Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Grandpa, you didn't build this nation: all the legal and illegal immigrants who came here over the centuries built it. You had little or nothing to do with that. You are an American by an accident of birth. You do not deserve a better shot at the good life than anyone else. You should just thank your lucky stars you were born in the USA, but please, do not take credit for making the US what it is today. You had nothing to do with it.

I have worked on (built) more government, commercial & residential projects than you can imagine. I indeed did contribute to building this country. All while you've begged for free shit.

Bug off know nothing

And you were paid a fair American wage. Today you begrudge the next generation for wanting to be paid as well as you were paid. Now that you got yours you are a greedy old prick.

You didn't answer my question. Those kids on the border, they should have been aborted. Right? Clearly you don't care about their lives. Not your problem, right? So don't cry about abortions and say all life is precious to you because we know you are a disingenuous prick.

:cuckoo:No. You are the disingenuous prick. Those kids on the border coming in don't belong here. They are not our responsibility. They belong with their own parents...not spread out over our country. We have enough of our own to take care of we don't need the illegals here.
According to your fellow conservatard 1776, you're not competing with these supposedly "illegal" immigrants for jobs.

Care to tell him why he's wrong? Or do "illegals" only take American jobs when a strong, independent womyn is around, and not when it's just you manpigs discussing your bigotry amongst yoursylves?

Well I'm from this country and I say different. Send us your poor, and only your poor. We have no more room for white-privileged bourgeois scum.

White bourgeois scum? Kinda validates the point I have been making about the racist liberal agenda.

Republicans always calling liberals racist, pro fascist etc. You know better. Republicans are still livid that there's a colored guy in their white house.

:eusa_shhh:Ide say more PALE than colored. And its not because of his color...its because of the job he's not doing. He needs to be fired.
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Republicans working stiffs have been told for so long that they're the only ones that have jobs, they believe it to be true.

Republicans believe they were born in the house they built with their bare hands.

:eusa_liar:Even if they didn't build it...they sure as hell earned it. Its not like the Dems who just love giving out handouts as long as its not their money. Wake up.
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

:cuckoo:Thats because the gov't we have now is spending our money the wrong way.

As far as our roads falling apart we should put people on welfare to work fixing them. Let them earn that monthly check they get. Let them know if they want something they have to earn it.
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

:eusa_whistle:Holly fucker...you dems have no thinking on your own anymore.

Building this country didn't end years ago. It continues to this day.

Like when ones in medicine create a cure for something...its building more.

Like when scientists find a better way to our energy....its building more.

Like when engineers create programs making it easier for people to learn...its building more.

etc. etc.

Building this country didn't stop years ago...thats when it began. And its still continuing.
Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

:cuckoo:Thats because the gov't we have now is spending our money the wrong way.

As far as our roads falling apart we should put people on welfare to work fixing them. Let them earn that monthly check they get. Let them know if they want something they have to earn it.
Bad idea. Most of them are obese shitty workers who would just screw up our roads and cost us more than it does to pay them to stay home.
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How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Liberal propaganda.

I can't drive anywhere in the KC metro without running into construction cones. Hell they repave the roads here every other year.
So some dirt road to waterloo is full of pot holes and you want me to care? Perhaps if your liberal cities were run properly you would have the money in your budget to fix shit. We certainly have no shortage of infrastructure projects going on here in KC.

Is this really how dumb you are? You can't deny the fact that for decades we have ignored infrastructure. If you look in Europe and China and India they are investing in their infrastruture. So, corporations are investing in them. We are clearly not investing in infrastructure. Our bridges, roads and schools and public buildings are falling apart. What are we spending our money on? War? And then we give corporations and the rich tax breaks and let them ship their jobs oveseas? Fuck that. Undo NAFTA. Clinton should have never signed it. But it wasn't so bad until Bush and Chaney and Tom Delay and Carl Rove and guys like Boehner & McConnell made changes that really fucked the American middle class. They actually gave tax breaks to companies that were going overseas. They tried to let S. American truckers in to kill the American trucking industry. Remember gas first went over $4 on Bush's watch? That about killed the industry too and the global economy. Most people forget all the details leading up to Bush's Great Recession and the biggest bank robbery in world history right when he was leaving office. Remember they were too big to fail? :eusa_liar:

The American people are truly dumb. Yes us liberals are trying to change America, for the fucking better!

