Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

In which case isn't it about time you paid your dues?

If you want to seal off the borders completely you will need to pay for the manpower and equipment and that means raising taxes.

So let us know when you are ready to come to the table with your checkbook and we can work out the payment plan.

Money isn't the issue. Liberals are

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Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

Every wave of immigrants to this country has been a majority of "illegals".

You think when the Irish had a potato famine they were looking up the immigration law when they flocked here in droves?

You think the Germans were like "Let me get a lawyer on that" when they were fleeing the Nazis?

Conservatives are really something else and completely ignorant of American history.

Let me help you with that:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Again, you need to be reminded those words have never been official policy of the United States.

This is not the 1880's, we have expanded shore to shore, and everywhere inbetween. It's time to let some other countries come to the aid of the worlds uneducated dimwits who come here with their palms out.
Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Liberal propaganda.

I can't drive anywhere in the KC metro without running into construction cones. Hell they repave the roads here every other year.
So some dirt road to waterloo is full of pot holes and you want me to care? Perhaps if your liberal cities were run properly you would have the money in your budget to fix shit. We certainly have no shortage of infrastructure projects going on here in KC.

Is this really how dumb you are? You can't deny the fact that for decades we have ignored infrastructure. If you look in Europe and China and India they are investing in their infrastruture. So, corporations are investing in them. We are clearly not investing in infrastructure. Our bridges, roads and schools and public buildings are falling apart. What are we spending our money on? War? And then we give corporations and the rich tax breaks and let them ship their jobs oveseas? Fuck that. Undo NAFTA. Clinton should have never signed it. But it wasn't so bad until Bush and Chaney and Tom Delay and Carl Rove and guys like Boehner & McConnell made changes that really fucked the American middle class. They actually gave tax breaks to companies that were going overseas. They tried to let S. American truckers in to kill the American trucking industry. Remember gas first went over $4 on Bush's watch? That about killed the industry too and the global economy. Most people forget all the details leading up to Bush's Great Recession and the biggest bank robbery in world history right when he was leaving office. Remember they were too big to fail? :eusa_liar:

The American people are truly dumb. Yes us liberals are trying to change America, for the fucking better!

Report: Over 65,000 U.S. bridges in need of repair
This thread is just another sickening reminder that if left up to libs we would have no borders, and they would let anyone in who wanted in.
They want this country swamped with third worlder's who will end creating the worlds largest welfare state, and turn this country into a weak nation. This is one of their grand schemes since they hate our superiority.
First thing a person asks when they consider moving into your fucking neighborhood. How are the schools?

How are the schools today after all the cuts to their funding? Not as good as they were.
This thread is just another sickening reminder that if left up to libs we would have no borders, and they would let anyone in who wanted in.
They want this country swamped with third worlder's who will end creating the worlds largest welfare state, and turn this country into a weak nation. This is one of their grand schemes since they hate our superiority.

We didn't need a border until corporations started hiring illegals to do jobs Americans will do. Before illegal employers migrant workers left at the end of every season. When Reagan got elected they started staying all year round.

You are a lunatic if you believe what you wrote. :eusa_shhh:
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

It's not just liberals whose values are tested by this issue. Thinking conservatives also are trying to find a compassionate yet realistic way out of this mess. Here's part of a conversation between David Brooks (definitely no liberal) and Judy Woodruff.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But why is it so hard? If they feel so strongly about this, why aren’t they able to come together and get something passed?

DAVID BROOKS: Well, there’s a couple of reasons.

First, there are a lot of people in this country, legitimately, who think that there is no control of the border, and this issue illustrates the chaos on the border. So, that’s fair. Second — and I think the Republicans do have a point that the original bill, the 2008 law that was passed under Bush, that seems to have had some role in sort of drawing people up here, that probably does need to change.

JUDY WOODRUFF: This is the one that made it easier for children coming in.

DAVID BROOKS: Right. And it didn’t directly apply, but it seems to have sent a false signal to some people that, if they send their kids here, they will be let in.

So that’s all fair enough. But this is about Palin-ization of parts of the GOP. This is not about passing legislation, not about, well, we’re in a party. We should pay attention to our leaders. We should craft some compromise. We should compromise with the other side. This is about making a statement that will sound good on FOX.

And so they want to make a statement that will sound good on TV or will sound good at a town meeting, but it’s not actually about governing. And there are a lot of — and my question is, OK, Ted Cruz, senator, it should be said, met with a bunch of House members, which doesn’t happen that often, and sort of helped organize this.

