Why Do Conservatives Have Amnesia When It Comes To Bush?

biff......my MAN! welcome & me thinx we are gonna get along just fine.... as for them thar cardboard cut out worship of dubya? oh, indeedily doodily i remember how they loved their guy.... some were indoctrinated by their parents real early-like....

That is uncomfortable.
I just love it when Dims try to convince everyone that the Nazi Socialists were right wing.

They are a hoot.

Indeed. Their reading and history comprehension are stunningly inadequate:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

What on earth could that possibly mean?

Oh I was afraid you would say somthing like that. Made me laugh though so thank you. Ok will be brief, To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. The Nazi's were Fascists not socialist. So in turn the Alt Right are far more like the Nazi party than any left wing group. Extreme left wing would be Communism and as we all know Fascists and Commies were not friends.

Good to know that you just repeat alternative facts you hear and not actually do any research yourself. Typical trump suppporter.

you caught onto that trumpster guppy fast.

I predicted it, here we go again..

Well, to be fair, the silly loons are rather one note given their severe TDS.

One trick ponys..
Indeed. Their reading and history comprehension are stunningly inadequate:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

What on earth could that possibly mean?

Oh I was afraid you would say somthing like that. Made me laugh though so thank you. Ok will be brief, To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. The Nazi's were Fascists not socialist. So in turn the Alt Right are far more like the Nazi party than any left wing group. Extreme left wing would be Communism and as we all know Fascists and Commies were not friends.

Good to know that you just repeat alternative facts you hear and not actually do any research yourself. Typical trump suppporter.

you caught onto that trumpster guppy fast.

I predicted it, here we go again..

Well, to be fair, the silly loons are rather one note given their severe TDS.

One trick ponys..

I don't think I'd call it a trick. It's more of an auto-nervous system response.
It is interesting to see people deliberately trying to ignore/forget/dismiss the Bush years.

You know why?

Because that is the last time Republicans controlled Congress and the White House at the same time. And it proved disastrous. It ended with three wars, a doubling of the national debt, government sanctioned torture, and a massive crash of the economy.

And now that Republicans once again control Congress and the White House, we see them accelerating the federal deficit once again. And Trump is definitely the kind of guy who will take advantage of any crisis to enact more dictatorial control over the population. Trump has gotten the rube herd really stoked about stomping on some Mexicans and Muslims.

Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business!

You people are sooooooooo phony! Lets talk about the Kennedy ideas! Wait, they were decent ideas.

Lets talk about Nixon. Wait, he was a crook!

Lets talk about Obama, you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!

Good, and bad Presidents, are not party specific! We have had good Democrats, good Republicans, and bad Ds, and bad Rs. To say that a President is bad or good because of only he is a D or an R, is ridiculous.

Most people still revere Kennedy, and Eisenhower. Weren't they from opposite political spectrums?

Let me tell you what has changed-----------------> there are 3...………..let me spell that for you, T-H-R-E-E major political partys in this country today! The Democrats. The Republicans. And the Far Leftists, who are trying, or may have succeeded, in taking over total control of the Democratic party.

Tell all of these nice people, what the current, faaaaaaaar leftists that call themselves Democrats have in common, with JFK? Not a whole helluva lot!

Your whole shtick is to attempt to convince people that you are mainstream because you have a D in front of your name. You are a PHONY! You are not a Democrat, you are a SOCIALIST who has hijacked the Ds!

Someone named Donald J Trump, has stood up to you, instead of being a typical, woosy, Republican, and now it is all going away as Americans see the difference. Just like your people, he says outrageous things, doesn't he. Difference is------------->he says them, and after the debate, Americans are throwing you under the bus, and YOU CAN'T STAND IT. Get used to it!
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
I also remember when Democrats loved them some Russians a.k.a Communist and where for the Iraq war until they were against it.

By the way I thought the Bush era Patriot Act was a monumentally bad idea and don't like the Trump era spending, but it could have been worse another Clinton could be sitting in office.
Unfortunately, everyone behaves as if Clinton and Trump were our only two choices. The fact is, there were several actual conservative Republicans in the primaries.

In my opinion, there were too many clowns in the car, and that worked to Trump's favor. He was the biggest clown. He's a world class P.T. Barnum showman, and he knew how to take advantage of the crowded field.

If it was the Democratic Party which had the most clowns, Trump would have remained a Democrat and competed in that field.

Trump used his huckster skills to full effect, and overshadowed the actual conservatives. They were simply outplayed.

Trump is not a conservative in any respect. He just plays one on TV.
Yeah in the end Trump and Clinton were the only choice and I would have set my ass on fire before voting for Clinton.

So you chose to set the country on fire? My god we are in trouble. Trade the country to Russia just cause Hillary deleted emails. Compared to trump Hillary is Mother Teresa.
Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

How many legs did you lose in Vietnam?

