Why Do Democrats HATE Disabled Female Pregnant Veterans?

I've read some of the OP's other posts, and I conclude that he is either a teenager or an older person with zero post high school education. Most of his posts seem like moronic spamming, and it's surprising that his threads are not moderated. Do the moderators really think there is sufficient proof here to charge Pelosi with hating Duckworth?

Pelosi said she was motivated by the problems that would occur if she allowed proxy voting for everyone.

While Duckworth clearly has a valid excuse
, it's insane to open a Pandora's Box which would allow everyone to spend even more time away form Washington. Can you imagine how many lazy Democrats would ignore the people's work and just get a Doctor's excuse every time they wanted to stretch a long weekend or abandon their responsibilities? It would create an even greater perception of absentee leadership. To change the current voting rules is likely a complicated issue with a whole list of unintended consequences and administrative headaches that the OP could not fathom and does not care about.

But let's assume that Pelosi is lying about her motives (which is entirely possible because she is a weasel IMHO). Let's assume that she is denying this rule change for the reasons raised in the OP's source material, that is, let's assume she is doing this to help her friend Anna G. Eshoo. This is corrupt, but it doesn't suggest she is motivated by her hatred of Duckworth but rather for her desire to see Eshoo get appointed. So the OP is just flaming and trying to trip some neural associative webs about how the Democrats hate the troops. But let's be clear: the fact that Duckworth is a veteran and disabled and a women has nothing to do with why Pelosi allegedly does not want her to vote in this case.

If you want to know how/why political discourse in this country has become so corrupt and dysfunctional, than try to figure out why it's so easy for OP to say stuff that is so stupid and speculative. He represents the Donald Trumpification of the Republican Party. He is the consequence of educating a generation of Republicans on Talk Radio.
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I've read some of the OP's other posts, and I conclude that he is either a teenager or an older person with zero post high school education. Most of his posts seem like moronic spamming, and it's surprising that his threads are not moderated. Do the moderators really think there is sufficient proof here to charge Pelosi with hating Duckworth?

Pelosi said she was motivated by the problems that would occur if she allowed proxy voting for everyone.

While Duckworth clearly has a valid excuse
, it's insane to open a Pandora's Box which would allow everyone to spend even more time away form Washington. Can you imagine how many lazy Democrats would ignore the people's work and just get a Doctor's excuse every time they wanted to stretch a long weekend or abandon their responsibilities? It would create an even greater perception of absentee leadership. To change the current voting rules is likely a complicated issue with a whole list of unintended consequences and administrative headaches that the OP could not fathom and does not care about.

But let's assume that Pelosi is lying about her motives (which is entirely possible because she is a weasel IMHO). Let's assume that she is denying this rule change for the reasons raised in the OP's source material, that is, let's assume she is doing this to help her friend Anna G. Eshoo. This is corrupt, but it doesn't suggest she is motivated by her hatred of Duckworth but rather for her desire to see Eshoo get appointed. So the OP is just flaming and trying to trip some neural associative webs about how the Democrats hate the troops, when the fact that Duckworth is a troop or disabled or a women has nothing to do with why Pelosi allegedly does not want her to vote in this case.

If you want to know how/why political discourse in this country has become so stupid, than try to figure out why it's so easy for OP to say stuff that is so stupid and speculative. He represents the Donald Trumpification of the Republican Party. He is the consequence of educating a generation of Republicans with Talk Radio.
It's called free speech and there is more then enough in the link to show malice on her part. MORE then enough.

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