Why do liberals care so much about Hitler, but not Stalin or Mao?

There was a stark difference between Hitler and Stalin though - Stalin killed his own people - those that lived in communist Russia. Hitler, on the other hand, was not content to control Germany and slaughter his political opponents - he wanted to expand that control to the planet and employ Eugenics to everyone. That ideal or goal is what separates him from the standard tyrants like Stalin.

Essentially, Stalin was killing them and Hitler was trying to kill us.
Nazism is also not related to what is considered conservatism in the US either.

This 2 dimensional political spectrum that tries to pigeonhole totalitarian regimes into 'liberal' or 'conservative' ideologies as they are understood in the US is asinine and not constructive.
There was a stark difference between Hitler and Stalin though - Stalin killed his own people - those that lived in communist Russia. Hitler, on the other hand, was not content to control Germany and slaughter his political opponents - he wanted to expand that control to the planet and employ Eugenics to everyone. That ideal or goal is what separates him from the standard tyrants like Stalin.

Essentially, Stalin was killing them and Hitler was trying to kill us.
Actually, the Soviets also saw world domination as their ultimate goal, but never had the means to go after it as aggressively as the nazis did. This was true right up until the collapse of the USSR.
There was a stark difference between Hitler and Stalin though - Stalin killed his own people - those that lived in communist Russia. Hitler, on the other hand, was not content to control Germany and slaughter his political opponents - he wanted to expand that control to the planet and employ Eugenics to everyone. That ideal or goal is what separates him from the standard tyrants like Stalin.

Essentially, Stalin was killing them and Hitler was trying to kill us.
Actually, the Soviets also saw world domination as their ultimate goal, but never had the means to go after it as aggressively as the nazis did. This was true right up until the collapse of the USSR.
Then let me revise - Stalin never tried to kill the rest of the world. What he wanted is irrelevant. Hitler did not simply want to conquer the world - he tried to do it (and damn near succeeded).
There was a stark difference between Hitler and Stalin though - Stalin killed his own people - those that lived in communist Russia. Hitler, on the other hand, was not content to control Germany and slaughter his political opponents - he wanted to expand that control to the planet and employ Eugenics to everyone. That ideal or goal is what separates him from the standard tyrants like Stalin.

Essentially, Stalin was killing them and Hitler was trying to kill us.
Actually, the Soviets also saw world domination as their ultimate goal, but never had the means to go after it as aggressively as the nazis did. This was true right up until the collapse of the USSR.
Then let me revise - Stalin never tried to kill the rest of the world. What he wanted is irrelevant. Hitler did not simply want to conquer the world - he tried to do it (and damn near succeeded).
Again, I'll take exception. Stalin conquered and held most of eastern Europe and the only reason he didn't go further was the presence of US troops and later NATO. If Hitler had faced such forces in the 1930's, he would also have been contained.
Nazism is also not related to what is considered conservatism in the US either.

This 2 dimensional political spectrum that tries to pigeonhole totalitarian regimes into 'liberal' or 'conservative' ideologies as they are understood in the US is asinine and not constructive.
The alt-right, or alternative right, is a loose group of people with far-right ideologies who reject mainstream conservatism in the United States.
Alt-right - Wikipedia
Alt-right - Wikipedia

White Supremacist Richard Spencer coined the term, Alt-Right.
Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest
you know, its kind of ironic but for as much damage to mankind that Hitler did, in his attempt at world domination he also prompted some technical innovations that put the world on a fast track to where we are today. His desire to constantly come up with a superior weapon to secure a victory, the Germans developed technology for rockets that not only broke the sound barrier, but also made it into orbit, this is the technology that just a few years later was used to put man on the moon. He ( I will use "He" to indicate those that worked toward his goals) but, he brought on the development of the Jet engine with the ME 262, Electric motors powered by a diesel engine to drive his tanks, technology used today to produce electric cars. (hybrids), the submarine, its a long list if you look it up.

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

you really shouldn't trouble your little head about that while you're giving the country to russia.

