Why do men like to kill men?

Obviously yes. But frankly if a woman is impressed by beating the hell out of (anything), I sure don't want anything to do with her.

I'm going to tell you something as a convicted drug dealer (I sold very large quantities of drugs for seven years).

Women love violence.

I made it a personal priority to have my boys ruff up debtors and thieves (and potential rats) in front of women for a reason. It gets their juices flowing.

I usually invited the chick I wanted into the VIP room before the shake down took place. The girl(s) already knew I was some who wielded sufficient power, all they needed to see was some punk get slapped around and I could have put a ring on their finger.

100% success rate. How to pick up a chick without saying a single word to her: Have your boys pummel a punk while you sit back and laugh.

Not the women I associate with, hell no.

I don't doubt the women you describe exist. I just don't want them anywhere near me.

And I doubt anything resembling the fantasy you made up here ever took place. If it did, you need to get the hell off my planet.

Sini: ‘We’re going after all the dealers’

That's my conviction in newsday (Edward Solomon). Yes, the story I told you was real. The world is a scary place

Notice I made no USBM posts between May 5th 2016 and July 17th 2017
A Bleeding Heart Is the Symptom of a Dying Vampire

What you said about women was confirmed by the poet Sylvia Plath. She committed suicide when she realized she had been driven into marriage by the same feelings she criticized.

We should let drug-dealers off if they agree to pass out poisoned dope to their customers. Users aren't victims; they are childish brats who must be eliminated. Their sympathizers must be silenced.
What is missed in this discussion is the true culprit, at least as applied to war. That entity is government. Throughout civilized history, governments whether lead by monarch, dictator, or elected leader is the responsible party.

Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.
LOL............Dream on.............mankind has been killing each other for a host of reasons since Adam and Eve........

And mankind will continue to kill each other til the end of time.

Greed..........Vanity..........Revenge.........Glory for a piece of ribbon................You killed my neighbor so I will kill you................Give me that sandwich or I will kill you.

Host of reasons.............and that will continue.

As we circle back to what I wrote and the Myth of Cain is a story about how a man jealousy over his brother blessing from the Divine enraged him into killing his own brother...

What causes man to kill each other?

Seven Deadly Sins is the key to it all...
What is missed in this discussion is the true culprit, at least as applied to war. That entity is government. Throughout civilized history, governments whether lead by monarch, dictator, or elected leader is the responsible party.

Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.
LOL............Dream on.............mankind has been killing each other for a host of reasons since Adam and Eve........

And mankind will continue to kill each other til the end of time.

Greed..........Vanity..........Revenge.........Glory for a piece of ribbon................You killed my neighbor so I will kill you................Give me that sandwich or I will kill you.

Host of reasons.............and that will continue.
Killing someone is far different than war. Wars are started by governments and the death and destruction they cause, far exceed that of psychopaths and killers that run around city streets.
Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.
LOL............Dream on.............mankind has been killing each other for a host of reasons since Adam and Eve........

And mankind will continue to kill each other til the end of time.

Greed..........Vanity..........Revenge.........Glory for a piece of ribbon................You killed my neighbor so I will kill you................Give me that sandwich or I will kill you.

Host of reasons.............and that will continue.
Killing someone is far different than war. Wars are started by governments and the death and destruction they cause, far exceed that of psychopaths and killers that run around city streets.
Ability to kill somebody for something that really matters for you (for example, your own life) is normal. Inability to kill in any circumstances is the obviouse pathology.
If one person is messed with by another. and justice is not achieved. Is there a right to take justice in one's own hands without being killed, imprisoned, put to death or anything? 1922527
Mark of Cain mean it is in our nature to kill and you wrote five thousand years of war in another response and we have been killing since the dawn of our species and will be until the last one kill the second to the last.

It is human nature to kill and even though Cain is a myth the story has a very important meaning in this discussion because the main reason why humans kill is out of greed and jealousy and Cain sin beside the murdering of his brother Able was that he had envy in his heart and greed for the Divine attention.

So as you mock my answer maybe you should reflect on it because it answer your question because we all carry the Mark of Cain within us but some of us find a way to turn to Able way and block the urge to kill...
What is missed in this discussion is the true culprit, at least as applied to war. That entity is government. Throughout civilized history, governments whether lead by monarch, dictator, or elected leader is the responsible party.

Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Last edited:
What is missed in this discussion is the true culprit, at least as applied to war. That entity is government. Throughout civilized history, governments whether lead by monarch, dictator, or elected leader is the responsible party.

Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.
Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.
Then why do aboriginal tribes battle each other and war with each other?
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


Government is made up of men.
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.

Well, everyone knows you are an idiot. You should not waste our time with something you don't understand, dumbass!
Yes it is. Usually very corrupt men who have attained considerable power. Without government, these men would not have this power.

Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.
Then why do aboriginal tribes battle each other and war with each other?
Yep...same thing.

Love killing people? Somebody was let out of mental ward?


I guess that you have not noticed the 5,000 years of war that we have enjoyed from the moment governments backed up religions.

If we did not like to kill, we would not do so on such an ongoing basis.


The world is now more peaceful and less violent......
Thats true but we do put them there. It ultimately falls on man who is evil continually. Those corrupt men, without govt, would have no power, but more corrupt men would be governing them.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.
Then why do aboriginal tribes battle each other and war with each other?
Yep...same thing.

It's not the same thing. No government.
Government at it’s essence is legal force. Without government as it is practiced today, wars don’t happen.

Government uses its power to dupe their citizens into believing war is necessary. In almost all cases, government lies to get the people on board. No government. No war.

OK. let's see you post something more stupid than this! I don't think you can!
Sorry. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to understand.
Then why do aboriginal tribes battle each other and war with each other?
Yep...same thing.

It's not the same thing. No government.
Minor quibble.
If one person is messed with by another. and justice is not achieved. Is there a right to take justice in one's own hands without being killed, imprisoned, put to death or anything? 1922527
Criminals Are Enemies of the Human Race. So Are Those Who Force Us to Think of Criminals As Human Beings.

Not only that, but the whole group the individual thug belongs to should be in the kill zone. If a rat bites you, you set out traps for all rats; you don't even care if the one that bit you is among those you kill.
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".

I hear you, but if you have tracked PTSD at all, you might advocate we return to just beating the hell out of each other to impress the women and not take our chauvinism to the killing point.

Few animals in the wild will set out to kill their competitors. Usually just a show of strength is all that is required.

That is actually a better survival method to our instincts than being overly aggressive. The less you fight, the less chance of dying you have.


Obviously yes. But frankly if a woman is impressed by beating the hell out of (anything), I sure don't want anything to do with her.

Nor she, you...
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".

I hear you, but if you have tracked PTSD at all, you might advocate we return to just beating the hell out of each other to impress the women and not take our chauvinism to the killing point.

Few animals in the wild will set out to kill their competitors. Usually just a show of strength is all that is required.

That is actually a better survival method to our instincts than being overly aggressive. The less you fight, the less chance of dying you have.


Most wild animals are incapable of plotting revenge...
If one person is messed with by another. and justice is not achieved. Is there a right to take justice in one's own hands without being killed, imprisoned, put to death or anything? 1922527
Criminals Are Enemies of the Human Race. So Are Those Who Force Us to Think of Criminals As Human Beings.

Not only that, but the whole group the individual thug belongs to should be in the kill zone. If a rat bites you, you set out traps for all rats; you don't even care if the one that bit you is among those you kill.

To paraphrase an old adage, the world may be divided into two types of people --- those who do not divide people into two types, and this knuckledragging binary-bot yahoo. ^^
Why do men like to kill men?

At times of war, many men smile in the anticipation of killing another man. Sons love to anticipate killing as well. Killing is the epitome of personal drama and that is why we love it. Fathers love to see it in their children, and the children are eager to emulate their parents.

We just love war, and it we do not collectively stop loving it, it looks like we will go extinct. We are just to god damned powerful for this little spaceship earth.

Nice that modern humans, as a species we are so nice that we mostly do economic war. Not so nice when we wage military war. Unfortunately, we now seem to be waring against our own existence.

Better to trade, even with nature; so why do we seem eager to destroy ourselves by killing the earth?

The notion of honorable killing served us well to date. That notion, because of population pressures and M.A.D., now means more of an honorable suicide or genocide by all the military forces of the world, should they be stupid enough to get to a nuclear WWIII.

We men are no longer doing the best that we can for our children or our own best end. We have not curbed our love of killing enough and have put our full global habitat at risk of extinction. Stupid is as stupid does.


The old riddle asks, "Why do men go to war?"

The answer being: "Because the women are watching".


“Because their women are hotter.”

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