Why Do Liberals Ignore Science Regarding Transgender Surgery for Minors?

How many are taking puberty blockers and/or taking hormone treatments? Guess what…that does long term damage, so it really sucks for them once they realize that they were just confused. It isn’t like dying their hair pink.

So does allowing puberty to take place before someone begins transition.
By then, it is too late as your body has already matured
Science has known for at least 30 years now that the reasoning part of the human brain does not fully develop until ages 21-25 (LINK, LINK, LINK). Even before neuroscience developed, society already recognized that minors are simply not qualified or equipped to make certain decisions on their own.

A 14-year-old girl or a 16-year-old boy, much less an 11-year-old girl or a 12-year-old boy, are in no position to decide whether to have their sexual organs permanently altered. We need to protect our children from being talked into getting such major irreversible surgery.

We don't let 15-year-old boys join the military. We don't let 13-year-old kids start smoking cigarettes. We don't let 12-year-old kids buy alcohol. We don't let 14-year-old girls get breast-enlargement surgery. We have these sensible, protective, and humane laws because we all know that those young people are not equipped or qualified to decide to do those things.

We also have very different legal punishments for minors who commit crimes compared to the punishments for adults who commit crimes, precisely because we recognize that a minor's decision-making ability is inferior and incomplete.

Transgender surgery is not "gender-affirming surgery"--it is gender-denying surgery. It ignores biological science and biological reality.

Lots of adolescents and teens go through a phase where they feel they identify more with the opposite gender. As late as the 1990s, girls who felt this way were commonly called "Tom boys." But in most cases, they eventually grew out of it as they matured and as the reasoning part of their brain completed its development. Those few who did not grow out of it were typically people who succumbed to the temptation of same-sex attraction and who chose to engage in homosexual conduct. However, a sizable percentage of people who identify as gay or lesbian for years eventually change their minds and revert to being heterosexual. Google "PFOX."

There should be a federal ban on transgender surgery for anyone under the age of 21. If a 21-year-old wants to get the surgery, that's up to them. I feel sorry for them, but that's their call. But, for heaven's sake, let's protect our children from being talked into getting their sexual organs permanently altered.

The only solution to the trans issue is for science to acknowledge you cannot change you sex. In other words a man who feels like a woman can never become a woman.
I completely agree children shouldn't receive any type of transitioning medical care.
I also think trans surgeries need to be classified as cosmetic elective care.
Simply telling a kid you have to wait till 21 still validates transition. These kids are being manipulated and lied to by the medical community who has sold science out to trans activist.
If these guys have not had genital surgery, they have no business being allowed on women's sports teams, in women's locker rooms or bathrooms.
I do not think transgenders should be allowed in womens sports. It is an unfair advantage.
Bathrooms? People still gotta pee and womens rooms have stalls.
Locker Rooms and Showers? I just don’t know. I can see how women would be offended by someone with male genitals. But where do they go? They would not be welcome in Mens locker rooms either
If the mind were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.
God gave them over to a reprobate mind. Because they refuse to recognize His sovereignty, He set them "free" to choose for themselves "right and wrong"

When I was sixteen I babysat Charlie.. who was an intersex toddler undergoing a series of corrective surgeries. I changed his bandages when I changed his diaper. Doesn't make me an expert ...but I do know that the handwringing drama queens are either ignorant as hell or running a game on American voters.

Surgeons don't cut off body parts of healthy children for fun and profit. Don't be stupid.
How many are taking puberty blockers and/or taking hormone treatments? Guess what…that does long term damage, so it really sucks for them once they realize that they were just confused. It isn’t like dying their hair pink.
I know of no minors doing it.
A common myth being by those who spread misinformation on the transgendered

The reality is that surgery is never performed on young children. The reality is that most transgenders do not get genital surgery.
Children never make the decision alone. to undergo procedures related to changing their gender. That decision is made by the child, parents and medical professionals based on extensive evaluation

Transgender services offered to children

Evaluation and consultation with medical professionals
Child is required to start living as the alternate sex
Puberty Blockers are administered to stop the appearance of sexual traits
As late teens, hormone therapy.

