Why do Democrats want Biden gone and we want Trump back?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone. And Trump has growing massive support. Trump is the rightful president. Biden is the fake god of Democrats.
Question: Clearly Democrats want Biden gone. Why do so few want him to stay?
It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone. And Trump has growing massive support. Trump is the rightful president. Biden is the fake god of Democrats.
Question: Clearly Democrats want Biden gone. Why do so few want him to stay?
Two reason why Dims want Biden gone.

1. They are accustomed to lying with impunity, but when you can't talk it all gets blown to hell. There is no hiding the lie that Bidem is infirm.

2. Biden still has some support for Israel. Democrats have been taken over by radical jihadists that want to destroy Israel. The Left calls Trump Hillter and Israel Nazis, and they want to do to Israel what they just tried to do with Trump, all 7 million Zionists.
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It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone.
Said by paid liars. The poll they quote wasn't even a poll of Democrats.

The billionaire class and the MSM want Biden gone. They hate Biden with a white hot fire. Sure, some of those billionaires buy Democrats as well as Republicans, but it doesn't mean they like democracy. As long as fascism increases their fortunes, they love fascism.

The voters want to keep Biden, largely because he pisses off billionaires and the media moguls.
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I understand that every report that Biden was infirm was refuted by the Biden administration and the media that protected him..............until the debate. At that point the whole word was watching and they got burned. Then all of a sudden, they agree?

They just want to win, and Biden is clearly too old.

Well, add to that, they're not into blind, creepy hero worship like MAGA.

This ain't rocket science.
It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone. And Trump has growing massive support. Trump is the rightful president. Biden is the fake god of Democrats.
Question: Clearly Democrats want Biden gone. Why do so few want him to stay?
They want Biden gone because they know he will lose...bigly. Little do they know, they got NO ONE in the batters box. Or perhaps they finally went to the grocery store.
They just want to win, and Biden is clearly too old.

Well, add to that, they're not into blind, creepy hero worship like MAGA.

This ain't rocket science.
They thought that they could win with someone like Joe who they knew was infirm.

They don't give a damn that he is too old for the job as they did everything they could to hide the truth from voters.

The DNC turned down the opportunity to have a debate for the DNC nomination to protect Joe, thinking they could take care of Trump with the court cases. If the manufactured felony charges had done the job with Trump as they were intended, which was to blow him out of the race, the debates never would have happened. But the poll numbers for Trump went up, not down, so Joe was forced to debate him.

They would have been happy with a demented old man running the entire world.

Pathological lying will catch up with you sooner or later, even if you own the media and propaganda machines.
It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone. And Trump has growing massive support. Trump is the rightful president. Biden is the fake god of Democrats.
Question: Clearly Democrats want Biden gone. Why do so few want him to stay?
Better question - Why do you retards want a convicted criminal felon who lost the last election?

Oh wait… I answered my own question. Because you are retards.

Ok, never mind.
Said by paid liars. The poll they quote wasn't even a poll of Democrats.

The billionaire class and the MSM want Biden gone. They hate Biden with a white hot fire. Sure, some of those billionaires buy Democrats as well as Republicans, but it doesn't mean they like democracy. As long as fascism increases their fortunes, they love fascism.

The voters want to keep Biden, largely because he pisses off billionaires and the media moguls.
You seem to hold a grudge against the creators of US Industry. And you think working Americans also hate those who created their own jobs.

I believe that is not true.
They just want to win, and Biden is clearly too old.

Well, add to that, they're not into blind, creepy hero worship like MAGA.

This ain't rocket science.
You did fine discussing Democrats. If you were a Republican, you would understand us and clearly you are not one of us. More than Biden's age is how he acts all the time.
It is said that two thirds of Democrats polled want Biden gone. And Trump has growing massive support. Trump is the rightful president. Biden is the fake god of Democrats.
Question: Clearly Democrats want Biden gone. Why do so few want him to stay?
Biden and Trump are old. Trump couldn't beat someone younger, decent and intelligent.

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