Why do libertarians aid, and abet Obama?

I'd like to know what, exactly, did the MSM did/does to attack Liberterianism.

What EFFED-UP the Liberterians and the TPers was their co-option by theFOXNEWS, Glenn Beck, et al. That network was BLATANTLY campaigning for them. There was no mistaking that group for being made up of mostly disgruntled and/or embarrassed Republicans that was and always have-been anti-Obama.

And for the handful that were true to their original cause, their voice was either too small or non-existent, so that continued.

I'd argue the MSM had nothing to do with it.

I primarily follow print media, here's a link to the story I mentioned earlier in the thread:

Libertarians Are the New Communists - Bloomberg

There are plenty more, you'll see quite a bit of talk about the lack of social contract and the alleged barbaric nature of libertarian thought, this is a relatively new angle of attack so if you go back more than a few months you won't find much.

I don't consider Beck to be MSM and haven't bothered to listen to a word that man has to say after his gold pimping episode so I'll have to take your word for what he's saying.

I don't watch FOX a lot but when I have they didn't strike me as particularly friendly to Libertarian thought. They kept Ron Paul from appearing on the air with other candidates more than once and the last two Presidential races they backed McCain and Romney, two guys that are definitely not libertarian thinkers or TP material. They weren't really on the Rand Paul bandwagon until after he was elected and if he decides to run in '16 or '20 we'll see exactly how much support they end up giving him. I've heard them give lip service to the TP but when it matters they seem to me to back the statist/neo-con candidates and positions. When I've watched them lately they're talking about Chris Christie, not a TP'er or a libertarian.

I do agree that when the TP decided to throw in with the GOP that was a huge mistake and I have already said that in this thread.
Why would the media be afraid of Rand Paul? Then again, you're also arguing that the "Tea Party" is made up of people who don't belong to either party, when it's really just placing the old Moral Majority wine in a new skin.

Regarding Paul, you tell me why because I don't know why, all I know is that they are. They are going out of their way to attach Paul to their definition of "Libertarian" and then smearing that definition. It is what it is.

The Tea Party. How soon some people forget. When it first gained prominence it was a non-partisan movement made up of people who felt that Washington DC was out of touch and out of control (which by the way is a pretty good description for about 60% of the electorate) . It is now seen as the whack-job wing of the GOP due mainly to the constant smear-job given to it by the MSM. I don't like the TP but even I can admit that they aren't anything close to what the MSM claims they are.
I'd like to know what, exactly, did the MSM did/does to attack Liberterianism.

What EFFED-UP the Liberterians and the TPers was their co-option by theFOXNEWS, Glenn Beck, et al. That network was BLATANTLY campaigning for them. There was no mistaking that group for being made up of mostly disgruntled and/or embarrassed Republicans that was and always have-been anti-Obama.

And for the handful that were true to their original cause, their voice was either too small or non-existent, so that continued.

I'd argue the MSM had nothing to do with it.

I'd like to know what you are smoking.
Libertarians, and conservatives are essentially one and the same.

For example...

Do you love freedom?

Do you love Liberty?

Do you love the free market?

Do you hate Obama's tax and spend failonomics?

Do you despise abortion as the aberration it is?

Do you love capitalism?

Do you want to decrease the size of the federal government?

Do you believe in reasonably equal opportunity, instead of equal outcome?

If you agree with any of these, you should vote for GoP!

As a liberal I love freedom. However, it is important to realize freedom has limitations.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. That is the other chief reason why our deficit is so high. It isn't just because of spending. Obama cut the deficit in 11 months by 35%.

Liberals love capitalism as well. I know I do. It the most successful economic system in the world. However, it needs to be regulated.

Obama consolidated the federal government. He got rid of several departments that will save tax payers billions of dollars. The public sector shrank while the private sector is still creating jobs (slowly).

I don't want anything but basic rights to be equal such as healthcare. I am completley fine with a wealthy class.

The GOP only favors economic stimulus to the rich. Tax cuts for the wealthy do nothing to help the middle and lower class. However, don't get it twisted. This does not mean I am against the idea of a wealthy class, but it like anything, needs limitations when it affects the lower classes (see second link in signature).

I wish people stop giving Obama credit for reducing the deficit without admitting that he fought every single cut, and actually increased the deficit first. Until you actually do that, I won't pay any attention to your arguments about how wonderful Obama is. If you can't praise him without lying you shouldn't try.

The deficit was cut through both cuts and taxes. That is what you call a bipartisan deal.
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Regarding Paul, you tell me why because I don't know why, all I know is that they are. They are going out of their way to attach Paul to their definition of "Libertarian" and then smearing that definition. It is what it is.

The Tea Party. How soon some people forget. When it first gained prominence it was a non-partisan movement made up of people who felt that Washington DC was out of touch and out of control (which by the way is a pretty good description for about 60% of the electorate) . It is now seen as the whack-job wing of the GOP due mainly to the constant smear-job given to it by the MSM. I don't like the TP but even I can admit that they aren't anything close to what the MSM claims they are.
I'd like to know what, exactly, did the MSM did/does to attack Liberterianism.

