Why do Democrats care more about Khashoggi than they did about Mollie Tibbetts?

because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder, unless you'd like to do some work on the toxic male culture that causes men to become enraged when a woman refuses their advances. Every time women bring this stuff up, we get mocked, so I gather the answer is "No".

Why is it that right wingers don't care when a woman is murdered by her spouse? Or when a woman is shot in a mass shooting by an angry white guy. Where is your outrage for the victim then? The ONLY deaths of young white women you care about are the ones you politicize, because you sure as shit aren't doing anything about the women who die by domestic violence, or the minority women who die.

Or abuses a woman? May want to check with Keith Ellison on that one.
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder, unless you'd like to do some work on the toxic male culture that causes men to become enraged when a woman refuses their advances. Every time women bring this stuff up, we get mocked, so I gather the answer is "No".

Why is it that right wingers don't care when a woman is murdered by her spouse? Or when a woman is shot in a mass shooting by an angry white guy. Where is your outrage for the victim then? The ONLY deaths of young white women you care about are the ones you politicize, because you sure as shit aren't doing anything about the women who die by domestic violence, or the minority women who die.

I can’t figure you people out...are you playing stupid or do you really just not get it?
Consider this; for years we stopped enforcing laws on drunk driving and people were dying at the hands of drunk drivers...Suddenly people became fed the fuck up with drunk drivers and wanted law enforcement to do their fucking jobs again...BUT there were a bunch of crazy, dumb fucking Loons who wouldn’t support law enforcement in their effort to stop drunk drivers because they felt like drunk drivers had a right to drive drunk. You starting to get it?
Mollie Tibbets was not targeted for murder because she criticized someone in power

Who cares......for a thousand, Alex.

The OP cares
He asked why there is not the same level of outrage over Mollie Tibbets

People get outraged over abuse of power by a government. When it includes kidnap, torture and murder......it becomes international news

The murderer of Mollie Tibbets was captured and will face decades in prison

It looks like those who ordered the killing of Khashoggi will get off Scott free......hence the outrage
The people who allowed her murderer into the country will not be punished. They are getting off scott free. The fake news media is totally silent on the matter. Why aren't the calling for Schumer's head and calling him a hypocrite?
The man who was making money off his illegal labor was a Republican
He got off Scott free

Douchebags like you let him into the country. That's the bottom line.
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder.

Duh . . . . . wrong, you fucking dingbat, society hasn't taken any action to ensure that more perpetrators are not admitted to the country. You keep ignoring that and trying to weasel around it because open-borders is your agenda.

No one is fooled.
Libyan kills 4 people and gets 22 years? That's justice? If an american did that it would be life without parole, or execution.

Well, let's see now. He didn't personally kill anyone, he just instigated the riot where 4 people were killed, two because they locked themselves in a room in a burning building.
The Liberal media and Democrats are calling for Saudi heads....they’re absolutely livid and outraged about this FOREIGNERS death which happened on FOREIGN soil.
Remember, the Tibbetts murder couldn’t be swept under the rug fast enough by the same groups. Weird huh?
I hope Republican politicians running for office are paying attention and adding shit like this to their campaign narratives.

Why don't Republicans care about Sandra Parks?
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder, unless you'd like to do some work on the toxic male culture that causes men to become enraged when a woman refuses their advances. Every time women bring this stuff up, we get mocked, so I gather the answer is "No".

Why is it that right wingers don't care when a woman is murdered by her spouse? Or when a woman is shot in a mass shooting by an angry white guy. Where is your outrage for the victim then? The ONLY deaths of young white women you care about are the ones you politicize, because you sure as shit aren't doing anything about the women who die by domestic violence, or the minority women who die.

No they haven't she lived in the 8th , this is about the 9th trying to write the laws for the entire country ..

The 9th should be held accountable for her death in Iowa and they are not

because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder, unless you'd like to do some work on the toxic male culture that causes men to become enraged when a woman refuses their advances. Every time women bring this stuff up, we get mocked, so I gather the answer is "No".

Why is it that right wingers don't care when a woman is murdered by her spouse? Or when a woman is shot in a mass shooting by an angry white guy. Where is your outrage for the victim then? The ONLY deaths of young white women you care about are the ones you politicize, because you sure as shit aren't doing anything about the women who die by domestic violence, or the minority women who die.
1.blacks/ left wingers are the idiots who protest FOR violent. jackass criminals
the LEFT protest FOR illegals--not right wingers--
  1. 1.
    contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law.
right wingers are AGAINST jackass criminals
you have it wrong there

....the illegal jackasses cause more problems than just the/a murder--they cause problems that hurt America more than just murder
..a whole different category--that's why
Why does Trump support leaders who assasinate their political enemies
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota
Our welfare clause is general not common and we have a commerce clause. The right wing is all talk.
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder, unless you'd like to do some work on the toxic male culture that causes men to become enraged when a woman refuses their advances. Every time women bring this stuff up, we get mocked, so I gather the answer is "No".