Genital Surgery is only begun after they are adults and most Transexuals never receive it

This is completely untrue. Young children are given puberty blockers, and teens are being prescribed hormones. Girls as young as 16 have had breast removal surgeries and hysterectomies as young as 18. Teens can receive hormones on their 1st visit, no evaluation or consultation needed, they simple have to sign a waiver.
I will agree that few have bottom surgery, but the overwhelming majority want it. What prevents them is the cost is still high even with insurance and the recovery time make it out of reach for most, FOR NOW.
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I do not think transgenders should be allowed in womens sports. It is an unfair advantage.
Bathrooms? People still gotta pee and womens rooms have stalls.
Locker Rooms and Showers? I just don’t know. I can see how women would be offended by someone with male genitals. But where do they go? They would not be welcome in Mens locker rooms either
Third gender locker rooms
This is completely untrue. Young children are given puberty blockers, and teens are being prescribed hormones. Girls as young as 16 have had breast removal surgeries and hysterectomies as young as 18. Teens can receive hormones of their 1st visit, no evaluation or consultation needed, they simple have to sign a waiver.
I will agree that few have bottom surgery, but the overwhelming majority want it. What prevents them is the cost is still high even with insurance and the recovery time make it out of reach for most, FOR NOW.
Untrue since I saw what my youngest went through to transition.
Science has known for at least 30 years now that the reasoning part of the human brain does not fully develop until ages 21-25 (LINK, LINK, LINK). Even before neuroscience developed, society already recognized that minors are simply not qualified or equipped to make certain decisions on their own.

A 14-year-old girl or a 16-year-old boy, much less an 11-year-old girl or a 12-year-old boy, are in no position to decide whether to have their sexual organs permanently altered. We need to protect our children from being talked into getting such major irreversible surgery.

We don't let 15-year-old boys join the military. We don't let 13-year-old kids start smoking cigarettes. We don't let 12-year-old kids buy alcohol. We don't let 14-year-old girls get breast-enlargement surgery. We have these sensible, protective, and humane laws because we all know that those young people are not equipped or qualified to decide to do those things.

We also have very different legal punishments for minors who commit crimes compared to the punishments for adults who commit crimes, precisely because we recognize that a minor's decision-making ability is inferior and incomplete.

Transgender surgery is not "gender-affirming surgery"--it is gender-denying surgery. It ignores biological science and biological reality.

Lots of adolescents and teens go through a phase where they feel they identify more with the opposite gender. As late as the 1990s, girls who felt this way were commonly called "Tom boys." But in most cases, they eventually grew out of it as they matured and as the reasoning part of their brain completed its development. Those few who did not grow out of it were typically people who succumbed to the temptation of same-sex attraction and who chose to engage in homosexual conduct. However, a sizable percentage of people who identify as gay or lesbian for years eventually change their minds and revert to being heterosexual. Google "PFOX."

There should be a federal ban on transgender surgery for anyone under the age of 21. If a 21-year-old wants to get the surgery, that's up to them. I feel sorry for them, but that's their call. But, for heaven's sake, let's protect our children from being talked into getting their sexual organs permanently altered.

WEF/Democrats ignore it because they know it is an attack on America and Americans. They want to end America as we know it.

Democrats = WEF
This is completely untrue. Young children are given puberty blockers, and teens are being prescribed hormones. Girls as young as 16 have had breast removal surgeries and hysterectomies as young as 18. Teens can receive hormones on their 1st visit, no evaluation or consultation needed, they simple have to sign a waiver.
I will agree that few have bottom surgery, but the overwhelming majority want it. What prevents them is the cost is still high even with insurance and the recovery time make it out of reach for most, FOR NOW.

Prove it.
I do not think transgenders should be allowed in womens sports. It is an unfair advantage.
Bathrooms? People still gotta pee and womens rooms have stalls.
Locker Rooms and Showers? I just don’t know. I can see how women would be offended by someone with male genitals. But where do they go? They would not be welcome in Mens locker rooms either
Agreed, they should not be in female sports, ever.
If equipped like the male of the specie, they can and should us male locker rooms and bathroom, as that is what they are equipped for and the facilities they used 100% of the time before they "decided" they were transsexual. It will not be a shock for another person with a penis and a pair hanging down to be the male facilities. They can practice crossdressing, when they can control their male bladder in public. Eliminating them from women's sports, pretty much eliminates them from girls and women's locker rooms. Plus it eliminates the shock of girls and women to have a guy with a guy's body walking around them while undressed, as girls just are not raised that way, nor should they be, or be force to accept men in the ladies room.
This is completely untrue. Young children are given puberty blockers, and teens are being prescribed hormones. Girls as young as 16 have had breast removal surgeries and hysterectomies as young as 18. Teens can receive hormones on their 1st visit, no evaluation or consultation needed, they simple have to sign a waiver.
I will agree that few have bottom surgery, but the overwhelming majority want it. What prevents them is the cost is still high even with insurance and the recovery time make it out of reach for most, FOR NOW.
Further more, I am against children being surgically altered, for the same reasons mentioned in the OP Thread post. It is a permanent alteration, at a time, when they are to mentally immature to be allowed to make the choice, the will carry for the rest of their life, a decision contrary to any other choices, such as drinking, smoking, driving cars, quitting school, buy porn, possibly even riding amusement park rides. It should not be allowed until they reach the age of maturity in the state, where they reside, no matter if parents wish to fork up the money for the surgeries or not.

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