Why Do Democrats Think They "Have To Beat Trump" ?

I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.
The guy ion Texas was church security. Not some random guy with a gun.


He was a random guy with a gun who became church security. Had he not been church security, chances are he would have reacted the same.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

This is why your side is losing those future voters. Further reminder, that change is coming faster than you realize.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Our economy was growing since 2010 all through Obama's presidency and by the time he left unployment was 4.7% and there is no reason to think it would not keep falling through today with or with Trump.

Obama was also not a small, insecure, constantly lying, corrupt piece of shit....but that's just a cherry on top.

So why don't you tell us what you, and other rightwingers were possibly thinking throughout Obama's presidency.
I already did, a few posts ago. In 2016, his economy was a sinking ship. Trump saved it, and brought it back up.
What I also thought about was how wrong I was to vote for Obama in 2008, the last time I ever voted for a Democrat.

I thought about how he supported Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, supported ISIS, and supported the Muslim Brotherhood, with many of them in the White House. I thought about his treason.

And I didn't vote for that other traitor, Romney in 2012. I voted for Virgil Goode.

Crazy nonsense.

Economy sinking in 2016...from what?? There have been no serious economic issues to speak of in the past few years

You simply make up whatever the hell your little politico heart desires.
FALSE! I made up nothing. Obama's 2016 GDP growth %s were sinking as reported by the BEA, and I posted the bar graphs of them, here in the forum.

As the GDP %s got very impressive under Trump (4.2%), the Obama boys in the BEA went into action, cooking the numbers to make Trump look bad, and Obama look good. Too late. The original true numbers were already posted, and recorded, including right here in USMB.

PS- politico ? What are you talking about ?

Google Image Result for https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/obama-sinking-ship.jpg?w=600

Dummy, just because GDP growth is down some in a single year does not mean there was any sinking.

In 2017 economy posted higher growth without any of Trump’s policies like tax cuts even being passed yet.

In 2019 we’ve posted lower GDP growth than in 2017 and 2018, so according to your own logic economy is sinking and we need a new president to save it :rolleyes:
You're the Dummy. In 2016, GDP DROPPED ever quarter. That's called sinking. Duh!

Trump's policies WERE passed in 2017, with massive business deregulation + the confidence inspired by a pro-business president, with years of reform coming up.

2019 GDP is high. Don't be suckered by the Obama-friendly BEA. Or are you ?
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

This is why your side is losing those future voters. Further reminder, that change is coming faster than you realize.
Not losing anybody. Trump's approval rating is highest it's ever been, and that (49%) is from Gallup, a Democrat friendly poll that Republicans generally don't respond to. It's also before the post-SOTU address bounce, sure to push it up even higher.

As for the serial killer Clinton's, not surprising that ignorant information--deprived liberals are clueless.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.
The guy ion Texas was church security. Not some random guy with a gun.


He was a random guy with a gun who became church security. Had he not been church security, chances are he would have reacted the same.
No, he chosen because of his experience.
Funny. We have a mob boss in the White House - and you ask WHY do we have to beat Trump*? As for the economy - Trump* is still riding President Obama's coattails. President Obama turned the Great Bush Recession around.
So you don’t like our economy?
They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.
The guy ion Texas was church security. Not some random guy with a gun.


He was a random guy with a gun who became church security. Had he not been church security, chances are he would have reacted the same.
No, he chosen because of his experience.

Random guys often have more experience than your local accidental-discharge police.

I remember when DC police changed out their Sigs for Glocks. They were shooting themselves and each other in the feet.
Why Do Democrats Think They "Have To Beat Trump" ?

Very good point. He's not nominated yet, is he.
Perhaps the Republican Party will yet find its principles. Out there in the lock-box.
Our economy was growing since 2010 all through Obama's presidency and by the time he left unployment was 4.7% and there is no reason to think it would not keep falling through today with or with Trump.

Obama was also not a small, insecure, constantly lying, corrupt piece of shit....but that's just a cherry on top.

