Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Need to change anti-business laws here in the US


U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed World

The U.S. total corporate tax rate is at 39.1 percent, the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. The high rate reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American workers jobs and higher wages.



Which one of those countries maintains a military the size of the United States?

Thanks in advance.

Which one of these countries has the level of entitlements?


Every one of them, with the possible exception of Mexico.

Now answer the question.
Which one of those countries maintains a military the size of the United States?

Thanks in advance.

Which one of these countries has the level of entitlements?


Every one of them, with the possible exception of Mexico.

Now answer the question.

What does the military have to do with corporate tax rates? I thought the higher rates paid for our excessive entitlements?

Seems you ride the fence when you get caught in one of your own little fabricated stories.
Try reading the thread you started , then re-read the reply to my post.
What a comic you are. How can anyone take you serious with your two-faced talking points.

How utterly convenient for you to blame someone else. You started the thread that way and then when someone proposed for you to step to the plate to cure your illogical thought, you blithely pass it off. And blame the progressives.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of you teaming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Patriot? American citizen? I doubt you are a true patriot.
But what the hell. Live in your little dream life.

Money isn't the issue. Liberals are

You are completely ignorant of the facts eh? Dems & liberals have repeatedly voted AGAINST sealing the border. And their reason wasn't money.
Which one of these countries has the level of entitlements?


Every one of them, with the possible exception of Mexico.

Now answer the question.

What does the military have to do with corporate tax rates? I thought the higher rates paid for our excessive entitlements?


Another question?

You're amazing.

And our "entitlements" are much less then other countries. Our military however costs more than most of the world's Militaries, combined.
I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?

I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.

No dumbass, I made gazebos in prison. Can you not read? Has nothing to do with what ive done since then. Unless you consider lawn furniture "building America"

Your stupidity knows no bounds
I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.

No dumbass, I made gazebos in prison. Can you not read? Has nothing to do with what ive done since then. Unless you consider lawn furniture "building America"

Your stupidity knows no bounds

What really knows no bounds is your ugly, vicious. nasty mouth. Are you unable to express yourself in anything other than a vile way? What a creep you are. And on ignore. People like you are not worth bothering with.
So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.

No dumbass, I made gazebos in prison. Can you not read? Has nothing to do with what ive done since then. Unless you consider lawn furniture "building America"

Your stupidity knows no bounds

What really knows no bounds is your ugly, vicious. nasty mouth. Are you unable to express yourself in anything other than a vile way? What a creep you are. And on ignore. People like you are not worth bothering with.

I'm shedding tears as I type this. At least now we'll have one less liberal derailing the thread now.
I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.

No dumbass, I made gazebos in prison. Can you not read? Has nothing to do with what ive done since then. Unless you consider lawn furniture "building America"

Your stupidity knows no bounds

we also had to pay for your parole officer, how many taxpayer dollars were spent over all :sad:
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Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

:cuckoo:No its not because most of the immigrants are non-white...its because they do it illegally. Wake up.
Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

In which case isn't it about time you paid your dues?

If you want to seal off the borders completely you will need to pay for the manpower and equipment and that means raising taxes.

So let us know when you are ready to come to the table with your checkbook and we can work out the payment plan.

:eusa_hand:No we don't need to raise taxes. We can get this money from the helping hands we give out to other countries...ones that even hate America. We need to help ourselves before we go out and try and take care of the rest of the world.
No humyn being is illegal, conservatard. A mere million simply isn't enough--there are so many more pyyple that want to come live here.

Yes there are illegals, libtard.


I cross the border into Virginia all the time without going through customs there. Why can't America extend the same courtesy to Mexico and other countries that our own states extend to each other?

And who cares if they want to come here? They can wait in line like all the others.

Why should there be a line? Don't you hate standing in lines? Why would you want to force these Foreigner-Americans to suffer that oppression? Just let them come in, no background checks, no lines, no judgment--only freedom.

Liberals are so immoral.

Conservatards are so judgy.

