Why do liberals care so much about Hitler, but not Stalin or Mao?

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.
Looking for a job at MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/NYTs?
All you need to do is wear a cute little Chairman Mao Red army ballcap to the interview.
Never wanting to work at these (cough) news outlets? Wear a 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT' ballcap.
These LIB snowflake assholes ought to visit ANY Communist country for a few months.
100% guaranteed they would return and NEVER SAY ANOTHER WORD about how great socialism/ Communism/Marxism is!
Go to fucking Venezuela today and try to buy a fucking roll of black market asswipe for less than $20 US.
Need a ride to the hospital in Cuba? Find a fucking neighbor with a wheelbarrow!
Want a cigarette in rural China? Hope you like smoking dried pig shit.

I think most Progs have given up on the idea of state controlling the private sector 100%. Instead, they have adopted the Nazi approach. You allow the experts in the business world to continue to do their job, simply because they can do it better than you, but you then make it clear to them that they are under your thumb and will do your bidding.

It is akin to what the Fed is today or Fannie and Freddie. They are government constructed "private" entities that no one can compete with that are completely under the thumb of bureaucrats. It's great cuz if they go belly up, those in government just blame the private sector and it is far more efficient than an idiot in the Oval Office trying to run Home Depot along with the rest of the world.

Progs still dream the dream of despots like Hitler and Stalin. They dream of a one world order but view themselves as having "evolved" being far more righteous in going about it.

Meanwhile, they have murdered over 50 million unborn children in the US with US troops in over 70 countries around the world, something Hitler and Stalin could never have had accomplished.

So yes, they are "evolving" and getting better at despotism and mass murder, while at the same time feeling self righteous about their cause.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Lots of people think Hitler was a hero, especially in a world where hating Jews is rampant.

Currently, the left would like to throw the Zionist under the terrorist bus of terrorist organizations running the PLO while protesting in the US with the Occupy Wall Street gang with signs condemning the "Jewish bankers"

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.
Then how would you describe Stalin in one word?

aka a fascist.
Fascists and Communists are at opposite ends of the political spectrum
No. Both are in favor of a totalitarian government.
Left = a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you.
Right = Freedom, Liberty, and Property Rights.
You are confusing libertarianism with extreme right wing

Right wing favors big government. Only on the issues they support
Don't quite got all your groceries bagged - doya?
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.
Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.
Neo-Nazis, perhaps you've heard of them? Now tell us about those claiming Mao and Stalin were heroes.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.

Just imagine if Hitler had not murdered all of those Jews and tried to take over the world.

He had a massive nanny state with Germans enjoying the highest standard of living in the world.

Hitler made it a point to demagogue against the top 4% in his country as he leveled heavy taxes on them.

He was an ardent environmentalist and animal rights advocate, passing cutting edge legislation never seen before in the world till that time.

The Socialist economic guru Keynes that Progs follow today praised Hitler for his economic model and said it was the most efficient model ever produced as Hitler spent like a drunken sailor to achieve his goals, money the German people did not have.

Hitler would have gone down in history as the modal Prog ideal. In fact, I think they follow his modey in many ways even thought they publically condemn him cuz what else can you do? He was sent straight from the bowels of hell itself.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.
Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.
Neo-Nazis, perhaps you've heard of them? Now tell us about those claiming Mao and Stalin were heroes.

Of course.... however, they are a fringe group of nutjobs. As for Stalin or Mao, I never claimed thy were anyone's heroes.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.
Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.
Neo-Nazis, perhaps you've heard of them? Now tell us about those claiming Mao and Stalin were heroes.
Of course.... however, they are a fringe group of nutjobs. As for Stalin or Mao, I never claimed thy were anyone's heroes.
...and I never said you did, but there are those who claim the left must embrace them, despite the fact that hardly anyone does.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.

Just imagine if Hitler had not murdered all of those Jews and tried to take over the world.

