Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?

What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion
And yet the Bible is filled with thievery, rape and murder. Odd that.
What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion

And you Hebrews taught his all he knew.
What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion

And you Hebrews taught his all he knew.

what does your sentence ^^^^^ mean? what is your mother tongue,
Penelope??? Is your language problem related to the fact that you learned
English from your catechism whore------WHILST she had a cock in her mouth?
What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion

And you Hebrews taught his all he knew.

what does your sentence ^^^^^ mean? what is your mother tongue,
Penelope??? Is your language problem related to the fact that you learned
English from your catechism whore------WHILST she had a cock in her mouth?

What is your reading comprehensive, first grade. Even first graders know what that would mean. (You obsession with sex , is that a Hebrew trait)
when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion

And you Hebrews taught his all he knew.

what does your sentence ^^^^^ mean? what is your mother tongue,
Penelope??? Is your language problem related to the fact that you learned
English from your catechism whore------WHILST she had a cock in her mouth?

What is your reading comprehensive, first grade. Even first graders know what that would mean. (You obsession with sex , is that a Hebrew trait)

"And you Hebrews taught his all he knew." <<<garble from Penelope. My reading comprehension is phenomenal------at least it was when I was in the first
grade-----and every year that it was tested in school. Do you understand the word "his"?? Obsession with sex is a catholic trait. Filth is your obsession.
Nazism is a catholic invention from the time of CONSTANTINE of the first reich----
all the way to Adolf of the third. Nazi ideology is VERY much tied up with the
catholic sexual perversions. Muhummad rejected Judaism in favor of
CANON LAW which he modified for his own convenience-----a little. The execution of "apostates" and mass murder of non muslims is lifted right out
of the laps OF THE POPES of history who, according to the dogma, spoke for your
What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion
And yet the Bible is filled with thievery, rape and murder. Odd that.

Odd that you imagine that those so noble that they are to be EMULATED
in the bible seem to you to have committed thievery, rape and murder. It is
clear to me that you have never read any of the books but have licked up
lots of propaganda----probably off the floor of a mosque.
The way to understand a "religion" is to know the LAWS that have been
elaborated from the scriptural writings of that religion
What do you call the RCC and the Eastern Orthodox. Who lasted and who petered out.:laugh: Quite contra , the NT is full of Greek, Persian , Mithraism, and Roman theology and philosophy. Not much Judaism in it except how they tried to tie the two together. then again, the Hebrew bible was not wrote till Babylon, with lots of Persian, Sumerian , Egyptian myths in it.

when jews lived in Babylon----they wrote in Aramaic. To what parts of the bible are
you referring?. Linguistics as a science is far better in determining "when and where" than is the islamo Nazi shit that your catechism whole taught you -----between sucks on Adolf's dick. The RCC lasted a relatively long time-----1700 years Its filth is falling apart as we post
If you believe in Christ than Mohammed is a poser. Or like L. Ron Hubbard.

one need not "believe in Christ"---to know what muhummad was------read the
koran-------He was a thief-----rapist. and murderer----and so SUCCESSFUL at
it that he decided to declare himself KING-----the beginning of a ROYAL LINE---
and ever expanding empire-----for that he invented a religion
And yet the Bible is filled with thievery, rape and murder. Odd that.

Odd that you imagine that those so noble that they are to be EMULATED
in the bible seem to you to have committed thievery, rape and murder. It is
clear to me that you have never read any of the books but have licked up
lots of propaganda----probably off the floor of a mosque.
The way to understand a "religion" is to know the LAWS that have been
elaborated from the scriptural writings of that religion

Him, you know what I meant. The Jews taught Mohammed all he knew, all their ways. Taking about him is no different than talking about moses, except there probably was a Mohammed . The RCC has over 1 billion RC's, how many jews are left?
I think some are looking for a secular life and also I think the Gulf states want them to spread out, as SA said we will build mosques.
You are suck a stupid ****!

Muslims are secular and the transformation they are making of Europe is an act of war! Liberal fucktards are going to save you turban heads when the war starts!

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Oh are they behaving like the Zionist in Palestine? Why didn't they go to their Zionist country, oh they lived off of others for centuries and never had a country.
Because like the Arabs Jews don't want theme either. It is very interesting that the Israeli Arabs aren't fleeing Israel like they are from every Arab and other Muslim country.

The Jews should learn from the Arabs
And terrorize the Israeli Arabs so that they flee the country

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Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?
Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

Syria by and large is a very westernized county as is Egypt, those who don't know or have never traveled to the ME or don't know anyone from there and have a very cartoonist view of that part of the world
You CAN'T SPREAD the muslim CULT and it's Sharia law, take over all of Europe in 50 years, and do the same with America in less than 100 years, IF these mother fucking feral animals, that breed like rabbits, didn't come to somewhere OTHER than a fucked up muslim country!
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?
Wrong fucko over a million Jews fled the Arab world in the face of the second Holocaust to the welcoming hands of their homeland and no sand n!gget like you is going to take it from them!

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Why aren't they fleeing to other arabs countries?

Because they're tired of being Muslim.

Are they all converting?
Perhaps we should only accept those that do?
Man, I saw a bunch of Syrian refugees on TV the other day. The women had no head covering, and were wearing tighter pants and and more expensive shoes than my daughters wear. :D

Syria by and large is a very westernized county as is Egypt, those who don't know or have never traveled to the ME or don't know anyone from there and have a very cartoonist view of that part of the world
Egypt westernized! Wow you are a stupid fuck and yes I have been there!

They are more developed then the rest of Africa, but Westernized, that is just stupid

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Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?

Very simply because they're not immigrants, theyre invaders. Their intent is to spread their culture to other parts of the world.
Kinda like the christers did here in America and South America ? Rape pillage and destroy native cultures, all in the name of Jesus of course!!
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?
Wrong fucko over a million Jews fled the Arab world in the face of the second Holocaust to the welcoming hands of their homeland and no sand n!gget like you is going to take it from them!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It was never their homeland. Never. They may of lived there in parts of it for awhile, but it was never theirs, they lived among the inhabitants, and even married them, you dim wit.
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?

Very simply because they're not immigrants, theyre invaders. Their intent is to spread their culture to other parts of the world.
Kinda like the christers did here in America and South America ? Rape pillage and destroy native cultures, all in the name of Jesus of course!!

Most went to Lebanon and Jordan as well, and I'm sure many can't wait to go back to their war torn country , thanks to the US.
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?

The Jews went to Saudi Arabia?

No dear, Palestine. Also they loved Babylon, Medina, Mecca, Yemen, and Alexandria much better than Judea since about 400BC.
Last edited:
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?

The Jews went to Saudi Arabia?

No dear, Palestine. Also they loved Babylon, Medina, Mecca, Yemen, and Alexandria much better than Judea since about 400BC.

Billo said they went to an Islamic country. Palestine was never an Islamic country.
Why do Fleeing Arabs Not Migrate to Other Arab Countries?
Why do the people of Islamic faith leave Islamic countries of their origin and migrate to Christian countries? Why not go to other Islamic countries to live?
Why did Jews come to an Islamic country to live?

The Jews went to Saudi Arabia?

No dear, Palestine. Also they loved Babylon, Medina, Mecca, Yemen, and Alexandria much better than Judea since about 400BC.

Billo said they went to an Islamic country. Palestine was never an Islamic country.
What was it?

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