Why do conservatives try telling black people about Martin Luther King?

Is the OP saying Ben Carson isn't a man?

Yes that is what I am saying. Ben Carson has no spine or balls. .....

And with that you complete the picture of yourself as nothing more than a racist, hypocritical, jealous, irrational buffoon. What's more, it now seems clear you are not black after all. You are just blue.

I hope it doesn't cause you too much angst to live every day with the knowledge that you haven't the tiniest fraction of the talent, intelligence, or character of Dr. Carson. You will certainly never accomplish anything remotely as significant as he has.
Some of us were there.

We saw him on TV when he made speeches, we read about him in the morning paper.

were you?

or are you reading his dressed up history.

I was a kid watching the whole thing. He came to our town and met with my father.

I posted up a speech he made. Apparently you did not hear it. He has no dressed up history.

You don't want to hear this speech, because it kills your made up King that never was.
It needs to be explained because King opposed everything you stand for, racism. He didn't preach victimhood or intolerance. Just wanted an even break, not a handout.
Why do black people try to tell me about Santa Claus? Why do racists like you think that a person is not a person and you can't understand a black or white issue without being of the same race? Only racists think along such racial lines.

This is where you got things wrong. There are plenty of whites who understand what King stood for. They just aren't conservatives.
King was a conservative, you are just too hateful to realize what the word even means.
Is the OP saying Ben Carson isn't a man?

Yes that is what I am saying. Ben Carson has no spine or balls. He's weak and he tales race relations back. He is loved by certain whites because he allows them to continue what they do.
What a pathetic excuse of a human you are. I feel sorry for anyone that meets you in person.
It's funny how conservatives try telling black folks what King stood for. And it's funny because all they can do is repeat one line from a speech. Other than that they really have no clue. Dr. King was no Ben Carson. He was a man. So let us take a look at the many things King said during his days so these racists can understand.

Martin Luther King Jr., 1964 Speech-The Summer of Our Discontent

To draw attention to how lame you fuckers are today, when you are fighting against made up shit.
It's funny how conservatives try telling black folks what King stood for. And it's funny because all they can do is repeat one line from a speech. Other than that they really have no clue. Dr. King was no Ben Carson. He was a man. So let us take a look at the many things King said during his days so these racists can understand.

Martin Luther King Jr., 1964 Speech-The Summer of Our Discontent

Race pimps need to be reminded from time-to-time.
Is the OP saying Ben Carson isn't a man?

Yes that is what I am saying. Ben Carson has no spine or balls. He's weak and he tales race relations back. He is loved by certain whites because he allows them to continue what they do.
What a pathetic excuse of a human you are. I feel sorry for anyone that meets you in person.

I feel sorry I met him on the internet.
Why do black people try to tell me about Santa Claus? Why do racists like you think that a person is not a person and you can't understand a black or white issue without being of the same race? Only racists think along such racial lines.

This is where you got things wrong. There are plenty of whites who understand what King stood for. They just aren't conservatives.
King was a conservative, you are just too hateful to realize what the word even means.

Isn't that the cosmic humor? Here you have yet another bent and warped mentality telling us how only white democrats can understand King when King himself was a conservative! King would be against many of the things the black community is doing today. He was a peaceful person.
Why do black people try to tell me about Santa Claus? Why do racists like you think that a person is not a person and you can't understand a black or white issue without being of the same race? Only racists think along such racial lines.

This is where you got things wrong. There are plenty of whites who understand what King stood for. They just aren't conservatives.
And Lincoln wasn't a metrosexual white liberal either....

Maybe MLK Jr was the one lying about what Lincoln and the Constitution stood for....
Is the OP saying Ben Carson isn't a man?

Yes that is what I am saying. Ben Carson has no spine or balls. He's weak and he tales race relations back. He is loved by certain whites because he allows them to continue what they do.
Sort of like white liberals and Neocons...

Like white conservatives who spew racism all over the place then contend that liberals arête racists.
Martin Luther King The Three Evils of Society


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