Why Do Democrats HATE Disabled Female Pregnant Veterans?

"Why Do Democrats HATE Disabled Female Pregnant Veterans?"

No, they just hate the ridiculous lies you and others on the right seek to propagate, this being one of many examples.
DF, you silly person, we are talking about the leadership race for the Dems.

Moon is goading you into trolling your own thread.
No, Sanders is viable and I admit that. At least for democrats that would be a better choice.
"Why Do Democrats HATE Disabled Female Pregnant Veterans?"

No, they just hate the ridiculous lies you and others on the right seek to propagate, this being one of many examples.
Story and links above. Hey it's the truth, you AFRAID of the truth there lil wingnut?
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote

OK so Pelosi is trying to enforce the rules legalistically and not allow an exception for any reason.
And this happens to look suspiciously bad, as a political conflict of interest, since Pelosi favors the other candidate. Hmmmm.

Sounds like no matter who the voter was, Pelosi would appear to block it due to political bias.

So it's not really about the pregnant disabled woman Vet.
She happens to be that, but there is political obstruction going on, regardless of her situation and status.
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote

OK so Pelosi is trying to enforce the rules legalistically and not allow an exception for any reason.
And this happens to look suspiciously bad, as a political conflict of interest, since Pelosi favors the other candidate. Hmmmm.

Sounds like no matter who the voter was, Pelosi would appear to block it due to political bias.

So it's not really about the pregnant disabled woman Vet.
She happens to be that, but there is political obstruction going on, regardless of her situation and status.
She USED the fact the woman was pregnant and disabled to BLOCK her from voting. Care to guess what would happen if that happened at any polling place?
You have no idea if "OK so Pelosi is trying to enforce the rules legalistically and not allow an exception for any reason" is the whole deal or not.

So, one mor time:

Is there a provision to waive the rules concerning proxy votes?

If so, what is it?

And why have you not asked such a relevant set of questions?
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote

OK so Pelosi is trying to enforce the rules legalistically and not allow an exception for any reason.
And this happens to look suspiciously bad, as a political conflict of interest, since Pelosi favors the other candidate. Hmmmm.

Sounds like no matter who the voter was, Pelosi would appear to block it due to political bias.

So it's not really about the pregnant disabled woman Vet.
She happens to be that, but there is political obstruction going on, regardless of her situation and status.
She USED the fact the woman was pregnant and disabled to BLOCK her from voting. Care to guess what would happen if that happened at any polling place?

The same denial and projection
as when the Party leaders (Pelosi, Obama, etc.) claim to be prochoice
but keep defending and enforcing the ACA mandates that are anti-choice in penalizing
free choice of how to pay for health care.

Same weird justifications that never answer the question.

It's all politics.

Only politics can take the prochoice idea, and sell it as penalizing free choice.
Totally contradictory and people go along with it.

So if they can justify that, anything can be swallowed.
It is more important to fall in line politically, and go with what the top down leaders push.
Even if it contradicts itself. Politics is more important!
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
You have no idea if "OK so Pelosi is trying to enforce the rules legalistically and not allow an exception for any reason" is the whole deal or not.

So, one mor time:

Is there a provision to waive the rules concerning proxy votes?

If so, what is it?

And why have you not asked such a relevant set of questions?

Whether or not there is or is not such a provision,
if Pelosi is trying to enforce the rule of no proxy votes,
then that is what her focus and argument is. No proxy votes.

There could be a provision, and she is not pushing for it.
Or maybe there isn't one, and she is pushing for no proxy votes.

Either way, she is enforcing the policy of no proxy votes.
And it doesn't matter if the contesting voter is a big purple cow. or a Buddhist monk waving a donation check.
Pelosi is insisting on no proxy votes, and people are contesting that as
politically motivated even at the expense of harming the Democrats' image.
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?

"They" don't have a say, it's up to Pelosi.

She's the only one to blame for this.

In any case, it's internal party politics. Why do you care?
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?

