Why do liberals care so much about Hitler, but not Stalin or Mao?

Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest
It's a good question. Disagreed with your LW answer.

Hitler epitomized evil mainly because we fought a 3 year, 7 month war against him at a cost of almost half a million American lives. American troops uncovered his atrocities on their way to Berlin. The same can't be said for our "cold war" with Stalin and Mao.

A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing. Far Left Wingers like yourself are quicker to demean anything right of themselves rather then something slightly left of their own ideals.
You are half right

Yes. Hitler is a villain because we fought a war against him. Because he lost we found out everything he did

Stalin and Mao fought against their own people not us. They killed through economic starvation and not extermination camps
Show me a single liberal on this board who supports Stalin or Mao

Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing
It's a good question. Disagreed with your LW answer.

Hitler epitomized evil mainly because we fought a 3 year, 7 month war against him at a cost of almost half a million American lives. American troops uncovered his atrocities on their way to Berlin. The same can't be said for our "cold war" with Stalin and Mao.

A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing. Far Left Wingers like yourself are quicker to demean anything right of themselves rather then something slightly left of their own ideals.
You are half right

Yes. Hitler is a villain because we fought a war against him. Because he lost we found out everything he did

Stalin and Mao fought against their own people not us. They killed through economic starvation and not extermination camps
Show me a single liberal on this board who supports Stalin or Mao

Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
You are half right

Yes. Hitler is a villain because we fought a war against him. Because he lost we found out everything he did

Stalin and Mao fought against their own people not us. They killed through economic starvation and not extermination camps
Show me a single liberal on this board who supports Stalin or Mao

Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting
Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right

Then how would you describe Stalin in one word?

aka a fascist.
Fascists and Communists are at opposite ends of the political spectrum
No. Both are in favor of a totalitarian government.
Left = a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you.
Right = Freedom, Liberty, and Property Rights.
Are there liberals here who will denounce far leftism and admit that it tends to lead to fascism?
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting

So you either don't have a clue, or you're just being intellectually dishonest and obtuse. Well, I'm done here.
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right

Then how would you describe Stalin in one word?

aka a fascist.
Fascists and Communists are at opposite ends of the political spectrum
No. Both are in favor of a totalitarian government.
Left = a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you.
Right = Freedom, Liberty, and Property Rights.
You are confusing libertarianism with extreme right wing

Right wing favors big government. Only on the issues they support
Makes no sense

Fascism is far right
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting

So you either don't have a clue, or you're just being intellectually dishonest and obtuse. Well, I'm done here.

I see you've met the most consistent liar on the board....starting from his false-flag avatar.

My condolences....
Now it's left. Times they are a changin'.
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting

So you either don't have a clue, or you're just being intellectually dishonest and obtuse. Well, I'm done here.

I see you've met the most consistent liar on the board....starting from his false-flag avatar.

My condolences....
You lie
Here's why Progressives are so fixated on their mentor Adolph Hitler.

God forbid, Hitler would lie about anything. :rolleyes:
So you dismiss it as a lie even though the state controlled private production. Your mind is gone.
Size of government is irrelevant
You can have small government at either end of the political spectrum

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

Liberals look up to Stalin and Mao as Progressive Leaders who did it right
Fascism has always been right wing

You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting

So you either don't have a clue, or you're just being intellectually dishonest and obtuse. Well, I'm done here.

I see you've met the most consistent liar on the board....starting from his false-flag avatar.

My condolences....
You lie

And once again we have undiluted proof of the axiom...'To know what the Left is doing, just listen to what they blame the other side of.'

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

Many scholarly treatises have been written on this exact topic....let me congratulate you on highlighting it.....

1. Communism took such hold of popular culture, the media, Hollywood, under Franklin Roosevelt, that they were able to shift the topic from the communist massacres to those of the Nazis.

2. "One simple, concrete measure of the success of Soviet subversion in America is the near-total absence of movies that dramatize arguably the primary historical drama of the last century: the struggle....against spreading Communist totalitarianism."
West, "American Betrayal," p.82.

3. Can you name a Hollywood opus that dramatized the efforts of thousands of Germans to break out from behind the barbarically inhuman Berlin Wall, to find freedom in the West?

a. Clark Gable's 1953 "Never Let Me Go" may be the only flic depicting the Soviet Union as one giant jail.

b. How about perilous escapes from the Marxist regime that executes political rivals, imprisoned poets, and persecuted homosexuals: Fidel Castro's Cuba.

c. Or, who can name even one single anti-Communist good guy??

