Why Do Conservatives Have Amnesia When It Comes To Bush?

So what? You elected Mr. Rogers.

He did nothing for the United States, unless you enjoy chaos.

The evil he did has been mostly undone.
Sorry, I don't speak delusion -- can you say that in reality please

The kind of reality that had Trump immediately taking credit for Obama's economy the day he got elected

You're right. You don't speak delusion; you shout it, like someone in the high security ward who's overdue for his Thorazine shot.
Nazis hate multiculturalism.

Nazis hate equality for all races, creeds, and religions.

Nazis hate anyone who isn't a European white.

That we have people who have been so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe Nazis are left wing is simply mind boggling to me.

"Because socialism" is all they have. That is because they have been so dumbed down, they have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. :lol:

And all of that is what proves leftists are nazis.

Leftists, like nazis, hate equality..that's why they use artificial constructs to prop up certain races, and decimate certain races via birth control, abortion, and/or financial restrictions.

Leftists, like nazis, hate anybody who is not of their approved races list...which comes down to them hating anybody who is of European white ancestry.

Leftists, like nazis, despise organized religion and promote instead the religion of the State Before All.

In fact, the most disgusting and vile practices that have assured the Nazis will be reviled throughout the existence of mankind are all progressive practices...gun confiscation, euthanasia, birth control, genetic modification, militarized police forces, censorship, propaganda...those are the tools the nazis used that resulted in worldwide contempt....and those are the tools today's leftists seek to inflict upon us today.
This liberal fascism Theory started in 2004 and is pure BS propaganda, super duper.
Probably the same reason Dems have memory lapses about Clinton and women, Clinton and the Ridady's etc.
Yup, so much so that we elected a man who was faithful to his wife, no blow jobs in the white house -- managed to not get impeached -- didn't even get a single indictment across his whole 8 years

Who did republicans follow Bush with? Hmmmm??

You elected a guy who had his subordinates engage in the illegal activity for him. That’s not an improvement.

And we will see what McCabe has to say

Rather telling that McCabe, who has raised hundreds of thousand of dollars on GoFundMe for his legal defense, is now telling Congress he has to have immunity before he testifies. Methinks Bill Priestap has flipped and is giving the investigators all the dirt on the Obama Admin.
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
I also remember when Democrats loved them some Russians a.k.a Communist and were for the Iraq war until they were against it.

By the way I thought the Bush era Patriot Act was a monumentally bad idea and don't like the Trump era spending, but it could have been worse another Clinton could be sitting in office.
And Hillary and the foundation we're pure corruption and Evil. Who needs evidence? LOL, super duper.
Most reasonable people saw the war in Iraq as either a personal vendetta for W, or a military/industrial complex reacharound.
Unfortunately most of those reasonable people were called traitors for feeling that way. Heaven forbid they went so far as to say anything about it being a personal vendetta -- that got most people the Max Cleland treatment -- if you don't remember him, google it.

Like I said, memory is a super power when you dealing with conservatives.

Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

His wounds were sustained while being in Vietnam, he also won the silver and bronze stars. I bet you prefer your war heroes to have all their fingers and toes, that's all you're saying, right?

Lots of people were wounded in Vietnam, including scads of Vietnamese civilians. Did that make THEM war heroes?

U.S. soldiers wounded in war are heroes, period.

As for "all I'm saying", I knew you were functionally illiterate and probably brain-damaged, but even I didn't expect you to have this much trouble understanding English.

Let me draw you a picture, Romper Room:

“There were no heroics on which to base the Soldier’s Medal. And it had been my men who took care of the wounded during the rocket attack, not me. Some compassionate military men had obviously recommended me for the Silver Star, but I didn’t deserve it.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“I was not entitled to the Purple Heart either, since I was not wounded by enemy action.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“With two men, I pulled together some antennas and a generator and some radios and loaded them on a chopper. The three of us climbed in and the helicopter lifted off. Within minutes, we had settled down by the radio relay station. The men and equipment were unloaded, and I climbed back into the chopper intending to go down to battalion rear headquarters.

Then two ideas crossed my mind. First, it would be better to work personally with my team in setting up the radio relay. Second, I had a lot of friends at this relay station and now was a good time to have a cold beer with them.”

First: I want my men to do the job. I am going to be there with them. By the way, I have comrades that I have served with and, you know, if I have a chance to be with them, and, oh, by the way–in his characteristic honesty–have a beer with them, I was going to do that.

“I called to the pilot that I was getting out. He nodded and held the ship steady. I jumped to the ground, ran in a crouch until I got clear of the spinning helicopter blades, turned around and watched the chopper lift.

