Why do liberals exclude themselves from the "white race"?

Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
No, some of the liberal are black. Check out the race/race relations forum.

If a black liberal has an issue, then ok. But why do so many white liberals think they can put themselves in the third person?
I agree that it's often a white person......not always a white person.
Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
Perhaps they figure that since their average IQ is 85, the same as blacks, they must be black too.
Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.

Post proof of what you say.
I definitely do not belong to THAT white race.
Because they want to be black or brown instead. Unless, you're Obama, he likes playing the white side of things. Its the 1%er in him

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?
There is nothing to account for on the basis of being white. Individuals and organizations are accountable for their words and deeds, but one's merely being white does not in the abstract make one accountable for a damn thing.

Some things that work that way and some don't:
  • My being American does not make me explicitly accountable for most of what the American government does overseas. If, for example, I were speaking with someone whose loved one died when a U.S. bomb fell on their home, I'm not accountable for that specific act, but that individual can rightly hold me accountable for the fact that I either by acquiescence or explicitly condone the government's plan of action and tactics used to achieve the plan's ends.
  • My being one of the general partners in my firm does, however, make me accountable for everything the limited partners and the staff do in the name of the firm. It doesn't matter whether I even know the person who does "whatever," I'm still responsible. The liability to which general partners are subject is part of why character, most especially the character trait of integrity, is among the most important qualities for which we screen in interviews and partner invitation evaluations.
Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
Preppy Progues

If it's a mystery, you don't have a very deep understanding of what has been going on in our society. The spawn of the rich believe they were born with superior genes and have evolved into a fitter race predestined to rule over the Whites whom they believe evolution has left behind. "Racist" is a snob term; it is a weapon of class warfare and nothing but that.
The problem with Republicans is they think because liberals feel all races are equal, it's the Democrats being racist. After all, since the GOP is sure whites are better than everyone else, by making them all equal, it's really dragging down the white race.
Somewhere along the line it became acceptable and even cool for everyone (including whites themselves) to disparage white people. Maybe white liberals are trying to earn brownie points with the other races when they do it. I dunno, they're retards.
The problem with Republicans is they think because liberals feel all races are equal, it's the Democrats being racist. After all, since the GOP is sure whites are better than everyone else, by making them all equal, it's really dragging down the white race.
If all races are equal, then requiring voter ID will not suppress the black vote.
The problem with Republicans is they think because liberals feel all races are equal, it's the Democrats being racist. After all, since the GOP is sure whites are better than everyone else, by making them all equal, it's really dragging down the white race.
If all races are equal, then requiring voter ID will not suppress the black vote.

Furthermore what's the need for AA?
There are so many great opportunities and real problems in this country. Being distracted by manufactured Racial crises is a terrible waste of time, energy and resources.

Make Every Dynasty Die Nasty

It's an intentional distraction from the Birth-Class Crisis, which will initiate a terrible reaction if the Unfortunate Sons ever start focusing on it.
Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
I believe there are a number of reasons for this phenomenon, first and foremost being the effect of long-term subliminal inculcation (brainwash).

It took a while for the social effect of television to be academically acknowledged, but in his 1960s classic book, The Medium Is The Massage, Marshall McLuhan revealed the influence which tv already had on various aspects of public life and he went on to very accurately predict the profound effect it would have in our future. If there was any doubt about the power of television to influence behavior on a mass level the amazing success of the advertising industry from the mid-1960s to the present has put it to rest. The point being that television, over time, has a clearly demonstrated hypnotic effect on the vast majority of humans -- including many of those who offhandedly reject the notion that their behavior is being influenced by electronically induced thoughts.

While the psychological mechanism of television's mesmerizing influence is examined in depth in a number of academic textbooks, for the purpose of this discussion it is sufficient to know that the key factor in television's ability to alter individual mindset and to substantially influence mass thinking and behavior is thematic repetition, which simply stated means imposition of the same concept occurring repeatedly over time in various forms but with the same basic meaning.

Both the news and the entertainment media, in all their forms, carefully avoid presenting Blacks in any but the most favorable light. With very few exceptions Blacks are cast either as victims or as heroes. More recently there has been an increasing tendency by the entertainment and the advertising media to present images of happy, well-adjusted, middle-class inter-racial couples, typically Black male/White female, as if this configuration were the social norm. Rarely is the reverse coupling shown. Whenever a villainous character is portrayed in a fictional drama that character is almost always White, the subliminal suggestion being White = bad, therefore Black = good.

These customary depictions of Black = good and White = bad have been common media presentations for so long that the glaring bias has become the accepted norm and for the most part is ignored. But according to Marshall McCluhan and every professional psychologist and concerned intellectual who has bothered to study and identify the effect it has on most people, there is no question that this kind of repetitious denigration of Whites and eulogizing of Blacks will understandably invoke feelings of guilt in Whites and incite hatred in Blacks.

