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Why Do Democrats Continue To Engage In Political Theater / Waste Our Time?

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.
Russians carried it out with help from Trump campaign (ie Manafort).
Blame Trump? Trump aint doing squat about the on-going Russian meddling, so he's complicit.
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!



Trump is now suggesting that the Mueller Report will not be released. Go for it!
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!



Trump is now suggesting that the Mueller Report will not be released. Go for it!
Perhaps on your planet, but here on Earth the redacted report will be released sometime in the next two weeks. Democrats are pretending they have to fight for the report to distract voters from the fact it exposes all of them as outrageous liars. Not a single Democrat in Congress has spoken one word of truth about this investigation in over two years.
Again you do play those games, show me a post you made before the last month that stated you thought it was a stupid an pointless investigation.
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?
Yeah, I do all the time. I liked Bush, but I had several areas of disagreement, With Trump not many
Lowering taxes....check
pro life...check
pro gun...check
The wall.....fucking huge check
Energy policy...check
economic policy...check
Doesn't want people killed for being gay....check
For Brexit.. check
Wants NATO members to pay more....check
Tarriffs on countries that slap tariffs on our products...check

So I could go on, but it looks like I disagree with how he is handling the deficit, and specifically entitlement reform......he's a lot nice on that, than I would be.
dude, the one thing for me, he wasn't a fking politician. Businessmen do for the company not themselves. I expected trump to be spectacular at it, and he has come true to my expectations.
He is, I do like his plan to cut department funding......Only the left thinks more money one year is a cut.....because it wasn't as much as they wanted....nope....it's still an increase and therefore it is not a cut.

So Trump lied when he said he cut it?
When did he say he cut it?
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
and none of that is true
I believe the president was fking spot on!!! Not sure what that has to do with anything. There should never had been a Bob Mueller SP.
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.
he knew it. And of course they all thought liar, liar, liar, and then.....oops they did. well he still a liar cause he's trump. dude, I laugh my ass off daily in here with the ranting left flailing around the land of la, la, la, la.

DOJ under Trump found no evidence Obama wire tapped Trump.

Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump | Reuters
They have FISA warrants of them spying on the campaign.....try again....
So now it is nop longert Trump but the Campaign.

Trump's campaign included Manafort & Flynn known to collorabe with foreign governments (unregistered).

Wasn't it Carter Page that got picked up in a wire tap in Russia?

Shit happens when you hire crooks, cheats, and shady characters.
It was always the campaign......are you high?
He said he was bugged, his campaign was......I win
His campaign had human spies in it from the government and he was not told....which is wrong as fuck
You refuse to acknowledge the fact that former FBI Agent Comey later testified under oath and stated Hillary Clinton LIED - committed Perjury, that she did send / receive classified on her server, that she used multiple devices, etc....

Combine that with the evidence showing the DOJ and FBI collaborated (cut a deal) in protecting Hillary from indictment / prison, and you are caught once again LYING / PUSHING KNOWN FALSE NARRATIVES....

Hahahaha I do love how you whine about the lack of results of the recent GOP's political theater use to tarnish Sec. Clinton.

You are a hoot.
i love how you seem to think she's not already tarnished.

you're a hoot.

Tarnished by a coordinated attack on our Republic. But it wasn't always so.

“I have a sense that she is one of the more competent members of the current administration, and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president.” Cheney also suggested that, if elected, Clinton might be easier for Republicans to work with than Obama.

“Look, if we had a Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” Paul Ryan

“Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through.” Carly Fiorina

“I happen to like Hillary Clinton; I think she’s done a good job for the… secretary of state’s position, and I have high respect for her and think a great deal of her.” Orrin Hatch

McCain praised Clinton as “an international star” who has done “a tremendous job” as secretary of state. He also later told to CBS News, “I respect Secretary/Senator Clinton; I respect her views.”

“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things.” Rice then added, “She’s very tough... and she’s got the right instincts.” George W. Bush’s top foreign-policy aide stood by those words two years later, when she described Clinton as “great” to Ohio Republicans.

