Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

I have worked on (built) more government, commercial & residential projects than you can imagine. I indeed did contribute to building this country. All while you've begged for free shit.

Bug off know nothing

The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Republicans working stiffs have been told for so long that they're the only ones that have jobs, they believe it to be true.

Republicans believe they were born in the house they built with their bare hands.
Grandpa, you didn't build this nation: all the legal and illegal immigrants who came here over the centuries built it. You had little or nothing to do with that. You are an American by an accident of birth. You do not deserve a better shot at the good life than anyone else. You should just thank your lucky stars you were born in the USA, but please, do not take credit for making the US what it is today. You had nothing to do with it.

I have worked on (built) more government, commercial & residential projects than you can imagine. I indeed did contribute to building this country. All while you've begged for free shit.

Bug off know nothing

The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!


I have worked on (built) more government, commercial & residential projects than you can imagine. I indeed did contribute to building this country. All while you've begged for free shit.

Bug off know nothing

The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

Actually, if you want America to turn into S. America, keep electing Republicans. Like in S. America, Republican policies will put most of the money in the least amount of hands. In other words, a very small rich ruling class, small merchant class and a huge population of working poor.

Sorry, GOP policies do not trickle down. Never have. When I hear the word trickle I think of getting pissed on.
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

It all pretty much ties in together.

The hardcore Left doesn't care for this country for a variety of reasons and wants to "change" it, "fundamentally transform it" and "re-make" it, all Obama's words. They would be more than happy to see it brought down somewhat and no longer the dynamic leader of world. They see the bad (which certainly exists) but ignore/minimize/deny the good.

Hence their policies, such as lowered standards at every turn, allowing the bottom rung of South America in through via open borders, defending the decay of our culture, ending capitalism, dividing/isolating us by race, etc.

Thing is, they're succeeding, we've passed the tipping point. It is what it is. It's not as if the Right has done a good job of stopping them.

I have worked on (built) more government, commercial & residential projects than you can imagine. I indeed did contribute to building this country. All while you've begged for free shit.

Bug off know nothing

The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.
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Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

You built what ? in prison?
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

Actually, if you want America to turn into S. America, keep electing Republicans. Like in S. America, Republican policies will put most of the money in the least amount of hands. In other words, a very small rich ruling class, small merchant class and a huge population of working poor.

Sorry, GOP policies do not trickle down. Never have. When I hear the word trickle I think of getting pissed on.

Ah so it's all the Republican's fault :eusa_boohoo:
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

How come since Reagan the GOP stopped investing in our infrastructure? For the tax breaks stupid.

Now our roads are falling apart and they want YOU to pay. Someone has to, right? Fool.

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

Liberal propaganda.

I can't drive anywhere in the KC metro without running into construction cones. Hell they repave the roads here every other year.
So some dirt road to waterloo is full of pot holes and you want me to care? Perhaps if your liberal cities were run properly you would have the money in your budget to fix shit. We certainly have no shortage of infrastructure projects going on here in KC.
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

Also untrue, yes the US has "meddled", not always to the benefit of the people in Central America. This nation made errors, but we learned from them. Those the US supported always had some popular support among the people.
The country that you were born into was already built and strong and powerful and rich. You did not make that happen and cannot take credit for it. You were lucky, very lucky, to be born an America and have the opportunities you had which have enabled you to have a good career and a good life.

However, you didn't learn much about abstract thinking, apparently, because you assume all liberals just 'beg for free stuff.' I've worked since I was 17 and put myself through six years of university without anyone's help. I have supported myself since I was 17 and have a very good life. But I know, partly because I have traveled extensively, beginning in the 1970's, that I was very lucky to be born an American and have the opportunities I had to achieve what I have achieved.

Are you stupid? You seem to think everything is already built or done, yet I bet 1000 bucks if I looked hard enough I could see you whining about our infrastructure or schools or inner cities or whatever needing to be REBUILT.

Perhaps you should stick to the daytime dramas and let the involved people have this discussion without your unintelligent responses.

I have built a half dozen schools, several military bases, more stores & restaurants than I can count, and thousands of house additions.

On top of that I have trained dozens of young men who now have their own businesses thanks to my training.

What's your contribution? Oh that's right, NOTHING. Because you believe it was all already there before you got here.

Holly fuck you liberals are pathetic creatures

Holly fuck, you have no critical thinking skills. Theoretically, you cannot claim what you claimed that 'we built this country.' You were born into a country that was built the hard way over centuries. You are helping to maintain it, that's all. You did not put your life on the line, work yourself into an early death, etc., to build this country. You are a maintanence man who wants to claim you built the whole fucking building. You might have added on some little additions, but you did not build this country from the ground up. Try thinking beyond the surface level. You are truly in no position to cast aspersions on others' intelligence, that's for certain.

No one then or now singlehandedly built anything dumbass. It was & continues to be a collective effort by many Americans. Modern day liberals excluded of course.
What a bunch of complete bullshit. The reason I personally am irritated is because of 2 reasons.

They are illegal.

They put a serious strain on our finances.

Color is irrelevant. Education & legality IS relevant.

And this nation IS our yacht club. We fucking built it, IT'S OURS

In which case isn't it about time you paid your dues?

