Why Do Conservatives Have Amnesia When It Comes To Bush?

Seriously? The Conservative reaction to Bush towards the end -- CAUSED the creation of the Tea Party. Don't think you know the diff between being a Conservative and a Republican. Or the diff between being a Liberal and a Democrat for that matter..

BTW -- Welcome to USMB.. LOL...

Yea, you keep telling yourself that. The Tea Party was more energized by opposition Obama than opposition to Bush -- which is why it was easy for the Koch Brothers to co-opt it and make it the mockery that it continues to be today.

Notice, they didn't have all of the rallies until AFTER bush left office, not while he was in office. Like I said, memory is kryptonite to most conservatives.

I was being kind by making this about Bush -- I could made this about "Sarah Palin" -- and we ALL KNOW how conservatives loved her -- until.......

BZZZZZZT.. Tea party movement STARTED circa 2007. It was reaction to Bush's "market interventions" during the 2007/8 economic woes and his inability to get much Conservative issues addressed. ESPECIALLY the budget deficits that Bush was running.

Koch Bros are largely Libertarian. They are not Conservative ideaologues. Don't LOVE the RNC. You've got a lot to learn. You need links on the GENESIS of the Tea Party movement?

Even Limbaugh was dissing Bush policies about 2006..

You tell lies.

Tea Party movement, conservative populist social and political movement that emerged in 2009 in the United States, generally opposing excessive taxation and government intervention in the private sector while supporting stronger immigration controls.


in his response to Pres. Barack Obama’s mortgage relief plan. Speaking from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Santelli heatedly stated that the bailout would “subsidize the losers’ mortgages” and proposed a Chicago Tea Party to protest government intervention in the housing market. The five-minute clip became an Internet sensation, and the “Tea Party” rallying cry struck a chord with those who had already seen billions of dollars flow toward sagging financial firms. Unlike previous populist movements, which were characterized by a distrust of business in general and bankers in particular, the Tea Party movement focused its ire at the federal government and extolled the virtues of free market principles.

Tea Party movement | American political movement

I never lie. If the OP wants to bring Koch Bros into the creation of the Tea Party, you have go BACK much further. Like this..

Tea Party movement - Wikipedia


References to the Boston Tea Party were part of Tax Day protests held in the 1990s and before.[18][69][70][71] In 1984, David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch of Koch Industries founded Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), a conservative political group whose self-described mission was "to fight for less government, lower taxes, and less regulation." Congressman Ron Paul was appointed as the first chairman of the organization. The CSE lobbied for policies favorable to corporations, particularly tobacco companies.[citation needed]

In 2002, a Tea Party website was designed and published by the CSE at web address www.usteaparty.com, and stated "our US Tea Party is a national event, hosted continuously online and open to all Americans who feel our taxes are too high and the tax code is too complicated."[72][73] The site did not take off at the time.[74] In 2003, Dick Armey became the chairman of CSE after retiring from Congress.[75] In 2004, Citizens for a Sound Economy split into FreedomWorks, for 501c4 advocacy activity, and the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. Dick Armey stayed as chairman of FreedomWorks, while David Koch stayed as Chairman of the Americans for Prosperity Foundation. The two organizations would become key players in the Tea Party movement from 2009 onward.[76][77] Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks were "probably the leading partners" in the September 2009 Taxpayer March on Washington, also known as the "9/12 Tea Party," according to The Guardian.[78]

Koch bros are VERY libertarian. Thus the Org set up under Ron Paul. These orgs got HIJACKED circa 2004 by Conservative purists. SAME organizations that backed the Tea Party foundings..

Yep, you're definitely lying now.

From your own link:

The movement began following Barack Obama's first presidential inauguration (in January 2009) when his administration announced plans to give financial aid to bankrupt homeowners. A major force behind it was Americans for Prosperity(AFP), a conservative political advocacy group founded by businessmen and political activist David H. Koch.

The Tea party formed after the election of Obama.

Before this post you claimed the tea party began at the end of Bush's term and now you appear to be changing your story and claiming it began in the 90s? Sorry, you would be wrong, the background info you posted is simply about the history before the last incarnation of the tea party which came to fruition in 2009. The fact that the Koch brothers co opted the movement and turned it into the ridiculous astro turf circus it ended up being is not of consequence.

So, let's get this straight, you lied, when caught you selectively used content from wikipedia even though that source disagrees with you and you ignored it. When I called you a liar I almost felt guilty for not giving you the benefit of the doubt and perhaps you're just misinformed. Silly me.