So, which senator is going to stand up and be the anti-Cruz? Who is going to stand up for Republican values, but I believe in governing? And so far, that person has not emerged.
Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

If French-speaking white people were fleeing Montreal into the U.S. they would be welcomed by these ignorant people with truffles and croissants.

Yes, you are quite right. The people you mention are far more likely to be educated individuals who would likely become contributors, instead of users. Also it is very doubtful there would be anything even remotely close to a fraction of the #'s who sneak into our country from the south.
Our problem has never been. nor ever will be our northern border. The problem is our southern border, and it will remain so because of asshole Amereicans like you.
This thread is just another sickening reminder that if left up to libs we would have no borders, and they would let anyone in who wanted in.
They want this country swamped with third worlder's who will end creating the worlds largest welfare state, and turn this country into a weak nation. This is one of their grand schemes since they hate our superiority.

We didn't need a border until corporations started hiring illegals to do jobs Americans will do. Before illegal employers migrant workers left at the end of every season. When Reagan got elected they started staying all year round.

You are a lunatic if you believe what you wrote. :eusa_shhh:

Well I'm not a lunatic, I truly believe liberals want this country watered down as much as possible, so we are not the single most powerful nation, militarily or economically. The more third worlders here, the more social services are needed, and the weaker this country becomes.

We need people coming here who want to become Americans and who strive for greater things beyond picking our vegetables, and blowing our leaves.

I do agree with you on the employers. Whether it be a corporation, or a two-bit contractor trolling the parking lots of Home Depot, they need to be thrown in jail if they knowingly hire an illegal.

If up to me I would push for laws that come down very hard on employers. I have brought this up time after time to my lawmakers, and would encourage everyone else to do the same !
God, what a bunch of brainwashed hater dupes. Pass the immigration bill so all these workers pay taxes, and a good SS ID card so no more illegals come here. Pubs LOVE cheap, easily bullied labor- you're total chumps.
We are not a halfway house for the worlds indigent & troubled. Nor are we the step parents for all the worlds children.

It's not just liberals whose values are tested by this issue. Thinking conservatives also are trying to find a compassionate yet realistic way out of this mess. Here's part of a conversation between David Brooks (definitely no liberal) and Judy Woodruff.

JUDY WOODRUFF: But why is it so hard? If they feel so strongly about this, why aren’t they able to come together and get something passed?

DAVID BROOKS: Well, there’s a couple of reasons.

First, there are a lot of people in this country, legitimately, who think that there is no control of the border, and this issue illustrates the chaos on the border. So, that’s fair. Second — and I think the Republicans do have a point that the original bill, the 2008 law that was passed under Bush, that seems to have had some role in sort of drawing people up here, that probably does need to change.

JUDY WOODRUFF: This is the one that made it easier for children coming in.

DAVID BROOKS: Right. And it didn’t directly apply, but it seems to have sent a false signal to some people that, if they send their kids here, they will be let in.

So that’s all fair enough. But this is about Palin-ization of parts of the GOP. This is not about passing legislation, not about, well, we’re in a party. We should pay attention to our leaders. We should craft some compromise. We should compromise with the other side. This is about making a statement that will sound good on FOX.

And so they want to make a statement that will sound good on TV or will sound good at a town meeting, but it’s not actually about governing. And there are a lot of — and my question is, OK, Ted Cruz, senator, it should be said, met with a bunch of House members, which doesn’t happen that often, and sort of helped organize this.

So, which senator is going to stand up and be the anti-Cruz? Who is going to stand up for Republican values, but I believe in governing? And so far, that person has not emerged.

Not that I am a fan of Bush, but it's total incompetence by Brooks and members of the media to imply that this is all the result of Bush's 2008 law.
Obama has much more recently given the impression that if you're a child, you will not be deported. Thus why IMO, all of this RECENT invasion by children.

Here's a video from two years ago.

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Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

No one then or now singlehandedly built anything dumbass. It was & continues to be a collective effort by many Americans. Modern day liberals excluded of course.

The point that you conveniently continue to ignore is that you were born into an environment where you had the opportunity to have a good life, to get an education (free in secondary school, maybe free for you in higher education: I worked to pay for my 6 years of university) a land where you had every chance and opportunity to have a good career, make a good income, and have a good life. When you say 'we' built that, it isn't true. You should be thankful to those who gave you that life, not taking credit for creating it.
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

And as usual the libs thank the U.S. basher. Sooooooo typical !
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

I didn't build it, my white male forefathers built it. I will continue to work as best I can to maintain their foundations.

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