Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Did any of the wingnuts notice that the one Central American country that is NOT sending it's children to the U.S. is Nicaragua?

It's also the one Central American country that successfully rebelled against domination by the U.S. It is a completely independent functioning democracy - free from U.S. imperialism!

Yes, we suck. I think you should leave and go somewhere better. That would show us.
I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

10K restitution was a pittance compared to the harm you caused society and the funding they had to put into keeping your butt alive in prison.


You're right the damage I did to society when I fucked up that drug dealer & his property was devastating.


You fucked up a drug dealer and devastated his property?

I always thought you were a free-market fanatic. Drug dealers are just free libertarian businessmen. Why would a conservative like you have anything against drug dealers?

I guess your really a statist that just likes to imagine himself to be pro free market.

Perhaps a statist when it benefits you and a free market conservative when that fits your personal interest?
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

Because liberals want a world collective and they are not about equal opportunity, they are about equal results. The United States is wealthier and more powerful than anyone else, which is counter to their goal, so they need to harm us militarily and economically to realize their vision.

That is why they support Islamic terrorists over us. We are the greater impediment to the collective in their eyes. And Islamic terrorists achieve both the goals of harming and weakening us.

You obviously know nothing about liberals. The statement above is so stupid it's incredible. You live in a fantasy world. Try building your strawmen elsewhere.
did any of the wingnuts notice that the one central american country that is not sending it's children to the u.s. Is nicaragua?

It's also the one central american country that successfully rebelled against domination by the u.s. It is a completely independent functioning democracy - free from u.s. Imperialism!

yes, we suck. I think you should leave and go somewhere better. That would show us.

did any of the wingnuts notice that the one central american country that is not sending it's children to the u.s. Is nicaragua?

It's also the one central american country that successfully rebelled against domination by the u.s. It is a completely independent functioning democracy - free from u.s. Imperialism!

yes, we suck. I think you should leave and go somewhere better. That would show us.


Our ability to abide idiots like you who know nothing about the world, appreciate nothing you have, bite the hand that feeds you your welfare checks and treat us like a doormat is why we are great.

Isn't it ironic? You are not great, you are a loser, but you are what shows just how great we are.
How utterly convenient for you to blame someone else. You started the thread that way and then when someone proposed for you to step to the plate to cure your illogical thought, you blithely pass it off. And blame the progressives.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of you teaming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Patriot? American citizen? I doubt you are a true patriot.
But what the hell. Live in your little dream life.

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

In which case isn't it about time you paid your dues?

If you want to seal off the borders completely you will need to pay for the manpower and equipment and that means raising taxes.

So let us know when you are ready to come to the table with your checkbook and we can work out the payment plan.

Money isn't the issue. Liberals are
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

Because liberals want a world collective and they are not about equal opportunity, they are about equal results. The United States is wealthier and more powerful than anyone else, which is counter to their goal, so they need to harm us militarily and economically to realize their vision.

That is why they support Islamic terrorists over us. We are the greater impediment to the collective in their eyes. And Islamic terrorists achieve both the goals of harming and weakening us.

You obviously know nothing about liberals. The statement above is so stupid it's incredible. You live in a fantasy world. Try building your strawmen elsewhere.

The difference between us is that you want to evaluate liberals based on how you view yourselves and I evaluate you based on what you do.

You're not liberals at all, you are authoritarian leftists. Libertarians are liberals. We appreciate liberty and diversity. You appreciate neither of those or anything else, again the point of this thread. As you keep posting.
How utterly convenient for you to blame someone else. You started the thread that way and then when someone proposed for you to step to the plate to cure your illogical thought, you blithely pass it off. And blame the progressives.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse of you teaming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Patriot? American citizen? I doubt you are a true patriot.
But what the hell. Live in your little dream life.

In which case isn't it about time you paid your dues?

If you want to seal off the borders completely you will need to pay for the manpower and equipment and that means raising taxes.

So let us know when you are ready to come to the table with your checkbook and we can work out the payment plan.