Perhaps no Republican has spoken more highly of Hillary Clinton than the South Carolina senator and prominent foreign-policy hawk, who went so far as to describe the then-secretary of state as “a good role model, one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime” in May 2012. The Republican also went out of his way to praise Clinton to The New York Times three months later, saying, “She is extremely well-respected throughout the world, handles herself in a very classy way, and has a work ethic second to none.”

Remember When Republicans Loved Hillary Clinton?
No one's OPINION of Hillary Clinton matters.

EVIDENCE proves she committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act -- According to Obama's / Comey's FBI.

Comey himself testified she committed Perjury, mishandled classified, illegally destroyed classified, illegally stored classified, and committed Espionage.

Existing EVIDENCE exposed the FACT that OBAMA'S DOJ & FBI illegally collaborated to Obstruct Justice / protect Hillary from indictment / prison, thereby successfully altering the 2016 election.

How well she was thought of by ANYONE does not f*ing matter. The FACT that EVIDENCE proves she belongs in prison is what counts more.

More lies & bullsdhit.

There were no properly marked classified emails. Clinton lied? When?
it's in Comey's televised speech. and he testified to it.....you're either dumb as fuck or a complete liar
You refuse to acknowledge the fact that former FBI Agent Comey later testified under oath and stated Hillary Clinton LIED - committed Perjury, that she did send / receive classified on her server, that she used multiple devices, etc....

Combine that with the evidence showing the DOJ and FBI collaborated (cut a deal) in protecting Hillary from indictment / prison, and you are caught once again LYING / PUSHING KNOWN FALSE NARRATIVES....

Hahahaha I do love how you whine about the lack of results of the recent GOP's political theater use to tarnish Sec. Clinton.

You are a hoot.
i love how you seem to think she's not already tarnished.

you're a hoot.

Tarnished by a coordinated attack on our Republic. But it wasn't always so.

“I have a sense that she is one of the more competent members of the current administration, and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president.” Cheney also suggested that, if elected, Clinton might be easier for Republicans to work with than Obama.

“Look, if we had a Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” Paul Ryan

“Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through.” Carly Fiorina

“I happen to like Hillary Clinton; I think she’s done a good job for the… secretary of state’s position, and I have high respect for her and think a great deal of her.” Orrin Hatch

McCain praised Clinton as “an international star” who has done “a tremendous job” as secretary of state. He also later told to CBS News, “I respect Secretary/Senator Clinton; I respect her views.”

“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things.” Rice then added, “She’s very tough... and she’s got the right instincts.” George W. Bush’s top foreign-policy aide stood by those words two years later, when she described Clinton as “great” to Ohio Republicans.

Perhaps no Republican has spoken more highly of Hillary Clinton than the South Carolina senator and prominent foreign-policy hawk, who went so far as to describe the then-secretary of state as “a good role model, one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime” in May 2012. The Republican also went out of his way to praise Clinton to The New York Times three months later, saying, “She is extremely well-respected throughout the world, handles herself in a very classy way, and has a work ethic second to none.”

Remember When Republicans Loved Hillary Clinton?
No one's OPINION of Hillary Clinton matters.

EVIDENCE proves she committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act -- According to Obama's / Comey's FBI.

Comey himself testified she committed Perjury, mishandled classified, illegally destroyed classified, illegally stored classified, and committed Espionage.

Existing EVIDENCE exposed the FACT that OBAMA'S DOJ & FBI illegally collaborated to Obstruct Justice / protect Hillary from indictment / prison, thereby successfully altering the 2016 election.

How well she was thought of by ANYONE does not f*ing matter. The FACT that EVIDENCE proves she belongs in prison is what counts more.

Hogwash. The whole point of trying someone in the court of public opinion is to tarnish their reputation. Because the Court of Public Opinion has few rules anyone follows. Where you can claim literally THOUSANDS of facts an not present a shred of evidence. Where lifting a few words somebody once said and being able to craft a different and malignant narrative that fits the current talking points, is a art form that can swing voter opinion polls in your favor.

