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Why Do Democrats Continue To Engage In Political Theater / Waste Our Time?

No, because the FBI said they investigated it, we now know they didn't, ask Lisa Page.....someone ON the investigation. Trump was going to let it go, you know for unity, but the left is not big on unity...and it's going to bite them in the ass......
Then why doesn’t Trump do what he said and assign a special prosector?
Well Trump cant do that...the AG has to, and since you guys started the bogus Russian hoax we let that one play out....now it's our turn.......lets see what we dig up....I bet it's more than you have......oh I know it's more than what you have.........let the games begin!
I dont play those games. Political hacks play those games. Trump has had 3 AGs that could have gone after Clinton and what have they done? Zip, zero, nada. Wow, shocking!
Again you do play those games, show me a post you made before the last month that stated you thought it was a stupid an pointless investigation.
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?
Yeah, I do all the time. I liked Bush, but I had several areas of disagreement, With Trump not many
Lowering taxes....check
pro life...check
pro gun...check
The wall.....fucking huge check
Energy policy...check
economic policy...check
Doesn't want people killed for being gay....check
For Brexit.. check
Wants NATO members to pay more....check
Tarriffs on countries that slap tariffs on our products...check

So I could go on, but it looks like I disagree with how he is handling the deficit, and specifically entitlement reform......he's a lot nice on that, than I would be.
Why aren't you outraged and writing your Congressman, and Congress woman, and Posting Articles here, Demanding That The Russian Dossier, and The COUP be Investigated?
Because I don’t support wasting time and money on pointless over politicized investigations.
Funny how when your side does it, you're cool with it....when it's against them, nah......I don't like investigations......
I was gonna say the same about you. And I was fine with the Mueller investigation because Russia did interfere with the election, servers were hacked and info stolen and leaked, then there were public lies from Trump about contacts with Russians. All these things warrant investigation. I’m not cool with how long and expensive the investigation was.
I have no issue with an investigation in Russian interference, but that wasn't the point of it....it was to get Trump......they spied on his campaign and did not tell him.....normally you tell the boss of the organization, hey we might have a spy.....they did it for Feinstein......it's how we know it was all bullshit to begin with.....the whole thing started on a lie.
You are correct about the lies, but they came from Flynn and the rest of the Trump puppets.
No man, Flynn's lie was way less than this conspiracy........spying on an opponents political campaign......what a fascist thing to do.
sorry - but when the left does shit like what they did to kavanaugh, i see this as SOP for them. shout out FOUL and get as much political gain as you can out of something that is "opinionated" and hard to pin down. someone tries to pin you down, get offended and demand even MOAR.

if the left did not go apeshit batty over RUSSIA and see it in everything that happened, then maybe the right wouldn't need to respond as they have.
We are all responsible for our own actions it’s as simple as that. Poor judgement from one side does not excuse poor judgment from the other.
Let the left know that........I agree.......maybe stop blaming whitey for things that happened 150 years ago......and take responsibility......

So whitey didn't enslave the black man or it wasn't his fault> Whitely did not deny blacks a good education , eat in the same restaurants, live in the same neighborhoods. Who did? Or if it wasn't whitey.

It is their fault for not climbing over all the hurdles white erected. Spoken like a true racist piece of shit.
funny white's were slaves once too. you act like slaves were only black. why is that? And you know, blacks sold blacks too, right? why is it you know nothing of this history?

Funny chit. Wow, the exact same excuse all you racists use .

You black people in Africa sold slaves therefore it validates the use of slavery by white people.

And "Whites only" meant those decended by "white slaves" could go there?
Oh please, you only hold white Americans accountable for slavery...there were blacks in America that owned slaves and Indians did too.......it actually was pretty common practice....and it still happens, just not in the greatest country on Earth( that's the US for you commies)
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?

So you were against it, before you were for it? Are you against it again now?

Very Confusing there Putin Collusion Boot Scootin Rasputin, what are you Disputin?



I’m not surprised that you are confused, your posts show a lack of ability to absorb details.

Yes I was for the start of the investigation. I’m against how long it took and how expensive it was.

Not true at all. You called Mueller an honest & honorable man.

The moment he was appointed, he gathered people like Page, Strozk, McCabe, Baker, Ohr, Preet Bharra, and Wesimann on his team. Not one Republican, and all Clinton donors and Trump Haters.