....but I get it, you are a Trump supporter -- so denigrating someone's service is par for the course for you cucks...

I also see you deflected from the fact that anyone who spoke out against the Iraq War was considered a terrorist -- which you absolutely failed to refute

Okay, first of all, lackwit, reality does NOT change according to whether or not you "deserve" or "have earned" the right to speak it. Let's just establish that right now. Max Cleland was not a war hero, and he didn't lose his limbs in combat. That is the fact, out of HIS OWN MOUTH, whether I personally have one leg, two legs, or six legs. No wonder you can't tell the difference between "memory" and "imagination", given the way your IQ drops 5 points every time you talk.

Second of all, your IQ drops an extra 5 points every time you throw around "Trump supporter" as some sort of "Aha!" insult that MUST apply to anyone who happens to notice that you're a douche weasel. Were that not true, you wouldn't have barged in here and started running your mouth like King Turd on his brown mountain without bothering to check out the place and the people first.

You manifestly do not deserve this lesson, and you're too pig-stupid to understand it anyway, but I'm feeling generous today.

Trump - Mr. Trump, could I please see your resume?


Third, ass napkin, there is no "denigration of service" involved in telling the truth, nor is there any sort of insult in saying that Cleland isn't a war hero. Even HE has said that. Most people are not war heroes. If anyone is denigrating Max Cleland and what he has done with his life, it would be asshole Democrats lying about him in order to use him like a human shield to hide behind.

Fourth, I didn't "deflect" from anything. I already said what I had to say about your lunatic, broad-brush accusations being flung around like feces in the zoo monkey house:


Please do not assume that you are entitled to have your every utterance treated seriously and responded to. You have to EARN that by saying something worthwhile, and you haven't.

Now then, I have done my good deed for the day by speaking to you as though you were a person, even though I'm dubious. I will return you to your regularly scheduled mocking and derisive laughter.
No kidding then they will start the same boring threads on say "Hitler was a republican" thinking we never had that thread before...

I just love it when Dims try to convince everyone that the Nazi Socialists were right wing.

They are a hoot.

Indeed. Their reading and history comprehension are stunningly inadequate:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

What on earth could that possibly mean?

Oh I was afraid you would say somthing like that. Made me laugh though so thank you. Ok will be brief, To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. The Nazi's were Fascists not socialist. So in turn the Alt Right are far more like the Nazi party than any left wing group. Extreme left wing would be Communism and as we all know Fascists and Commies were not friends.

Good to know that you just repeat alternative facts you hear and not actually do any research yourself. Typical trump suppporter.

you caught onto that trumpster guppy fast.

I predicted it, here we go again..

I mentioned it cause I saw your post. Cant abide fake revisionist nonsense and will not let it slide. Let me guess the Holocaust didnt happen either right?
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
I also remember when Democrats loved them some Russians a.k.a Communist and where for the Iraq war until they were against it.

By the way I thought the Bush era Patriot Act was a monumentally bad idea and don't like the Trump era spending, but it could have been worse another Clinton could be sitting in office.
Unfortunately, everyone behaves as if Clinton and Trump were our only two choices. The fact is, there were several actual conservative Republicans in the primaries.

In my opinion, there were too many clowns in the car, and that worked to Trump's favor. He was the biggest clown. He's a world class P.T. Barnum showman, and he knew how to take advantage of the crowded field.

If it was the Democratic Party which had the most clowns, Trump would have remained a Democrat and competed in that field.

Trump used his huckster skills to full effect, and overshadowed the actual conservatives. They were simply outplayed.

Trump is not a conservative in any respect. He just plays one on TV.
Yeah in the end Trump and Clinton were the only choice and I would have set my ass on fire before voting for Clinton.

So you chose to set the country on fire? My god we are in trouble. Trade the country to Russia just cause Hillary deleted emails. Compared to trump Hillary is Mother Teresa.
What ?
I just love it when Dims try to convince everyone that the Nazi Socialists were right wing.

They are a hoot.

Indeed. Their reading and history comprehension are stunningly inadequate:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

What on earth could that possibly mean?

Oh I was afraid you would say somthing like that. Made me laugh though so thank you. Ok will be brief, To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. The Nazi's were Fascists not socialist. So in turn the Alt Right are far more like the Nazi party than any left wing group. Extreme left wing would be Communism and as we all know Fascists and Commies were not friends.

Good to know that you just repeat alternative facts you hear and not actually do any research yourself. Typical trump suppporter.

you caught onto that trumpster guppy fast.

I predicted it, here we go again..

I mentioned it cause I saw your post. Cant abide fake revisionist nonsense and will not let it slide. Let me guess the Holocaust didnt happen either right?

