Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.
The Statie of Liberty weeps

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Every wave of immigrants to this country has been a majority of "illegals".

You think when the Irish had a potato famine they were looking up the immigration law when they flocked here in droves?

You think the Germans were like "Let me get a lawyer on that" when they were fleeing the Nazis?

Conservatives are really something else and completely ignorant of American history.

Let me help you with that:

maybe YOU are the one who needs a history lesson, something not taught in todays liberfool dominated skoolz [SIC], once those Irish immigrants got here, they were put thru a process to become legal citizens, they just did NOT run off the boat that brought them here and scatter all over America, they were held in quarantine for a short period then allowed to go where they pleased.

is that pretty close to what you may have learned or over heard from a third party ?

hummmmmmmmm ! :lmao:

Oh fucking bullshit.

The Irish STILL come here without going through the legal process.

You seem to forget I live in NYC.

oooh no.., i have not forgotten for one second you are a NYCommie.

but i would like to see proof of that statement above..., betcha can NOT ! :lmao:
I'm with Ann


Ann Coulter Wants America To Handle Border Crisis The Way Netanyahu Would

Ann Coulter reacted to America's immigration crisis with her usual bombast on Thursday night.

Speaking on Thursday's "Hannity," she said she believes the answer lies no further than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The fighting between Israel and Gaza has continued for over three weeks, despite a rising death toll and diplomatic efforts to arrange a ceasefire.

"I wish we could have Netanyahu as our president," Coulter said.

Ann Coulter Wants America To Handle Border Crisis The Way Netanyahu Would

No one then or now singlehandedly built anything dumbass. It was & continues to be a collective effort by many Americans. Modern day liberals excluded of course.

The point that you conveniently continue to ignore is that you were born into an environment where you had the opportunity to have a good life, to get an education (free in secondary school, maybe free for you in higher education: I worked to pay for my 6 years of university) a land where you had every chance and opportunity to have a good career, make a good income, and have a good life. When you say 'we' built that, it isn't true. You should be thankful to those who gave you that life, not taking credit for creating it.

No one gave me my life. You remain ignorant. I created it & payed for it.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.
I'm with Ann


Ann Coulter Wants America To Handle Border Crisis The Way Netanyahu Would

Ann Coulter reacted to America's immigration crisis with her usual bombast on Thursday night.

Speaking on Thursday's "Hannity," she said she believes the answer lies no further than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The fighting between Israel and Gaza has continued for over three weeks, despite a rising death toll and diplomatic efforts to arrange a ceasefire.

"I wish we could have Netanyahu as our president," Coulter said.

Ann Coulter Wants America To Handle Border Crisis The Way Netanyahu Would



I thought the right wanted Putin as our President?

I wish Fox would make up its mind
The point that you conveniently continue to ignore is that you were born into an environment where you had the opportunity to have a good life, to get an education (free in secondary school, maybe free for you in higher education: I worked to pay for my 6 years of university) a land where you had every chance and opportunity to have a good career, make a good income, and have a good life. When you say 'we' built that, it isn't true. You should be thankful to those who gave you that life, not taking credit for creating it.

No one gave me my life. You remain ignorant. I created it & payed for it.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

The land of democracy and plenty my ass. This is the land of marxism and economic rape.
No one gave me my life. You remain ignorant. I created it & payed for it.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

The land of democracy and plenty my ass. This is the land of marxism and economic rape.

Another one who doesn't know how to appreciate the good fortune of being born an American.
You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

The land of democracy and plenty my ass. This is the land of marxism and economic rape.

Another one who doesn't know how to appreciate the good fortune of being born an American.
Funny how rapists like to tell their victims how grateful they should be.
The point that you conveniently continue to ignore is that you were born into an environment where you had the opportunity to have a good life, to get an education (free in secondary school, maybe free for you in higher education: I worked to pay for my 6 years of university) a land where you had every chance and opportunity to have a good career, make a good income, and have a good life. When you say 'we' built that, it isn't true. You should be thankful to those who gave you that life, not taking credit for creating it.

No one gave me my life. You remain ignorant. I created it & payed for it.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself.