Money isn't the issue. Liberals are

You are completely ignorant of the facts eh? Dems & liberals have repeatedly voted AGAINST sealing the border. And their reason wasn't money.
You are completely ignorant of the facts eh? Dems & liberals have repeatedly voted AGAINST sealing the border. And their reason wasn't money.
For sixty years no administration closed the border, and that's the fault of the Dems? Interesting. Did you know 1,300 miles of it you can simply walk across? And that's only the southern side. Don't ask about the northern, east, or west sides.
Any other trolls on the left want to discuss my past rather than how the policies your side is putting forth are poised to destroy our country? I mean I know my life isn't the topic and that the rules in the politics section require that we post on topic but damnit, my life has been fantastic and I don't mind sharing how I got here with the intolerant left. Rules be damned right?

No, back to the topic; you say funding isn't the problem. The new legislation in the House will fund, bit is DOA. Any chance ANY legislation better than the current law, with vague exceptions will be enacted?
Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

No one then or now singlehandedly built anything dumbass. It was & continues to be a collective effort by many Americans. Modern day liberals excluded of course.

Then why are you claiming credit? And FYI Liberals have done more for the betterment of this country, than conservatives. All you tight-fisted conservatives have done is get in the way, start wars and hate everybody.

Here, nincompoop, I dare you to list the things you have done.

If you listen to Republicans or even the media, it goes without saying that the Democrats have no platform. No goals. No plans for the future other than hating President Bush. Now, hating President Bush takes a lot of time because there is a lot to hate.
However, our leaders in Congress are putting the finishing touches on a unified campaign strategy as we speak. Soon enough the world will learn the Democratic goals for the future.

And of course we have discussed what those goals should be. We have also discussed what Progressives today want. And we have learned about Progressives past and their accomplishments.

But I thought it would be helpful to put in list form all of the accomplishments and achievements and victories of Progressives, Liberals and Democrats over the last century.

The GI Bill
Endangered Species Act
Environmental Laws
The Space Program
The Peace Corps
The Civil Rights Movement
Earned Income Tax Credit
Family & Medical Leave Act
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Americans With Disabilities Act
Freedom of Information Act
Women's right to control their reproductive future
Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
The Internet
Balancing the federal budget
The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
Lobbying Disclosure Act
"Motor-Voter" Act
The Voting Rights Act
Unemployment Insurance
Food Stamps/WIC
Social Security
Peace between Israel and Egypt
Peace between Israel and Jordan
The Department of Education
The Department of Energy
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
Labor Laws
The Marshall Plan
Winning World War II
Food Safety Laws
Workplace Safety Laws
The Tennessee Valley Project
The Civilian Conservation Corps
The Securites and Exchange Commission
Women's Right to Vote
Universal Public Education
National Weather Service
Product Labeling Laws
Truth in Advertising Laws
Morrill Land Grant Act
Rural Electrification
Public Universities
Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Broadcasting
Supporting the establishment of Israel
The United Nations
I am sure I am missing something. Feel free to add to the list.
You are completely ignorant of the facts eh? Dems & liberals have repeatedly voted AGAINST sealing the border. And their reason wasn't money.
For sixty years no administration closed the border, and that's the fault of the Dems? Interesting. Did you know 1,300 miles of it you can simply walk across? And that's only the southern side. Don't ask about the northern, east, or west sides.

Fine don't seal the border, but make it impossible for them to survive here. No welfare, no anchor babies, no schooling, no medical, and no jobs.
Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

No one then or now singlehandedly built anything dumbass. It was & continues to be a collective effort by many Americans. Modern day liberals excluded of course.

Then why are you claiming credit? And FYI Liberals have done more for the betterment of this country, than conservatives. All you tight-fisted conservatives have done is get in the way, start wars and hate everybody.

Here, nincompoop, I dare you to list the things you have done.

If you listen to Republicans or even the media, it goes without saying that the Democrats have no platform. No goals. No plans for the future other than hating President Bush. Now, hating President Bush takes a lot of time because there is a lot to hate.
However, our leaders in Congress are putting the finishing touches on a unified campaign strategy as we speak. Soon enough the world will learn the Democratic goals for the future.

And of course we have discussed what those goals should be. We have also discussed what Progressives today want. And we have learned about Progressives past and their accomplishments.