Trumpybear has the advantage because his FAUX News Media has perfected the art of the Malignant False Narrative Talking Points and can whip up the Fauxrage with the mere mention of a few names or phrases. But the Dems are catching up fast.
No shit, you guys love trying people in the media, it's why we love Trump bashing the fuck out of those partisan leftwing buttfuckers……..everytime he bashes a lefty reporter like Jim Acosta and Angel get his wings
Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)

What makes you think 2016 was unusual? Heck, we've been interfering with other countries' government's for decades, only we usually don't bother with FaceBook, at least Obama didn't. He went straight to bullets and bombs.
WTH are you talking about super dupe..... We never hacked anybody's emails and give them to a ridiculous propaganda machine, at least that I know of.
WE didn't either, but we also never rigged a primary...…..keep sucking that establishment dick, maybe they're give you a reach around
D-Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

According to the Law, certain items in the Mueller Report must be redacted because the information, for example, exposes U.S. Methods of collecting Intelligence. Releasing this information would arguably be a case of 'Espionage' (which requires NO INTENT), exposing classified information that would benefit the enemies of this nation. Doing so would damage this nation's Intelligence agencies and their ability to collect Intel.

No request, no demand, no subpoena from Congress / Democrats can change this and can NOT force the US AG / Justice Department to release the full un-redacted report, and the Democrats - like Nadler - damn-well know this. So either they are wasting time / tax dollars putting on this political theater meant to keep the indoctrinated Trump-hating, reality/fact-denying Leftist snowflake sheep stirred up OR they simply hate the President so much that they do not mind compromising national security in order to continue to try to successfully affect their coup.

"The House Judiciary Committee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena the full Mueller report and all of its underlying documents, committee chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday. Democrats, led by Nadler, are pushing back against the redactions, saying that the full report should be made public. He has called on Barr to ask a federal judge to relax restrictions on publishing grand jury materials."

Nadler and Democrats acknowledge there are restrictions against publishing grand jury material....they just don't give a damn about comply with rules, regs, and laws - something they have demonstrated throughout the entire Mueller Witch Hunt / their attempted coup!

“Judiciary Democrats have escalated from setting arbitrary deadlines to demanding unredacted material that Congress does not, in truth, require and that the law does not allow to be shared outside the Justice Department.

“It’s unfortunate that a body meant to uphold the law has grown so desperate that it’s patently misrepresenting the law”.

Nadler Schedules Vote To Subpoena Entire Mueller Report

So, again, either Democrats are so desperate to 'get Trump' that they are willing to violate laws and compromise national security OR they are engaging in political theatrics. Either way, they are acting in 'the best interest' of their own party, not that of the country!



Trump is now suggesting that the Mueller Report will not be released. Go for it!
and your link is?????
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Who said Barr lied? Turning a sentence that exonerate the president into a talking point is not really lying, although others down the line parrot the lie it was intended to be. It's created, talking points, to pound the message they want to convey to their base and the Media. Republican are very good at creating deceptive talking points. It would be very much like saying "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts." completely exonerated Clinton from the Classified info scandal. It's not really a lie, as the quote is in Comey's statement. But so is a lot of other stuff. I have a feeling that there is a lot of that other stuff in Mueller's summation as well.
Who said Barr lied? Are you fking serious
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)
No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Who said Barr lied? Turning a sentence that exonerate the president into a talking point is not really lying, although others down the line parrot the lie it was intended to be. It's created, talking points, to pound the message they want to convey to their base and the Media. Republican are very good at creating deceptive talking points. It would be very much like saying "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts." completely exonerated Clinton from the Classified info scandal. It's not really a lie, as the quote is in Comey's statement. But so is a lot of other stuff. I have a feeling that there is a lot of that other stuff in Mueller's summation as well.
Who said Barr lied? Are you fking serious
Just every democrat and every lefty on this board......why do democrats do this denial routine...I guess they find out it's a stupid position so they so the old, I didn't say it....but everyone I agree with did...…

So to clear this up. Blindboo, do you think Barr lied?
I believe the president was fking spot on!!! Not sure what that has to do with anything. There should never had been a Bob Mueller SP.
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.
he knew it. And of course they all thought liar, liar, liar, and then.....oops they did. well he still a liar cause he's trump. dude, I laugh my ass off daily in here with the ranting left flailing around the land of la, la, la, la.