So why don't you tell us what you, and other rightwingers were possibly thinking throughout Obama's presidency.
I already did, a few posts ago. In 2016, his economy was a sinking ship. Trump saved it, and brought it back up.
What I also thought about was how wrong I was to vote for Obama in 2008, the last time I ever voted for a Democrat.

I thought about how he supported Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, supported ISIS, and supported the Muslim Brotherhood, with many of them in the White House. I thought about his treason.

And I didn't vote for that other traitor, Romney in 2012. I voted for Virgil Goode.

Crazy nonsense.

Economy sinking in 2016...from what?? There have been no serious economic issues to speak of in the past few years

You simply make up whatever the hell your little politico heart desires.
FALSE! I made up nothing. Obama's 2016 GDP growth %s were sinking as reported by the BEA, and I posted the bar graphs of them, here in the forum.

As the GDP %s got very impressive under Trump (4.2%), the Obama boys in the BEA went into action, cooking the numbers to make Trump look bad, and Obama look good. Too late. The original true numbers were already posted, and recorded, including right here in USMB.

PS- politico ? What are you talking about ?

Google Image Result for https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/obama-sinking-ship.jpg?w=600

Dummy, just because GDP growth is down some in a single year does not mean there was any sinking.

In 2017 economy posted higher growth without any of Trump’s policies like tax cuts even being passed yet.

In 2019 we’ve posted lower GDP growth than in 2017 and 2018, so according to your own logic economy is sinking and we need a new president to save it :rolleyes:
You're the Dummy. In 2016, GDP DROPPED ever quarter. That's called sinking. Duh!

Trump's policies WERE passed in 2017, with massive business deregulation + the confidence inspired by a pro-business president, with years of reform coming up.

2019 GDP is high. Don't be suckered by the Obama-friendly BEA. Or are you ?
2.12 4th quarter 2029 is high?
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

It makes perfect sense why they feel the need to destroy Trump. For you see, Trump is fanning the flames of prosperity. The Left, however, wants to fundamentally change America and take as many freedoms they can away from us to do such things as "save mother earth", but to do this they must fan the flames of people wanting change. So what makes people want change? Going hungry and not being able to pay your bills for starters. It's all about creating a crisis so the socialists can ride in on their white horses to "save" us like they saved the people in Venezuela.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.

This is why your side is losing those future voters. Further reminder, that change is coming faster than you realize.
Thread by @LokiSullivan: Here It Is… Complete List of #Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey #E…
They want to destroy and remake the United States into their own image. That's all they care about. They were getting close, but Trump's election put the kibosh on that.

Another term will finish them.

This country has survived mucworse than Trump.

And it wouldn't take another term. Trump has already finished the Republican party.

In the case of another Trump term, it will only continue to build the strength of the Democrats in both houses of Congress, and turn more states blue.

When the Democrats do get the White House back, it won't take that long to rebuild the country after the disaster of Tr
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our ecomy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.

Project much? We were doing just fine before Trump. We are now a more divided country because of Trump. The economy was already in good shape, and ISIS, and Al Qaeda leaders were being brought to justice, and the last President actually ended a war.

The future looks bright for America, and heres why.


They'll be old enough to vote before you know it.

And the good news there is they won't be voting pro gun, anti abortion, pro zealot religious nutjob, pro fossil fuel.

Imagine an America where white conservatives are viewed as dinosaurs that once roamed the earth.

That's how those kids in that picture, who will be influenced by that anti Trump celebrity singer, will be viewing them, as they pass them on the road in their electric cars, on the way to the voting booth, to vote for candidates that will make todays Liberals look like right wingers.

Just a reminder on the future of your country.
More like a reminder of your lunacy. Maybe that's why Democrats think they have to stop Trump. Plain lunacy. And stupidity. They don't get that anti-gun gets people killed. Good thing they weren't anti-gun at the church shooting in Texas. Many other same examples.
And abortion. Kills people too.