View attachment 196998
Which one is the Nazi?

You made bro, I busted your propaganda machine?
Which one is the Nazi?

Answer: Neither one. I know where that photo is from.


You want me to provide a real life photo?

Have to go back home, this black guy by me drives a pick up all the time with the battle flag on it.
The discussion is about Nazis. Try to catch up.
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.

Conservatives never worshipped bush.

Conservatives are largely people of faith who don't worship mortals as divine, like Dims worshiped their Messiah Obama.

Dims continue to worship people like FDR and hate Trump because he is supposedly a racist.

Tell that to the Japanese Americans FDR unconstitutionally locked up cuz they had slanted eyes.

Conversely, Blacks enjoy the lowest unemployment rate among blacks in US history under Trump.
As they did under Obama. The GOP would have Been worse than FDR d u h. We liked Obama, nobody worshipped him, super duper...

My ass they didnt..

Oh Young blacks worshipped him... Can't blame them too much...

You made bro, I busted your propaganda machine?
Which one is the Nazi?

Answer: Neither one. I know where that photo is from.


You want me to provide a real life photo?

Have to go back home, this black guy by me drives a pick up all the time with the battle flag on it.
Probably trying to survive LOL..
I am old enough to remember how message boards just like this were during the Bush years. The same way republicans worship Trump now -- they were worshipping Bush then -- even praying to cardboard cut-outs of Bush.

I remember if you dared to disagree with the Iraq War, these Bush lovers would call you a terrorists and say you are guilty of treason. Where did all of these Bush worshippers go??

On forums like these, you can't find not one zealous Bush supporter -- did they all quit the internet? were they abducted by Aliens? what happened to them??

My guess is, they all caught amnesia -- put on funny little hats and claimed they are the Tea-Party now -- or the ever popular "I'm an independent!!" or fiscal conservative, or some other made up term to distance themselves from the disaster of the Bush presidency -- some even migrated over to the birther movement -- and just like that, voilà!! -- the transformation was complete -- they are magically Trump supporters now.

And lets be honest, having a memory is and will always be kryptonite to most conservatives.

Conservatives never worshipped bush.

Conservatives are largely people of faith who don't worship mortals as divine, like Dims worshiped their Messiah Obama.

Dims continue to worship people like FDR and hate Trump because he is supposedly a racist.

Tell that to the Japanese Americans FDR unconstitutionally locked up cuz they had slanted eyes.

Conversely, Blacks enjoy the lowest unemployment rate among blacks in US history under Trump.
As they did under Obama. The GOP would have Been worse than FDR d u h. We liked Obama, nobody worshipped him, super duper...

My ass they didnt..

Oh Young blacks worshipped him... Can't blame them too much...

Yes, Obama's election gave them hope that maybe America had finally outgrown its racism. That had to be a HUGE deal for blacks in America.

Of course white pseudocons don't get that.
Didn’t know we did
Bush was a crappy president
I was banned from a Texas website called FreeCoservatives b/c I would dump on buahie
So why are u trying to create a false narrative?

So let me get this straight -- you were banned from a WHOLE website called Mod Edit. Do not discuss other forums.Please read the Rules. for dumping on Bush and you still have the nerve to claim I am creating a false narrative? You just proved my point.

You just proved that a site calling themselves free and conservative were a bunch of collective snowflakes to anything critical of Bush.

So my question again is -- where are those hypersensitive pro-Bush moderators at Free Conservative now?


Am I reading this right? A conservative names another political forum and then when a non-conservative does the same thing their post is edited.
I was just giving support to the op that as a rw’r I didn’t like bush

It's soo odd, cuz there just weren't that many of you guys back then.
My ass they didnt..Oh Young blacks worshipped him... Can't blame them too much

The worship I am talking about is from grown ass politicians -- but hey, a kid who is happy Obama got elected because his parents probably told him how it was such a big deal -- I can see how that is about the same thing
Speaking of memory loss, ALL of the most influential Democrats in Congress at the time of the debate about invasion of Iraq were IN FULL AGREEMENT on the point that Saddam had WMD's. As were the leaders in Europe. Clinton, Kerry, etc., etc., etc.

And yet the entire Democrat/Leftist establishment has decreed for all time that "Bush lied" about the WMD's, and America was "duped" into going along with the invasion and regime change. This is provable bullshit.

There was an argument against the invasion to be made at the time, to wit, even if Saddam did have WMD's, that did not justify military action and regime change. Or that military action was not acceptable without some surtax or other means of PAYING FOR IT. Few politicians made these arguments - certainly none of the Democrat leaders.

