Why Do Democrats Think They "Have To Beat Trump" ?

Funny. We have a mob boss in the White House - and you ask WHY do we have to beat Trump*? As for the economy - Trump* is still riding President Obama's coattails. President Obama turned the Great Bush Recession around.
FALSE! Most of Obama years be were normal postrecession bounce. Economy improves no matter who is president. By 2016, the recoil was over. Obama was on his own. We saw how bad a "community organizer" could be. Economy was awful. Sunk like a rock.

Google Image Result for https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/obama-sinking-ship.jpg?w=600

The criminal carnage must end. I'm not sure if Trump* is a mafia mob boss or the anti-Christ - or a combination of both.
So you have no answer to the OP. Message received.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
Orange Man Bad. Orange Man fights back and doesn't tie one hand behind his back with political correctness.
We need a Democrat president so that the Republicans become halfway serious about the growing federal deficit. It is apparent that is the only time they care. Which is a shame and an even bigger shame is that Democrats never care at all.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Deficits skyrocketing
Fed bailouts
Failed trade wars
Embarrassments overseas
Manufacturing going downhill
Dirtier air will kill Americans
More polluted water
More dangerous workplaces
'More dangerous food supply
National Monuments being sold for mining
Reducing efforts to fight climate change
Name calling antics
We became top oil producer under Obama
What has changed on trade?

If everything is so great, what all the lies?
I don't see ANY "lies". What I do see is you making a lot of wild claims, none backed by shred of evidence.

For you to ask what has changed on trade, shows typical liberal ignorance. A lot has changed on trade. NAFTA became the more pro-America MCA. The antiAmerican TPP is gone. China no longer gets unrestricted access to our large/valuable market, to flood our stores with Made in China junk.
Have you been living in a closet ? (or watching CNN)
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I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
Because if they where honest about what they are for, very few would want anything to do with them.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Deficits skyrocketing
Fed bailouts
Failed trade wars
Embarrassments overseas
Manufacturing going downhill
Dirtier air will kill Americans
More polluted water
More dangerous workplaces
'More dangerous food supply
National Monuments being sold for mining
Reducing efforts to fight climate change
Name calling antics
We became top oil producer under Obama
What has changed on trade?

If everything is so great, what all the lies?
I don't see ANY "lies". What I do see is you making allot of wild claims, none backed by shred if evidence.

For you to ask what has changed on trade, shows typical liberal ignorance. A lot has changed on trade. NAFTA became the more pro-America MCA. The antiAmerican TPP is gone. China no longer gets unrestricted access to our large/valuable market, to flood our stores with Made in China junk.
Have you been living in a closet ? (or watching CNN)
We call this behavior "projection"....Liberoidals are aces at it.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. .

First problem is "what are dems thinking". They have no capacity to think.

Funny chit coming from dumbasses who elected a proven fraud, business cheat, liar, woman abuser, accused child rapist, adulterer, veteran trasher, draft dodger who can't borrow money in this country any more.
You have habit of posting jibberish (ie. lot of talk, no specifics). You would be better off taking one thing at a time, with something to back it up.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.
It's obvious you are incapable of understanding or comprehending the Orange One's faults and corrupt psyche which are so obvious to others who are capable of rational thought and can discriminate right from wrong as well as truth from fiction and propaganda. The problem is yours for picking up that Jones Town Kool Aide all the time without THINKING FOR YOURSELF and drinking the last drop when you've been served up another load of fresh manure!
So you're unable to answer the OP's question. Come back when you think you can (WITH EVIDENCE)
Funny. We have a mob boss in the White House - and you ask WHY do we have to beat Trump*? As for the economy - Trump* is still riding President Obama's coattails. President Obama turned the Great Bush Recession around.

Yeah.....and you're still riding the success of the American Indian.

nothing wrong with that------Indians were the real democrats-----like trump.
Obama was never a democrat
He was a Jihadist.

The criminal carnage must end. I'm not sure if Trump* is a mafia mob boss or the anti-Christ - or a combination of both.
Tell me precisely, what law did Trump break?
I'm not sure if there are any Democrats who know what the word "precise" means. They habitually accept the media's spins and twists of reality, designed to make Trump look bad.
Why Do Democrats Think They "Have To Beat Trump" ?

Very good point. He's not nominated yet, is he.
Perhaps the Republican Party will yet find its principles. Out there in the lock-box.
Clinton showed us, there is no principles in politicians anymore, and you supported it. Your problem not mine.

I "supported" what now?

Got a quote? Link? Clue? Anything at all?

Oh yes, this IS your problem. Fix it.
Did you support either of the Clintons and their lack of principles?
Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ?

They benefit from our money, and lots of pay to play opportunities. But make no mistake, they are not part of this country.
Every one of them wants to open our borders and put our home up for grabs.
In fact, they already are.
Russia owns 50% of our Uranium MINES. Not our uranium, Russia owns the ground where our uranium lies. Saudi Arabia is buying up our farmland, and Nestle is sucking our aquifers dry all over this country. They buy politicians, not our water. That they are taking for pennies and selling it back to us for dollars. Over 4 billion dollars worth of our public water has been sold back to us, as our streams and creeks run dry.
We won't recognize this country if Democrats/Globalists take control. They have already told us that...
True, they don't have a Nationalist bone in their bodies. About the only feeling they have for America is, they hate it.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.

Qualifications for voting may change by then.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Our economy was growing since 2010 all through Obama's presidency and by the time he left unployment was 4.7% and there is no reason to think it would not keep falling through today with or with Trump.

Obama was also not a small, insecure, constantly lying, corrupt piece of shit....but that's just a cherry on top.

So why don't you tell us what you, and other rightwingers were possibly thinking throughout Obama's presidency.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.
COMPLETE insanity rules, post after post after post. All democrats are commies.
All Republicans are racist. There are no ALLs. many Republicans would prefer the USA to stay mostly white & some are racist.
many Democrat's are progressive, some are socialist, as far as "commies" very few, have to go back to the 1930s to find much support from Americans. thought we had finished with that nonsense when we got rid of Eugene. there are some good reasons why some support Trump and some good reasons why some are terrified of what he may do when he cant run again.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Our economy was growing since 2010 all through Obama's presidency and by the time he left unployment was 4.7% and there is no reason to think it would not keep falling through today with or with Trump.

Obama was also not a small, insecure, constantly lying, corrupt piece of shit....but that's just a cherry on top.

So why don't you tell us what you, and other rightwingers were possibly thinking throughout Obama's presidency.
I already did, a few posts ago. In 2016, his economy was a sinking ship. Trump saved it, and brought it back up.
What I also thought about was how wrong I was to vote for Obama in 2008, the last time I ever voted for a Democrat.

I thought about how he supported Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, supported ISIS, and supported the Muslim Brotherhood, with many of them in the White House. I thought about his treason.

And I didn't vote for that other traitor, Romney in 2012. I voted for Virgil Goode.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They should just stick to beating their meat, they are better at that.

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