What EFFED-UP the Liberterians and the TPers was their co-option by theFOXNEWS, Glenn Beck, et al. That network was BLATANTLY campaigning for them. There was no mistaking that group for being made up of mostly disgruntled and/or embarrassed Republicans that was and always have-been anti-Obama.

And for the handful that were true to their original cause, their voice was either too small or non-existent, so that continued.

I'd argue the MSM had nothing to do with it.

I'd like to know what you are smoking.

He's probably trying to smoke a crayon at this point.
amazing how fuckin' tedious and boring all this shit can be...

how 'bout a tune, then...?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkVijd9g_Hk]Little Feat Apolitical Blues - YouTube[/ame]
As a liberal I love freedom. However, it is important to realize freedom has limitations.

Obama extended the Bush tax cuts. That is the other chief reason why our deficit is so high. It isn't just because of spending. Obama cut the deficit in 11 months by 35%.

Liberals love capitalism as well. I know I do. It the most successful economic system in the world. However, it needs to be regulated.

Obama consolidated the federal government. He got rid of several departments that will save tax payers billions of dollars. The public sector shrank while the private sector is still creating jobs (slowly).

I don't want anything but basic rights to be equal such as healthcare. I am completley fine with a wealthy class.

The GOP only favors economic stimulus to the rich. Tax cuts for the wealthy do nothing to help the middle and lower class. However, don't get it twisted. This does not mean I am against the idea of a wealthy class, but it like anything, needs limitations when it affects the lower classes (see second link in signature).

I wish people stop giving Obama credit for reducing the deficit without admitting that he fought every single cut, and actually increased the deficit first. Until you actually do that, I won't pay any attention to your arguments about how wonderful Obama is. If you can't praise him without lying you shouldn't try.

The deficit was cut through both cuts and taxes. That is what you call a bipartisan deal.

The deficit was not cut, it was increased massively by Obama, and Obama personally fought against every single spending cut, even the ones he proposed as part of that bipartisan deal. The asshole even fought against the tax hikes that were proposed by his party.
I wish people stop giving Obama credit for reducing the deficit without admitting that he fought every single cut, and actually increased the deficit first. Until you actually do that, I won't pay any attention to your arguments about how wonderful Obama is. If you can't praise him without lying you shouldn't try.

The deficit was cut through both cuts and taxes. That is what you call a bipartisan deal.

The deficit was not cut, it was increased massively by Obama, and Obama personally fought against every single spending cut, even the ones he proposed as part of that bipartisan deal. The asshole even fought against the tax hikes that were proposed by his party.

What us with you in making things up? Here is the proof. Facts are facts.

Obama Proposes Cutting $4 Trillion From Deficit in 12 Years - Bloomberg


Yes, the deficit got really high. Most of the spending went to unemployment benefits and other recovery programs. It also went up because of a lack of revenue. This was unfortunate, but necessary spending.
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Why is it that the leftists like lakeview are defending the libertarian party?!?! Because they have a vested interest!

You're kinda dumb, aren't you? If I'm defending anyone it's a very small group of republicans, and whether or not I'm defending them is open to debate. The Libertarian Party will never have national influence and aren't even worth thinking about, libertarian ideas however can be found in many places.
Everyone here is spamming nonsense about Bush 43, but Ronald Reagan, and the Tea Party were clearly in favor of smaller government, less taxes, more freedom.



The Tea Party folks talk a good game but then are really just another rebranding of social conservatives (which are actually quite liberal, they just want big government to enforce another agenda).
Everyone here is spamming nonsense about Bush 43, but Ronald Reagan, and the Tea Party were clearly in favor of smaller government, less taxes, more freedom.



The Tea Party folks talk a good game but then are really just another rebranding of social conservatives (which are actually quite liberal, they just want big government to enforce another agenda).

I truly hope those signs were plants, if they weren't then OMG!
Everyone here is spamming nonsense about Bush 43, but Ronald Reagan, and the Tea Party were clearly in favor of smaller government, less taxes, more freedom.



The Tea Party folks talk a good game but then are really just another rebranding of social conservatives (which are actually quite liberal, they just want big government to enforce another agenda).

Gotta love the Teabaggers LOL
Everyone here is spamming nonsense about Bush 43, but Ronald Reagan, and the Tea Party were clearly in favor of smaller government, less taxes, more freedom.



The Tea Party folks talk a good game but then are really just another rebranding of social conservatives (which are actually quite liberal, they just want big government to enforce another agenda).

I truly hope those signs were plants, if they weren't then OMG!

I personally know one person who had dozens of those signs in his car on the way to a demonstration. I chuckled at the irony and he called me liberal. It was quite funny.


The Tea Party folks talk a good game but then are really just another rebranding of social conservatives (which are actually quite liberal, they just want big government to enforce another agenda).

I truly hope those signs were plants, if they weren't then OMG!

I personally know one person who had dozens of those signs in his car on the way to a demonstration. I chuckled at the irony and he called me liberal. It was quite funny.

Are you sure he didn't call you 'liburl'?
BoiKing proposes cuts, doesn't submit a budget with any cuts, but talks about it. Let us rejoice.

The nuts on the left went ballistic when Bush's deficit was $400 Billion and now cheer a $700 Billion deficit as some sort of grand achievement.

They criticized 6% unemployment and cheer 7.3% unemployment now.

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