are America's enemies.


WHY is it that ignoring the Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution which requires that “all bills for raising Revenue originate in the House of Representatives, is not considered radical and unethical?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Why is it that the Senate democrats adopting a massive and unprecedented healthcare bill behind closed fucking doors WITHOUT Republican input is not considered radical and unethical?!?!?!?!?!?


My god get a clue. No law justifies this insane extortion that is hurting our country.
To billy
ah you have spoken like a true non thinking die hard democrat. Obama is to blame for the shut down because he refuses to discuss issues with congress. He is being a jerk. We are already in debt trillions of dollars and obama wants more money to borrow and spend and there is no budget set. Borrowing money has to be stopped and a budget set. And thats a fact.
And too back you can't understand what ted cruz is saying......he is dead right on it all. Infact he is the only politicians in either party that is actually standing up for all of us. (including you).
I hope congress stands firm until this muslim obama sits down and talks with them. Obama is dead wrong in his actions. And also obamacare is going to be the ruination of all of us and i hope they are force to repeal it or throw it out in the wind.
Both parties need to stop being childish and work together for the citizens of this country who elected them, or else come election time vote them all out.
To billy
ah you have spoken like a true non thinking die hard democrat. Obama is to blame for the shut down because he refuses to discuss issues with congress. He is being a jerk. We are already in debt trillions of dollars and obama wants more money to borrow and spend and there is no budget set. Borrowing money has to be stopped and a budget set. And thats a fact.
And too back you can't understand what ted cruz is saying......he is dead right on it all. Infact he is the only politicians in either party that is actually standing up for all of us. (including you).
I hope congress stands firm until this muslim obama sits down and talks with them. Obama is dead wrong in his actions. And also obamacare is going to be the ruination of all of us and i hope they are force to repeal it or throw it out in the wind.
Both parties need to stop being childish and work together for the citizens of this country who elected them, or else come election time vote them all out.

And yet you forget that Obama has cut the deficit far greater than any president since the 40s.
To billy
ah you have spoken like a true non thinking die hard democrat. Obama is to blame for the shut down because he refuses to discuss issues with congress. He is being a jerk. We are already in debt trillions of dollars and obama wants more money to borrow and spend and there is no budget set. Borrowing money has to be stopped and a budget set. And thats a fact.
And too back you can't understand what ted cruz is saying......he is dead right on it all. Infact he is the only politicians in either party that is actually standing up for all of us. (including you).
I hope congress stands firm until this muslim obama sits down and talks with them. Obama is dead wrong in his actions. And also obamacare is going to be the ruination of all of us and i hope they are force to repeal it or throw it out in the wind.
Both parties need to stop being childish and work together for the citizens of this country who elected them, or else come election time vote them all out.

And yet you forget that Obama has cut the deficit far greater than any president since the 40s.

Indeed- Every time Obummer goes golfing our deficit decreases

CrusaderFrank and the hive are buzzing along in harmony.

The extremes of both parties are at fault.
It's as though admitting these congressional republicans are acting like toddlers by causing the shutdown somehow means they are admitting the ideology of the right itself is bullshit. I mean come on, you can still buy into Republican politics in general and still admit the GOP in congress is in the wrong.

It's one thing to blame Obama for directly causing the shutdown, it is quite another to not put any blame on Ted Cruz and his band of tea baggers. By taking such radical and unethical measures to get rid of ObamaCare, they are America's enemies.

Come on USMB cons/repubs: grow up. Accept facts for what they are. All the polls show that the general American public does.

BQ: Boehner said "the white house owns this shut down". Are you telling me this statement is not at all bullshit?

Hey....psssssst....yeah you...for the same reason the Democrats defend the corrupt Democrats who are equally refusing to negotiate....both of you are little foot soldiers for your party masters.
Both parties are wholly corrupt and only care about you in the sense that as long as you keep eating the pile of shit they feed you - they stay in power.

