Why do men..... ?

I am curious, why do you say you need to be single?

Have you read or digested any of this thread? ;)

So what about it? Do you have something you want to come out and say? We're all waiting . . . What do you think is going to happen if you get the attention you are seeking? Are you going to have an affair? An emotional affair, a physical affair? Both?

To be fair, I have flirted with her and she has not responded with anything inappropriate at all. In fact, she seemed to ignore the flirty parts.

Oh please! If you think this type of behavior is appropriate for a married Christian woman, then . . . I don't know how I could help you. Lol. SOMETHING is the mattr with the woman, obviously.
Oh please! If you think this type of behavior is appropriate for a married Christian woman, then . . . I don't know how I could help you. Lol. SOMETHING is the mattr with the woman, obviously.

Eh, it seems harmless to me. There are a lot of people on these forums that seem to have something wrong with them.

I'll bet her husband would disagree with you. ;)

If her harmless flirting gets her in the mood for sex, I bet he would be thrilled.

She says she doesn't like sex.
Yes, another way of saying there is no chance for anyone to get anything other than conversation from her.

Come on! Are men just stupid?

Affairs | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm different... if you haven't figured that out by now you are an idiot....
the proof is in the pudding, dear.

I don't promise anything
I don't produce anything

Why don't you just divorce your husband if you hate him so much? Why do you come here looking to cheat? I mean, of course you are going to deny that, but actions speak louder than words, lady.

What is it that you are looking for here? Conversation? Yeah riiiight! Lol.

And where is your little creeper? He's been keeping a "low profile" eh?
I don't think she wants to cheat. She just likes flirting. Exchanging playful banter. No sex......just talk.
I can understand and respect that.

Come on! :lol:
I think one of the problems with men relating with women is the assumption that the man just wants to stick his pickle into anything that walks....and the assumption that talking about taboo subjects is an invitation.
the proof is in the pudding, dear.

I don't promise anything
I don't produce anything

Why don't you just divorce your husband if you hate him so much? Why do you come here looking to cheat? I mean, of course you are going to deny that, but actions speak louder than words, lady.

What is it that you are looking for here? Conversation? Yeah riiiight! Lol.

And where is your little creeper? He's been keeping a "low profile" eh?
I don't think she wants to cheat. She just likes flirting. Exchanging playful banter. No sex......just talk.
I can understand and respect that.

Come on! :lol:
I think one of the problems with men relating with women is the assumption that the man just wants to stick his pickle into anything that walks....and the assumption that talking about taboo subjects is an invitation.

Romance | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
LOL! So if I make comments in her favor, there must be something between us? If I had stepped in and joined your side, would that mean something was between you and me? Don't be ridiculous.

What kind of person, joins a forum, makes such statements and then allows strangers to find her (or his) battles, or even answer all of the questions posed to that person? Goodness. It's fucking weird.

I am not fighting her battles. I don't know where you got that. I expressed my opinion of events on these forums.

And speaking of none of my business, why is her behavior any of your business? You make it sound as though you are on some Quest for Truth, when you are simply singling out someone who's behavior does not match yours.

Also, most of the time, I like Bonzi. I notice she goes off the deep end quite a bit of the time, and I am a little concerned. She seems to be on a "self destructive" path.

Now you are concerned for her well-being? LMAO!

And obviously, a person who seems so preoccupied with such things is crying out for help. The people who would want to involve themselves in a "relationship" of any kind with a married person (other than strictly platonic friendship) are not people who really care about that person either. They are using that person's vulnerability and usually have ulterior motives, like, as Daniel would say, "sex for free in these modern times."

I find cheating on your spouse to be a despicable thing. If you are unhappy, you work on it, or you get a divorce. Cheating breaks up families and hurts families. So there.
I was thinking the same thing. But I try not to be judgmental.

And I don't think there's anything I've said on this thread to be ashamed of. You just assumed intentions that don't exist because of some preconceived notion.
I am just a person more suited for "singleness"......

You're also trouble with a capital "T"

thank you..... :smiliehug: (... and I mean that sincerely... ) it's the best compliment I have had all day.....

I think it means he thinks you are a whore. ;)

Seriously? So what if your wife did this online with strange men? Okay with you? I have to say, I've never been with a guy that would have been "okay" with that. :)
Did what?
What are you implying?

You're also trouble with a capital "T"

thank you..... :smiliehug: (... and I mean that sincerely... ) it's the best compliment I have had all day.....

I think it means he thinks you are a whore. ;)

Seriously? So what if your wife did this online with strange men? Okay with you? I have to say, I've never been with a guy that would have been "okay" with that. :)
Did what?
What are you implying?

Flirted online and started such threads, of course! I'm not implying anything. I'm asking a question. I've never been with a guy who would be okay with me doing that, so when other guys say that this would be "okay" with them if their own SO/wives did it, I'm not buying it!

I'm simply asking Bonzi if she is here looking for an affair. I don't think it's out of line, considering *ahem* some of the many, many, many threads. :D

Sorry if you find it offensive, but I'm going to ask if I'm curious.
thank you..... :smiliehug: (... and I mean that sincerely... ) it's the best compliment I have had all day.....

I think it means he thinks you are a whore. ;)

Seriously? So what if your wife did this online with strange men? Okay with you? I have to say, I've never been with a guy that would have been "okay" with that. :)
Did what?
What are you implying?

Flirted online and started such threads, of course! I'm not implying anything. I'm asking a question. I've never been with a guy who would be okay with me doing that, so when other guys say that this would be "okay" with them if their own SO/wives did it, I'm not buying it!
I can understand that. I wish you wouldn't be so judgmental.

Some people are very possessive. Some women wouldn't even stand for a husband that looks at porn. As if the thought of their SO lusting over someone else is a betrayal. Perhaps.

I think there is a difference between lust and love. When you get older and the hormones no-longer control your actions, lust is worthless, and not all that important. Love and respect is something that can last for the rest of your life.
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I wonder what the reaction would be if I started using an avatar of myself in my panties and posting about sex all the time? :D Lol.
Knock yourself out.

I'm simply asking Bonzi if she is here looking for an affair. I don't think it's out of line, considering *ahem* some of the many, many, many threads. :D

Sorry if you find it offensive, but I'm going to ask if I'm curious.
I don't find it offensive. Not at all.

I like to take people at their word and not think evil of others.

If they prove to be dishonest, then I take everything they say with a grain of salt.
It would be a really-really inefficient and unproductive place to get a date.
I don't think there are too many people who are willing to fly across country to hook up.
BTW; A whore is someone who fucks everyone.
A bitch is someone who fucks everyone but you.

Bonzi appears to be neither.

How would you know? I would say the threads indicate otherwise.
I wouldn't know......and I'm open-minded enough not to assume the worst.

I'm not here to get a date.

So, I'm the ONLY one who thinks it's strange that a person who claims to be a MARRIED CHRISTIAN would go online and start such threads and make such comments? I disagree then. I find it very, very interesting indeed. A complete contradiction, I would say.

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