Why Do Conservatives Have Amnesia When It Comes To Bush?

Bush had 80 percent approval after 9-11
He was given a free hand to do whatever it takes to fight terrorism
opposing him meant you were not patriotic

Homeland Security, Patriots Act, invade Afghanistan, Invade Iraq

Ooops......invading Iraq turned into a disaster

But it was made for television popcorn show fun.
Nazis hate multiculturalism.

Nazis hate equality for all races, creeds, and religions.

Nazis hate anyone who isn't a European white.

That we have people who have been so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe Nazis are left wing is simply mind boggling to me.

"Because socialism" is all they have. That is because they have been so dumbed down, they have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. :lol:

And all of that is what proves leftists are nazis.

Leftists, like nazis, hate equality..that's why they use artificial constructs to prop up certain races, and decimate certain races via birth control, abortion, and/or financial restrictions.

Leftists, like nazis, hate anybody who is not of their approved races list...which comes down to them hating anybody who is of European white ancestry.

Leftists, like nazis, despise organized religion and promote instead the religion of the State Before All.

In fact, the most disgusting and vile practices that have assured the Nazis will be reviled throughout the existence of mankind are all progressive practices...gun confiscation, euthanasia, birth control, genetic modification, militarized police forces, censorship, propaganda...those are the tools the nazis used that resulted in worldwide contempt....and those are the tools today's leftists seek to inflict upon us today.
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Great minds think alike.

But I ALSO pointed out to him that the reason you can't find "zealous Bush supporters" on the Internet any more is because . . . TIME HAS PASSED, Bush is no longer President, so it's hard to support him in anything at this point. I mean, I guess I could post support for his golf game, but . . .

Oh, ok, time passed -- that's it!

is that also why you can't find zealous Reagan supporters anymore? oh wait?

Just be honest, the reason you cant find bush supporters is because the reality of his presidency is embarrassing to the staunchest of Bush supporters -- so they form support groups and meet at seedy establishments where they can indulge in their Bush support in anonymity :5_1_12024:
Nazis hate multiculturalism.

Nazis hate equality for all races, creeds, and religions.

Nazis hate anyone who isn't a European white.

That we have people who have been so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe Nazis are left wing is simply mind boggling to me.

"Because socialism" is all they have. That is because they have been so dumbed down, they have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. :lol:

And all of that is what proves leftists are nazis.

This kind of blindness is breathtaking to behold.

I have to back away now because I am very close to violating my commitment to be more civil on this forum.
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.

I always criticized Bush for how he handled Iraq. I called him a fool for trying to bring democracy to Islamic savages. He should had just carpet bombed the Middle East from Syria to Pakistan and we wouldn’t have the idiotic problems we are dealing with today.
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
I also remember when Democrats loved them some Russians a.k.a Communist and were for the Iraq war until they were against it.

By the way I thought the Bush era Patriot Act was a monumentally bad idea and don't like the Trump era spending, but it could have been worse another Clinton could be sitting in office.
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Bush was a disaster? Since when?
You guys are just going too far with the comedy.

Ummm no, actually, we are laughing at your idiocy, but that is ok, we need laughter, especially after the outcome of yesterdays primaries. Oh wait, you got screwed, lololol. Now that is funny too!

What happened yesterday in the primaries? I've disconnected myself a bit

Jungle primaries. Democrats tried to get 2 democrats in and ice Republicans off ballot.

Didn't work! Not only did Republican voters show en mass beating ALL Democrat voters, there was so many Democrat running for those positions, in almost all districts the FAR-FAR-FAAAAR Leftists won on the Democratic side, and they are swingy districts.

TRANSLATION-------->Moderate districts with a conservative or Republican, running against a REAL far Leftist, I mean Socialist, because the moderate Democrats were split between multiple candidates.

EXTRA TRANSLATION---------> Far Leftists are screwed. These are NOT Democrat districts, they are swing with moderates on both sides. Add to that, 67% of Californians have proclaimed that taxes are to high, causing California to be unliveable for the middle class. Meaning---------> Far Leftists are screwed. They are proclaiming that for governor, the Republican has a better than 33% chance of winning, which is better than Trump had according to these soothsayers. It doesn't sound that great, until you realize in a jungle primary, a Republican should not even be able to get on the ballot by taking 2nd place.

