Why do Democrats hate space travel?

Democrats do not hate space travel. Are you people insane? The regressives want to hamstring NASA because they don't adhere to the right-wing conspiracy that global warming is a government funded boondoggle. That is crazy. And now you want to spread the insanity that progressives want to disenfranchise NASA? Wow. Just wow.

Mmm, progressives have a long history of not wanting to spend money in space what with all the "problems" we have here on Earth that need the money.

Not to mention various "Deep Green" ideas about humans being bad or technology being bad, or ect.

BIll Clinton sabotage Manned space flight and Obama pulled the trigger.
The United States is decades behind where it should be for space travel. We should already have a permanent Moon base. We should already be sending astronauts to Mars. All of this is not happening because Democrats hate progress and science. All they care about is expanding the welfare base and strangling the economy with taxes and regulations.
Explorers take risks and explorers die. That's always been true. How many colonies in America vanished without a trace? How many Americans died taming the West? How many men have died reaching the North Pole or climbing Mount Everest?

We have lost 14 astronauts, and they died for something greater than themselves. If we pull out of space travel, their sacrifice will be in vain.

And the Russians aren't going to give up space travel, no matter how many cosmonauts die. We don't know how many, because the Russians never revealed a trip to space until it had safely returned.
We have hundreds of thousands of years before we have to leave your solar system.

Don't worry. First step is Mars. We can get to meteors and comets and unlimited resources from there. That's step 1. From there we need to build a spaceship the size of a moon. Maybe 10 of them. Point them in 5 different directions and send them off in pairs.

The problem is any star we are looking at might not even be there by the time we get there. Stars we look at tonight might be ghosts. They may have burned out 20,000 years ago for all we know. The light we see now happened thousands of years ago.

So it's not like you can go to one star then just hop to another then another. You pick one then go for it and hope it's younger than earth because it too will die one day. The entire universe is dying actually. Every star will be burned out in about ten billion years
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.
Since when have conservatives been pro NASA? Oh yea, ever since corporations started getting in the game probably.

When will haloburton take over for NASA.

You just want your corporations sucking off uncle Sam's tits.

Do you want to pay higher taxes to pay for NASA? What about the debt?

Why do you like NASA now? I love NASA too. Why do you love space travel?

There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?
So Democrats want to quell space travel. That is a first. You crazies are just that. You are crazy. Reggresives are the ones that want humans to explore the solar system. You anti-tax asshats want to limit NASA.
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.

Space colonization means that some people might escape from them....they won't stand for that....
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.
Since when have conservatives been pro NASA? Oh yea, ever since corporations started getting in the game probably.

When will haloburton take over for NASA.

You just want your corporations sucking off uncle Sam's tits.

Do you want to pay higher taxes to pay for NASA? What about the debt?

Why do you like NASA now? I love NASA too. Why do you love space travel?

There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Democrats do not hate space travel. Are you people insane? The regressives want to hamstring NASA because they don't adhere to the right-wing conspiracy that global warming is a government funded boondoggle. That is crazy. And now you want to spread the insanity that progressives want to disenfranchise NASA? Wow. Just wow.

Mmm, progressives have a long history of not wanting to spend money in space what with all the "problems" we have here on Earth that need the money.

Not to mention various "Deep Green" ideas about humans being bad or technology being bad, or ect.

BIll Clinton sabotage Manned space flight and Obama pulled the trigger.
The United States is decades behind where it should be for space travel. We should already have a permanent Moon base. We should already be sending astronauts to Mars. All of this is not happening because Democrats hate progress and science. All they care about is expanding the welfare base and strangling the economy with taxes and regulations.
Explorers take risks and explorers die. That's always been true. How many colonies in America vanished without a trace? How many Americans died taming the West? How many men have died reaching the North Pole or climbing Mount Everest?

We have lost 14 astronauts, and they died for something greater than themselves. If we pull out of space travel, their sacrifice will be in vain.

And the Russians aren't going to give up space travel, no matter how many cosmonauts die. We don't know how many, because the Russians never revealed a trip to space until it had safely returned.
We have hundreds of thousands of years before we have to leave your solar system.

Don't worry. First step is Mars. We can get to meteors and comets and unlimited resources from there. That's step 1. From there we need to build a spaceship the size of a moon. Maybe 10 of them. Point them in 5 different directions and send them off in pairs.

The problem is any star we are looking at might not even be there by the time we get there. Stars we look at tonight might be ghosts. They may have burned out 20,000 years ago for all we know. The light we see now happened thousands of years ago.

So it's not like you can go to one star then just hop to another then another. You pick one then go for it and hope it's younger than earth because it too will die one day. The entire universe is dying actually. Every star will be burned out in about ten billion years
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.
Since when have conservatives been pro NASA? Oh yea, ever since corporations started getting in the game probably.

When will haloburton take over for NASA.

You just want your corporations sucking off uncle Sam's tits.

Do you want to pay higher taxes to pay for NASA? What about the debt?

Why do you like NASA now? I love NASA too. Why do you love space travel?

There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?
So Democrats want to quell space travel. That is a first. You crazies are just that. You are crazy. Reggresives are the ones that want humans to explore the solar system. You anti-tax asshats want to limit NASA.

