why do liberals think the presidency is like electing the prom king or queen?

If the liberterians have their way the presidency will have the power of the prom king at your high school.
That's true. What a glorious day that will be. No fuckin politician telling us our daughter has to share the bathroom with some trannie. No politician telling us where we can live, what light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets we can buy, what kind of cars we can buy.
no politican telling any women she must have her child ,,,,,or else
Even if it's 9 months along? Only a callous asshole would insist there should be no limits on abortion.
Why does the Queen of Trumps prom look like a whore?

Two things.

1) That's disrespectful, and misogynistic, All things Dems claim that Republicans are. War on Women? Anyone?

2) You can't say would turn down the opportunity to jump her, unless you belong to the Rainbow Society"

But since you started this, Melania would draw $5K/night at the Ritz Carlton, whereas Hillary could only draw $10.00 for a BJ behind a dumpster in an alley, $15 if she took her teeth out.
If the liberterians have their way the presidency will have the power of the prom king at your high school.
That's true. What a glorious day that will be. No fuckin politician telling us our daughter has to share the bathroom with some trannie. No politician telling us where we can live, what light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets we can buy, what kind of cars we can buy.
no politican telling any women she must have her child ,,,,,or else
Even if it's 9 months along? Only a callous asshole would insist there should be no limits on abortion.
My New years wish for you bripat is that you become pregnant ,,,, and 9 months is a different story from the one repub assholes want to impose on women
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?
Can we start with the complete disaster your gwb and republicans made of your 8 years in the WH And Palin?? Wouldn't vote for her to come close to our WH Romney ?? not bad
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said: [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/goto/post?id=13930283#post-13930283']↑[/URL]

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
If the liberterians have their way the presidency will have the power of the prom king at your high school.
That's true. What a glorious day that will be. No fuckin politician telling us our daughter has to share the bathroom with some trannie. No politician telling us where we can live, what light bulbs we can buy, what kind of toilets we can buy, what kind of cars we can buy.
no politican telling any women she must have her child ,,,,,or else
Even if it's 9 months along? Only a callous asshole would insist there should be no limits on abortion.
My New years wish for you bripat is that you become pregnant ,,,, and 9 months is a different story from the one repub assholes want to impose on women
I don't want to impose anything on women, but you apparently think its OK to terminate a pregnancy that is 9 months along. That's little better than terminating one that is 10 months along.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?
Can we start with the complete disaster your gwb and republicans made of your 8 years in the WH And Palin?? Wouldn't vote for her to come close to our WH Romney ?? not bad

When did McCain die? And yup we know liberals hate women.

It's just a show of disrespect for the moron republicans voted for...I'm sure it eats that pos up

What disrespect? They are nothing but court jesters to society .. You could live with them, you could live with out them.


As is the President…a small fraction of a man who sold enough people on “make America great” to get their votes. Two years ago he was nothing more than a “court jester” as you put it.

And just how did big ears win your vote, Hope and Change?
Can we start with the complete disaster your gwb and republicans made of your 8 years in the WH And Palin?? Wouldn't vote for her to come close to our WH Romney ?? not bad

When did McCain die? And yup we know liberals hate women.

McCain?? "" I like heros that don't get caught" Chump
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

It isn't just the Liberals however. Remember the Dixie Chicks? Republicans and Conservatives shunned them by the dozens. Radio Stations that catered to the Conservative listener base stopped playing the songs from the Dixie Chicks. Liberals boycotted Chik Fil A and Conservatives were outraged at Coke for having a commercial where America the Beautiful was sung in many languages.

Coke Had Americans Singing 'America The Beautiful' In Different Languages And A Bunch Of People Hated It

Everyone overreacts from time to time, and every over reaction by the left is met soon after by an overreaction from the right. The see we're more powerful than you are boycott wars accomplish jack shit. Because most of the people don't give a damn about whatever cause the outraged are flying today.

In the end, Chik Fil A is still slinging Chicken Sandwiches, and Coke is still on the shelves. The Dixie Chicks are still singing.

You care comparing rejection by the people to rejection by an industry. Big difference.

There are few (if any) national left-wing radio shows. Why? Because nobody tunes into them. If you can't generate an audience, you can't get advertisers to financially support your radio station. But again, that isn't industry stopping those shows, it's the lack of audience.

In Hollywood and other parts of the entertainment world, it doesn't matter if you can draw an audience or not. The industry will make sure you don't work if you choose a different political view from theirs.

True, sort of. There isn't much in the way of Left Wing Radio, Largely because of the idea that you can vet and pick the next Rush Limbaugh. By that same token, Glen Beck was a radio host, and got his shot on TV, and went completely insane on Conspiracy Theory. I don't know if he's still doing a little radio or trying his own internet thing or whatever. He went apeshit and lost it.