Trust me...…..then Dems are in deep-deep-DEEP trouble, and the IG report hasn't even been released, nor Mcabe given immunity-)
Great minds think alike.

But I ALSO pointed out to him that the reason you can't find "zealous Bush supporters" on the Internet any more is because . . . TIME HAS PASSED, Bush is no longer President, so it's hard to support him in anything at this point. I mean, I guess I could post support for his golf game, but . . .

Oh, ok, time passed -- that's it!

is that also why you can't find zealous Reagan supporters anymore? oh wait?

Just be honest, the reason you cant find bush supporters is because the reality of his presidency is embarrassing to the staunchest of Bush supporters -- so they form support groups and meet at seedy establishments where they can indulge in their Bush support in anonymity :5_1_12024:

You can't find them because gore and Kerry where worse. They had to pick the lesser of the two evils
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.
I also remember when Democrats loved them some Russians a.k.a Communist and where for the Iraq war until they were against it.

By the way I thought the Bush era Patriot Act was a monumentally bad idea and don't like the Trump era spending, but it could have been worse another Clinton could be sitting in office.
Unfortunately, everyone behaves as if Clinton and Trump were our only two choices. The fact is, there were several actual conservative Republicans in the primaries.

In my opinion, there were too many clowns in the car, and that worked to Trump's favor. He was the biggest clown. He's a world class P.T. Barnum showman, and he knew how to take advantage of the crowded field.

If it was the Democratic Party which had the most clowns, Trump would have remained a Democrat and competed in that field.

Trump used his huckster skills to full effect, and overshadowed the actual conservatives. They were simply outplayed.

Trump is not a conservative in any respect. He just plays one on TV.
Speaking of memory loss, ALL of the most influential Democrats in Congress at the time of the debate about invasion of Iraq were IN FULL AGREEMENT on the point that Saddam had WMD's. As were the leaders in Europe. Clinton, Kerry, etc., etc., etc.

Most Democrats voted against the war. It's a fact, look it up.

And yet the entire Democrat/Leftist establishment has decreed for all time that "Bush lied" about the WMD's, and America was "duped" into going along with the invasion and regime change. This is provable bullshit.

They did lie.

No, really, George W. Bush lied about WMDs
  • In October 2002, Bush said that Saddam Hussein had a "massive stockpile" of biological weapons. But as CIA Director George Tenet noted in early 2004, the CIA had informed policymakers it had "no specific information on the types or quantities of weapons agent or stockpiles at Baghdad's disposal." The "massive stockpile" was just literally made up.
  • In December 2002, Bush declared, "We do not know whether or not [Iraq] has a nuclear weapon." That was not what the National Intelligence Estimate said. As Tenet would later testify, "We said that Saddam did not have a nuclear weapon and probably would have been unable to make one until 2007 to 2009." Bush did know whether or not Iraq had a nuclear weapon — and lied and said he didn’t know to hype the threat.
  • On CNN in September 2002, Condoleezza Rice claimed that aluminum tubes purchased by Iraq were "only really suited for nuclear weapons programs." This was precisely the opposite of what nuclear experts at the Energy Department were saying; they argue that not only was it very possible the tubes were for nonnuclear purposes but that it was very likely they were too. Even more dire assessments about the tubes from other agencies were exaggerated by administration officials — and in any case, the claim that they’re "only really suited" for nuclear weapons is just false.
  • On numerous occasions, Dick Cheney cited a report that 9/11 conspirator Mohammed Atta had met in Prague with an Iraqi intelligence officer. He said this after the CIA and FBI concluded that this meeting never took place.
  • More generally on the question of Iraq and al-Qaeda, on September 18, 2001, Rice received a memo summarizing intelligence on the relationship, which concluded there was little evidence of links. Nonetheless Bush continued to claim that Hussein was "a threat because he’s dealing with al-Qaeda" more than a year later.
  • In August 2002, Dick Cheney declared, "Simply stated, there's no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." But as Corn notes, at that time there was "no confirmed intelligence at this point establishing that Saddam had revived a major WMD operation." Gen. Anthony Zinni, who had heard the same intelligence and attended Cheney’s speech, would later say in a documentary, "It was a total shock. I couldn't believe the vice president was saying this, you know? In doing work with the CIA on Iraq WMD, through all the briefings I heard at Langley, I never saw one piece of credible evidence that there was an ongoing program."