You are beyond ridiculous.
Still dodging the fact that you Trump sycophants use to be Bush sycophants before history made it impossible for you to be both.

You are so wrong it would take an act of Congress to Right you.....

I'm a Conservative.....I disliked the Bush's because I paid attention to what they DID not what they said or what party the belonged to.
MANY Conservatives saw this as well. It was not difficult to determine the Bush's were elitists / globalists.

You are GROSSLY misrepresenting your case on this.
Probably the same reason Dems have memory lapses about Clinton and women, Clinton and the Ridady's etc.
Yup, so much so that we elected a man who was faithful to his wife, no blow jobs in the white house -- managed to not get impeached -- didn't even get a single indictment across his whole 8 years

Who did republicans follow Bush with? Hmmmm??

You elected a guy who had his subordinates engage in the illegal activity for him. That’s not an improvement.

And we will see what McCabe has to say
Probably the same reason Dems have memory lapses about Clinton and women, Clinton and the Ridady's etc.
Yup, so much so that we elected a man who was faithful to his wife, no blow jobs in the white house -- managed to not get impeached -- didn't even get a single indictment across his whole 8 years

So what? You elected Mr. Rogers.

He did nothing for the United States, unless you enjoy chaos.

The evil he did has been mostly undone.

I don’t remember mr Rogers being an arrogant prick who supported policies that intentionally hurt people he didn’t like
Most reasonable people saw the war in Iraq as either a personal vendetta for W, or a military/industrial complex reacharound.
Unfortunately most of those reasonable people were called traitors for feeling that way. Heaven forbid they went so far as to say anything about it being a personal vendetta -- that got most people the Max Cleland treatment -- if you don't remember him, google it.

Like I said, memory is a super power when you dealing with conservatives.

Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

His wounds were sustained while being in Vietnam, he also won the silver and bronze stars. I bet you prefer your war heroes to have all their fingers and toes, that's all you're saying, right?

Lots of people were wounded in Vietnam, including scads of Vietnamese civilians. Did that make THEM war heroes?

As for "all I'm saying", I knew you were functionally illiterate and probably brain-damaged, but even I didn't expect you to have this much trouble understanding English.

Let me draw you a picture, Romper Room:

“There were no heroics on which to base the Soldier’s Medal. And it had been my men who took care of the wounded during the rocket attack, not me. Some compassionate military men had obviously recommended me for the Silver Star, but I didn’t deserve it.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“I was not entitled to the Purple Heart either, since I was not wounded by enemy action.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“With two men, I pulled together some antennas and a generator and some radios and loaded them on a chopper. The three of us climbed in and the helicopter lifted off. Within minutes, we had settled down by the radio relay station. The men and equipment were unloaded, and I climbed back into the chopper intending to go down to battalion rear headquarters.

Then two ideas crossed my mind. First, it would be better to work personally with my team in setting up the radio relay. Second, I had a lot of friends at this relay station and now was a good time to have a cold beer with them.”

First: I want my men to do the job. I am going to be there with them. By the way, I have comrades that I have served with and, you know, if I have a chance to be with them, and, oh, by the way–in his characteristic honesty–have a beer with them, I was going to do that.

“I called to the pilot that I was getting out. He nodded and held the ship steady. I jumped to the ground, ran in a crouch until I got clear of the spinning helicopter blades, turned around and watched the chopper lift.

Then I saw the grenade. It was where the chopper had lifted off.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

So if you want to call ME a liar for saying that Cleland is not a war hero and did not sustain his injuries in combat, then you're going to have to call Max Cleland a liar, as well.
Yes, and so disappointed that nobody here is giving them a participation trophy or is Shutting Up cuz of their FEELz.

No kidding then they will start the same boring threads on say "Hitler was a republican" thinking we never had that thread before...

I just love it when Dims try to convince everyone that the Nazi Socialists were right wing.

They are a hoot.

Indeed. Their reading and history comprehension are stunningly inadequate:

National Socialist German Workers' Party

What on earth could that possibly mean?

Oh I was afraid you would say somthing like that. Made me laugh though so thank you. Ok will be brief, To increase its appeal to larger segments of the population on 24 February 1920, the DAP changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ("National Socialist German Workers' Party", or Nazi Party).The word "Socialist" was added by the party's executive committee, over Hitler's objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers. The Nazi's were Fascists not socialist. So in turn the Alt Right are far more like the Nazi party than any left wing group. Extreme left wing would be Communism and as we all know Fascists and Commies were not friends.

Good to know that you just repeat alternative facts you hear and not actually do any research yourself. Typical trump suppporter.

That's pretty funny coming from someone who is no doubt still trying to figure out what the meaning of Is "Is".