DOJ under Trump found no evidence Obama wire tapped Trump.

Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump | Reuters
They have FISA warrants of them spying on the campaign.....try again....
So now it is nop longert Trump but the Campaign.

Trump's campaign included Manafort & Flynn known to collorabe with foreign governments (unregistered).

Wasn't it Carter Page that got picked up in a wire tap in Russia?

Shit happens when you hire crooks, cheats, and shady characters.
Dude, if you had a brain, you’d be dangerous
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)

What makes you think 2016 was unusual? Heck, we've been interfering with other countries' government's for decades, only we usually don't bother with FaceBook, at least Obama didn't. He went straight to bullets and bombs.
WTH are you talking about super dupe..... We never hacked anybody's emails and give them to a ridiculous propaganda machine, at least that I know of.
WE didn't either, but we also never rigged a primary...…..keep sucking that establishment dick, maybe they're give you a reach around
Of course you are totally misinformed vulgar douchebag. The Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave them to the fox Limbaugh misinformation campaign. The only establishment that bothers me is the GOP one that Robs the non rich and gives it to the rich, themselves a disgrace- stupidest Wars ever- 911 allowed through sheer incompetence and a corrupt bubble and bust every time they get the chance. 1929 1989 2008 and now the idiot chaotic Trump is Wrecking the Obama expansion. Only the GOP propaganda POS makes your idiocy possible.
You refuse to acknowledge the fact that former FBI Agent Comey later testified under oath and stated Hillary Clinton LIED - committed Perjury, that she did send / receive classified on her server, that she used multiple devices, etc....

Combine that with the evidence showing the DOJ and FBI collaborated (cut a deal) in protecting Hillary from indictment / prison, and you are caught once again LYING / PUSHING KNOWN FALSE NARRATIVES....

Hahahaha I do love how you whine about the lack of results of the recent GOP's political theater use to tarnish Sec. Clinton.

You are a hoot.
i love how you seem to think she's not already tarnished.

you're a hoot.

Tarnished by a coordinated attack on our Republic. But it wasn't always so.

“I have a sense that she is one of the more competent members of the current administration, and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president.” Cheney also suggested that, if elected, Clinton might be easier for Republicans to work with than Obama.

“Look, if we had a Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” Paul Ryan

“Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through.” Carly Fiorina

“I happen to like Hillary Clinton; I think she’s done a good job for the… secretary of state’s position, and I have high respect for her and think a great deal of her.” Orrin Hatch

McCain praised Clinton as “an international star” who has done “a tremendous job” as secretary of state. He also later told to CBS News, “I respect Secretary/Senator Clinton; I respect her views.”

“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things.” Rice then added, “She’s very tough... and she’s got the right instincts.” George W. Bush’s top foreign-policy aide stood by those words two years later, when she described Clinton as “great” to Ohio Republicans.

Perhaps no Republican has spoken more highly of Hillary Clinton than the South Carolina senator and prominent foreign-policy hawk, who went so far as to describe the then-secretary of state as “a good role model, one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime” in May 2012. The Republican also went out of his way to praise Clinton to The New York Times three months later, saying, “She is extremely well-respected throughout the world, handles herself in a very classy way, and has a work ethic second to none.”

Remember When Republicans Loved Hillary Clinton?
No one's OPINION of Hillary Clinton matters.

EVIDENCE proves she committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act -- According to Obama's / Comey's FBI.

Comey himself testified she committed Perjury, mishandled classified, illegally destroyed classified, illegally stored classified, and committed Espionage.

Existing EVIDENCE exposed the FACT that OBAMA'S DOJ & FBI illegally collaborated to Obstruct Justice / protect Hillary from indictment / prison, thereby successfully altering the 2016 election.

How well she was thought of by ANYONE does not f*ing matter. The FACT that EVIDENCE proves she belongs in prison is what counts more.

More lies & bullsdhit.

There were no properly marked classified emails. Clinton lied? When?
Oh ok Francis
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.
he knew it. And of course they all thought liar, liar, liar, and then.....oops they did. well he still a liar cause he's trump. dude, I laugh my ass off daily in here with the ranting left flailing around the land of la, la, la, la.