Then he waged War against anyone who supported Trump with Pre-dawn raids usually reserved for drug kingpins & terrorists, pointing machine guns at half naked women in night gowns, throwing petty tax cheats in solitary confinement which was a gross violation of Civil Rights, and a Health Issue for a 70 year old man who had not been convicted of anything. Months in solitary while he awaited trial. Mueller is some real tough guy threatening innocent men who disclosed phone calls arranged by Obama himself with Flynn, by threatening sending their son away to prison for life on trumped up charges with no evidence.

Love how he threatened to send Cohen's wife away for life, for God knows what.

Yet nobody would even LIE FOR MUELLER & WEISMANN. And even with using extortion and threats of "process crimes" Moscow Mueller could find No Collusion while Investigating his Russian Delusion.

Oh and my favorite, Amphibious assault vehicles and rocket launchers sent against a man who was already preparing to voluntarily turn himself in. in fact he was dressed for it.

Rasputin thinks you are very dishonest and a habitual liar.


Is Mueller an honest man or not?

You said that he was.
dude the ass kissing the left in here did on Mueller's can was spectacular. OMG, their god and savior had arrived. And now? fickle people the left. can't save themselves from themselves.
Trump called Mueller "diusgraced and discredited".
We should listen to Trump & throw out the Mueller report & get a new prosecutor.
We will, and it wont be Trump investigated
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Because no one in the Ttrump administration has ever lied. Nooooooooooooo
No one in the Democratic Party has told the truth for the last two years.
Not true at all. You called Mueller an honest & honorable man.

The moment he was appointed, he gathered people like Page, Strozk, McCabe, Baker, Ohr, Preet Bharra, and Wesimann on his team. Not one Republican, and all Clinton donors and Trump Haters.

Then he waged War against anyone who supported Trump with Pre-dawn raids usually reserved for drug kingpins & terrorists, pointing machine guns at half naked women in night gowns, throwing petty tax cheats in solitary confinement which was a gross violation of Civil Rights, and a Health Issue for a 70 year old man who had not been convicted of anything. Months in solitary while he awaited trial. Mueller is some real tough guy threatening innocent men who disclosed phone calls arranged by Obama himself with Flynn, by threatening sending their son away to prison for life on trumped up charges with no evidence.

Love how he threatened to send Cohen's wife away for life, for God knows what.

Yet nobody would even LIE FOR MUELLER & WEISMANN. And even with using extortion and threats of "process crimes" Moscow Mueller could find No Collusion while Investigating his Russian Delusion.

Oh and my favorite, Amphibious assault vehicles and rocket launchers sent against a man who was already preparing to voluntarily turn himself in. in fact he was dressed for it.

Rasputin thinks you are very dishonest and a habitual liar.


Is Mueller an honest man or not?

You said that he was.
dude the ass kissing the left in here did on Mueller's can was spectacular. OMG, their god and savior had arrived. And now? fickle people the left. can't save themselves from themselves.
Trump called Mueller "diusgraced and discredited".
We should listen to Trump & throw out the Mueller report & get a new prosecutor.
I believe the president was fking spot on!!! Not sure what that has to do with anything. There should never had been a Bob Mueller SP.
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.

Trump was never wire tapped.

'Maybe your fat assed orange buddy shoulon't have advisors talking with Russians on US wire taps?
his campaign was dumbfuck.......
dude the ass kissing the left in here did on Mueller's can was spectacular. OMG, their god and savior had arrived. And now? fickle people the left. can't save themselves from themselves.
Trump called Mueller "diusgraced and discredited".
We should listen to Trump & throw out the Mueller report & get a new prosecutor.
I believe the president was fking spot on!!! Not sure what that has to do with anything. There should never had been a Bob Mueller SP.
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.
he knew it. And of course they all thought liar, liar, liar, and then.....oops they did. well he still a liar cause he's trump. dude, I laugh my ass off daily in here with the ranting left flailing around the land of la, la, la, la.

DOJ under Trump found no evidence Obama wire tapped Trump.

Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump | Reuters
They have FISA warrants of them spying on the campaign.....try again....
Yeah, I agree that Hillary/Obama/Lynch/Holder should be investigated...
You meant "again:" right. How many times did Republicans investigate these people?
How long was Ken Starr's investigation into the Clintons.