If you want to seal off the borders completely you will need to pay for the manpower and equipment and that means raising taxes.

So let us know when you are ready to come to the table with your checkbook and we can work out the payment plan.

Money isn't the issue. Liberals are

Money is the issue. Deficit spenders are the problem. Deficits = Inflation = Need to raise taxes & minimum wage again.
Why do liberals treat America as a doormat?

Because it is. We're a nation of immigrants. Denying anyone access at this point would be bigoted and wrong. The only reason you're butthurt about immigration today is because most of the immigrants are non-white.

But here's a better question: Why do conservatards treat America as their own private yacht club?

I get a kick out of those who have "thanked" you. They are of course libs who haven't figured out what you're doing !! :lol:
The fact is that the U.S. has dominated Central America for at least the past 70 years. This has resulted in a catastrophic economy for most central Americans. It is not survivable. So they are sending their kids to the U.S. for us to raise.

This exactly what the U.S. deserves!

Perhaps if we had responsible foreign policies instead of imperialistic we wouldn't have this mess on our hands.

What goes around comes around!

More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

It all pretty much ties in together.

The hardcore Left doesn't care for this country for a variety of reasons and wants to "change" it, "fundamentally transform it" and "re-make" it, all Obama's words. They would be more than happy to see it brought down somewhat and no longer the dynamic leader of world. They see the bad (which certainly exists) but ignore/minimize/deny the good.

Hence their policies, such as lowered standards at every turn, allowing the bottom rung of South America in through via open borders, defending the decay of our culture, ending capitalism, dividing/isolating us by race, etc.


We love this country. We don't like the Bush America though. We don't like what any Republican politician is doing. And its funny that your party doesn't want more people to show up and vote for them. Their whole schtick is to suppress voter turn out. Completely the opposite in Australia where almost everyone votes. Then the parties don't cater to the extreme left or right. They go for the moderates in the middle. But your side doesn't want everyone to show up, you want less people to show up.

Also, it is funny that just a few years ago you guys were defending illegals. McCain said they were doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Turns out corporations were hiring them to do jobs we would do. We just wanted a fair wage for those jobs and you guys wanted to pay illegal wages under the table. America has 2 signs on the border. A small one that says stay out and a big one that says HELP WANTED.

Know this honcho. If someone wasn't paying them for work, they'd leave tomorrow. So stop going after the bees. If you want to fix the problem go after the hives. The corporations that hire them. They'll leave tomorrow.

Last thing. Don't act like the GOP doesn't love deluding the job market with workers. That makes wages go down. So while your party is playing to the racists in your party, the people who actually run your party love the cheap labor coming in. It was under Reagan when migrant workers stopped going home at the end of the picking season.

Companies being prosecuted for hiring illegals went WAY DOWN under Bush. He turned a blind eye for 8 years. Don't forget what McCain said. They were doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Now they/you guys/he has a problem with it? Dishonest fucks. And anyone who doesn't get it is a dumb fuck.
More of the "it's all America's fault". :eusa_boohoo:

It all pretty much ties in together.

The hardcore Left doesn't care for this country for a variety of reasons and wants to "change" it, "fundamentally transform it" and "re-make" it, all Obama's words. They would be more than happy to see it brought down somewhat and no longer the dynamic leader of world. They see the bad (which certainly exists) but ignore/minimize/deny the good.

Hence their policies, such as lowered standards at every turn, allowing the bottom rung of South America in through via open borders, defending the decay of our culture, ending capitalism, dividing/isolating us by race, etc.


We love this country. We don't like the Bush America though. We don't like what any Republican politician is doing. And its funny that your party doesn't want more people to show up and vote for them. Their whole schtick is to suppress voter turn out. Completely the opposite in Australia where almost everyone votes. Then the parties don't cater to the extreme left or right. They go for the moderates in the middle. But your side doesn't want everyone to show up, you want less people to show up.

Also, it is funny that just a few years ago you guys were defending illegals. McCain said they were doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Turns out corporations were hiring them to do jobs we would do. We just wanted a fair wage for those jobs and you guys wanted to pay illegal wages under the table. America has 2 signs on the border. A small one that says stay out and a big one that says HELP WANTED.

Know this honcho. If someone wasn't paying them for work, they'd leave tomorrow. So stop going after the bees. If you want to fix the problem go after the hives. The corporations that hire them. They'll leave tomorrow.

Last thing. Don't act like the GOP doesn't love deluding the job market with workers. That makes wages go down. So while your party is playing to the racists in your party, the people who actually run your party love the cheap labor coming in. It was under Reagan when migrant workers stopped going home at the end of the picking season.

Companies being prosecuted for hiring illegals went WAY DOWN under Bush. He turned a blind eye for 8 years. Don't forget what McCain said. They were doing jobs Americans wouldn't do. Now they/you guys/he has a problem with it? Dishonest fucks. And anyone who doesn't get it is a dumb fuck.

Sorry, I'd make a lousy Republican, I probably agree with the Dems on more issues. Independent here.

Nice talking points, though, very original.

So tell me, why would someone want to "change", "fundamentally transform", and "remake" something they love?


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