There is no enthusiastic support for Bush43 among Republicans now, for a number of reasons, but there was little enthusiasm for Bush43 at any time during his 8 years in office either. All that could be said of him was that he was better than the alternatives. Which remains true, considering who the alternatives were.
Bush was a disaster? Since when?

was he perfect? No. We criticized him when he did wrong.

still light years ahead of Obama.

I still don't know a single conservative who worshipped Bush any more than any worship Trump.

I know the left doesn't understand how people can support someone when they do good and oppose them when they do wrong. But if you do that you can be morally consistent
You must be very young or were in a coma when Bush was President.

The zealous fanatical devotion to Bush was immense. Thus my joke about a flag pin in my first post in this topic.
The minute the troops landed and no nerve agents were found I knew we had been snookered
As a vet who served in the Persian Gulf, I supported the second Gulf war. I knew we were going to have to deal with Hussein again sooner or later.

My beef with Bush is that he prosecuted the war like a retard. Demobilizing the entire Iraq Army was a stupid move. That led to the rise of the insurgents, many of whom were former Iraqi soldiers who were unemployed.
Ya I know what ya mean
I served during Vietnam
Win the battle lose the war
Maybe we shoulda just let Iran Iraq destroy each other
Bush was the reason I stopped voting on the federal level.

I was a dyed in the wool straight ticket Republican voter since I reached the age of majority. But Bush and the pseudocons awoke me to the fact the Republican Party had been hijacked by bigots, hypocrites, psychopaths, and liars.

I have been waiting for the insanity of the pseudocons to hit bottom ever since. Every day, they seem to find a new low.

So I finally de-registered as a Republican last year. I can't be associated with a party which is massively increasing spending and putting our nation's future in dire jeopardy.
My ass they didnt..Oh Young blacks worshipped him... Can't blame them too much

The worship I am talking about is from grown ass politicians -- but hey, a kid who is happy Obama got elected because his parents probably told him how it was such a big deal -- I can see how that is about the same thing

Who worshipped Bush jr? I voted for him the first time , but I sure didn't vote for him the 2nd time after I watched the U.N. dog and pony show of why we should attack Iraq it was a joke.

You made bro, I busted your propaganda machine?
Which one is the Nazi?

Answer: Neither one. I know where that photo is from.


You want me to provide a real life photo?

Have to go back home, this black guy by me drives a pick up all the time with the battle flag on it.

Bush was the reason I stopped voting on the federal level.

I was a dyed in the wool straight ticket Republican voter since I reached the age of majority. But Bush and the pseudocons awoke me to the fact the Republican Party had been hijacked by bigots, hypocrites, psychopaths, and liars.

I have been waiting for the insanity of the pseudocons to hit bottom ever since. Every day, they seem to find a new low.

So I finally de-registered as a Republican last year. I can't be associated with a party which is massively increasing spending and putting our nation's future in dire jeopardy.

Damn we have something in common.
Didn’t know we did
Bush was a crappy president
I was banned from a Texas website called FreeCoservatives b/c I would dump on buahie
So why are u trying to create a false narrative?

So let me get this straight -- you were banned from a WHOLE website called Mod Edit. Do not discuss other forums.Please read the Rules. for dumping on Bush and you still have the nerve to claim I am creating a false narrative? You just proved my point.

You just proved that a site calling themselves free and conservative were a bunch of collective snowflakes to anything critical of Bush.

So my question again is -- where are those hypersensitive pro-Bush moderators at Free Conservative now?


Am I reading this right? A conservative names another political forum and then when a non-conservative does the same thing their post is edited.
I was just giving support to the op that as a rw’r I didn’t like bush

It's soo odd, cuz there just weren't that many of you guys back then.
I still hate bush
Never vetoed a damn thing
Bush had 80 percent approval after 9-11
He was given a free hand to do whatever it takes to fight terrorism
opposing him meant you were not patriotic

Homeland Security, Patriots Act, invade Afghanistan, Invade Iraq

Ooops......invading Iraq turned into a disaster
Nazis hate multiculturalism.

Nazis hate equality for all races, creeds, and religions.

Nazis hate anyone who isn't a European white.

That we have people who have been so thoroughly brainwashed as to believe Nazis are left wing is simply mind boggling to me.

"Because socialism" is all they have. Like a stuck record. That is because they have been so deliberately dumbed down, they have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. :lol:

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