Jesus fuck, get a grip & quit pretendting Trump did not deserve this investigation.

1) Russia interfered to help Trump
2) Trump's campaign official caught in a Russian wire tap
3) Trump tower secret meeting that was lied about
4) Trump's refusal to release tax returns possibly hiding Russia business tires
5) Trump lying about his business in Russia
6) Trump's campaign leadership lying about contacts with Russians

And this was supposed to be ignored?

Trump lying about hios campaign's contsact with the Russians
Lol you worthless leftist traitors crack me up!

You lying fuck, anti-American, Trump loves make me sick. This country has no future with so many ignorant, uneducated, easily duped people like you voting.
Triggered! Six more years traitor!

6 more years of the traitor? Doubtul.
that's right the HuffPo says the democrats have a 97% chance to win......yawn, we've heard it all before
Then why doesn’t Trump do what he said and assign a special prosector?
Well Trump cant do that...the AG has to, and since you guys started the bogus Russian hoax we let that one play out....now it's our turn.......lets see what we dig up....I bet it's more than you have......oh I know it's more than what you have.........let the games begin!
I dont play those games. Political hacks play those games. Trump has had 3 AGs that could have gone after Clinton and what have they done? Zip, zero, nada. Wow, shocking!
Again you do play those games, show me a post you made before the last month that stated you thought it was a stupid an pointless investigation.
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?
Yeah, I do all the time. I liked Bush, but I had several areas of disagreement, With Trump not many
Lowering taxes....check
pro life...check
pro gun...check
The wall.....fucking huge check
Energy policy...check
economic policy...check
Doesn't want people killed for being gay....check
For Brexit.. check
Wants NATO members to pay more....check
Tarriffs on countries that slap tariffs on our products...check

So I could go on, but it looks like I disagree with how he is handling the deficit, and specifically entitlement reform......he's a lot nice on that, than I would be.
dude, the one thing for me, he wasn't a fking politician. Businessmen do for the company not themselves. I expected trump to be spectacular at it, and he has come true to my expectations.
Last edited:
Well Trump cant do that...the AG has to, and since you guys started the bogus Russian hoax we let that one play out....now it's our turn.......lets see what we dig up....I bet it's more than you have......oh I know it's more than what you have.........let the games begin!
I dont play those games. Political hacks play those games. Trump has had 3 AGs that could have gone after Clinton and what have they done? Zip, zero, nada. Wow, shocking!
Again you do play those games, show me a post you made before the last month that stated you thought it was a stupid an pointless investigation.
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?
Yeah, I do all the time. I liked Bush, but I had several areas of disagreement, With Trump not many
Lowering taxes....check
pro life...check
pro gun...check
The wall.....fucking huge check
Energy policy...check
economic policy...check
Doesn't want people killed for being gay....check
For Brexit.. check
Wants NATO members to pay more....check
Tarriffs on countries that slap tariffs on our products...check

So I could go on, but it looks like I disagree with how he is handling the deficit, and specifically entitlement reform......he's a lot nice on that, than I would be.
dude, the one thing for me, he wasn't a fking politician. Businessmen do for the company not themselves. I expected trump to be spectacular at it, and he has come true to my expectations.
He is, I do like his plan to cut department funding......Only the left thinks more money one year is a cut.....because it wasn't as much as they wanted....nope....it's still an increase and therefore it is not a cut.
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.

Who said Barr lied? Turning a sentence that exonerate the president into a talking point is not really lying, although others down the line parrot the lie it was intended to be. It's created, talking points, to pound the message they want to convey to their base and the Media. Republican are very good at creating deceptive talking points. It would be very much like saying "In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts." completely exonerated Clinton from the Classified info scandal. It's not really a lie, as the quote is in Comey's statement. But so is a lot of other stuff. I have a feeling that there is a lot of that other stuff in Mueller's summation as well.
Yeah, I agree that Hillary/Obama/Lynch/Holder should be investigated...
You meant "again:" right. How many times did Republicans investigate these people?
How long was Ken Starr's investigation into the Clintons.

Jesus fuck, get a grip & quit pretendting Trump did not deserve this investigation.

1) Russia interfered to help Trump
2) Trump's campaign official caught in a Russian wire tap
3) Trump tower secret meeting that was lied about
4) Trump's refusal to release tax returns possibly hiding Russia business tires
5) Trump lying about his business in Russia
6) Trump's campaign leadership lying about contacts with Russians

And this was supposed to be ignored?