"They" don't have a say, it's up to Pelosi.

She's the only one to blame for this.

In any case, it's internal party politics. Why do you care?
Because when democrats start whining about how vets are talked about they have ACTIONS that speak louder then words.
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?

"They" don't have a say, it's up to Pelosi.

She's the only one to blame for this.

In any case, it's internal party politics. Why do you care?
Because when democrats start whining about how vets are talked about they have ACTIONS that speak louder then words.

Most of the people that I've heard "whining" about Trumps comments to McCain have been Republicans, not Democrats.
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?
What part of 'the decision is Pelosi's' do you not understand?
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

Get breaking news alerts and more from Roll Call in your inbox or on your iPhone.

“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?
What part of 'the decision is Pelosi's' do you not understand?
Omnibus Budget bill signed 8/8/88 section 505 to be exact.
It's the law REQUIRING employers to make access equal to all.
Had it been a private company they would have been sued. But congress exempted themselves and Pelosi then used that exemption to HARM another person and DENY them their rghts.
Pelosi REALLY hates them more then anybody. I THOUGHT that party was FOR women and FOR vets? Guess I was wrong.

House Democrats are continuing to criticize Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s refusal to allow Rep. Tammy Duckworth — a double amputee Iraq War veteran whose pregnancy has made her unable to travel — to vote by proxy in leadership elections this week.

Pelosi and her allies have been saying since Nov. 13, when the issue first came up, that House Democratic Caucus rules prohibit proxy votes, and that allowing exceptions for the Illinois Democrat would create a slippery-slope scenario.

Members and aides are privately seething over what they see as Pelosi’s latest attempt to stack the deck against Rep. Frank Pallone Jr., D-N.J., who is running for ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee against Pelosi’s closest friend and fellow Californian, Rep.Anna G. Eshoo.

And many members are concerned about the optics of not allowing Duckworth a proxy vote when Democrats are supposed to be the party that fights for women. Democrats have tried to make electoral gains by touting the “When Women Succeed, America Succeeds” economic agenda.

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“Our party should be the party that stands up for women,” Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida said in a caucus meeting Tuesday morning, according to a source in the room.

Duckworth wants to vote in Democrats’ elections. (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call File Photo)

A source also said that civil-rights icon and longtime Georgia Democratic Rep. John Lewiswas fighting Pelosi’s refusal: “We will pay a price for not doing this,” he reportedly said.

The Steering and Policy Committee will meet on Tuesday evening to make a recommendation for the position, with the full caucus expected to vote on the issue Wednesday morning. The Energy and Commerce race is expected to be incredibly close, where every vote will matter — and Duckworth was a public supporter of Pallone.

Pelosi reiterated her decision at a news conference Monday, telling reporters: “The rules of the caucus are the same as the rules of the House. No proxy voting. … The fact is is that it’s really important to be here, to be in caucus. It’s more important to vote on the floor. If I were to make a fight, I’d vote to have a proxy vote on the floor than in whatever’s going on in the caucus.”

Duckworth herself has not weighed in on the controversy, releasing an even-keeled statement on Thursday night, shortly after her request was denied.

“I submitted a request to the Caucus to allow for a proxy vote due to my pregnancy. The Caucus chose not to allow me to vote via proxy. I respect the process and very much appreciated my colleagues who made sure my request was considered,” she said."

Democratic Caucus Angry Tammy Duckworth Denied Proxy Vote
You're an idiot. Your own source says that House Democrats are against Pelosi's decision to not allow Duckworth to vote by proxy. It's internal politics. Nothing more. Go play in traffic.
The woman never got to vote so their words were lip service ONLY. You buy lip service do you?
What part of 'the decision is Pelosi's' do you not understand?
Omnibus Budget bill signed 8/8/88 section 505 to be exact.
It's the law REQUIRING employers to make access equal to all.
Had it been a private company they would have been sued. But congress exempted themselves and Pelosi then used that exemption to HARM another person and DENY them their rghts.


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