4. In "Hollywood Party: How Communism Seduced the American Film Industry in the 1930s and 1940s," Kenneth Lloyd Billingsley writes 'not a single Hollywood film has ever shown Communists committing atrocities.

a. Be very clear: Over one hundred million human beings have been slaughtered at the hands of Communism in the 20th century. “The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression,” which is a compilation of research edited by French scholar Stephane Courtois, totals over 100 million victims of Communist murder during the 20th Century.

5. When it came to the Terror Famine in the Ukraine, or the Moscow show trials, Hollywood's efforts were to advance pro-Soviet propaganda, e.g., "North Star,"(1943,) or "Mission to Moscow," (1943).

a. "Everyone loves a little Soviet propaganda from time to time. And nobody did it better than writer Howard Koch and director Michael Curtiz — the same creative team behind the 1942 classic “Casablanca.” Believe it or not, but just one year later, the pair put together a wildly biased piece of propaganda that made Stalin look like a saint.Why did they do it? Because President Roosevelt asked." http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/brooklyn/it_mission_accomplished_with_pro_1AhglOm7TNBURIyL0FUOYJ

So...how to explain the same phenomenon in 'historians' and 'journalists'?
Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest
It's a good question. Disagreed with your LW answer.

Hitler epitomized evil mainly because we fought a 3 year, 7 month war against him at a cost of almost half a million American lives. American troops uncovered his atrocities on their way to Berlin. The same can't be said for our "cold war" with Stalin and Mao.

A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing. Far Left Wingers like yourself are quicker to demean anything right of themselves rather then something slightly left of their own ideals.

"A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing."

Gads, you're an imbecile.....but a perfect example of government school 'education/'

All six of these are Left wing:
Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals FASCISTS AND NAZIS.

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

You've just highlighted the OPs point.
You still didn't answer the question. What specifically makes someone a fascist?
Poor parenting

So you either don't have a clue, or you're just being intellectually dishonest and obtuse. Well, I'm done here.

I see you've met the most consistent liar on the board....starting from his false-flag avatar.

My condolences....
You lie

And once again we have undiluted proof of the axiom...'To know what the Left is doing, just listen to what they blame the other side of.'

Your pants appear to be aflame
Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest
It's a good question. Disagreed with your LW answer.

Hitler epitomized evil mainly because we fought a 3 year, 7 month war against him at a cost of almost half a million American lives. American troops uncovered his atrocities on their way to Berlin. The same can't be said for our "cold war" with Stalin and Mao.

A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing. Far Left Wingers like yourself are quicker to demean anything right of themselves rather then something slightly left of their own ideals.

"A secondary reason is that Hitler was fascist, extreme right wing, while both Stalin and Mao were communist, extreme left wing."

Gads, you're an imbecile.....but a perfect example of government school 'education/'

All six of these are Left wing:
Communists, Socialists, Progressives, Liberals FASCISTS AND NAZIS.

"Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian

1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

You've just highlighted the OPs point.
Yea.....and Saddam Hussein surrounded himself with the Republican Guard

Political titles are not always what they appear

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

The Nazi and Communist governments were essentially the same EXCEPT that the Nazi regime rounded up Jews for slaughter and the Communist did not, AND the Nazi government did not own the private sector in name, even though they controlled virtually everything they did.

Add to the fact that the Nazi regime was demonized far more than the Stalinist regime for obvious reasons, Stalin was an ally of the US even though he had millions more murdered.

Progs essentially embrace the Stalinist regime apart from the warmongering and mass murder, only, they will do it the right way this time.

The round peg still won't fit into the square hole, so one must pound harder it seems.
Looking for a job at MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/NYTs?
All you need to do is wear a cute little Chairman Mao Red army ballcap to the interview.
Never wanting to work at these (cough) news outlets? Wear a 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT' ballcap.
These LIB snowflake assholes ought to visit ANY Communist country for a few months.
100% guaranteed they would return and NEVER SAY ANOTHER WORD about how great socialism/ Communism/Marxism is!
Go to fucking Venezuela today and try to buy a fucking roll of black market asswipe for less than $20 US.
Need a ride to the hospital in Cuba? Find a fucking neighbor with a wheelbarrow!
Want a cigarette in rural China? Hope you like smoking dried pig shit.

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