Why is it that right wingers don't care when a woman is murdered by her spouse? Or when a woman is shot in a mass shooting by an angry white guy. Where is your outrage for the victim then? The ONLY deaths of young white women you care about are the ones you politicize, because you sure as shit aren't doing anything about the women who die by domestic violence, or the minority women who die.

I can’t figure you people out...are you playing stupid or do you really just not get it?
Consider this; for years we stopped enforcing laws on drunk driving and people were dying at the hands of drunk drivers...Suddenly people became fed the fuck up with drunk drivers and wanted law enforcement to do their fucking jobs again...BUT there were a bunch of crazy, dumb fucking Loons who wouldn’t support law enforcement in their effort to stop drunk drivers because they felt like drunk drivers had a right to drive drunk. You starting to get it?
We have a Commerce Clause and should not have any illegals.
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.
so, of course white lives don't matter to you
real nice
because she is white
....who cares if an ILLEGAL murders a WHITE American---we have to concentrate on foreigners

Aside from the fact that the two killings couldn't be more dissimilar, let's make a list:

1. Mollie Tibbets' killer was quickly apprehended immediately and is in jail awaiting trial. Mr. Khashoggi's killer will never face trial. Mollie Tibbets' wasn't a target, she was just a girl out jogging. Had she been killed by a white farm boy instead of an undocumented immigrant, none of you on the right would have known her name. You dont give a rat's ass about Mollie Tibbets. She was just someone you wanted to use as an anti-immigrant meme and her family shut you down for trying to do so.

2. Mr. Khashoggi was a journalist living in the United States and working for the Washington Post, who dared criticise the government of Saudi Arabia, and was killed on the orders of the Crown Prince. When the head of a government conspires to murder those who criticize them, the world is quite rightfully outraged. This has implications to peace in the Middle East, and our relationship going forward with Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi's are learning that they have crossed several lines with a lot of countries and a lot of people, just not Donald Trump. But even Trump's staunchest Republican defenders (yes, Lindsay Graham, we mean you), have said this is WRONG.

3. When racist white supremacists try to turn the murder of a young girl into hate into a hate on immigrants manifesto, the world quite rightly ignores them.

See, you bleeding heart fools don’t even recognize the simplest shit.
Justice for victims doesn’t end with the apprehension of their perpetrator. Real justice includes society taking action to help prevent the same shit from happening to another person. You dumbmothafuckers never said a damn thing about tightening our border and eradicating illegals....in fact, you defended illegals....you filthy fucks honestly believe wetbacks belong here and have a right to be here. You chalked her murder up as just another day in the life. You pukes won’t get behind any action that would stop illegals and or lead to mass deportations. Imagine if groups of people refused to support aggressive legal action to stop drunk drivers.
rightwinger Lakhota

Society has taken all of the action necessary in the case of Mollie's murder.

Duh . . . . . wrong, you fucking dingbat, society hasn't taken any action to ensure that more perpetrators are not admitted to the country. You keep ignoring that and trying to weasel around it because open-borders is your agenda.

No one is fooled.
the right wing is clueless and Causeless. No need to fool anyone.

We have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on border policy?
The Liberal media and Democrats are calling for Saudi heads....they’re absolutely livid and outraged about this FOREIGNERS death which happened on FOREIGN soil.
Remember, the Tibbetts murder couldn’t be swept under the rug fast enough by the same groups. Weird huh?
I hope Republican politicians running for office are paying attention and adding shit like this to their campaign narratives.

Why don't Republicans care about Sandra Parks?

What makes you think Republicans don't care about Sandra Parks?
Why does Trump support leaders who assasinate their political enemies

Why did G.H.W. Bush? Why did W.J. Clinton? Why did G.W. Bush? Why did B.H. Obama? Or, do you ignore the things Saudi Arabia did in the past to make it seem less hypocritical to bash Trump about the Saudis?
So you're saying the media is corrupt and that Republicans can bribe it?

No, I'm pointing out that once it was discovered that this guy had a job in America because a rich Republican gave him one, you guys really didn't have anything to say about it... and you all got really quiet.

Also her parents tell you to STFU was a blow, i'm sure.
He didn't have a job in America. He had a job in Turkey for an international company.
Why did G.H.W. Bush? Why did W.J. Clinton? Why did G.W. Bush? Why did B.H. Obama? Or, do you ignore the things Saudi Arabia did in the past to make it seem less hypocritical to bash Trump about the Saudis?

Oh, I think our allegiene to the Saudis has always been a bad idea, but this assassination goes beyond what they've done in the past. That's kind of the problem here.

They murdered a critic on foreign soil.
The Liberal media and Democrats are calling for Saudi heads....they’re absolutely livid and outraged about this FOREIGNERS death which happened on FOREIGN soil.
Remember, the Tibbetts murder couldn’t be swept under the rug fast enough by the same groups. Weird huh?
I hope Republican politicians running for office are paying attention and adding shit like this to their campaign narratives.
Tibbets was a tragedy for a family.
Kashoggi is a tragedy for the nation.
So his life was worth more than hers? Why?

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