Must you really ask?

Hitler was more interesting than Stalin or Mao
Hitler was in to world domination,captured France, bombed England, had subs sinking our ships
Nazis were just better villains than the rest

hitler was at was with the US and engaged in genocide.

neither china nor russia were at war with the US.

and that whole genocide thing...

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

you really shouldn't trouble your little head about that while you're giving the country to russia.


you know, its kind of ironic but for as much damage to mankind that Hitler did, in his attempt at world domination he also prompted some technical innovations that put the world on a fast track to where we are today. His desire to constantly come up with a superior weapon to secure a victory, the Germans developed technology for rockets that not only broke the sound barrier, but also made it into orbit, this is the technology that just a few years later was used to put man on the moon. He ( I will use "He" to indicate those that worked toward his goals) but, he brought on the development of the Jet engine with the ME 262, Electric motors powered by a diesel engine to drive his tanks, technology used today to produce electric cars. (hybrids), the submarine, its a long list if you look it up.

Hitler launched killer rockets against England...how long before he attacks the U.S.
Hitler had an organized extermination using gas chambers in killer concentration camps. Most of those who died under Mao and Stalin died of starvation
Stalin and Mao mostly killed their own people. Hitler slaughtered around the world

Hitler makes a better villain

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

I think a lot of it depends on how old you are and how willing you are to seek out information. There are a multitude of reasons. And it isn't a "liberal" thing. It's an American thing but that is a very nice try.
The Nazis kept records and after the war people could access them. The US was involved in the eugenics movement. Hitler was a vanquished foe. Many Holocaust survivors were willing to talk. You could be a high school drop out and still know who Hitler was because you start learning about the Holocaust in elementary school. Before someone grabs a youtube video of the dumbasses on the street that don't know--note I said could be. If someone is going to nail another with accusations of similarities to Hitler then they are 9 out of 10 times referring to some aspect of the eugenics movement.

I finally watched Bill Burr's latest stand up special on Netflix, and he makes a very valid point. I couldn't find the entire clip, so this is just a segment. He later talks about Mao being up there in terms of number of people murdered as well.

I think a lot of it depends on how old you are and how willing you are to seek out information. There are a multitude of reasons. And it isn't a "liberal" thing. It's an American thing but that is a very nice try.
The Nazis kept records and after the war people could access them. The US was involved in the eugenics movement. Hitler was a vanquished foe. Many Holocaust survivors were willing to talk. You could be a high school drop out and still know who Hitler was because you start learning about the Holocaust in elementary school. Before someone grabs a youtube video of the dumbasses on the street that don't know--note I said could be. If someone is going to nail another with accusations of similarities to Hitler then they are 9 out of 10 times referring to some aspect of the eugenics movement.

Eddie Izzard is hilarious. :)
Well, they have an agenda. Why don't they bring up Pol Pot? Talk about a left wing hero.

Oh and watch what happens with the fucking left when you mention that NAZI stands for National Socialist Workers Party in German.

Watch how offended they are by the notion that hitler was a socialist, which he was. You see, since his skin was beige (white) they are able to feed bullshit to their sheep. Their sheep buy it all up too don't they. He was white, so therefore he was a ...............CHRISTIAN!!!

Once you understand what the left wing AGENDA is and how they CONTROL PROPAGANDA and what their utlimate GOALS are then you will know why.

Please watch this short video and see what they are ultimately ALL about.

Because the former didn't have - at least not for long - a reputation of uniting people.

Though when it comes to information most people have never heard of the advisers of Hitler either. That is to ask, who came up with the idea of mass slaughter and the plan for it?

The ideologies of both Mao and Stalin eventually turned against them, but for a while those ideologies brought hope to masses of people who hadn't had it before. And the slaughter that they caused was different. Hitler's group decided to exterminate Jews while Mao imposed certain rules on the people. The treatment of the people was inhuman and murder constant, but there is a great difference in saying how someone should live and in saying they have no right to breathe.
Holy shit.

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