why do liberals think the presidency is like electing the prom king or queen?

I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
That's because you said things like "He gives me a thrill up my leg". You know, stupid shit like that.

Oh, so if I can find one stupid thing said by one person about the effect Trump has on them, I can attribute to everyone who voted for him?
Please refer to previous post. The more the left stays in denial the better the chances of the Ds becoming the new Greens as their incompetence ruins their stomping grounds like CA, MA, NY, NJ and IL.
In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
That's because you said things like "He gives me a thrill up my leg". You know, stupid shit like that.

Oh, so if I can find one stupid thing said by one person about the effect Trump has on them, I can attribute to everyone who voted for him?
Are you willing to criticize Obama for anything?
Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
That's because you said things like "He gives me a thrill up my leg". You know, stupid shit like that.

Oh, so if I can find one stupid thing said by one person about the effect Trump has on them, I can attribute to everyone who voted for him?
Are you willing to criticize Obama for anything?

Obama was good for illegal immigration. I'll give him that. He was a great POTUS for non citizens.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility. You don't have to see someone as a messiah to vote for them, especially when the alternative was a lying, corrupt, physically ill, sorry excuse for a presidential candidate. You may see it differently but many millions of Americans voted AGAINST your terribly flawed candidate.

Gee, for 8+ years, Obama was referred to as my messiah. Amazingly you didn’t caution any of your buddies when they were making those references.
That's because you said things like "He gives me a thrill up my leg". You know, stupid shit like that.

Oh, so if I can find one stupid thing said by one person about the effect Trump has on them, I can attribute to everyone who voted for him?
Are you willing to criticize Obama for anything?

Obama was good for illegal immigration. I'll give him that. He was a great POTUS for non citizens.
A pretty good advocate for criminals too.
the last primary process was like some 10 cent sideshow at a traveling carnival in a Walmart parking lot, followed by a grown man wearing a fucking ball cap, and making promises he couldn't keep.

Prom is a compliment.
Its not about popularity with Liberals its about putting a person in the WH based on gender, color, and or sexual orientation. Its all about identity politics with them.
Its not about popularity with Liberals its about putting a person in the WH based on gender, color, and or sexual orientation. Its all about identity politics with them.

probably why the dems elected bill clinton.... straight white male
Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?

My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..

What would you rater have

A "likable" president who cracks jokes on the late night shows


An unlikable president who gets shit done

I'd like to see a president who is a fucking workaholic after all he's only going to be there for four years or maybe 8 anyone can burn the candle at both ends for 4 years
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.

I don't know what a SAG is. But what we were discussing is the entertainment and not Trump himself.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.
They have to wait until they're successful, then they can speak up. Kelsey Grammar had to donate $10,000 to Barbara Boxer's Senate campaign or would face blacklisting by the liberals. Now that he's successful he can write his own ticket but up to that point, he had no choice.

He doesn't need the work anyway so he can say or do as he pleases. He spent years on CHEERS and then had his own spinoff show which was pretty successful. He has to be worth quite a few bucks.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

It isn't just the Liberals however. Remember the Dixie Chicks? Republicans and Conservatives shunned them by the dozens. Radio Stations that catered to the Conservative listener base stopped playing the songs from the Dixie Chicks. Liberals boycotted Chik Fil A and Conservatives were outraged at Coke for having a commercial where America the Beautiful was sung in many languages.

Coke Had Americans Singing 'America The Beautiful' In Different Languages And A Bunch Of People Hated It

Everyone overreacts from time to time, and every over reaction by the left is met soon after by an overreaction from the right. The see we're more powerful than you are boycott wars accomplish jack shit. Because most of the people don't give a damn about whatever cause the outraged are flying today.

In the end, Chik Fil A is still slinging Chicken Sandwiches, and Coke is still on the shelves. The Dixie Chicks are still singing.
What would you rater have

A "likable" president who cracks jokes on the late night shows


An unlikable president who gets shit done

I'd like to see a president who is a fucking workaholic after all he's only going to be there for four years or maybe 8 anyone can burn the candle at both ends for 4 years
Polk died more than 150 years ago.
Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?

My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..


Yeah, it was the left who ran a reality show celebrity for President…
Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?

My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..


Yeah, it was the left who ran a reality show celebrity for President…
The left ran a criminal, that's why you lost.
What would you rater have

A "likable" president who cracks jokes on the late night shows


An unlikable president who gets shit done

I'd like to see a president who is a fucking workaholic after all he's only going to be there for four years or maybe 8 anyone can burn the candle at both ends for 4 years

Liberals would rather have option " A "it goes with there MO.

I always remembered what someone once said, "ya know when someone is good at work, because no one likes him"

I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

It isn't just the Liberals however. Remember the Dixie Chicks? Republicans and Conservatives shunned them by the dozens. Radio Stations that catered to the Conservative listener base stopped playing the songs from the Dixie Chicks. Liberals boycotted Chik Fil A and Conservatives were outraged at Coke for having a commercial where America the Beautiful was sung in many languages.

Coke Had Americans Singing 'America The Beautiful' In Different Languages And A Bunch Of People Hated It

Everyone overreacts from time to time, and every over reaction by the left is met soon after by an overreaction from the right. The see we're more powerful than you are boycott wars accomplish jack shit. Because most of the people don't give a damn about whatever cause the outraged are flying today.

In the end, Chik Fil A is still slinging Chicken Sandwiches, and Coke is still on the shelves. The Dixie Chicks are still singing.

Still singing yes, for grand openings of some burger joint.. I haven't heard of the Dixie chicks since then.

This thread is also a tie in to liberals claim that they are better educated and more informed...

If that was the case how come you don't vote in midterms, state and local elections? Or you do vote and voted for all these republicans in state elections?


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