why do liberals think the presidency is like electing the prom king or queen?

When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
I think the celebs who said No to inauguration performances--and the media that is floating the "rejection" list--are acting like junior high snots.
I'm gonna hurt you by not coming to your party. Na na na na nahhh.
Fucking ridiculous. People need to slap a little cold water on their faces and start respecting the office of President. Surely, this isn't the first president they didn't vote for.
Grow up!
If the liberterians have their way the presidency will have the power of the prom king at your high school.
That's true. What a glorious day that will be. No fuckin politician telling us our daughter has to share the bathroom with some trannie. No politician telling us where we can live, what light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets we can buy, what kind of cars we can buy.
no politican telling any women she must have her child ,,,,,or else

Should a woman be permitted to kill her 6 month old if she changed her mind about caring for it?

Is there any argument for the "right" of a woman to authorize the killing of her unborn baby that would not apply to her authorizing the similar slaughter of a year old that she was breastfeeding?

'cause....if there isn't, and one is murder, so, then, is the other.

That's called logic.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:

You Leftists actually.....actually!.....called him "God."

Yup....with a straight face.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
I know the truth upsets you, doesn't it?
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
I know the truth upsets you, doesn't it?
It's not "the truth" -- it's a lie and exposes you once again as a flaming hotburger hypocrite.

Which most of us knew all along.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:

You Leftists actually.....actually!.....called him "God."

Yup....with a straight face.
Fuck you. I never did. If a few random idiots did, they're nuts.

Idiots on the right called Trump God. They are cultists. And nutz just the same.

'Trump Is God' - Two Female Donald Trump Supporters Weigh In On ...

"Did you just call Trump God?" "Oh yeah, he's a God" "Like she said, Jesus, then Trump..."
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:

You Leftists actually.....actually!.....called him "God."

Yup....with a straight face.
Fuck you. I never did. If a few random idiots did, they're nuts.

Idiots on the right called Trump God. They are cultists. And nutz just the same.

'Trump Is God' - Two Female Donald Trump Supporters Weigh In On ...

"Did you just call Trump God?" "Oh yeah, he's a God" "Like she said, Jesus, then Trump..."

One can always tell how deeply the truth wounds you Liberals by how quickly you become vulgar.
I'll chalk that up as a win for the good guys.

"I never did. And if a few random idiots did it theyr'e nuts."

Well...at least you've learned never to contradict what I post.

You've learned that I can prove everything I write.

So stipulated: it was common for Liberals, their elites, to refer to Obama as "God."
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:

You Leftists actually.....actually!.....called him "God."

Yup....with a straight face.
Fuck you. I never did. If a few random idiots did, they're nuts.

Idiots on the right called Trump God. They are cultists. And nutz just the same.

'Trump Is God' - Two Female Donald Trump Supporters Weigh In On ...

"Did you just call Trump God?" "Oh yeah, he's a God" "Like she said, Jesus, then Trump..."

You video'd two nobodies????

Watch this:

1. NBC’s Matt Lauer noted that “people” have called Obama “ ‘The Savior,’ ‘The Messiah,’ ‘The Messenger of Change,’ “ Today Show, NBC, October 20, 2008.

2. “Obama seemed the political equivalent of a rainbow — a sudden preternatural event inspiring awe and ecstasy....” Time’s Joe Klein, October 23, 2006 cover story, "Why Barack Obama Could Be the Next President."

3. David Cordero, 24, made the sculpture for his senior show after noticing all the attention Obama has received: "All of this is a response to what I've been witnessing and hearing, this idea that Barack is sort of a potential savior that might come and absolve the country of all its sins," Cordero said. Sculpture of Obama as Jesus causes stir - politics - Decision '08 - Barack Obama News - msnbc.com

4. "We have an amazing story to tell," she said. "This president has brought us out of the dark and into the light."
Source: Michelle Obama, Campaign rally. April 17, 2012.

5. In its November 22, 2010 issue, Obama has been shown by Newsweek on its cover page with multiple arms balancing several policy issues while raising his left leg mimicking the cosmic dance of the Hindu deity; considered a manifestation of Lord Shiva.
... Newsweek has named Obama "god of all things" on its cover.
SOURCE: Times of India (November 20, 2010).

6. The White House released a photo of Obama with a halo around his head:
Photostream: Business and Pleasure in August | The White House

7. "Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD."
"In a way Obama is standing above the country, above the world. He's sort of GOD. He's going to bring all different sides together."
- Newsweek editor Evan Thomas

Stupid.....or Liberals being Liberals?

Is there any doubt that Liberalism is the religion of the berserk?
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
Want it repeated?
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
Want it repeated?
His flaming hypocrisy?

