why do liberals think the presidency is like electing the prom king or queen?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



Libs think voting for president is like voting for America's Got Talent
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



Libs think voting for president is like voting for America's Got Talent

I am glad I am not the only one who is beginning to/ or realized it. ...

I guess I was always giving the democrats more credit then they deserved.

I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's because of their low IQ.
I actually had a poster explicitly make the claim that the Ds will turn out in 2018 on one of my threads. I laughed.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.
They have to wait until they're successful, then they can speak up. Kelsey Grammar had to donate $10,000 to Barbara Boxer's Senate campaign or would face blacklisting by the liberals. Now that he's successful he can write his own ticket but up to that point, he had no choice.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



Well it would seem many in America see it more as some sort of High School popularity contest. Just look around this site for proof of that.
Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.
Please don't smarten up chumps.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
That's because you said things like "He gives me a thrill up my leg". You know, stupid shit like that.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



That's what it is to many voters. It certainly is win at all cost to the candidates.

Hillary spent $1.2 billion and lost. She paid roughly $20 for every single vote cast for her.

POTUS is big money for the winner.

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