Report: Over 65,000 U.S. bridges in need of repair

:eusa_angel:Liberals trying to change America for the fucking better? Come on dude show us where. Come on. Since Ubama can't do so maybe you can. Show us. Supprise us. Come on.
First thing a person asks when they consider moving into your fucking neighborhood. How are the schools?

How are the schools today after all the cuts to their funding? Not as good as they were.

:eusa_pray:And its going to get even worst. Since it won't be long before they are flooded with illegals here...with ones that can't even speak English...its just going to get worst.
This thread is just another sickening reminder that if left up to libs we would have no borders, and they would let anyone in who wanted in.
They want this country swamped with third worlder's who will end creating the worlds largest welfare state, and turn this country into a weak nation. This is one of their grand schemes since they hate our superiority.

We didn't need a border until corporations started hiring illegals to do jobs Americans will do. Before illegal employers migrant workers left at the end of every season. When Reagan got elected they started staying all year round.

You are a lunatic if you believe what you wrote. :eusa_shhh:

:cuckoo:No its not just because of the corporations. Its also for our security. Like keeping the terrorists out...the ones that hate America. Also the ones that want to come across for a free handout. Open your eyes.
Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

You really can't be this ignorant.....can you??????

People from the right are upset that the Illegal Immigration is being allowed into this country. Side stepping our federal laws and our politicians are turning a blind eye to it for the most part.

The people on the right have no problem with Legal Immigration so try not and be so ignorant in trying to spin the truth to fit your premise, dear.
Every wave of immigrants to this country has been a majority of "illegals".

You think when the Irish had a potato famine they were looking up the immigration law when they flocked here in droves?

You think the Germans were like "Let me get a lawyer on that" when they were fleeing the Nazis?

Conservatives are really something else and completely ignorant of American history.

Let me help you with that:

This isn't about our history dumbfuck. It's about our future. And I don't give a rats ass about some stupid fancy slogan from 9000 damn years ago

And here's the cool thing.

Society let you out of Prison and forgave you, convict.

How do you show you gratitude?

By being a jerk.

:DNo...by listening to jerks like you.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

And yet, when it's convenient to say so, Conservatives will line up to tell the world how this nation is a Christian nation, based on the Judeo/Christian ethic.

How far Conservatives run from Jesus whenever it might cost them a dollar.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

And yet, when it's convenient to say so, Conservatives will line up to tell the world how this nation is a Christian nation, based on the Judeo/Christian ethic.

How far Conservatives run from Jesus whenever it might cost them a dollar.

We are a nation of laws......right?????? :eusa_whistle:
Are you one of those who picks and chooses what laws to follow?

This has nothing to do with religion, Nosmo, it's about our laws......period
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

And yet, when it's convenient to say so, Conservatives will line up to tell the world how this nation is a Christian nation, based on the Judeo/Christian ethic.

How far Conservatives run from Jesus whenever it might cost them a dollar.

We are a nation of laws......right?????? :eusa_whistle:
Are you one of those who picks and chooses what laws to follow?

This has nothing to do with religion, Nosmo, it's about our laws......period
No we are not a nation of laws. We are a nation of slaves being controlled by slave masters aka. elected tyrants.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

And yet, when it's convenient to say so, Conservatives will line up to tell the world how this nation is a Christian nation, based on the Judeo/Christian ethic.

How far Conservatives run from Jesus whenever it might cost them a dollar.

We are a nation of laws......right?????? :eusa_whistle:
Are you one of those who picks and chooses what laws to follow?

This has nothing to do with religion, Nosmo, it's about our laws......period
The howling from Conservatives about our Christian bona fides comes whenever reproductive freedom or marriage equality are discussed. With those issues, Conservatives insist we follow Scripture in drafting and applying law.

But when Jesus said, "Reject all the children who come unto Me because I can't afford to house, clothe, feed and nurture them..."

Oh. wait. It wasn't Jesus who said that was it? Nope! It was the Republican party and Conservative 'pundits'.

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