Why Do Conservatives Have Amnesia When It Comes To Bush?

As ilsuited as Trump is to be president , it is unlikely he will be the disaster that Bush was
Lets hope not! We went from a country that ran well to a country that the opposing party just tries to tank. I would like a few years of success. I am old and would likje to go out on a high note!
A lot of Conservatives are more than willing to have amnesia whenever their heros are proven to be fools becuase they've been brainwashed into a fanatic anti-liberal mindset. It doesn't matter how bad their politicians turn out being, as long as someone comes along that is anti-liberal they'll support them blindly.

I see this as caused by 3 things:

Conservative leaders constantly preching liberal strawmen beliefs. They create a false stereotype of what liberals believe - making liberals look horrendous - then they tear down that strawman.

Liberals are percieved as intellectuals. Intellectuals are hated by non-intellectuals (i.e. dumb asses). This is a deep jeliousy that dates back from childhood.

III. Most conservatives suffer from self-inflicted cognitive dissonance. It allows them to do what they want and think what they want without consideration for the consequences. They hate liberal's foresight. They hate people who think things thru and who remind them of consequences. They hate that liberals expect them to have a conscience.

So no matter how badly things turn out for Conservative leaders, their hatred for 'liberals' drive them to forget everything and qucikly throw their support behind whatever idiot is the flavor of the day 'anti-liberal'.

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