Why do cons/repubs from here and elsewhere defend these corrupt repubs in congress

Why do cons/repubs from here and elsewhere defend these corrupt repubs in congress ?

"“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,” said

Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.


Hardcore partisans create and exist in ideological bubbles. They apparently believe that they're "fighting" for some "truth" or "cause", but they're really just mucking things up.

Both "ends".

The rest of us, the majority, can only roll our eyes, shake our heads, and wish these narcissistic, intellectually dishonest people didn't have so much influence.


Hey, Billy, don't look now but I am pretty sure Mac was talking about you in the first paragraph of this post.

When do any of you libs/Democrats EVERY not defend any Democrat FOR ANYTHING? they get innocent civilians killed and you all say, oh well

when I see that I might take you all serious about others supposedly defending Corrupted people in CONGRESS...
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Nice to know that if one party disagrees with the other party they are terrorists.

Guess one has to consider the source. What a biased idiot.
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