You are referring to your own biases "regressives" as though they are real things, and choosing to believe that over documented history.
Regressives are the true luddites......that is why they cling to windmills and solar panels....failed tech. that doesn't work...vs. coal, gas, oil and nuclear....modern technology that is cheap, works and can change the lives of people around the world......
Since when have conservatives been pro NASA? Oh yea, ever since corporations started getting in the game probably.

When will haloburton take over for NASA.

You just want your corporations sucking off uncle Sam's tits.

Do you want to pay higher taxes to pay for NASA? What about the debt?

Why do you like NASA now? I love NASA too. Why do you love space travel?

There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad
Regressives are the true luddites......that is why they cling to windmills and solar panels....failed tech. that doesn't work...vs. coal, gas, oil and nuclear....modern technology that is cheap, works and can change the lives of people around the world......
Whatever you say nutjob.

I love smog too and we should put all our eggs in a basket with finite resources.

What happens when coal and gas run out?
Regressives are the true luddites......that is why they cling to windmills and solar panels....failed tech. that doesn't work...vs. coal, gas, oil and nuclear....modern technology that is cheap, works and can change the lives of people around the world......
Whatever you say nutjob.

I love smog too and we should put all our eggs in a basket with finite resources.

What happens when coal and gas run out?

Then we will find the next source.....but apparently we now have more oil than we know what to do with thanks to...fracking......while wind and solar still fail to achieve anything useful.......

I don't live in smoggy area...and our tech at keeping the air clean is great.......nice try though.
There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy would not be a democrat today....he lowered taxes, and fought wars against socialists....
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy would not be a democrat today....he lowered taxes, and fought wars against socialists....
Using your logic Republicans are pro abortion because their policies lead to poor people having no other option.
Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy would not be a democrat today....he lowered taxes, and fought wars against socialists....
Using your logic Republicans are pro abortion because their policies lead to poor people having no other option.

Yeah...you need to work harder..that was pretty lame......:lame2:
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.

It doesn't get taught in the history books any more but blacks in the late 60's early 70's blacks protested the moon landings because they believed more money should be going to food stamps.
There have been plenty of pro-space Conservatives for a very, very long time.

If you missed that, you need to seriously question your news sources.
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy was a long time ago.

You might be a liberal and support space travel. THere are plenty of liberals who do not.

Amazon.com: A Step Farther Out eBook: Jerry Pournelle, A E Van Vogt, Larry Niven: Kindle Store

This is by that conservative rocket scientist I told you about. It is a pro-space pro-technology and was initially published in 1975.

IT is worth reading, and Free.
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.

It doesn't get taught in the history books any more but blacks in the late 60's early 70's blacks protested the moon landings because they believed more money should be going to food stamps.

I never heard of that. I've seen and read of liberals making that argument.
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.

It doesn't get taught in the history books any more but blacks in the late 60's early 70's blacks protested the moon landings because they believed more money should be going to food stamps.
Going to space probably seems wasteful when you are starving.

And don't act like blm back then
I didn't think they wanted to spend the money.

So you must be a Carl Sagan and Neil degrass Tyson fan then?

Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy was a long time ago.

You might be a liberal and support space travel. THere are plenty of liberals who do not.

Amazon.com: A Step Farther Out eBook: Jerry Pournelle, A E Van Vogt, Larry Niven: Kindle Store

This is by that conservative rocket scientist I told you about. It is a pro-space pro-technology and was initially published in 1975.

IT is worth reading, and Free.
You are my favorite conservative on usmb. Very respectful and well spoken.

You remind me of Republicans before 2000. I didn't agree with them and they us but at least there was compromise and respect.
Here’s Why Congress Says Obama Has Wrecked NASA

Democrats are assholes on every other issue, so it makes sense they are assholes about space exploration too.

They call themselves "progressives" but they care nothing about real progress. All they care about is growing the state. NASA doesn't matter to them because it can't be used to make the government more oppressive.

It doesn't get taught in the history books any more but blacks in the late 60's early 70's blacks protested the moon landings because they believed more money should be going to food stamps.
Going to space probably seems wasteful when you are starving.

And don't act like blm back then
No one is starving. That's just an excuse to stop the space program, because liberals hate science, except for global warming and evolution.
Yes, plenty of Conservatives have wanted to spend more money in space.

Would you like a link to a very old very conservative space buff who was literally a Rocket Scientist and who has had a LOT to say about liberals being against space?
Why are we against it?

Many libs have deep seated distrust of technology in general. Or a emotional investment in "green" answers to our problems.

Some have voiced concerns about the environmental impact of space exploration, both here and in space.

Beyond that, do you really want ME to paraphrase what other liberals have said or to judge the reasons for their actions?
Kennedy got us to the moon. Just remember that.

And I can tell you your reasons why liberals supposedly hate space travel and science are laughable. More proof Republicans can argue anything.

I've noticed trump has pulled you guys far left. I'm glad

Kennedy was a long time ago.

You might be a liberal and support space travel. THere are plenty of liberals who do not.

Amazon.com: A Step Farther Out eBook: Jerry Pournelle, A E Van Vogt, Larry Niven: Kindle Store

This is by that conservative rocket scientist I told you about. It is a pro-space pro-technology and was initially published in 1975.

IT is worth reading, and Free.
You are my favorite conservative on usmb. Very respectful and well spoken.

You remind me of Republicans before 2000. I didn't agree with them and they us but at least there was compromise and respect.
No, there wasn't. Democrats have always been evil. They kill their own children.

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