Why do liberals care so much about Hitler, but not Stalin or Mao?

I've always thought the Nazis had the sharpest uniforms.

So that's a positive.
They look gay
Hitler is a just a liberal kind of guy. He hates blacks fags and jews, loves muslims whites and ovens.
Nazism is also not related to what is considered conservatism in the US either.

This 2 dimensional political spectrum that tries to pigeonhole totalitarian regimes into 'liberal' or 'conservative' ideologies as they are understood in the US is asinine and not constructive.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States.
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Alt-right - Wikipedia

White Supremacist Richard Spencer coined the term, Alt-Right.
That's nice. Does not change what I stated.
Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest
It's a good question. Disagreed with your LW answer.

Hitler epitomized evil mainly because we fought a 3 year, 7 month war against him at a cost of almost half a million American lives. American troops uncovered his atrocities on their way to Berlin. The same can't be said for our "cold war" with Stalin and Mao.

A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing. Far Left Wingers like yourself are quicker to demean anything right of themselves rather then something slightly left of their own ideals.
You are half right

Yes. Hitler is a villain because we fought a war against him. Because he lost we found out everything he did

Stalin and Mao fought against their own people not us. They killed through economic starvation and not extermination camps
Show me a single liberal on this board who supports Stalin or Mao

Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right

Then how would you describe Stalin in one word?
Totalitarian Socialist. He wasn't a fascist, but he certainly was authoritarian.

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