Then I saw the grenade. It was where the chopper had lifted off.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

So if you want to call ME a liar for saying that Cleland is not a war hero and did not sustain his injuries in combat, then you're going to have to call Max Cleland a liar, as well.

You're really going to use the modest words of a wounded soldier against him? What is wrong with you?

When has a recepient of a military medal ever said "yep, I totally deserved it"? He served his country, he lost 3 limbs for it, grow up and stop attacking him just for being a democrat.

No, Chuckles, US soldiers are heroic for agreeing to serve their country, but "war hero" is a very special, very specific term with a very special, very specific meaning, and tossing it around like beads at a Mardi Gras parade because the left desperately needs to claim at least ONE man who isn't a limp-dicked metrosexual denigrates every soldier who ACTUALLY deserves that title. Max Cleland himself knows this, which is why he himself has said repeatedly that he isn't one. He wasn't being modest; he was being honest.

Medal recipients usually don't boast about their actions, that's true, but there's a difference between being humble and saying, "I wasn't entitled to it, because it was just an accident."

He served his country, and he lost three limbs while he was doing it, but he didn't lose them in combat, and he's not a war hero for it. And there's no "attack" involved in stating facts. You only perceive it as an attack because it takes away the left's one chance to claim that it has a complete set of testicles on its side.

Oh, I'm also not attacking him for being a Democrat. I actually pity him for that, since it means he's stuck with mindless pond scum like you on his side.
Wow, well, I certainly was not one of them. I never voted for Bush. I opposed the Iraq War. I liked some of Bush's policies, but also disliked some of his policies. I especially disliked Dick Cheney.
Furthermore, another reason you "can't find Bush supporters" is because you have the manners of someone raised by wolves.

In other words, "Biff, if you wouldn't be so mean -- I would have shown you my Bush" -- Got it...

Just when I thought you couldn't be a bigger piece of trash, you prove me wrong.

Your mother must be so proud . . . that she kicked you out of her basement.
And let us remember that when a Christian couple asked a gay baker to bake them a wedding cake that honored traditional marriage, the baker refused, and some judge decided that, oh, that was okay, and this was soon after another judge had ruled against a Christian baker who declined to bake a gay wedding cake. Can you say hypocrisy and double-standard?
Wow, well, I certainly was not one of them. I never voted for Bush. I opposed the Iraq War. I liked some of Bush's policies, but also disliked some of his policies. I especially disliked Dick Cheney.

I voted for Bush, but primarily because his opponents were ghastly. Did not vote when McCain ran against Obama, because I personally dislike John McCain quite a lot. Voted for Romney because HIS opponent was ghastly. Didn't vote in the last election, because I thought BOTH candidates were ghastly.

Bush was okay. He annoyed me by not being enough of a fighter, but he was all right. I devoutly hope that sometime during my life, we'll get back to a place where I can vote for someone because I REALLY want him to be President.
Unfortunately most of those reasonable people were called traitors for feeling that way. Heaven forbid they went so far as to say anything about it being a personal vendetta -- that got most people the Max Cleland treatment -- if you don't remember him, google it.

Like I said, memory is a super power when you dealing with conservatives.

Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

His wounds were sustained while being in Vietnam, he also won the silver and bronze stars. I bet you prefer your war heroes to have all their fingers and toes, that's all you're saying, right?

Lots of people were wounded in Vietnam, including scads of Vietnamese civilians. Did that make THEM war heroes?

U.S. soldiers wounded in war are heroes, period.

As for "all I'm saying", I knew you were functionally illiterate and probably brain-damaged, but even I didn't expect you to have this much trouble understanding English.

Let me draw you a picture, Romper Room:

“There were no heroics on which to base the Soldier’s Medal. And it had been my men who took care of the wounded during the rocket attack, not me. Some compassionate military men had obviously recommended me for the Silver Star, but I didn’t deserve it.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“I was not entitled to the Purple Heart either, since I was not wounded by enemy action.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“With two men, I pulled together some antennas and a generator and some radios and loaded them on a chopper. The three of us climbed in and the helicopter lifted off. Within minutes, we had settled down by the radio relay station. The men and equipment were unloaded, and I climbed back into the chopper intending to go down to battalion rear headquarters.

Then two ideas crossed my mind. First, it would be better to work personally with my team in setting up the radio relay. Second, I had a lot of friends at this relay station and now was a good time to have a cold beer with them.”

First: I want my men to do the job. I am going to be there with them. By the way, I have comrades that I have served with and, you know, if I have a chance to be with them, and, oh, by the way–in his characteristic honesty–have a beer with them, I was going to do that.

“I called to the pilot that I was getting out. He nodded and held the ship steady. I jumped to the ground, ran in a crouch until I got clear of the spinning helicopter blades, turned around and watched the chopper lift.