But I thought it would be helpful to put in list form all of the accomplishments and achievements and victories of Progressives, Liberals and Democrats over the last century.

The GI Bill
Endangered Species Act
Environmental Laws
The Space Program
The Peace Corps
The Civil Rights Movement
Earned Income Tax Credit
Family & Medical Leave Act
Consumer Product Safety Commission
Americans With Disabilities Act
Freedom of Information Act
Women's right to control their reproductive future
Allowing citizens to view their own credit records
The Internet
Balancing the federal budget
The Brady Bill (5-day wait on handgun purchases for background checks)
Lobbying Disclosure Act
"Motor-Voter" Act
The Voting Rights Act
Unemployment Insurance
Food Stamps/WIC
Social Security
Peace between Israel and Egypt
Peace between Israel and Jordan
The Department of Education
The Department of Energy
The Department of Transportation
The Department of Housing and Urban Development
Labor Laws
The Marshall Plan
Winning World War II
Food Safety Laws
Workplace Safety Laws
The Tennessee Valley Project
The Civilian Conservation Corps
The Securites and Exchange Commission
Women's Right to Vote
Universal Public Education
National Weather Service
Product Labeling Laws
Truth in Advertising Laws
Morrill Land Grant Act
Rural Electrification
Public Universities
Bank Deposit Insurance (FDIC)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Broadcasting
Supporting the establishment of Israel
The United Nations
I am sure I am missing something. Feel free to add to the list.

13th & 14th Amendments, for starters, and of course the 19th.
Yes he did have the chance but instead became a CONVICTED felon and whines about everyone else are takers while the state had to support him for years housing and feeding him and FREE medical care

I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?

I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

So it was as a convict that you did all that 'building' of America that you brag about? Forced labor that you wouldn't have otherwise done of your own volition? Funny how you take personal credit for it when it was the State that had you doing it whilst a prisoner. Interesting.
Why do conservatives treat America like it owes them Corporate Welfare but that they shouldn't have to pay any taxes? Why is that? Why do they continue to get breaks for selling out our own jobs and moving them overseas and then act entitled about it as if it's their privilege to fuck America over?

I'm sick and tired of economically unpatriotic right-wing assholes who feel entitled to collecting government benefits without paying their fair share.
Why do conservatives treat America like it owes them Corporate Welfare but that they shouldn't have to pay any taxes? Why is that? Why do they continue to get breaks for selling out our own jobs and moving them overseas and then act entitled about it as if it's their privilege to fuck America over?

I'm sick and tired of economically unpatriotic right-wing assholes who feel entitled to collecting government benefits without paying their fair share.

Need to change anti-business laws here in the US


U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed World

The U.S. total corporate tax rate is at 39.1 percent, the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. The high rate reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American workers jobs and higher wages.


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Why do conservatives treat America like it owes them Corporate Welfare but that they shouldn't have to pay any taxes? Why is that? Why do they continue to get breaks for selling out our own jobs and moving them overseas and then act entitled about it as if it's their privilege to fuck America over?

I'm sick and tired of economically unpatriotic right-wing assholes who feel entitled to collecting government benefits without paying their fair share.

Need to change anti-business laws here in the US


U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed World

The U.S. total corporate tax rate is at 39.1 percent, the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. The high rate reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American workers jobs and higher wages.



Which one of those countries maintains a military the size of the United States?

Thanks in advance.
Why do conservatives treat America like it owes them Corporate Welfare but that they shouldn't have to pay any taxes? Why is that? Why do they continue to get breaks for selling out our own jobs and moving them overseas and then act entitled about it as if it's their privilege to fuck America over?

I'm sick and tired of economically unpatriotic right-wing assholes who feel entitled to collecting government benefits without paying their fair share.

Need to change anti-business laws here in the US


U.S. Corporate Tax Rates Are the Highest in the Developed World

The U.S. total corporate tax rate is at 39.1 percent, the highest corporate tax rate in the developed world. The high rate reduces investment in the U.S. and costs American workers jobs and higher wages.



Which one of those countries maintains a military the size of the United States?

Thanks in advance.

Which one of these countries has the level of entitlements?


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