Tom Sellek was a Conservative Republican in Hollywood, and he made some TV for a while, and went to movies. Quigley did very well both in the box office and the later DVD rental/sales. Then he did a movie where he was flying World War One planes over the Himalayas or some such crazy shit. I liked Magnum, and I liked Quigley, and the airplane movie was a flop.

However, Political Ideology is no guarantee of success. Even in Hollywood. It would be hard to find an actor more left than George Clooney, but his movies do well at the Box Office, and he doesn't turn out many flops. Warren Beatty on the other hand hasn't had a hit since the 1980's, and every few years manages to get funding to do another, and it opens on Delta Airlines flight 1065 from Atlanta to Los Angeles. The critics adore him, and his politics, and the people give him squat.

Back to Sellek, he's doing. Movies, TV, and is pretty busy considering his political views and all that. Blue Bloods may still be running, I don't know, I don't watch many TV shows.

The problem is that the political affiliation is often used as an excuse for a failed career. Some actor says that he can't get a break because of his politics. Well, his work is shit. Warren Beatty can't get much work and it would honestly be a battle to the death taking weeks to figure out who is more left, Clooney or Beatty.

Tom Sellek is a Republican. He isn't alone.

Top 30 Hollywood Republican Celebrities: A Newsmax List

The article talks about how difficult it is being Repubican in Hollywood, and then lists some of the top grossing stars in the town. Robert Downey Jr. His movies make cash by the handfuls for the studios. Clint is well known and I don't think he's ever been without options for work.

I don't think it's quite as tough as they make it out to be. Amber Heard is a bi sexual gun toting girl from Texas who drives a Shelby Mustang. She does not get much work, because her acting sucks. She was a drug addled nymphomaniac in the movie Informers. Her acting hasn't really moved beyond that in any of the films she's been in since.

Is it because she drives a muscle car instead of a Prius? Was it because she likes and owns guns? Nope. It was because she's not a very good actress. Other than prancing about nude, her talents are minimal as evidenced in the movie Drive with Nicholas Cage, who didn't do much better than she did in the flick.

Political ideology may be a bit of a handicap, but obviously not that big, since the top grossing stars in the city who basically write their own contracts are Republicans.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

It isn't just the Liberals however. Remember the Dixie Chicks? Republicans and Conservatives shunned them by the dozens. Radio Stations that catered to the Conservative listener base stopped playing the songs from the Dixie Chicks. Liberals boycotted Chik Fil A and Conservatives were outraged at Coke for having a commercial where America the Beautiful was sung in many languages.

Coke Had Americans Singing 'America The Beautiful' In Different Languages And A Bunch Of People Hated It

Everyone overreacts from time to time, and every over reaction by the left is met soon after by an overreaction from the right. The see we're more powerful than you are boycott wars accomplish jack shit. Because most of the people don't give a damn about whatever cause the outraged are flying today.

In the end, Chik Fil A is still slinging Chicken Sandwiches, and Coke is still on the shelves. The Dixie Chicks are still singing.

You care comparing rejection by the people to rejection by an industry. Big difference.

There are few (if any) national left-wing radio shows. Why? Because nobody tunes into them. If you can't generate an audience, you can't get advertisers to financially support your radio station. But again, that isn't industry stopping those shows, it's the lack of audience.

In Hollywood and other parts of the entertainment world, it doesn't matter if you can draw an audience or not. The industry will make sure you don't work if you choose a different political view from theirs.

True, sort of. There isn't much in the way of Left Wing Radio, Largely because of the idea that you can vet and pick the next Rush Limbaugh. By that same token, Glen Beck was a radio host, and got his shot on TV, and went completely insane on Conspiracy Theory. I don't know if he's still doing a little radio or trying his own internet thing or whatever. He went apeshit and lost it.

Tom Sellek was a Conservative Republican in Hollywood, and he made some TV for a while, and went to movies. Quigley did very well both in the box office and the later DVD rental/sales. Then he did a movie where he was flying World War One planes over the Himalayas or some such crazy shit. I liked Magnum, and I liked Quigley, and the airplane movie was a flop.

However, Political Ideology is no guarantee of success. Even in Hollywood. It would be hard to find an actor more left than George Clooney, but his movies do well at the Box Office, and he doesn't turn out many flops. Warren Beatty on the other hand hasn't had a hit since the 1980's, and every few years manages to get funding to do another, and it opens on Delta Airlines flight 1065 from Atlanta to Los Angeles. The critics adore him, and his politics, and the people give him squat.