You think it's a clever tactic to twist the meaning of words to be other than what they are. In RealityLand, Nazism shares the same Statist-Totalitarian roots as Communism, Socialism, Dictatorship-ism and the rest of the Collectivist-Thug Un-Pantheon.

You guys never admit when your wrong. Its getting old. This whole thing would be funny if it wasnt so sad. I will torment you some more tomorrow.

They say ignorance is bliss, so you must be one happy fellow:)
Most reasonable people saw the war in Iraq as either a personal vendetta for W, or a military/industrial complex reacharound.
Unfortunately most of those reasonable people were called traitors for feeling that way. Heaven forbid they went so far as to say anything about it being a personal vendetta -- that got most people the Max Cleland treatment -- if you don't remember him, google it.

Like I said, memory is a super power when you dealing with conservatives.

Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

His wounds were sustained while being in Vietnam, he also won the silver and bronze stars. I bet you prefer your war heroes to have all their fingers and toes, that's all you're saying, right?

Lots of people were wounded in Vietnam, including scads of Vietnamese civilians. Did that make THEM war heroes?

U.S. soldiers wounded in war are heroes, period.

As for "all I'm saying", I knew you were functionally illiterate and probably brain-damaged, but even I didn't expect you to have this much trouble understanding English.

Let me draw you a picture, Romper Room:

“There were no heroics on which to base the Soldier’s Medal. And it had been my men who took care of the wounded during the rocket attack, not me. Some compassionate military men had obviously recommended me for the Silver Star, but I didn’t deserve it.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“I was not entitled to the Purple Heart either, since I was not wounded by enemy action.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

“With two men, I pulled together some antennas and a generator and some radios and loaded them on a chopper. The three of us climbed in and the helicopter lifted off. Within minutes, we had settled down by the radio relay station. The men and equipment were unloaded, and I climbed back into the chopper intending to go down to battalion rear headquarters.

Then two ideas crossed my mind. First, it would be better to work personally with my team in setting up the radio relay. Second, I had a lot of friends at this relay station and now was a good time to have a cold beer with them.”

First: I want my men to do the job. I am going to be there with them. By the way, I have comrades that I have served with and, you know, if I have a chance to be with them, and, oh, by the way–in his characteristic honesty–have a beer with them, I was going to do that.

“I called to the pilot that I was getting out. He nodded and held the ship steady. I jumped to the ground, ran in a crouch until I got clear of the spinning helicopter blades, turned around and watched the chopper lift.

Then I saw the grenade. It was where the chopper had lifted off.” - Max Cleland, in his autobiography

So if you want to call ME a liar for saying that Cleland is not a war hero and did not sustain his injuries in combat, then you're going to have to call Max Cleland a liar, as well.

You're really going to use the modest words of a wounded soldier against him? What is wrong with you?

When has a recepient of a military medal ever said "yep, I totally deserved it"? He served his country, he lost 3 limbs for it, grow up and stop attacking him just for being a democrat.
Blah-Blah-Blah ...

(even tho conservatives claim Bush isn't conservative)

... Blah-Blah-Blah.

The last decent conservative to occupy the White House was President Coolidge ... :thup:
But ... If you think the left has more conservative views ... It might be time for you to look into shock therapy options.

The reason you "can't find Bush supporters" remains the fact that HE'S NOT PRESIDENT NOW. There's nothing to support, and so he's not the topic of conversation.

As for support groups and seedy establishment meetups, I think you're confusing Republicans with your Narcotics Anonymous group.

You keep deflecting and it keeps failing -- the reason you can't find bush supporters is because Bush sucked -- him not being president now has shit to do with it.

Reagan not only hasn't been president for decades, he ain't even alive and you still have Ted Cruz types calling themselves "Reagan conservatives" -- you know why? because he is less of a total embarrassment than Bush is -- although Reagan would not be considered conservative now in today's Overton Window shifted climate.

You keep talking, and it keeps being stupid.

There is no amount of "Aha! You've stopped talking about Bush! That must mean you decided to hate him!" that is going to change the fact that HE'S BEEN RETIRED FOR 9 YEARS. That's not deflection, Forrest Gump; that's what people who don't have lobotomy scars call "objective reality".

People still talk about "Reagan conservatives" because ushered in a very different type of conservatism from what had existed before. Bush didn't. Doesn't make him a bad President; most Presidents don't fundamentally change the way politics work.

Furthermore, another reason you "can't find Bush supporters" is because you have the manners of someone raised by wolves. Put simply, dimwit, YOU HAVEN'T LOOKED, which would have involved coming in here and politely ASKING, "So, what do you guys think of Bush's presidency now?" Instead, you came barging in here, blaring what you "knew" we were thinking, based solely on the fact that we moved on to talking about more current events than a Presidency that was THREE TERMS AGO.

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