:DWhy should there be lines? Its called security. You want to start inviting the terrorists here letting them know they can just cross our border without any checking on them. Sounds like you would be better off living with them.
No humyn being is illegal, conservatard. A mere million simply isn't enough--there are so many more pyyple that want to come live here.

We don't want them here.
Not because of their color but because of our unemployment rate. We don't want to compete with them for jobs.

According to your fellow conservatard 1776, you're not competing with these supposedly "illegal" immigrants for jobs.

With MILLIONS OUT OF WORK in this country, we don't have a problem with labor to hire, especially when you want to bring the kids here first as wards of the state then bring their illegal parents that won't work

Care to tell him why he's wrong? Or do "illegals" only take American jobs when a strong, independent womyn is around, and not when it's just you manpigs discussing your bigotry amongst yoursylves?

No more poor people wanted in our country. Send us your rich or stay the fuck home.

Well I'm from this country and I say different. Send us your poor, and only your poor. We have no more room for white-privileged bourgeois scum.

:eusa_clap:Tell you what. Invite them right to your home. Yah. You take care of them. You seem to want them so badly...you take care of them. Just leave my paid taxes out of it. Those taxes are for our citizens...not people that don't even belong here.
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So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.

No dumbass, I made gazebos in prison. Can you not read? Has nothing to do with what ive done since then. Unless you consider lawn furniture "building America"

Your stupidity knows no bounds

we also had to pay for your parole officer, how many taxpayer dollars were spent over all :sad:

Another liberal with a severe case of ADHD incapable of focusing on the topic at hand.
You are completely ignorant of the facts eh? Dems & liberals have repeatedly voted AGAINST sealing the border. And their reason wasn't money.
For sixty years no administration closed the border, and that's the fault of the Dems? Interesting. Did you know 1,300 miles of it you can simply walk across? And that's only the southern side. Don't ask about the northern, east, or west sides.

Fine don't seal the border, but make it impossible for them to survive here. No welfare, no anchor babies, no schooling, no medical, and no jobs.

I likes the way you think!!! Do away with the carrots -- the donkey's won't come begging.
Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

Grandpa, you didn't build this nation: all the legal and illegal immigrants who came here over the centuries built it. You had little or nothing to do with that. You are an American by an accident of birth. You do not deserve a better shot at the good life than anyone else. You should just thank your lucky stars you were born in the USA, but please, do not take credit for making the US what it is today. You had nothing to do with it.

:DAmerica wasn't just built back then. It is being built this very minute. It didn't stop at any perticular time...we contiune to build it stronger every day. Something Grandpa did might have added to that built. Get your head straight dude...we don't just run this country we continue to make it better by building it stronger.
What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

Grandpa, you didn't build this nation: all the legal and illegal immigrants who came here over the centuries built it. You had little or nothing to do with that. You are an American by an accident of birth. You do not deserve a better shot at the good life than anyone else. You should just thank your lucky stars you were born in the USA, but please, do not take credit for making the US what it is today. You had nothing to do with it.

:DAmerica wasn't just built back then. It is being built this very minute. It didn't stop at any perticular time...we contiune to build it stronger every day. Something Grandpa did might have added to that built. Get your head straight dude...we don't just run this country we continue to make it better by building it stronger.

Liberals see America as a fruit tree that "someone else" is nurturing & caring for. All they're interested in is enjoying the fruit. It doesn't effect them in the least that an invasion of foreign insects is rotting the tree from within.
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Why do conservatives treat America like it owes them Corporate Welfare but that they shouldn't have to pay any taxes? Why is that? Why do they continue to get breaks for selling out our own jobs and moving them overseas and then act entitled about it as if it's their privilege to fuck America over?

I'm sick and tired of economically unpatriotic right-wing assholes who feel entitled to collecting government benefits without paying their fair share.

Need to change anti-business laws here in the US


U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed World

The U.S. total corporate tax rate is at 39.1 percent, the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. The high rate reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American workers jobs and higher wages.



Which one of those countries maintains a military the size of the United States?

Thanks in advance.
Time to give the Libertarians a chance to make their ideas work.

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