Then I saw the grenade. It was where the chopper had lifted off.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

So if you want to call ME a liar for saying that Cleland is not a war hero and did not sustain his injuries in combat, then you're going to have to call Max Cleland a liar, as well.

You're really going to use the modest words of a wounded soldier against him? What is wrong with you?

When has a recepient of a military medal ever said "yep, I totally deserved it"? He served his country, he lost 3 limbs for it, grow up and stop attacking him just for being a democrat.

No, Chuckles, US soldiers are heroic for agreeing to serve their country, but "war hero" is a very special, very specific term with a very special, very specific meaning, and tossing it around like beads at a Mardi Gras parade because the left desperately needs to claim at least ONE man who isn't a limp-dicked metrosexual denigrates every soldier who ACTUALLY deserves that title. Max Cleland himself knows this, which is why he himself has said repeatedly that he isn't one. He wasn't being modest; he was being honest.

Sorry, he's a war hero, he put his life on the line for assholes like you.

Medal recipients usually don't boast about their actions, that's true, but there's a difference between being humble and saying, "I wasn't entitled to it, because it was just an accident."

He served his country, and he lost three limbs while he was doing it, but he didn't lose them in combat, and he's not a war hero for it. And there's no "attack" involved in stating facts. You only perceive it as an attack because it takes away the left's one chance to claim that it has a complete set of testicles on its side.

Oh, I'm also not attacking him for being a Democrat. I actually pity him for that, since it means he's stuck with mindless pond scum like you on his side.

Yeah, it;s the Republicans who attacked him by insinuating he was aligned with terrorists. You're giving them cover. The guy sacrificed a lot for his country, more than you and me.
It is interesting to see people deliberately trying to ignore/forget/dismiss the Bush years.

You know why?

Because that is the last time Republicans controlled Congress and the White House at the same time. And it proved disastrous. It ended with three wars, a doubling of the national debt, government sanctioned torture, and a massive crash of the economy.

And now that Republicans once again control Congress and the White House, we see them accelerating the federal deficit once again. And Trump is definitely the kind of guy who will take advantage of any crisis to enact more dictatorial control over the population. Trump has gotten the rube herd really stoked about stomping on some Mexicans and Muslims.

Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business!
deficit went down 30 billion

Do you mean the guy who was in office before that Obamy fellow fucked up Iraq and the entire Middle East? Well that is after the same guy, named Hussein btw, fucked up the economy in his massive effort to destroy America?

The guy before the secret Muslim?

That Guy?

Never heard of him
Didn't Hillary say that refusing to accept the election results was a threat to our country
she meant to say refusal to accept her as President regardless of the outcome was a threat.
Great minds think alike.

But I ALSO pointed out to him that the reason you can't find "zealous Bush supporters" on the Internet any more is because . . . TIME HAS PASSED, Bush is no longer President, so it's hard to support him in anything at this point. I mean, I guess I could post support for his golf game, but . . .

Oh, ok, time passed -- that's it!

is that also why you can't find zealous Reagan supporters anymore? oh wait?

Just be honest, the reason you cant find bush supporters is because the reality of his presidency is embarrassing to the staunchest of Bush supporters -- so they form support groups and meet at seedy establishments where they can indulge in their Bush support in anonymity :5_1_12024:

You can't find them because gore and Kerry where worse. They had to pick the lesser of the two evils

Neither Gore nor Kerry would have invaded Iraq after 9-11
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
/----/ "they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush." I stopped reading at your first absurd, ridiculous falsehood.
View attachment 196971

Me to. There are other threads on the USMB that are way better than this POS.
Furthermore, another reason you "can't find Bush supporters" is because you have the manners of someone raised by wolves.

In other words, "Biff, if you wouldn't be so mean -- I would have shown you my Bush" -- Got it...

Just when I thought you couldn't be a bigger piece of trash, you prove me wrong.

Your mother must be so proud . . . that she kicked you out of her basement.
Should I have grabbed you by the Bush instead?

You Trump sycophants bore me when you try to clutch your pearls and fall on the fainting couch -- you didn't do the shit when Trump was bragging about grabbing pussies and calling his daughter a nice piece of ass -- so fuck your fake tears now
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
Didn’t know we did
Bush was a crappy president
I was banned from a Texas website called FreeCoservatives.com b/c I would dump on buahie
So why are u trying to create a false narrative?
I am not sure Bush was actualy pres. think Cheney did the work. Bush was not a great pres, he is how ever a great friend and the life of the pary when he is around, so I have heard!
As illsuited as Trump is to be president , it is unlikely he will be the disaster that Bush was
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