Yes he did have the chance but instead became a CONVICTED felon and whines about everyone else are takers while the state had to support him for years housing and feeding him and FREE medical care
Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

We're a nation of immigrants.

Wrong - We are a Nation descended from immigrants of a different Era , when immigration was neccessary to an expanding Nation. We are no longer an expanding Nation , thanks to ass backwards Libtarded guacamoles such as yourself, we are a collapsing Nation - The bulk of the current wave of migrants are not here to join our Nation and contribute to its future - they are here as leeches and parasites to suck off the wealth built up by the blood and sweat of our fore fathers .

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

"Yacht Club" implies Great Wealth and Leisure - that's not the case for the bulk of us, we work 10, 12, 16 hour days - 6 and 7 days a week just struggling to maintain a reasonable life style and pay extortion money to a Government that believes it has the right to squander our hard earned money enticing more slaves from failed societies to replace us .
No one gave me my life. You remain ignorant. I created it & payed for it.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself.

Yes he did have the chance but instead became a CONVICTED felon and whines about everyone else are takers while the state had to support him for years housing and feeding him and FREE medical care

I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?
You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself. People come to the US and other modern Western nations (it is not only the US, not by a long shot, that has millions wanting to come aboard) so that they may also have the opportunities you had to create a good life for themselves. It is patently shameful that you show no gratitude whatsoever to those who came before you and ultimately gave you as a birthright the freedoms and privileges you have had. Shameful.

You just don't get it and you obviously don't want to. You were born in a land of democracy and plenty. Because of that you had the opportunity to create a good life for yourself.

Yes he did have the chance but instead became a CONVICTED felon and whines about everyone else are takers while the state had to support him for years housing and feeding him and FREE medical care

I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?

I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....
maybe YOU are the one who needs a history lesson, something not taught in todays liberfool dominated skoolz [SIC], once those Irish immigrants got here, they were put thru a process to become legal citizens, they just did NOT run off the boat that brought them here and scatter all over America, they were held in quarantine for a short period then allowed to go where they pleased.

is that pretty close to what you may have learned or over heard from a third party ?

hummmmmmmmm ! :lmao:

Oh fucking bullshit.

The Irish STILL come here without going through the legal process.

You seem to forget I live in NYC.

oooh no.., i have not forgotten for one second you are a NYCommie.

but i would like to see proof of that statement above..., betcha can NOT ! :lmao:


Seriously man.

Get out of Mom's basement.

She needs to do laundry.
Yes he did have the chance but instead became a CONVICTED felon and whines about everyone else are takers while the state had to support him for years housing and feeding him and FREE medical care

I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?

I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

10K restitution was a pittance compared to the harm you caused society and the funding they had to put into keeping your butt alive in prison.

I bet he never reimbursed the State for all that "free stuff" he got while being a guest as well. OP?

I worked everyday for 60 cents a day building gazebos & out buildings that were then sold to the public for MASSIVE profit. I also paid my 10k in restitution upon release. After release I traveled the state giving speeches to teens so they could hear the future that awaited poor choices made at the age of SIXTEEN.

I suspect that at the age of 20, when I got out, I was "contributing" to the betterment of our nation far more than you....

10K restitution was a pittance compared to the harm you caused society and the funding they had to put into keeping your butt alive in prison.


You're right the damage I did to society when I fucked up that drug dealer & his property was devastating.

Any other trolls on the left want to discuss my past rather than how the policies your side is putting forth are poised to destroy our country? I mean I know my life isn't the topic and that the rules in the politics section require that we post on topic but damnit, my life has been fantastic and I don't mind sharing how I got here with the intolerant left. Rules be damned right?
Did any of the wingnuts notice that the one Central American country that is NOT sending it's children to the U.S. is Nicaragua?

It's also the one Central American country that successfully rebelled against domination by the U.S. It is a completely independent functioning democracy - free from U.S. imperialism!
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

Because liberals want a world collective and they are not about equal opportunity, they are about equal results. The United States is wealthier and more powerful than anyone else, which is counter to their goal, so they need to harm us militarily and economically to realize their vision.

That is why they support Islamic terrorists over us. We are the greater impediment to the collective in their eyes. And Islamic terrorists achieve both the goals of harming and weakening us.

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