There was an argument against the invasion to be made at the time, to wit, even if Saddam did have WMD's, that did not justify military action and regime change. Or that military action was not acceptable without some surtax or other means of PAYING FOR IT. Few politicians made these arguments - certainly none of the Democrat leaders.

I agree, there was a lot of cowardice around the Iraq war, the media was hungry for a war, most Americans appeared to want one too. With that said as already pointed out most Democrats in Congress voted against the Iraq war.

There is no enthusiastic support for Bush43 among Republicans now, for a number of reasons, but there was little enthusiasm for Bush43 at any time during his 8 years in office either. All that could be said of him was that he was better than the alternatives. Which remains true, considering who the alternatives were.

He was worshiped, are you kidding me? His approval among Republicans remained high almost until the end.

Free Republic was full of images like this:


Most reasonable people saw the war in Iraq as either a personal vendetta for W, or a military/industrial complex reacharound.
Unfortunately most of those reasonable people were called traitors for feeling that way. Heaven forbid they went so far as to say anything about it being a personal vendetta -- that got most people the Max Cleland treatment -- if you don't remember him, google it.

Like I said, memory is a super power when you dealing with conservatives.

Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.

I remember the Conservatives running from Bush like rats from a shinking ship once they realized that his popularity was over.

You can bet that when their orange god goes down, they'll forget him just as fast.

I gotta wonder who their next idol will be.

Will be to late for all the trumpers by then. They need to stand up now and fight against the treason and attacks on our democracy. I pray that after this is all said and done that all the trump voters be treated the same way Nazi party members were treated after the end of WW2.

What a jack booted little noob you are!

Go away.

Your just mad that if I got my way you would be shunned from society. I mean honestly you should at the very least lose your right to vote. Its one thing to be gullible and vote for trump but to still defend him is quite another matter. (Dont think Boudica would be to thrilled someone like you would be using her name lol)

You think she's MAD because you're a fascist and proud of it? I'm pretty sure she's too busy laughing at you to respect you that much.
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.

Probably the same reason Dems have memory lapses about Clinton and women, Clinton and the Ridady's etc.
Max Cleland. That'd be the guy Democrats kept trying to fraudulently praise as a "war hero", even though his injuries weren't sustained in combat, because every other Democrat in politics was a craven pantywaist, right?

But I'm betting your "superpowered memory" doesn't recall it that way, right?

How many legs did you lose in Vietnam?

....but I get it, you are a Trump supporter -- so denigrating someone's service is par for the course for you cucks...

I also see you deflected from the fact that anyone who spoke out against the Iraq War was considered a terrorist -- which you absolutely failed to refute
Bush was a disaster? Since when?
You guys are just going too far with the comedy.

Ummm no, actually, we are laughing at your idiocy, but that is ok, we need laughter, especially after the outcome of yesterdays primaries. Oh wait, you got screwed, lololol. Now that is funny too!

What happened yesterday in the primaries? I've disconnected myself a bit

Jungle primaries. Democrats tried to get 2 democrats in and ice Republicans off ballot.

Didn't work! Not only did Republican voters show en mass beating ALL Democrat voters, there was so many Democrat running for those positions, in almost all districts the FAR-FAR-FAAAAR Leftists won on the Democratic side, and they are swingy districts.

TRANSLATION-------->Moderate districts with a conservative or Republican, running against a REAL far Leftist, I mean Socialist, because the moderate Democrats were split between multiple candidates.

EXTRA TRANSLATION---------> Far Leftists are screwed. These are NOT Democrat districts, they are swing with moderates on both sides. Add to that, 67% of Californians have proclaimed that taxes are to high, causing California to be unliveable for the middle class. Meaning---------> Far Leftists are screwed. They are proclaiming that for governor, the Republican has a better than 33% chance of winning, which is better than Trump had according to these soothsayers. It doesn't sound that great, until you realize in a jungle primary, a Republican should not even be able to get on the ballot by taking 2nd place.

Trust me...…..then Dems are in deep-deep-DEEP trouble, and the IG report hasn't even been released, nor Mcabe given immunity-)

I was praying their arrogance would cost them. Hopefully that translates to wind in november

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