When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
I know the truth upsets you, doesn't it?
It's not "the truth" -- it's a lie and exposes you once again as a flaming hotburger hypocrite.

Which most of us knew all along.

When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
You actually said this with a straight face :lol:
I know the truth upsets you, doesn't it?
It's not "the truth" -- it's a lie and exposes you once again as a flaming hotburger hypocrite.

Which most of us knew all along.

I guess it could be like the prom since it has a ball, but they give these long speeches, military, parades and what not. I doubt any women will be wearing mini dresses since it's usually in cold or snow conditions.

I remember how good Obama's 2008 one was. By 2012, I couldn't stand that he beat Romney so skipped it.

I think George Michael quietly agreed to do it and look what happened. The Clintons do not give up easily, but Clinton is more like a body with no brain.

Why does the Queen of Trumps prom look like a whore?

Two things.

1) That's disrespectful, and misogynistic, All things Dems claim that Republicans are. War on Women? Anyone?

2) You can't say would turn down the opportunity to jump her, unless you belong to the Rainbow Society"

But since you started this, Melania would draw $5K/night at the Ritz Carlton, whereas Hillary could only draw $10.00 for a BJ behind a dumpster in an alley, $15 if she took her teeth out.

Oh....did I hurt your feelings snowflake?

Am I not being "Politically Correct"?
Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?

My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..


Yeah, it was the left who ran a reality show celebrity for President…
The left ran a criminal, that's why you lost.

Trump University….$25M settlement. he he he
$25 million is pocket change to Trump. It was easier to throw them some crumbs than let it be a distraction while he was putting together his cabinet as POTUS (something Hillary will never be able to do). he he he.

Sure... And besides that, he knew he was guilty.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?

Well, he said he was going to implement the ACA. And he did. Probably to the political injury of his Party. But now, if you have a kid born with birth defects, you can buy insurance for them and the insurance companies have to sell it to you. Up until it's passing....that wasn't the case.

If you happen to love someone of the same sex, you couldn't get spousal benefits in most states. Now you can. While he didn't campaign on that; you knew that was where his heart was.

We're no longer fighting in the middle east. He campaigned on that.


There is a difference between making responsible promises and executing a strategy to see them come to fruition and what Mr. Trump has done. While it's great to believe that everyone can get a tax cut, businesses (many of whom already pay very little in taxes) will get a tax cut, and we will spend at $1T on roads, untold billions on defense, fight ISIS and "take their oil"...at the same time... we all know they are fairy tales.

Pretend I gave you some truth serum....

What % of the load of crap you swallowed from Trump do you expect to happen?
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?

Well, he said he was going to implement the ACA. And he did. Probably to the political injury of his Party. But now, if you have a kid born with birth defects, you can buy insurance for them and the insurance companies have to sell it to you. Up until it's passing....that wasn't the case.

If you happen to love someone of the same sex, you couldn't get spousal benefits in most states. Now you can. While he didn't campaign on that; you knew that was where his heart was.

We're no longer fighting in the middle east. He campaigned on that.


There is a difference between making responsible promises and executing a strategy to see them come to fruition and what Mr. Trump has done. While it's great to believe that everyone can get a tax cut, businesses (many of whom already pay very little in taxes) will get a tax cut, and we will spend at $1T on roads, untold billions on defense, fight ISIS and "take their oil"...at the same time... we all know they are fairy tales.

Pretend I gave you some truth serum....

What % of the load of crap you swallowed from Trump do you expect to happen?

The most important issues for me were the judges and immigration. The judges because (obviously) I'm a person that believes in allowing people the right to defend themselves and to fight crime, and immigration because I see what it's done to our society as lower wages prevail. I also see our nation becoming a bilingual country which I'm totally against.

On a secondary note, I hope the conservatives sway him to put great limits on our social programs so that it's enough to temporarily help--but not enough to live on for life. Over one-third of our population of working age are not working nor looking for a job. That's in addition to the people that are not working and supposedly willing to work.

On a personal level, at 56 years old, I've had healthcare coverage my entire life with preexisting conditions. Thanks to Obama, I have none. The good news (if you want to call it that) is that the guy who delivers my pizza has coverage that I used to have. But of course, he's likely to vote Democrat which is why he has it. So I hope Trump does something.....anything that will put me back in the position I was before DumBama where I can get coverage.
My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..


Yeah, it was the left who ran a reality show celebrity for President…
The left ran a criminal, that's why you lost.

Trump University….$25M settlement. he he he
$25 million is pocket change to Trump. It was easier to throw them some crumbs than let it be a distraction while he was putting together his cabinet as POTUS (something Hillary will never be able to do). he he he.

Sure... And besides that, he knew he was guilty.
Your opinion (which means nothing to anyone but you).

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