He had a massive nanny state with Germans enjoying the highest standard of living in the world.

Hitler made it a point to demagogue against the top 4% in his country as he leveled heavy taxes on them.

He was an ardent environmentalist and animal rights advocate, passing cutting edge legislation never seen before in the world till that time.

The Socialist economic guru Keynes that Progs follow today praised Hitler for his economic model and said it was the most efficient model ever produced as Hitler spent like a drunken sailor to achieve his goals, money the German people did not have.

Hitler would have gone down in history as the modal Prog ideal. In fact, I think they follow his modey in many ways even thought they publically condemn him cuz what else can you do? He was sent straight from the bowels of hell itself.

So if Hitler were not Hitler he would have been a pretty nice guy
Well, the answer is pretty obvious: Hitler is simply better known, and using the name of a better-known evil person is considered more effective when launching shallow, stupid, hyperbolic, partisan-based attacks that insult the suffering of millions upon millions of innocent people for some perceived temporary political advantage.

Love me some Bill Burr.
Also the demonization of Hitler got the advantage of all that WW2 war propaganda while "Uncle Joe" Stalin was our ally and not to be criticized by patriots for that war. We had to wait for the Cold War to do that and Stalin died pretty quickly into that game.

Besides, look at the pictures of Hitler vrs those of Stalin. Hitler looks like a crazed obsessive who would slash your tires to win his teams softball game against your church's team, while "Uncle Joe" looks like he just cant wait for the hot dogs to get finished on the grill.

In short, Hitler is the bigger and better boogeyman because he was better at being a boogey man than Stalin or Mao.

Besides, in terms of pure hate and efficiency over a four year period as compared to Stalins decades of slow slaughter, Hitler was in a class all his own.
I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.

Just imagine if Hitler had not murdered all of those Jews and tried to take over the world.

He had a massive nanny state with Germans enjoying the highest standard of living in the world.

Hitler made it a point to demagogue against the top 4% in his country as he leveled heavy taxes on them.

He was an ardent environmentalist and animal rights advocate, passing cutting edge legislation never seen before in the world till that time.

The Socialist economic guru Keynes that Progs follow today praised Hitler for his economic model and said it was the most efficient model ever produced as Hitler spent like a drunken sailor to achieve his goals, money the German people did not have.

Hitler would have gone down in history as the modal Prog ideal. In fact, I think they follow his modey in many ways even thought they publically condemn him cuz what else can you do? He was sent straight from the bowels of hell itself.

So if Hitler were not Hitler he would have been a pretty nice guy

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The main difference I see is that very few, if any, are praising Mao and Stalin, while there's still a significant number of people who think Hitler was a hero.

Significant? Got a link to that because I don't know anyone that thinks Hitler was a hero.

Just imagine if Hitler had not murdered all of those Jews and tried to take over the world.

He had a massive nanny state with Germans enjoying the highest standard of living in the world.

Hitler made it a point to demagogue against the top 4% in his country as he leveled heavy taxes on them.

He was an ardent environmentalist and animal rights advocate, passing cutting edge legislation never seen before in the world till that time.

The Socialist economic guru Keynes that Progs follow today praised Hitler for his economic model and said it was the most efficient model ever produced as Hitler spent like a drunken sailor to achieve his goals, money the German people did not have.

Hitler would have gone down in history as the modal Prog ideal. In fact, I think they follow his modey in many ways even thought they publically condemn him cuz what else can you do? He was sent straight from the bowels of hell itself.

So if Hitler were not Hitler he would have been a pretty nice guy


He also loved puppies and kittens

Jews? Not so much
"The ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism."

Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919 (London)

They despised Hitler and not Stalin or Mao or Castro etc because Judaism IS Communism....why would they battle their own ideology!?
I've always thought the Nazis had the sharpest uniforms.

So that's a positive.

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

It's all the liberal Jews. They're just like the blacks. If they were like us conservatives, they'd just get the fuck over it. (-:

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