There is no question that in terms of racial discord the American public has been effectively brainwashed.
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Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
I don't think that pointing out a truth about what someone did is always complaining. It is sometimes just stating the facts. I believe if you check my posts and ops I have always identified myself as a white person. I have never tried to deny it nor do I see any reason to do so. I love myself and others because I believe we were all created by the same God.

I don't believe that my mind can be labelled either liberal or conservative. It is a mind that acquires information and knowledge in a quest to be open and honest about things. I seek truth whether or not it takes me to a place I would rather not go.
Has anyone else noticed this? Whenever I read a post in which some liberal complains about "white people did this" and "white people did that", it's always a white person who is saying that. They never seem to admit that they themselves are a white person.

Do liberals have a special privilege that excludes them being held accountable for their own whiteness?

By denying the fact that they're white themselves, do they get some special consideration or a pardon or something? Is this some kind of peer pressure or something?

I don't get it. The liberal mind is such a mystery to me sometimes.
I believe there are a number of reasons for this phenomenon, first and foremost being the effect of long-term subliminal inculcation (brainwash).

It took a while for the social effect of television to be academically acknowledged, but in his 1960s classic book, The Medium Is The Massage, Marshall McLuhan revealed the influence which tv already had on various aspects of public life and he went on to very accurately predict the profound effect it would have in our future. If there was any doubt about the power of television to influence behavior on a mass level the amazing success of the advertising industry from the mid-1960s to the present has put it to rest. The point being that television, over time, has a clearly demonstrated hypnotic effect on the vast majority of humans -- including many of those who offhandedly reject the notion that their behavior is being influenced by electronically induced thoughts.

While the psychological mechanism of television's mesmerizing influence is examined in depth in a number of academic textbooks, for the purpose of this discussion it is sufficient to know that the key factor in television's ability to alter individual mindset and to substantially influence mass thinking and behavior is thematic repetition, which simply stated means imposition of the same concept occurring repeatedly over time in various forms but with the same basic meaning.

Both the news and the entertainment media, in all their forms, carefully avoid presenting Blacks in any but the most favorable light. With very few exceptions Blacks are cast either as victims or as heroes. More recently there has been an increasing tendency by the entertainment and the advertising media to present images of happy, well-adjusted, middle-class inter-racial couples, typically Black male/White female, as if this configuration were the social norm. Rarely is the reverse coupling shown. Whenever a villainous character is portrayed in a fictional drama that character is almost always White, the subliminal suggestion being White = bad, therefore Black = good.

These customary depictions of Black = good and White = bad have been common media presentations for so long that the glaring bias has become the accepted norm and for the most part is ignored. But according to Marshall McCluhan and every professional psychologist and concerned intellectual who has bothered to study and identify the effect it has on most people, there is no question that this kind of repetitious denigration of Whites and eulogizing of Blacks will understandably invoke feelings of guilt in Whites and incite hatred in Blacks.

There is no question that in terms of racial discord the American public has been effectively brainwashed.
Effective explanation of why the term idiot box exists. I always found it hilarious that those popular FBI profiling stories always are about profiling white serial killers. Latest is Unabomber story airing on cable. However a profile of any other group is considered xenophobic.
What is more alarming is how monopolistic media entities control the flow of most information and Google and Twitter along with Facebook have practiced forms of censorship. A monopoly the size of Google should be looked into under Antitrust as was Standard Oil back in the day.
[...] I always found it hilarious that those popular FBI profiling stories always are about profiling white serial killers.[...]
Actually we can almost excuse those FBI profiling documentaries in which the perpetrators are White -- because the fact is the vast majority of serial killers are White. But that single exclusion does not excuse the fact that very rarely (if ever) are the perpetrators in fictional police dramas Black.

There are hundreds of thousands of Blacks serving time in prisons for violent crimes against Whites, including rape, robbery, home invasion, and ordinary felonious assault. In spite of the overwhelming number of such incidents have you ever seen a substantive news report or a dramatization of even one such incident on tv? Or read about it in a newspaper?

I'm sure you've heard some mention of the so-called "knockout game," in which young Black males will sneak up behind a White person, usually elderly, male or female, and punch that person as hard as possible in the head with the intention of knocking him/her unconscious. These attacks are videotaped by the perpetrators for entertainment in the "hood" and many have been taken in evidence by police. Have you ever seen one on tv?

This is but one example. Many more are available on YouTube. Note that the newscaster's narrative made no mention of the racial factor in these assaults, which is always Black on White.
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