Trump lying about hios campaign's contsact with the Russians
Lol you worthless leftist traitors crack me up!

You lying fuck, anti-American, Trump loves make me sick. This country has no future with so many ignorant, uneducated, easily duped people like you voting.
Triggered! Six more years traitor!

6 more years of the traitor? Doubtul.
Now don't try to get all witty on me Dave - you'll lose.
I dont play those games. Political hacks play those games. Trump has had 3 AGs that could have gone after Clinton and what have they done? Zip, zero, nada. Wow, shocking!
Again you do play those games, show me a post you made before the last month that stated you thought it was a stupid an pointless investigation.
I’ve done several, I’m not going to dig through them all to prove it to you. I can tell you now how I feel. I’m very critical of Trump because he is our president and he acts like a dishonest spoiled child, so yes most of my posts are critical. But I have no problem calling out the Dems for their bullshit and I have no problem complimenting Trump on things I agree with. Can you say the same about he flip side?
Yeah, I do all the time. I liked Bush, but I had several areas of disagreement, With Trump not many
Lowering taxes....check
pro life...check
pro gun...check
The wall.....fucking huge check
Energy policy...check
economic policy...check
Doesn't want people killed for being gay....check
For Brexit.. check
Wants NATO members to pay more....check
Tarriffs on countries that slap tariffs on our products...check

So I could go on, but it looks like I disagree with how he is handling the deficit, and specifically entitlement reform......he's a lot nice on that, than I would be.
dude, the one thing for me, he wasn't a fking politician. Businessmen do for the company not themselves. I expected trump to be spectacular at it, and he has come true to my expectations.
He is, I do like his plan to cut department funding......Only the left thinks more money one year is a cut.....because it wasn't as much as they wanted....nope....it's still an increase and therefore it is not a cut.

So Trump lied when he said he cut it?
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
lol You guys are all so fickle. It seems like just yesterday you believe Mueller was your hero and now you can't trash his investigation fast enough.
Clinton testified under oath before Congress for hours. How many charges of perjury did they charge her with?

You refuse to acknowledge the fact that former FBI Agent Comey later testified under oath and stated Hillary Clinton LIED - committed Perjury, that she did send / receive classified on her server, that she used multiple devices, etc....

Combine that with the evidence showing the DOJ and FBI collaborated (cut a deal) in protecting Hillary from indictment / prison, and you are caught once again LYING / PUSHING KNOWN FALSE NARRATIVES....

Hahahaha I do love how you whine about the lack of results of the recent GOP's political theater use to tarnish Sec. Clinton.

You are a hoot.
i love how you seem to think she's not already tarnished.

you're a hoot.

Tarnished by a coordinated attack on our Republic. But it wasn't always so.

“I have a sense that she is one of the more competent members of the current administration, and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president.” Cheney also suggested that, if elected, Clinton might be easier for Republicans to work with than Obama.

“Look, if we had a Clinton presidency, if we had Erskine Bowles as chief of staff of the White House or president of the United States, I think we would have fixed this fiscal mess by now,” Paul Ryan

“Having started as a secretary and eventually become a chief executive officer, I not only have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton and her candidacy and her leadership, but I also have great empathy, I must tell you, for what she went through.” Carly Fiorina

“I happen to like Hillary Clinton; I think she’s done a good job for the… secretary of state’s position, and I have high respect for her and think a great deal of her.” Orrin Hatch

McCain praised Clinton as “an international star” who has done “a tremendous job” as secretary of state. He also later told to CBS News, “I respect Secretary/Senator Clinton; I respect her views.”

“Hillary Clinton is someone I’ve known for a long, long time. She’s a patriot. I think she’s doing a lot of the right things.” Rice then added, “She’s very tough... and she’s got the right instincts.” George W. Bush’s top foreign-policy aide stood by those words two years later, when she described Clinton as “great” to Ohio Republicans.

Perhaps no Republican has spoken more highly of Hillary Clinton than the South Carolina senator and prominent foreign-policy hawk, who went so far as to describe the then-secretary of state as “a good role model, one of the most effective secretary of states, greatest ambassadors for the American people that I have known in my lifetime” in May 2012. The Republican also went out of his way to praise Clinton to The New York Times three months later, saying, “She is extremely well-respected throughout the world, handles herself in a very classy way, and has a work ethic second to none.”