Back to Sellek, he's doing. Movies, TV, and is pretty busy considering his political views and all that. Blue Bloods may still be running, I don't know, I don't watch many TV shows.

The problem is that the political affiliation is often used as an excuse for a failed career. Some actor says that he can't get a break because of his politics. Well, his work is shit. Warren Beatty can't get much work and it would honestly be a battle to the death taking weeks to figure out who is more left, Clooney or Beatty.

Tom Sellek is a Republican. He isn't alone.

Top 30 Hollywood Republican Celebrities: A Newsmax List

The article talks about how difficult it is being Repubican in Hollywood, and then lists some of the top grossing stars in the town. Robert Downey Jr. His movies make cash by the handfuls for the studios. Clint is well known and I don't think he's ever been without options for work.

I don't think it's quite as tough as they make it out to be. Amber Heard is a bi sexual gun toting girl from Texas who drives a Shelby Mustang. She does not get much work, because her acting sucks. She was a drug addled nymphomaniac in the movie Informers. Her acting hasn't really moved beyond that in any of the films she's been in since.

Is it because she drives a muscle car instead of a Prius? Was it because she likes and owns guns? Nope. It was because she's not a very good actress. Other than prancing about nude, her talents are minimal as evidenced in the movie Drive with Nicholas Cage, who didn't do much better than she did in the flick.

Political ideology may be a bit of a handicap, but obviously not that big, since the top grossing stars in the city who basically write their own contracts are Republicans.

That may be true once you're on top. But how many climbed that ladder as a known Republican?

There are several books out there from Hollywood insiders that tell of their experiences with politics and entertainment. While I never bought one, some of the stories they told in interviews are astonishing. It's not to say that you can't be successful based on your political affiliations, but unless you're a liberal, you keep your politics to yourself. For instance Patricia Heaton is from our area and is a Republican, but she doesn't spout off about politics in general like Oprah does.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..


This is something you made up, no?
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
He's Union.....lol.

Actually this thread is perfect. Fits right in with the Inaugural theme...."Sour Grapes".
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.
Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

Nobody except Trump who invited the celebs and was rebuffed (for the time being). I’m sure they’ll come around at some point; too many TV cameras will be pointed at him for them to stay away for long.

So he cares…
And the people who voted for him…what is this the 8th thread about it?

My thread is not about the stupid show, it's the underlying premise that the left just votes for popularity..


Yeah, it was the left who ran a reality show celebrity for President…
The left ran a criminal, that's why you lost.

Trump University….$25M settlement. he he he
$25 million is pocket change to Trump. It was easier to throw them some crumbs than let it be a distraction while he was putting together his cabinet as POTUS (something Hillary will never be able to do). he he he.
When you say "messiah" you lose a lot of credibility.

S.J. said:

"Um, the debt was $10 trillion when your messiah took office, not 12. ...."

She didn't cause Benghazi, she just ignored the plea for help, as did your precious messiah, Obama, who went to bed while they were being attacked.

Unless you want him to expose your fraudulent messiah.

There's about 40 more...
The right does not fawn all over Trump, so candy loses credibility when she claims they do. The left, however, had orgasms over Obama. They love him almost as much as he loves himself.

I knew we were in trouble when snowflakes said that Obama would not be lampooned on TV because he is so cool that there is nothing funny about him.

They set it up so anyone who was ever critical of Obama for any reason was labeled a racist.

Well, Fuck that bullshit. I completely disagree with the economics of Obamacare. It was nothing to do with skin color.
I was thinking more about this because of this thread

Rockettes not required to perform at Trump inauguration, union says

Who cares who performs at Trumps inauguration? It's not a home coming dance or a popularity contest..

It's about the next President being sworn in and his policys for the next 4 years.

I guess this is the mindset of democrats and why they don't show up for the mid terms, they don't have a clue about politics but think the presidency is sporting contest or something to win at all cost.

That's all I can figure..



In the leftist world, if you perform for somebody like Trump or any other Republican, you are scarred for life.

It's like the Hollywood people. Sure, there are some conservative actors and actresses, but they keep their political opinions to themselves in fear of losing future work. A select few are willing to put their careers on the line to freely express their stance on policies, but as for the rest, they either wait until after retirement or until they are washed up due to age or because they are financially secure enough to not need work if they can't find any.

It's a sad state of affairs but one that people understand when they get into the entertainment business.

Trump is a member of the SAG…. Shocking you guys don’t know anything about your messiah.
He's Union.....lol.

Actually this thread is perfect. Fits right in with the Inaugural theme...."Sour Grapes".
While holding up photos of Hitlery

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