See here's the difference between you and me. I can admit that there are democrats in congress who are corrupt. You can't for Repubs. And regardless with how democrats are in general, there is no denying that in this particular case, the Republicans are the ones who are being cry babies.

I am sorry, I didn't realize you have a reading disorder, and have a habit of jumping to conclusions.
So, I will say it s-l-o-w-l-y.......in my statement I said "equally refuse to negotiate"...now..that means I realize both sides are corrupt and refuse to talk.
Unlike you...read your OP again, take a break to absorb what you wrote..and then read the title of your thread. Hmmm....yeah...see that?
How would you cons have reacted if the dems had shut down the government to undermine the Bush tax cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt? Bush was more reckless than Obama by a long shot.

However I will admit Obama fucked up big time by extending them.

The Dems went along with it.
More Dems voted for it than Repubs.
How would you cons have reacted if the dems had shut down the government to undermine the Bush tax cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt? Bush was more reckless than Obama by a long shot.

However I will admit Obama fucked up big time by extending them.

The Dems went along with it.
More Dems voted for it than Repubs.

Why would the dems voting for it somehow mean it was a good bill? It was a god awful bill regardless of who voted for it.
How would you cons have reacted if the dems had shut down the government to undermine the Bush tax cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt? Bush was more reckless than Obama by a long shot.

However I will admit Obama fucked up big time by extending them.

That's why the solidly Democratic Congress passed the extension of the tax cuts and Obama signed it?
You are an ill-informed idiot.
How would you cons have reacted if the dems had shut down the government to undermine the Bush tax cuts that have greatly contributed to our national debt? Bush was more reckless than Obama by a long shot.

However I will admit Obama fucked up big time by extending them.

The Dems went along with it.
More Dems voted for it than Repubs.

Why would the dems voting for it somehow mean it was a good bill? It was a god awful bill regardless of who voted for it.

OK so your hypothetical is stupid. We get it.
Billy, you are getting your ass handed to you with every post you make. Every post is shown to be incorrect, absurd, or just plain stupid. Have you gotten this point yet?
The Dems went along with it.
More Dems voted for it than Repubs.

Why would the dems voting for it somehow mean it was a good bill? It was a god awful bill regardless of who voted for it.

OK so your hypothetical is stupid. We get it.
Billy, you are getting your ass handed to you with every post you make. Every post is shown to be incorrect, absurd, or just plain stupid. Have you gotten this point yet?

I think you are in serious denial. Ok so go ahead. Hand my ass to me. Where am I wrong in this? Obviously you got nothing or you would have tried by now.
And regardless with how democrats are in general, there is no denying that in this particular case, the Republicans are the ones who are being cry babies.

Really? You want to talk about who is a cry baby? There is no one even on the same level as Obama. He doesn't even want to talk to the Republicans. Obama is throwing a temper tantrum, telling his administration to make it painful by closing open air parks, blocking the view of Mount Rushmore in short spending more money to close places that were previously left open in the last shutdown. Not the the type of attitude one wants in a President and a leader that is supposed to unite a country.
And regardless with how democrats are in general, there is no denying that in this particular case, the Republicans are the ones who are being cry babies.

Really? You want to talk about who is a cry baby? There is no one even on the same level as Obama. He doesn't even want to talk to the Republicans. Obama is throwing a temper tantrum, telling his administration to make it painful by closing open air parks, blocking the view of Mount Rushmore in short spending more money to close places that were previously left open in the last shutdown. Not the the type of attitude one wants in a President and a leader that is supposed to unite a country.

Obama has good reason not to negotiate with terrorists. He himself have said that he is willing to negotiate if the Repubs will vote to fund the government. If Republicans think that is bullshit, then call his bluff. What are they waiting for? The country is at stake.
CrusaderFrank and the hive are buzzing along in harmony.

The extremes of both parties are at fault.

It's not that I think democrats aren't guilty in general, there just isn't any evidence that any democrats are at fault for this shut down.

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