DOJ under Trump found no evidence Obama wire tapped Trump.

Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump | Reuters
They have FISA warrants of them spying on the campaign.....try again....
So now it is nop longert Trump but the Campaign.

Trump's campaign included Manafort & Flynn known to collorabe with foreign governments (unregistered).

Wasn't it Carter Page that got picked up in a wire tap in Russia?

Shit happens when you hire crooks, cheats, and shady characters.
Dude, if you had a brain, you’d be dangerous
Troll much, super duper? Try some content sometime if you have any....
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)

What makes you think 2016 was unusual? Heck, we've been interfering with other countries' government's for decades, only we usually don't bother with FaceBook, at least Obama didn't. He went straight to bullets and bombs.
WTH are you talking about super dupe..... We never hacked anybody's emails and give them to a ridiculous propaganda machine, at least that I know of.
WE didn't either, but we also never rigged a primary...…..keep sucking that establishment dick, maybe they're give you a reach around
Of course you are totally misinformed vulgar douchebag. The Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave them to the fox Limbaugh misinformation campaign. The only establishment that bothers me is the GOP one that Robs the non rich and gives it to the rich, themselves a disgrace- stupidest Wars ever- 911 allowed through sheer incompetence and a corrupt bubble and bust every time they get the chance. 1929 1989 2008 and now the idiot chaotic Trump is Wrecking the Obama expansion. Only the GOP propaganda POS makes your idiocy possible.
So the Russians rigged the democrat primary?

Obama explosion......LOLOOLOLOLOLOL.....1% growth is explosion now......and Trump has never been close to that low.....boy you're dumb
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Who said Barr lied? Turning a sentence that exonerate the president into a talking point is not really lying, although others down the line parrot the lie it was intended to be. It's created, talking points, to pound the message they want to convey to their base and the Media. Republican are very good at creating deceptive talking points. It would be very much like saying "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts." completely exonerated Clinton from the Classified info scandal. It's not really a lie, as the quote is in Comey's statement. But so is a lot of other stuff. I have a feeling that there is a lot of that other stuff in Mueller's summation as well.
Who said Barr lied? Are you fking serious
Just every democrat and every lefty on this board......why do democrats do this denial routine...I guess they find out it's a stupid position so they so the old, I didn't say it....but everyone I agree with did...…

So to clear this up. Blindboo, do you think Barr lied?
He said Trump could not be exonerated from obstruction. Time to find out why. And he is a republican so if he's talking....
The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)

What makes you think 2016 was unusual? Heck, we've been interfering with other countries' government's for decades, only we usually don't bother with FaceBook, at least Obama didn't. He went straight to bullets and bombs.
WTH are you talking about super dupe..... We never hacked anybody's emails and give them to a ridiculous propaganda machine, at least that I know of.
WE didn't either, but we also never rigged a primary...…..keep sucking that establishment dick, maybe they're give you a reach around
Of course you are totally misinformed vulgar douchebag. The Russians hacked the DNC and podesta and gave them to the fox Limbaugh misinformation campaign. The only establishment that bothers me is the GOP one that Robs the non rich and gives it to the rich, themselves a disgrace- stupidest Wars ever- 911 allowed through sheer incompetence and a corrupt bubble and bust every time they get the chance. 1929 1989 2008 and now the idiot chaotic Trump is Wrecking the Obama expansion. Only the GOP propaganda POS makes your idiocy possible.
So the Russians rigged the democrat primary?

Obama explosion......LOLOOLOLOLOLOL.....1% growth is explosion now......and Trump has never been close to that low.....boy you're dumb
Nobody rigged the Democratic primary. And I voted for Sanders. Just stupid crap propaganda is what that theory is.All that email stuff was highly overrated anyway, just idiots staffers BS in g....everything you idiots know about emails is irrelevant garbage propaganda. our media sucks and are cowards and your media is garbage propaganda with pathetic people involved especially in primetime and Rush etc horrible demagogue Liars. Breaking for dupes we have a flat tax system that is killing the country the rich do not pay enough.... End of story thanks scumbag GOP

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