Maybe that's it. Democrats like murder. That's why they voted for the serial killer Clinton's.
The guy ion Texas was church security. Not some random guy with a gun.


He was a random guy with a gun who became church security. Had he not been church security, chances are he would have reacted the same.
No, he chosen because of his experience.
There were about 5 different good guys with guns, all with CCW licenses. The hero just was the first to shoot.
I already did, a few posts ago. In 2016, his economy was a sinking ship. Trump saved it, and brought it back up.
What I also thought about was how wrong I was to vote for Obama in 2008, the last time I ever voted for a Democrat.

I thought about how he supported Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood killer, supported ISIS, and supported the Muslim Brotherhood, with many of them in the White House. I thought about his treason.

And I didn't vote for that other traitor, Romney in 2012. I voted for Virgil Goode.

Crazy nonsense.

Economy sinking in 2016...from what?? There have been no serious economic issues to speak of in the past few years

You simply make up whatever the hell your little politico heart desires.
FALSE! I made up nothing. Obama's 2016 GDP growth %s were sinking as reported by the BEA, and I posted the bar graphs of them, here in the forum.

As the GDP %s got very impressive under Trump (4.2%), the Obama boys in the BEA went into action, cooking the numbers to make Trump look bad, and Obama look good. Too late. The original true numbers were already posted, and recorded, including right here in USMB.

PS- politico ? What are you talking about ?

Google Image Result for https://rasica.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/obama-sinking-ship.jpg?w=600

Dummy, just because GDP growth is down some in a single year does not mean there was any sinking.

In 2017 economy posted higher growth without any of Trump’s policies like tax cuts even being passed yet.

In 2019 we’ve posted lower GDP growth than in 2017 and 2018, so according to your own logic economy is sinking and we need a new president to save it :rolleyes:
You're the Dummy. In 2016, GDP DROPPED ever quarter. That's called sinking. Duh!

Trump's policies WERE passed in 2017, with massive business deregulation + the confidence inspired by a pro-business president, with years of reform coming up.

2019 GDP is high. Don't be suckered by the Obama-friendly BEA. Or are you ?
2.12 4th quarter 2029 is high?
Too early to predict for 2029, but 4.8 in 2019 was high. :biggrin:
Funny. We have a mob boss in the White House - and you ask WHY do we have to beat Trump*? As for the economy - Trump* is still riding President Obama's coattails. President Obama turned the Great Bush Recession around.
Obama was a clown who did nothing for the economy.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
Every time Trump wins, that makes it harder for the Democrats to win. When his policies succeed, that makes it harder for the Dims to put their policies over on the voter.
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
What doth it profit a man to gain a larger portfolio if he shall lose his Republic?
Why Do Democrats Think They "Have To Beat Trump" ?

Very good point. He's not nominated yet, is he.
Perhaps the Republican Party will yet find its principles. Out there in the lock-box.
Clinton showed us, there is no principles in politicians anymore, and you supported it. Your problem not mine.

I "supported" what now?

Got a quote? Link? Clue? Anything at all?

Oh yes, this IS your problem. Fix it.
Did you support either of the Clintons and their lack of principles?

I'm waiting for JKnowNothing to come back and show us all. The wimp. :gay:
I don't get what Democrats could be thinking. Doesn't seem to make sense. Our economy is great, unemployment is at record lows, median income at record high, jihad leaders are getting bumped off, our military is stronger than ever, we've become the world's top oil and energy producer, other countries no longer can take advantage of us any more.

Why does anybody feel bad ? Trump just delivered a masterpiece SOTU speech, and Democrats didn't cheer. Why not ? Aren't they part of this country benefitting from all this success ? Very odd.
Trump is not respectable. Would you be proud if your son acted as Trump does? He is dishonest, corrupt, ignorant, arrogant and vengeful. He is not curious, intellectually lazy and boorish. Why do we feel bad? Because he has embarrassed us for too long now. America deserves greatness, not a huckster buffoon. We are playing 3 dimensional chess, Trump is eating the checkers off his board.

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