Remember When Republicans Loved Hillary Clinton?
No one's OPINION of Hillary Clinton matters.

EVIDENCE proves she committed literally THOUSANDS of criminal counts of Obstruction and violations of both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act -- According to Obama's / Comey's FBI.

Comey himself testified she committed Perjury, mishandled classified, illegally destroyed classified, illegally stored classified, and committed Espionage.

Existing EVIDENCE exposed the FACT that OBAMA'S DOJ & FBI illegally collaborated to Obstruct Justice / protect Hillary from indictment / prison, thereby successfully altering the 2016 election.

How well she was thought of by ANYONE does not f*ing matter. The FACT that EVIDENCE proves she belongs in prison is what counts more.
and it came out last week

No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.
Trump called Mueller "diusgraced and discredited".
We should listen to Trump & throw out the Mueller report & get a new prosecutor.
I believe the president was fking spot on!!! Not sure what that has to do with anything. There should never had been a Bob Mueller SP.
He called Obama Bin Spying on Wiretapping Trump a long time ago and Left Tards knew it was true, but ridiculed him anyways. That shows you what these people are. Even though Clinton lost, they should have been outraged at that.
he knew it. And of course they all thought liar, liar, liar, and then.....oops they did. well he still a liar cause he's trump. dude, I laugh my ass off daily in here with the ranting left flailing around the land of la, la, la, la.

DOJ under Trump found no evidence Obama wire tapped Trump.

Justice Department affirms no evidence Obama wiretapped Trump | Reuters
They have FISA warrants of them spying on the campaign.....try again....
So now it is nop longert Trump but the Campaign.

Trump's campaign included Manafort & Flynn known to collorabe with foreign governments (unregistered).

Wasn't it Carter Page that got picked up in a wire tap in Russia?

Shit happens when you hire crooks, cheats, and shady characters.
No it didn't. What came out last week was a letter from the newly appointed AG. One who showed publicly his bias in this case. He cited a couple of sentences from Mueller's report, which I assume is very similar in form to Comey's statement about the investigation into Hillary's email shit. But since no one has seen Mueller's summation except Barr, we'll just have to wait to see if their are any similarities.
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)
lol What a crock of shit. Barr addressed the important issues of the investigation succinctly and instead of showing bias presented a cogent argument for concluding there was not any obstruction of justice. All of this huffing an puffing by Democrats is just an effort to distract voters from the fact they have not heard one word of truth from any Democrat in Congress on this issue in over two years.

No he didn't. He put out the first salvo in the Talking Point's war over the Mueller Report. He's there to protect Trumpybear. It's obvious they are scared of what the report says. It's the only reason to use a tactic like that.

Pretending that Barr would actually lie about Mueller's summary when it would be so easily debunked is ridiculous. There's no reason to believe Mueller found actionable evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia.
Donald Trump asked for,
Donald Trump received,
Donald Trump benefited from,
And Donald Trump has rewarded,
illegal election interference and assistance from Russian foreign nationals.

The biggest issue though, is that despite every investigation / conclusion that Russia attacked our democracy, Donald Trump refuses to admit it, address it, or take steps to prevent it from happening again.

Just because there is no proof of a quid-pro-quo does not mean he is not derelict in his duty.

look at how many Trump supporters push policies that benefit Putin. i.e. leaving NATO.
You're not too bright, arya?
The Russians hate the United States.
The Russians used social media to organize protests in the United States.
The Russians did meddle in our elections, as they have been since world war 2.
You butthurt leftist traitors want to blame Trump for something the Russians carried out.
This is Russia attempting to dismantle the United States from within.
You fuckwads should be condemning the perpetrators, not the President.
Stupid asses.

The Russians meddled in the 2016 election to help Trump get elected. They had not done this to this degree in the psast.

So why did Russia want Trump?

Don't you find that odd?

So electing Trump is how Russia is dismantling the US?

So you helped Russia when you voted Trump?

Trump: " Hey my buddy Vlad said that Russians did not do it & I believe him" (i.e. US intel agencies are all idiots & liars.)
That response is so stupid I can't motivate myself for a rebuttal.

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